Business Partner API

1. Introduction

The HORISEN Business Partner API contains the logic behind the Business Partner application part on the HORISEN platform. It is a JSON based REST API that provides access to the objects which are in use by all other HORISEN services and APIs.

It supports OAuth 2.0 authentication. An example of how to implement OAuth 2.0 and obtain access token, as well as an example of using a HORISEN API service, is available at Oauth2 Authentication Guidelines page.

The HORISEN Business Partner API belongs to the Biz Core domain. The subject domain of an endpoint URL is:


Note: A domain is presented with placeholders as https://api{separator}{platform_domain}, where {separator} can be a dot (.) or a hyphen (-). Please, replace it with your actual platform domain name.

2. Methods Overview

2.1 Documents Configuration

Endpoints for working with logo data of Business Partners.

Uploads a logo file.Read More
Returns a logo file.Read More
Returns logo file.Read More
Changes logo status.Read More
Changes logo status by logoid.Read More
Returns a list of BizPartnersLogo with active status.Read More

2.2 Biz Partner Brief

Endpoint for working with Biz Partner brief.

Returns a list of Biz Partner brief.Read More

2.3 Account Manager LOV

Endpoint for working with Account Manager LOV.

Returns a list of Account Manager list of values.Read More

2.4 Account Manager Partner LOV

Endpoint for working with Account Manager Partner LOV.

Returns a list of Account Manager Partner LOV.Read More

2.5 Address Type

Endpoint for working with address type.

Returns a list of Address types.Read More

2.6 Biz Contact Type

Endpoints for working with Biz contact type.

Returns a list of Biz contact type.Read More
Returns a Biz contact type.Read More

2.7 Biz Department

Endpoints for working with Biz departments.

Returns a list of Biz departments.Read More
Creates a new Biz department record.Read More
Returns a Biz department.Read More
Updates a Biz department data.Read More
Deletes a Biz department data logically for a given ID.Read More

2.8 Legal Forms

Endpoints for working with legal forms.

Returns a list of legal forms.Read More
Returns Legal Form record for a given ID.Read More

2.9 Biz Partner Active LOV

This endpoint returns a list of Biz Partner active LOV.

Returns a list of Biz Partner active LOV.Read More

2.10 Biz Partner Addresses

Endpoints for working with Biz Partner addresses.

Returns a list of Business addresses.Read More
Creates Biz Partner addresses.Read More
Returns Biz Partner addresses.Read More
Updates Biz Partner addresses.Read More
Deletes Biz Partner addresses.Read More

2.11 Biz Partner Contact

Endpoints for working with Biz Partner contacts.

Returns a Biz Partner contact.Read More
Updates a Biz Partner contact.Read More
Deletes a Biz Partner contact.Read More
Returns a list of Biz Partner contacts.Read More
Creates Biz Partner contacts.Read More
Updates Biz Partner contact status.Read More
Returns a list of all Biz partners contacts for an instance.Read More
Updates Biz Partners contacts for departmentId and positionId.Read More

2.12 Products

Endpoints for working with products.

Returns a list of all Products.Read More
Returns Product for a given ID.Read More
Returns a list of all Biz Partner products.Read More
Returns a Biz Partner product for a given ID.Read More

2.13 Biz Partner Products

Endpoints for working with Biz Partner Products.

Returns Biz Partner product record for a given partnerId and bizProductId.Read More
Deletes logically Biz Partner product record for a given partnerId and bizProductId.Read More
Updates Biz Partner product record for a given partnerId and bizProductId.Read More
Creates Biz Partner product record for a given partnerId and bizProductId.Read More
Returns a list of Biz Partner product records for a given partnerId.Read More
Returns a lists of all Biz Partner allowed products.Read More
Returns a list of all Biz Partner products.Read More
Returns Biz Partner product data.Read More
Deactivates and activates Biz Partner products for a given ID.Read More

2.14 Currency

Endpoints for working with currencies.

Returns a list of currencies.Read More
Returns a Currency record for a given ID.Read More

2.15 Country

Endpoints for working with countries.

Returns a list of countries.Read More
Returns Country record for a given ID.Read More
Returns a list of countries related to a business partners.Read More

2.16 Language

Endpoints for working with countries.

Returns a list of languages.Read More
Returns language record for a given ID.Read More

2.17 Measure Units

Endpoints for working with measure units.

Returns a list of measure units.Read More
Returns measure unit record for a given ID.Read More

2.18 Biz Positions

Endpoints for working with Biz positions.

Returns a list of Biz Positions.Read More
Creates a new Biz Positions record.Read More
Returns a Biz Position record for a given ID.Read More
Updates a Biz Positions data.Read More
Deletes a Biz Positions data logically for a given ID.Read More

2.19 Relation Types

Endpoint for working with relation types.

Returns a list of Relation Types.Read More

2.20 Service Categories

Endpoints for working with service categories.

Returns a list of Service Categories.Read More
Returns Service Categories record for a given ID.Read More

2.21 Biz Partner LOV

Endpoints for working with Biz Partner LOV.

Returns a list of BizPartnerLov.Read More
Returns a BizPartnerLov record for a given ID.Read More

2.22 Biz Partner Status

Endpoint for working with Biz Partner status.

Returns a BizPartnerStatus record for a given ID.Read More

2.23 Biz Partner Stat

Endpoint for working with BizPartnerStat.

Returns a list of BizPartnerStat.Read More

2.24 Context Owner

Endpoint for working with context owner.

Returns ContextOwner.Read More

2.25 Email Account

Endpoints for working with Email account.

Returns a list of Email Accounts.Read More
Returns EmailAccount record for a given ID.Read More

2.26 Finance Email Addresses

Endpoint for working with finance email addresses.

Returns a list of Finance Email Addresses.Read More

2.27 Product Features

Endpoints for working with product features.

Returns a list of Product Features.Read More
Returns ProductFeature record for a given ID.Read More

2.28 Product Type Partners LOV

Endpoint for working with product type partners LOV.

Returns a list of ProductTypePartnersLov.Read More

2.29 Finance Settings

Endpoints for working with finance settings.

Returns FinanceSettings record for a given ID.Read More
Updates FinanceSettings for a given ID.Read More

2.30 Product Types

Endpoint for working with product types.

Returns a list of Product Types.Read More

2.31 Biz Partner Types

Endpoint for working with Biz Partner types.

Returns a list of all Biz Partner types.Read More

2.32 Biz Settings

Endpoint for working with Biz Settings.

Returns BizSettings.Read More

2.33 Web Socials

Endpoints for working with Web Socials.

Returns a list of all WebSocial.Read More
Creates a new WebSocial record.Read More
Returns WebSocials details for a given ID.Read More
Updates a WebSocial record.Read More
Deletes a WebSocial record for a given ID.Read More

2.34 Partner Types

Endpoints for working with Partner Types.

Returns a list of all Partner Types.Read More
Creates a new PartnerType record.Read More
Returns PartnerType data for a given ID.Read More
Updates PartnerType data for a given ID.Read More
Deletes PartnerType data for a given ID.Read More

2.35 Industries

Endpoints for working with Industries.

Returns a list of all Industries.Read More
Creates a new Industry record.Read More
Returns Industry data for a given ID.Read More
Updates Industry data for a given ID.Read More
Deletes Industry data for a given ID logically.Read More

2.36 Company Size

Endpoints for working with Company Size.

Returns a list of all Company Sizes.Read More
Creates a new Company Size record.Read More
Returns Company Size data for a given ID.Read More
Updates Company Size data for a given ID.Read More
Deletes Company Size record for a given ID logically.Read More

2.37 Partners

Endpoints for working with Partners.

Returns a list of all Partners.Read More
Returns a Partner data for a given ID.Read More
Updates Partner data.Read More
Deletes a Business Partner logically with all necessary prior checks (pricelists, billings, balances, connections, coOwner, Business Messenger).Read More
Changes Biz Partner status. For deactivating process, first checks instance role, pricelists, billings, balances, connections, coOwner.Read More
Returns Business Partner data for a given ID.Read More
Updates Business Partner data for a given ID.Read More
Creates a new Biz Partner record.Read More

2.38 Partner Sections

Endpoints for working with Partner Sections.

Returns a list of all Partner sections.Read More
Returns a Partner section data.Read More

2.39 Account Managers

Endpoints for working with Account Managers.

Returns a list of all Account Managers.Read More
Creates a new Account Manager.Read More
Returns an Account Manager data for a given ID.Read More
Updates an Account Manager data.Read More
Deletes an Account Manager data with a given ID..Read More
Deletes all Account Manager assigned Biz products in Biz Partner products for adequate Account Manager ID.Read More

2.40 Attributes / Custom Fields

Endpoints for working with Attributes/Custom fields.

The registry of attributes are used to enrich basic data in many sections (areas) of business partners model.

We have two general groups of attributes, predefined (there is attributeKind=predefined) and registered - custom fields (there is attributeKind=registered).

Predefined attributes have built-in meaning like web links (type is WWW), social networks (type is SOCIAL) etc., and new attributes of this types can be added only when software supports them. Types for these attributes have to have allCustomAttrs=no.

Registered attributes are predicted for special data enrichment approach, where software owner can register new attributes i.e. custom fields, where semantic meaning is not so strictly controlled. Code name prefix for these attributes is 'ATTR-'. Types for these attributes have to have allCustomAttrs=yes.

Returns a list of all Attributes/Custom fields.Read More
Creates a new Attribute/Custom field record.Read More
Returns Attribute/Custom field data for a given ID.Read More
Updates Attribute/Custom field data for a given ID.Read More
Deletes Attribute/Custom field record with a given ID.Read More
Creates Attribute/Custom field code name.Read More

2.41 Attribute / Custom Field Sections

Endpoints for working with Attribute/Custom field sections.

Creates a new Attribute/Custom field section record.Read More
Returns Attribute/Custom field section.Read More
Updates Attribute/Custom field section data.Read More
Deletes Attribute/Custom field section data logically.Read More

2.42 Biz Attribute / Custom Field Section Tag

Endpoints for working with Biz Attribute/Custom field section tag table.

Returns a Biz Attribute/Custom field section tag record from the database for a given attribute/custom field ID, section ID and tag ID.Read More
Deletes a Biz Attribute/Custom field section tag record from the database for a given attribute/custom field ID, section ID and tag ID.Read More
Returns a list of Biz Attribute/Custom field section tag.Read More
Creates a new Biz Attribute/Custom field section tag record.Read More

2.43 Biz Attribute / Custom Field Tag

Endpoints for working with Biz Attribute/Custom field tag table.

Returns a Biz Attribute/Custom field tag record for a given tag ID.Read More
Returns a list of Biz Attribute/Custom field tag records.Read More

2.44 Attribute / Custom Field Types

Endpoints for working with types of Attribute/Custom field.

We have two general groups of attributes, predefined (there is allCustomAttrs=no) and registered - custom fields (there is allCustomAttrs=yes).

Types for predefined attributes have built-in meaning like web links (type is WWW), social networks (type is SOCIAL) etc., and new attributes of this types can be added only when software supports them.

Types for registered attributes are predicted for special data enrichment approach, where software owner can register new attributes i.e. custom fields, where semantic meaning is not so strictly controlled. Code name prefix for these attribute types is 'INPUT-' (INPUT-STRING, INPUT-TEXT, INPUT-DATE).

Returns a list of all Attribute/Custom field types.Read More
Returns Attribute/Custom field type.Read More

2.45 Partner Attributes / Custom Fields

Endpoints for working with Partner Attributes/Custom fields.

Returns a list of all Partner Attributes/Custom fields.Read More
Creates a new Partner Attribute/Custom field record.Read More
Returns a list of all Partner Attributes/Custom fields extend.Read More
Returns Partner Attribute/Custom field data.Read More
Updates Partner Attribute/Custom field data for a given ID.Read More
Deletes Partner Attribute/Custom field data logically.Read More
Deletes Partner Attribute/Custom field record with a given attribute ID and section ID.Read More

2.46 Attribute / Custom Field Partners

Endpoint for working with Attribute/Custom field Partners.

Returns a list of all Attribute/Custom fields Partners.Read More

2.47 Users

Endpoints for working with Users.

Returns a list of users.Read More
Returns a user for a given UUID.Read More

3. Methods Details

3.1 Documents Configuration

Endpoints for working with logo data of Business Partners.

Uploads a logo file.Up
Method Overview

This method uploads a logo file.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
partnerid (required) string (path) Partner ID.
uploadfile (required) file (formData) Logo file.
Code Description Links
201 File uploaded and record created. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response: 201 File uploaded and record created
  "id": 0,
  "partnerId": 0,
  "filename": "string",
  "size": 0,
  "language": "string",
  "mimeType": "string",
  "insertDt": "2021-01-28T11:09:48.212Z",
  "status": "draft",
  "statusDt": "2021-01-28T11:09:48.212Z"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Returns a logo file.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a logo file.
The required privileges:
- biz-core.view - The logged user can download a logo for all Biz partners.
- biz-core-own.view - The logged user can download a logo for his own Biz Partner.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
partnerid (required) string (path) Partner ID.
logoid (required) string (path) Logo file ID.
Code Description Links
200 JPEG or JPG file downloaded. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: JPEG or JPG file downloaded
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Returns a logo file.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a logo file.
The required privileges:
- biz-core.view - The logged user can download a logo for all Biz partners.
- biz-core-own.view - The logged user can download a logo for his own Biz Partner.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
partnerid (required) string (path) Partner ID.
status (required) string (path) Available values: active.
Code Description Links
200 JPEG or JPG file downloaded. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: JPEG or JPG file downloaded
  "id": 0,
  "partnerId": 0,
  "filename": "string",
  "size": 0,
  "language": "string",
  "mimeType": "string",
  "insertDt": "2021-01-28T11:19:40.210Z",
  "status": "draft",
  "statusDt": "2021-01-28T11:19:40.210Z"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Changes a logo status.Up
Method Overview

This method changes a logo status by logoid.
Possible statuses are: draft, active, inactive. The default status is draft. The idea is that the method PATCH is used after a file with logo is uploaded, which changes the default draft status to active status.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
partnerid (required) string (path) Partner ID.
logoid (required) string (path) Logo file ID.
put data (required) object (body) Logo status data.
Data Parameters

Logo status data object example

  "status": "draft"
Code Description Links
200 Logo status changed. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Logo Status Changed
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Changes logo status by logoid.Up
Method Overview

This method changes a logo status by logoid, (draft, active, inactive) => deleted.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
partnerid (required) string (path) Partner ID.
logoid (required) string (path) Logo file ID.
Code Description Links
204 Logo file deleted successfully. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 204: Logo file deleted successfully
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Returns a list of BizPartnersLogo with active status.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a list of BizPartnersLogo by ID and active status.
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
partnerid (required) string (path) Partner ID.
all string (query) Returns all data for a given criteria.
The available values are yes or no.
Default value is no.
page_size integer (query) Page size.
Default value is 10.
page_number integer (query) Page number.
Default value is 1.
paging string (query) Paging options.
The format is: &paging=page_num,page_size, e.g. paging=1,10.
sort string (query) Sorting options.
The format is: sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3.
operator(fieldName) string (query) Search criteria by using the following operators: isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween and the following attributes: id, filename, bizPartnerId, mimeType, size, insert_dt, status, status_dt.

  • If operator is one of isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, a field value can be omitted.
  • If operator is in or notin, a field value must be a comma separated list of values.
  • If operator is between or notbetween, a field value must be a comma separated list of two values, representing the beginning and the end of a range.
  • Operator can be omitted, and in that case, it will be treated as operator is eq (E.g.: fieldName=fieldValue).
  • Example: startswith(clientName)=hor, starts with hor in field 'clientName'.
  • If fieldName is 'q', and operator is eq or omitted, a field value will be used in general search across multiple attributes.
Code Description Links
200 A list of BizPartnersLogo. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
  "data": [
      "id": 0,
      "partnerId": 0,
      "filename": "string",
      "size": 0,
      "language": "string",
      "mimeType": "string",
      "insertDt": "2021-01-08T11:13:54.738Z",
      "status": "draft",
      "statusDt": "2021-01-08T11:13:54.739Z"
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "total": 0,
      "totalPages": 0,
      "currentPage": 0,
      "perPage": 0,
      "count": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"

3.2 Biz Partner Brief

Endpoint for working with Biz Partner brief.

Returns a list of Biz Partner brief.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a list of Biz Partner brief.
The required privileges: biz-core.view or biz-core.own.view.
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
all string (query) Returns all data for a given criteria.
Available values: yes, no.
Default value: no.
page_size integer (query) Page size.
Default value: 10.
page_number integer (query) Page number.
Default value: 1.
paging string (query) Paging options in the form of &paging=page_num,page_size, e.g. paging=1,10.
sort string (query) Sort options in the form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3.
operator(fieldName) string (query) Search criteria by using the following operators: isnull,isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween, includeIds and the following attributes: id, name, briefName, countryName, phone, eMail, vatNumber, vatApply, legalAddress, legalAddressName, legalAddressZipCode, city, regNumber, status, statusDt, legalAddressCountryName, creation, instanceOwnerName, industryName, partnerTypeName, ownerBpId, ownerBpName, ownerBpBriefName, instanceRole.

  • If operator is one of isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, a field value can be omitted.
  • If operator is in or notin, a field value must be a comma separated list of values.
  • If operator is between or notbetween, a field value must be a comma separated list of two values, representing the beginning and the end of a range.
  • Operator can be omitted, and in that case, it will be treated as operator is eq (E.g.: fieldName=fieldValue).
  • Example: startswith(clientName)=hor, starts with hor in field 'clientName'.
  • If fieldName is 'q', and operator is eq or omitted, a field value will be used in general search across multiple attributes.
Code Description Links
200 A list of Biz Partner brief. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: List of Biz Partner brief
  "data": [
      "id": 0,
      "instanceRole": "string",
      "name": "string",
      "briefName": "string",
      "externalRefId": "string",
      "countryId": 0,
      "countryName": "string",
      "phone": "string",
      "eMail": "string",
      "language": "string",
      "vatNumber": "string",
      "vatApply": "string",
      "legalAddressId": 0,
      "legalAddressName": "string",
      "legalAddress": "string",
      "legalAddressCountryId": 0,
      "legalAddressCountryName": "string",
      "legalAddressZipCode": "string",
      "statusActiveDt": "2022-09-19T14:38:37.187Z",
      "city": "string",
      "regNumber": "string",
      "status": "string",
      "statusDt": "2022-09-19T14:38:37.187Z",
      "relation": "string",
      "product": "string",
      "realProduct": "string",
      "partnerTypeId": 0,
      "partnerTypeName": "string",
      "industryId": 0,
      "industryName": "string",
      "creation": "string",
      "instanceOwnerName": "string",
      "ownerBpId": 0,
      "ownerBpName": "string",
      "ownerBpBriefName": "string",
      "addresses": [
          "id": 0,
          "typeCodeName": "string",
          "typeName": "string"
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "total": 0,
      "totalPages": 0,
      "currentPage": 0,
      "perPage": 0,
      "count": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"

3.3 Account Manager LOV

Endpoint for working with Account Manager LOV.

Returns a list of Account Manager list of values.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a list of Account Manager list of values.
The required privilege: biz-core.view.
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
all string (query) Returns all data for a given criteria.
Available values: yes, no.
Default value: no.
page_size integer (query) Page size.
Default value: 10.
page_number integer (query) Page number. Default value: 1.
paging string (query) Paging options in the form of &paging=page_num,page_size, e.g. paging=1,10.
sort string (query) Sort options in the form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3.
operator(fieldName) string (query) Search criteria by using the following operators: isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween, includeIds and the following attributes: id, name.

  • If operator is one of isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, a field value can be omitted.
  • If operator is in or notin, a field value must be a comma separated list of values.
  • If operator is between or notbetween, a field value must be a comma separated list of two values, representing the beginning and the end of a range.
  • Operator can be omitted, and in that case, it will be treated as operator is eq (E.g.: fieldName=fieldValue).
  • Example: startswith(clientName)=hor, starts with hor in field 'clientName'.
  • If fieldName is 'q', and operator is eq or omitted, a field value will be used in general search across multiple attributes.
Code Description Links
200 A list of Account Manager LOV. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: A list of Account Manager LOV
  "data": [
      "id": 0,
      "name": "string"
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "total": 0,
      "totalPages": 0,
      "currentPage": 0,
      "perPage": 0,
      "count": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"

3.4 Account Manager Partner LOV

Endpoint for working with Account Manager Partner LOV.

Returns a list of Account Manager Partner LOV.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a list of Account Manager partner LOV.
The required privileges: biz-core.view or biz-core.own.view.
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
all string (query) Returns all data for a given criteria.
Available values: yes, no.
Default value: no.
page_size integer (query) Page size.
Default value: 10.
page_number integer (query) Page number.
Default value: 1.
paging string (query) Paging options in the form of &paging=page_num,page_size, e.g. paging=1,10.
sort string (query) Sort options in the form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3.
operator(fieldName) string (query) Search criteria by using the following operators: isnull, isnotnull, isempty,isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween, includeIds and by following attributes: id, name, status, briefName, productType, productTypeCodeName, relationTypeId, relationTypeCodeName, accountManagerId.

  • If operator is one of isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, a field value can be omitted.
  • If operator is in or notin, a field value must be a comma separated list of values.
  • If operator is between or notbetween, a field value must be a comma separated list of two values, representing the beginning and the end of a range.
  • Operator can be omitted, and in that case, it will be treated as operator is eq (E.g.: fieldName=fieldValue).
  • Example: startswith(clientName)=hor, starts with hor in field 'clientName'.
  • If fieldName is 'q', and operator is eq or omitted, a field value will be used in general search across multiple attributes.
Code Description Links
200 A list of Account Manager partners LOV. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: List of Account Manager partners LOV
  "data": [
      "id": 0,
      "name": "string",
      "briefName": "string"
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "total": 0,
      "totalPages": 0,
      "currentPage": 0,
      "perPage": 0,
      "count": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"

3.5 Address Type

Endpoint for working with address type.

Returns a list of Address types.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a list of Address types.
The required privilege: biz-core.view.
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
all string (query) Returns all data for a given criteria.
Available values: yes, no.
Default value: no.
page_size integer (query) Page size.
Default value: 10.
page_number integer (query) Page number.
Default value: 1.
paging string (query) Paging options in the form of &paging=page_num,page_size, e.g. paging=1,10.
sort string (query) Sort options in the form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3.
operator(fieldName) string (query) Search criteria by using the following operators: isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween, includeIds and by following attributes: id, name, codeName, status, statusDt.

  • If operator is one of isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, a field value can be omitted.
  • If operator is in or notin, a field value must be a comma separated list of values.
  • If operator is between or notbetween, a field value must be a comma separated list of two values, representing the beginning and the end of a range.
  • Operator can be omitted, and in that case, it will be treated as operator is eq (E.g.: fieldName=fieldValue).
  • Example: startswith(clientName)=hor, starts with hor in field 'clientName'.
  • If fieldName is 'q', and operator is eq or omitted, a field value will be used in general search across multiple attributes.
Code Description Links
200 A list of Address types. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: A list of Address types
  "data": [
      "id": 0,
      "codeName": "string",
      "name": "string"
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "total": 0,
      "totalPages": 0,
      "currentPage": 0,
      "perPage": 0,
      "count": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"

3.6 Biz Contact Type

Endpoints for working with Biz contact type.

Returns a list of Biz contact types.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a list of Biz contact types.
The required privilege: biz-core.view.
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
all string (query) Returns all data for a given criteria
Available values: yes, no. Default value: no.
page_size integer (query) Page size.
Default value: 10.
page_number integer (query) Page number. Default value: 1.
paging string (query) Paging options in the form of &paging=page_num,page_size, e.g. paging=1,10.
sort string (query) Sort options in the form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3.
operator(fieldName) string (query) Search criteria by using the following operators: isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween, includeIds and by following attributes: id, instanceId, favorite, name, status, statusDt.

  • If operator is one of isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, a field value can be omitted.
  • If operator is in or notin, a field value must be a comma separated list of values.
  • If operator is between or notbetween, a field value must be a comma separated list of two values, representing the beginning and the end of a range.
  • Operator can be omitted, and in that case, it will be treated as operator is eq (E.g.: fieldName=fieldValue).
  • Example: startswith(clientName)=hor, starts with hor in field 'clientName'.
  • If fieldName is 'q', and operator is eq or omitted, a field value will be used in general search across multiple attributes.
Code Description Links
200 A list of Biz contact types. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: A list of Biz contact types
  "data": [
      "id": 0,
      "codeName": "string",
      "name": "string",
      "status": "active"
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "total": 0,
      "totalPages": 0,
      "currentPage": 0,
      "perPage": 0,
      "count": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Returns a Biz contact type.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a Biz contact type for a given ID.
The required privilege: biz-core.view.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Biz contact type ID.
Code Description Links
200 Biz contact type data. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Biz contact type data
  "id": 0,
  "codeName": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "status": "active"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"

3.7 Biz Department

Endpoints for working with Biz departments.

Returns a list of Biz departments.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a list of Biz departments.
The required privilege: biz-core.view.
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
all string (query) Returns all data for a given criteria.
Available values: yes, no.
Default value: no.
page_size integer (query) Page size.
Default value: 10.
page_number integer (query) Page number.
Default value: 1.
paging string (query) Paging options in the form of &paging=page_num,page_size, e.g. paging=1,10.
sort string (query) Sort options in the form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3.
operator(fieldName) string (query) Search criteria by using the following operators: isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween, includeIds and by following attributes: id, instanceId, favorite, name, status, statusDt.

  • If operator is one of isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, a field value can be omitted.
  • If operator is in or notin, a field value must be a comma separated list of values.
  • If operator is between or notbetween, a field value must be a comma separated list of two values, representing the beginning and the end of a range.
  • Operator can be omitted, and in that case, it will be treated as operator is eq (E.g.: fieldName=fieldValue).
  • Example: startswith(clientName)=hor, starts with hor in field 'clientName'.
  • If fieldName is 'q', and operator is eq or omitted, a field value will be used in general search across multiple attributes.
Code Description Links
200 A list of Biz departments. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: A list of Biz departments
  "data": [
      "id": 0,
      "name": "string",
      "status": "active",
      "statusDt": "2021-01-13T14:14:14.369Z",
      "canBeDeleted": true,
      "favorite": "yes"
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "total": 0,
      "totalPages": 0,
      "currentPage": 0,
      "perPage": 0,
      "count": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Creates a new Biz department record.Up
Method Overview

This method creates a new Biz department record.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
post data (required) object (body) Biz department data.
Data Parameters

Post data object example

  "name": "string",
  "favorite": "yes"
Code Description Links
200 Biz department record created. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Biz department record created
  "id": 0,
  "name": "string",
  "status": "active",
  "statusDt": "2023-01-11T14:01:49.055Z",
  "canBeDeleted": true,
  "favorite": "yes"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Returns a Biz department.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a Biz department data by ID.
The required privilege: biz-core.view.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Biz department ID.
Code Description Links
200 Biz department data. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Biz department data
  "id": 0,
  "name": "string",
  "status": "active",
  "statusDt": "2021-01-13T14:19:35.549Z",
  "canBeDeleted": true,
  "favorite": "yes"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Updates a Biz department data.Up
Method Overview

This method updates a Biz department data.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Biz department ID.
put data (required) object (body) Biz department data.
Data Parameters

put data object example

  "name": "string",
  "status": "active",
  "favorite": "yes"
Code Description Links
200 Biz department updated successfully. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Biz department updated successfully
  "id": 0,
  "name": "string",
  "status": "active",
  "statusDt": "2023-01-11T14:09:50.941Z",
  "canBeDeleted": true,
  "favorite": "yes"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Deletes a Biz department data logically for a given ID.Up
Method Overview

This method deletes a Biz department record logically for a given ID.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Biz department ID.
Code Description Links
200 Biz department deleted successfully. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"

3.8 Legal Forms

Endpoints for working with legal forms.

Returns a list of legal forms.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a list of legal forms.
The required privilege: biz-core.view.
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
all string (query) Returns all data for a given criteria.
Available values: yes, no.
Default value: no.
page_size integer (query) Page size.
Default value: 10.
page_number integer (query) Page number.
Default value: 1.
paging string (query) Paging options in the form of &paging=page_num,page_size, e.g. paging=1,10.
sort string (query) Sort options in the form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3.
operator(fieldName) string (query) Search criteria by using the following operators: isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween, includeIds and by following attributes: id, countryId, legalForm, status, statusDt.

  • If operator is one of isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, a field value can be omitted.
  • If operator is in or notin, a field value must be a comma separated list of values.
  • If operator is between or notbetween, a field value must be a comma separated list of two values, representing the beginning and the end of a range.
  • Operator can be omitted, and in that case, it will be treated as operator is eq (E.g.: fieldName=fieldValue).
  • Example: startswith(clientName)=hor, starts with hor in field 'clientName'.
  • If fieldName is 'q', and operator is eq or omitted, a field value will be used in general search across multiple attributes.
Code Description Links
200 A list of Legal Form Records. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
  "data": [
      "id": 0,
      "countryId": 0,
      "legalForm": "string",
      "status": "active",
      "statusDt": "2021-01-13T18:06:33.953Z"
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "total": 0,
      "totalPages": 0,
      "currentPage": 0,
      "perPage": 0,
      "count": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Returns Legal Form record for a given ID.Up
Method Overview

This method returns Legal Form record for a given ID.
The required privilege: biz-core.view.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Legal Form ID.
Code Description Links
200 Legal Form data. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
  "id": 0,
  "countryId": 0,
  "legalForm": "string",
  "status": "active",
  "statusDt": "2021-01-13T18:11:44.996Z"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"

3.9 Biz Partner Active LOV

This endpoint returns a list of Biz Partner active LOV.

Returns a list of Biz Partner active LOV.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a list of Biz Partner active LOV.
The required privileges: biz-core.view or biz-core.own.view.
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
all string (query) Returns all data for a given criteria.
Available values: yes, no.
Default value: no.
page_size integer (query) Page size.
Default value: 10.
page_number integer (query) Page number.
Default value: 1.
paging string (query) Paging options in the form of &paging=page_num,page_size, e.g. paging=1,10.
sort string (query) Sort options in the form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3.
operator(fieldName) string (query) Search criteria by using the following operators: isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween, includeIds and by following attributes: id, name, countryName, vatNumber, vatApply, regNumber, legalForm, briefName, eMail, phone, fax, taxExempt, dunsNumber, industryName, companySize, ownerBpId, ownerBpName, ownerBpBriefName, instanceRole.

  • If operator is one of isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, a field value can be omitted.
  • If operator is in or notin, a field value must be a comma separated list of values.
  • If operator is between or notbetween, a field value must be a comma separated list of two values, representing the beginning and the end of a range.
  • Operator can be omitted, and in that case, it will be treated as operator is eq (E.g.: fieldName=fieldValue).
  • Example: startswith(clientName)=hor, starts with hor in field 'clientName'.
  • If fieldName is 'q', and operator is eq or omitted, a field value will be used in general search across multiple attributes.
Code Description Links
200 A list of Biz Partner active LOV. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: List of Biz Partner active LOV
  "data": [
      "id": 0,
      "instanceOwnerName": "string",
      "externalRefId": 0,
      "name": "string",
      "briefName": "string",
      "country": 0,
      "countryName": "string",
      "vatNumber": "string",
      "vatApply": "string",
      "regNumber": "string",
      "dunsNumber": "string",
      "status": "string",
      "parentId": "string",
      "statusDt": "2021-01-13T18:14:20.888Z",
      "statusActiveDt": "2021-01-13T18:14:20.888Z",
      "legalAddressId": 0,
      "legalFormId": 0,
      "legalForm": "string",
      "language": "string",
      "languageName": "string",
      "taxExempt": "string",
      "foundingD": "string",
      "industryId": 0,
      "companySizeId": 0,
      "eMail": "string",
      "phone": "string",
      "fax": "string",
      "industryName": "string",
      "companySize": "string"
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "total": 0,
      "totalPages": 0,
      "currentPage": 0,
      "perPage": 0,
      "count": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"

3.10 Biz Partner Addresses

Endpoints for working with Biz Partner addresses.

Returns a list of Biz Partner addresses.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a list of Biz Partner addresses.
The required privileges: biz-core.view or biz-core.own.view.
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Biz Partner ID.
all string (query) Returns all data for a given criteria.
Available values: yes, no.
Default value: no.
page_size integer (query) Page size.
Default value: 10.
page_number integer (query) Page number.
Default value: 1.
paging string (query) Paging options in the form of &paging=page_num,page_size, e.g. paging=1,10.
sort string (query) Sort options in the form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3.
operator(fieldName) string (query) Search criteria by using the following operators: isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween, includeIds and by following attributes: id, bizPartnerId, addressTypeId, addressTypeName, country, countryName, name, branchName, address, poBox, postalCode, city, province, attnPerson, eMail, phone, fax, bizPartnerBriefName, addressTypeCodeName.

  • If operator is one of isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, a field value can be omitted.
  • If operator is in or notin, a field value must be a comma separated list of values.
  • If operator is between or notbetween, a field value must be a comma separated list of two values, representing the beginning and the end of a range.
  • Operator can be omitted, and in that case, it will be treated as operator is eq (E.g.: fieldName=fieldValue).
  • Example: startswith(clientName)=hor, starts with hor in field 'clientName'.
  • If fieldName is 'q', and operator is eq or omitted, a field value will be used in general search across multiple attributes.
Code Description Links
200 A list of Biz Partner addresses. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: List of Biz Partner addresses
  "data": [
      "id": 0,
      "bizPartnerId": 0,
      "bizPartnerName": "string",
      "bizPartnerBriefName": "string",
      "addressTypeId": 0,
      "addressTypeName": "string",
      "addressTypeCodeName": "string",
      "country": 0,
      "countryName": "string",
      "name": "string",
      "branchName": "string",
      "address": "string",
      "poBox": "string",
      "postalCode": "string",
      "city": "string",
      "province": "string",
      "attnPerson": "string",
      "latitude": "string",
      "longitude": "string",
      "eMail": "string",
      "phone": "string",
      "fax": "string",
      "copyToAddresses": [
          "id": 0,
          "name": "string",
          "branchName": "string",
          "addressTypeId": 0
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "total": 0,
      "totalPages": 0,
      "currentPage": 0,
      "perPage": 0,
      "count": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Creates Biz Partner addresses.Up
Method Overview

This method creates Biz Partner addresses.
The required privileges: biz-core.manage.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) string (path) Biz Partner ID.
post data (required) object (body) Biz Partner address data.
Data Parameters

Biz Partner address data object example

  "addressTypeId": 0,
  "country": 0,
  "name": "string",
  "branchName": "string",
  "address": "string",
  "poBox": "string",
  "postalCode": "string",
  "city": "string",
  "province": "string",
  "attnPerson": "string",
  "latitude": 0,
  "longitude": 0,
  "eMail": "string",
  "phone": "string",
  "fax": "string",
  "copyToAddresses": {
    "data": [
        "name": "string",
        "branchName": "string",
        "addressTypeId": 0
Code Description Links
201 Biz Partner address created. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 201: Biz Partner address created
  "id": 0,
  "bizPartnerId": 0,
  "bizPartnerName": "string",
  "bizPartnerBriefName": "string",
  "addressTypeId": 0,
  "addressTypeName": "string",
  "addressTypeCodeName": "string",
  "country": 0,
  "countryName": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "branchName": "string",
  "address": "string",
  "poBox": "string",
  "postalCode": "string",
  "city": "string",
  "province": "string",
  "attnPerson": "string",
  "latitude": "string",
  "longitude": "string",
  "eMail": "string",
  "phone": "string",
  "fax": "string",
  "copyToAddresses": [
      "id": 0,
      "name": "string",
      "branchName": "string",
      "addressTypeId": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Returns Biz Partner addresses.Up
Method Overview

This method returns Biz Partner addresses.
The required privileges: biz-core.view.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Biz Partner ID.
addressId (required) integer (path) Address ID.
Code Description Links
200 Biz Partner address data. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Biz Partner address data
  "id": 0,
  "bizPartnerId": 0,
  "bizPartnerName": "string",
  "bizPartnerBriefName": "string",
  "addressTypeId": 0,
  "addressTypeName": "string",
  "addressTypeCodeName": "string",
  "country": 0,
  "countryName": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "branchName": "string",
  "address": "string",
  "poBox": "string",
  "postalCode": "string",
  "city": "string",
  "province": "string",
  "attnPerson": "string",
  "latitude": "string",
  "longitude": "string",
  "eMail": "string",
  "phone": "string",
  "fax": "string",
  "copyToAddresses": [
      "id": 0,
      "name": "string",
      "branchName": "string",
      "addressTypeId": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Updates Biz Partner addresses.Up
Method Overview

This method updates Biz Partner addresses.
The required privileges: biz-core.manage.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Biz Partner ID.
addressId (required) integer (path) Address ID.
put data (required) object (body) Biz Partner address data.
Data Parameters

put data object example

  "addressTypeId": 0,
  "country": 0,
  "name": "string",
  "branchName": "string",
  "address": "string",
  "poBox": "string",
  "postalCode": "string",
  "city": "string",
  "province": "string",
  "attnPerson": "string",
  "latitude": 0,
  "longitude": 0,
  "eMail": "string",
  "phone": "string",
  "fax": "string",
  "copyToAddresses": {
    "data": [
        "id": 0,
        "name": "string",
        "branchName": "string",
        "addressTypeId": 0
Code Description Links
200 Biz Partner address updated successfully. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Biz Partner address updated successfully
  "id": 0,
  "bizPartnerId": 0,
  "bizPartnerName": "string",
  "bizPartnerBriefName": "string",
  "addressTypeId": 0,
  "addressTypeName": "string",
  "addressTypeCodeName": "string",
  "country": 0,
  "countryName": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "branchName": "string",
  "address": "string",
  "poBox": "string",
  "postalCode": "string",
  "city": "string",
  "province": "string",
  "attnPerson": "string",
  "latitude": "string",
  "longitude": "string",
  "eMail": "string",
  "phone": "string",
  "fax": "string",
  "copyToAddresses": [
      "id": 0,
      "name": "string",
      "branchName": "string",
      "addressTypeId": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Deletes Biz Partner addresses.Up
Method Overview

This method deletes Biz Partner addresses.
The required privileges: biz-core.manage.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Biz Partner ID.
addressId (required) integer (path) Address ID.
Code Description Links
204 Biz Partner address deleted successfully. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 204: Biz Partner address deleted successfully
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"

3.11 Biz Partner Contact

Endpoints for working with Biz Partner contacts.

Returns a Biz Partner contact.Up
Method Overview

This method returns Biz Partner contact.
The required privileges: biz-core.view or biz-core.own.view.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Biz Partner ID.
contactId (required) integer (path) Contact ID.
Code Description Links
200 Biz Partner contact data. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Biz Partner contact data
  "id": 0,
  "bizPartnerId": 0,
  "contactTypeId": 0,
  "customTypeName": "string",
  "firstName": "string",
  "lastName": "string",
  "nickName": "string",
  "salutation": "formal",
  "titel": "string",
  "gender": "male",
  "language": "string",
  "addressId": 0,
  "eMailBusiness": "string",
  "eMailPrivate": "string",
  "phoneOfficeDirect": "string",
  "phoneOfficeCentral": "string",
  "mobile": "string",
  "mobileBusiness": "string",
  "skype": "string",
  "birthday": "2021-01-14",
  "departmentId": 0,
  "positionId": 0,
  "customPositionName": "string",
  "picture": "string",
  "fax": "string",
  "status": "active",
  "statusDt": "2021-01-14T09:54:29.198Z",
  "address": "string",
  "postalCode": "string",
  "city": "string",
  "countryId": 0,
  "countryName": "string",
  "contactTypeName": "string",
  "partnerName": "string",
  "languageName": "string",
  "partnerBriefName": "string",
  "departmentName": "string",
  "positionName": "string",
  "note": "string",
  "extraAttributes": {
    "data": [
        "id": 0,
        "sectionId": 0,
        "attributeId": 0,
        "attributeName": "string",
        "customAttrName": "string",
        "attributeValue": "string",
        "attributeCodeName": "string",
        "attributeTypeId": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Updates a Biz Partner contact.Up
Method Overview

This method updates a Biz Partner contact.
The required privileges: biz-core.manage.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Biz Partner ID.
contactId (required) integer (path) Contact ID.
put data (required) object (body) Biz Partner contact data.
Data Parameters

put data object example

  "firstName": "string",
  "lastName": "string",
  "nickName": "string",
  "salutation": "string",
  "titel": "string",
  "gender": "string",
  "language": "string",
  "eMailBusiness": "string",
  "eMailPrivate": "string",
  "phoneOfficeDirect": "string",
  "phoneOfficeCentral": "string",
  "mobile": "string",
  "mobileBusiness": "string",
  "skype": "string",
  "birthday": "2021-01-14",
  "contactTypeId": 0,
  "customTypeName": "string",
  "departmentId": 0,
  "positionId": 0,
  "customPositionName": "string",
  "fax": "string",
  "address": "string",
  "postalCode": "string",
  "city": "string",
  "countryId": 0,
  "extraAttributes": {
    "data": [
        "id": 0,
        "attributeId": 0,
        "attributeValue": "string",
        "customAttrName": "string"
Code Description Links
200 Biz Partner contact updated successfully. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Biz Partner contact updated successfully
  "id": 0,
  "bizPartnerId": 0,
  "contactTypeId": 0,
  "customTypeName": "string",
  "firstName": "string",
  "lastName": "string",
  "nickName": "string",
  "salutation": "formal",
  "titel": "string",
  "gender": "male",
  "language": "string",
  "addressId": 0,
  "eMailBusiness": "string",
  "eMailPrivate": "string",
  "phoneOfficeDirect": "string",
  "phoneOfficeCentral": "string",
  "mobile": "string",
  "mobileBusiness": "string",
  "skype": "string",
  "birthday": "2021-01-14",
  "departmentId": 0,
  "positionId": 0,
  "customPositionName": "string",
  "picture": "string",
  "fax": "string",
  "status": "active",
  "statusDt": "2021-01-14T09:59:00.378Z",
  "address": "string",
  "postalCode": "string",
  "city": "string",
  "countryId": 0,
  "countryName": "string",
  "contactTypeName": "string",
  "partnerName": "string",
  "languageName": "string",
  "partnerBriefName": "string",
  "departmentName": "string",
  "positionName": "string",
  "note": "string",
  "extraAttributes": {
    "data": [
        "id": 0,
        "sectionId": 0,
        "attributeId": 0,
        "attributeName": "string",
        "customAttrName": "string",
        "attributeValue": "string",
        "attributeCodeName": "string",
        "attributeTypeId": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Deletes a Biz Partner contact.Up
Method Overview

This method deletes a Biz Partner contact.
The required privileges: biz-core.manage.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Biz Partner ID.
contactId (required) integer (path) Contact ID.
Code Description Links
204 Biz Partner contact deleted successfully. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 204: Biz Partner contact deleted successfully
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Returns a list of Biz Partner contacts.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a list of Biz Partner contacts.
The required privileges: biz-core.view or biz-core.own.view.
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Biz Partner ID.
all string (query) Returns all data for a given criteria.
Available values: yes, no.
Default value: no.
page_size integer (query) Page size.
Default value: 10.
page_number integer (query) Page number.
Default value: 1.
paging string (query) Paging options in the form of &paging=page_num,page_size, e.g. paging=1,10.
sort string (query) Sort options in the form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3.
operator(fieldName) string (query) Search criteria by using the following operators: isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween, includeIds and by following attributes: id, contactTypeId, firstName, lastName, nickName, salutation, eMailBusiness, departmentName, positionName, phoneOfficeDirect, mobile, address, postalCode, city, countryName, note, contactTypeName, titel, birthday, gender, language, languageName, addressId, eMailPrivate, phoneOfficeCentral, mobileBusiness, skype, departmentId, positionId, fax, status, countryId.

  • If operator is one of isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, a field value can be omitted.
  • If operator is in or notin, a field value must be a comma separated list of values.
  • If operator is between or notbetween, a field value must be a comma separated list of two values, representing the beginning and the end of a range.
  • Operator can be omitted, and in that case, it will be treated as operator is eq (E.g.: fieldName=fieldValue).
  • Example: startswith(clientName)=hor, starts with hor in field 'clientName'.
  • If fieldName is 'q', and operator is eq or omitted, a field value will be used in general search across multiple attributes.
Code Description Links
200 A list of Biz Partner contacts. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: List of Biz Partner contacts
  "data": [
      "id": 0,
      "bizPartnerId": 0,
      "contactTypeId": 0,
      "customTypeName": "string",
      "firstName": "string",
      "lastName": "string",
      "nickName": "string",
      "salutation": "formal",
      "titel": "string",
      "gender": "male",
      "language": "string",
      "addressId": 0,
      "eMailBusiness": "string",
      "eMailPrivate": "string",
      "phoneOfficeDirect": "string",
      "phoneOfficeCentral": "string",
      "mobile": "string",
      "mobileBusiness": "string",
      "skype": "string",
      "birthday": "2021-01-14",
      "departmentId": 0,
      "positionId": 0,
      "customPositionName": "string",
      "picture": "string",
      "fax": "string",
      "status": "active",
      "statusDt": "2021-01-14T14:38:07.170Z",
      "address": "string",
      "postalCode": "string",
      "city": "string",
      "countryId": 0,
      "countryName": "string",
      "contactTypeName": "string",
      "partnerName": "string",
      "languageName": "string",
      "partnerBriefName": "string",
      "departmentName": "string",
      "positionName": "string",
      "note": "string",
      "extraAttributes": {
        "data": [
            "id": 0,
            "sectionId": 0,
            "attributeId": 0,
            "attributeName": "string",
            "customAttrName": "string",
            "attributeValue": "string",
            "attributeCodeName": "string",
            "attributeTypeId": 0
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "total": 0,
      "totalPages": 0,
      "currentPage": 0,
      "perPage": 0,
      "count": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Creates Biz Partner contacts.Up
Method Overview

This method creates Biz Partner contacts.
The required privileges: biz-core.manage.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Biz Partner ID.
post data object (body) Biz Partner contact data.
Data Parameters

post data object example

  "firstName": "string",
  "lastName": "string",
  "nickName": "string",
  "salutation": "string",
  "titel": "string",
  "gender": "string",
  "language": "string",
  "eMailBusiness": "string",
  "eMailPrivate": "string",
  "phoneOfficeDirect": "string",
  "phoneOfficeCentral": "string",
  "mobile": "string",
  "mobileBusiness": "string",
  "skype": "string",
  "birthday": "2021-01-14",
  "contactTypeId": 0,
  "customTypeName": "string",
  "departmentId": 0,
  "positionId": 0,
  "customPositionName": "string",
  "fax": "string",
  "address": "string",
  "postalCode": "string",
  "city": "string",
  "countryId": 0,
  "extraAttributes": {
    "data": [
        "attributeId": 0,
        "attributeValue": "string",
        "customAttrName": "string"
Code Description Links
201 Biz Partner contact created. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 201: Biz Partner contact created
  "id": 0,
  "bizPartnerId": 0,
  "contactTypeId": 0,
  "customTypeName": "string",
  "firstName": "string",
  "lastName": "string",
  "nickName": "string",
  "salutation": "formal",
  "titel": "string",
  "gender": "male",
  "language": "string",
  "addressId": 0,
  "eMailBusiness": "string",
  "eMailPrivate": "string",
  "phoneOfficeDirect": "string",
  "phoneOfficeCentral": "string",
  "mobile": "string",
  "mobileBusiness": "string",
  "skype": "string",
  "birthday": "2021-01-14",
  "departmentId": 0,
  "positionId": 0,
  "customPositionName": "string",
  "picture": "string",
  "fax": "string",
  "status": "active",
  "statusDt": "2021-01-14T14:44:17.851Z",
  "address": "string",
  "postalCode": "string",
  "city": "string",
  "countryId": 0,
  "countryName": "string",
  "contactTypeName": "string",
  "partnerName": "string",
  "languageName": "string",
  "partnerBriefName": "string",
  "departmentName": "string",
  "positionName": "string",
  "note": "string",
  "extraAttributes": {
    "data": [
        "id": 0,
        "sectionId": 0,
        "attributeId": 0,
        "attributeName": "string",
        "customAttrName": "string",
        "attributeValue": "string",
        "attributeCodeName": "string",
        "attributeTypeId": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Updates Biz Partner contact status.Up
Method Overview

This method updates Biz Partner contact status.
The required privileges: biz-core.manage.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Biz Partner ID.
contactId (required) integer (path) Contact ID.
put data (required) object (body) Biz Partner contact status data.
Data Parameters

put data object example

  "status": "active"
Code Description Links
200 Biz Partner contact updated successfully. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Biz Partner contact updated successfully
  "id": 0,
  "bizPartnerId": 0,
  "contactTypeId": 0,
  "customTypeName": "string",
  "firstName": "string",
  "lastName": "string",
  "nickName": "string",
  "salutation": "formal",
  "titel": "string",
  "gender": "male",
  "language": "string",
  "addressId": 0,
  "eMailBusiness": "string",
  "eMailPrivate": "string",
  "phoneOfficeDirect": "string",
  "phoneOfficeCentral": "string",
  "mobile": "string",
  "mobileBusiness": "string",
  "skype": "string",
  "birthday": "2021-02-09",
  "departmentId": 0,
  "positionId": 0,
  "customPositionName": "string",
  "picture": "string",
  "fax": "string",
  "status": "active",
  "statusDt": "2021-02-09T10:00:18.023Z",
  "address": "string",
  "postalCode": "string",
  "city": "string",
  "countryId": 0,
  "countryName": "string",
  "contactTypeName": "string",
  "partnerName": "string",
  "languageName": "string",
  "partnerBriefName": "string",
  "departmentName": "string",
  "positionName": "string",
  "note": "string",
  "extraAttributes": {
    "data": [
        "id": 0,
        "sectionId": 0,
        "attributeId": 0,
        "attributeName": "string",
        "customAttrName": "string",
        "attributeValue": "string",
        "attributeCodeName": "string",
        "attributeTypeId": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Returns a list of all Biz partners contacts for an instance.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a list of all Biz partners contacts for an instance.
The required privileges: biz-core.view or biz-core.own.view.
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
all string (query) Returns all data for a given criteria.
Available values: yes, no.
Default value: no.
page_size integer (query) Page size.
Default value: 10.
page_number integer (query) Page number.
Default value: 1.
paging string (query) Paging options in the form of &paging=page_num,page_size, e.g. paging=1,10.
sort string (query) Sort options in the form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3.
operator(fieldName) string (query) Search criteria by using the following operators: isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween, includeIds and by following attributes: id, bizPartnerId, contactTypeId, firstName, lastName, nickName, salutation, eMailBusiness, departmentName, positionName, phoneOfficeDirect, mobile, address, postalCode, city, countryName, note, contactTypeName, titel, birthday, gender, language, languageName, addressId, eMailPrivate, phoneOfficeCentral, mobileBusiness, skype, departmentId, positionId, fax, status, countryId.

  • If operator is one of isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, a field value can be omitted.
  • If operator is in or notin, a field value must be a comma separated list of values.
  • If operator is between or notbetween, a field value must be a comma separated list of two values, representing the beginning and the end of a range.
  • Operator can be omitted, and in that case, it will be treated as operator is eq (E.g.: fieldName=fieldValue).
  • Example: startswith(clientName)=hor, starts with hor in field 'clientName'.
  • If fieldName is 'q', and operator is eq or omitted, a field value will be used in general search across multiple attributes.
Code Description Links
200 A list of all Biz Partner contacts for an instance. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: List of Biz Partners contacts for an instance
  "data": [
      "id": 0,
      "bizPartnerId": 0,
      "contactTypeId": 0,
      "customTypeName": "string",
      "firstName": "string",
      "lastName": "string",
      "nickName": "string",
      "salutation": "formal",
      "titel": "string",
      "gender": "male",
      "language": "string",
      "addressId": 0,
      "eMailBusiness": "string",
      "eMailPrivate": "string",
      "phoneOfficeDirect": "string",
      "phoneOfficeCentral": "string",
      "mobile": "string",
      "mobileBusiness": "string",
      "skype": "string",
      "birthday": "2022-09-16",
      "departmentId": 0,
      "positionId": 0,
      "customPositionName": "string",
      "picture": "string",
      "fax": "string",
      "status": "active",
      "statusDt": "2022-09-16T11:33:34.248Z",
      "address": "string",
      "postalCode": "string",
      "city": "string",
      "countryId": 0,
      "countryName": "string",
      "contactTypeName": "string",
      "partnerName": "string",
      "languageName": "string",
      "partnerBriefName": "string",
      "departmentName": "string",
      "positionName": "string",
      "note": "string",
      "extraAttributes": {
        "data": [
            "id": 0,
            "sectionId": 0,
            "attributeId": 0,
            "attributeName": "string",
            "customAttrName": "string",
            "attributeValue": "string",
            "attributeCodeName": "string",
            "attributeTypeId": 0
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "total": 0,
      "totalPages": 0,
      "currentPage": 0,
      "perPage": 0,
      "count": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Updates Biz Partners contacts for departmentId and positionId.Up
Method Overview

This method updates Biz Partners contacts.
The required privileges: biz-core.manage.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
put data (required) object (body) Biz Partner contact data.
Data Parameters

put data object example

  "departments": [
      "id": 0
  "positions": [
      "id": 0
Code Description Links
200 Biz Partners contacts' departments and positions are successfully updated. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Biz Partners contacts' departments and positions are successfully updated
  "departmentsId": {
    "value": "string"
  "positionsId": {
    "value": "string"
  "opStatus": "ok",
  "error": {
    "Code": 0,
    "Message": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"

3.12 Products

Endpoints for working with products.

Returns a list of all Products.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a list of all Products.
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
all string (query) Returns all data for a given criteria.
Available values: yes, no.
Default value: no.
page_size integer (query) Page size.
Default value: 10.
page_number integer (query) Page number.
Default value: 1.
paging string (query) Paging options in the form of &paging=page_num,page_size, e.g. paging=1,10.
sort string (query) Sort options in the form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3.
operator(fieldName) string (query) Search criteria by using the following operators: isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween, includeIds and by following attributes: id, codeName, name, status, productType, statusDt, product_type, status_dt, code_name.
Sort available options: id, codeName, name, status, productType, statusDt, product_type, status_dt, code_name.

  • If operator is one of isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, a field value can be omitted.
  • If operator is in or notin, a field value must be a comma separated list of values.
  • If operator is between or notbetween, a field value must be a comma separated list of two values, representing the beginning and the end of a range.
  • Operator can be omitted, and in that case, it will be treated as operator is eq (E.g.: fieldName=fieldValue).
  • Example: startswith(clientName)=hor, starts with hor in field 'clientName'.
  • If fieldName is 'q', and operator is eq or omitted, a field value will be used in general search across multiple attributes.
Code Description Links
200 A list of Products. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: List of Products
  "data": [
      "id": 0,
      "productType": 0,
      "name": "string",
      "codeName": "string",
      "status": "active",
      "statusDt": "2021-03-05T19:37:23.172Z"
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "total": 0,
      "totalPages": 0,
      "currentPage": 0,
      "perPage": 0,
      "count": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Returns product for a given ID.Up
Method Overview

This method returns product for a given ID.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Product ID.
Code Description Links
200 Product data. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Product data
  "id": 0,
  "productType": 0,
  "name": "string",
  "codeName": "string",
  "status": "active",
  "statusDt": "2021-03-05T19:37:23.189Z"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Returns a list of all Biz Partner products.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a list of all Biz Partner products.
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
all string (query) Returns all data for a given criteria.
Available values: yes, no.
Default value: no.
page_size integer (query) Page size.
Default value: 10.
page_number integer (query) Page number.
Default value: 1.
paging string (query) Paging options in the form of &paging=page_num,page_size, e.g. paging=1,10.
sort string (query) Sort options in the form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3.
operator(fieldName) string (query) Search criteria by using the following operators: isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween, includeIds and by following attributes: id, codeName, name, status, productType, productTypeCodeName, productTypeName, isOurProduct, isSupplierProduct.

  • If operator is one of isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, a field value can be omitted.
  • If operator is in or notin, a field value must be a comma separated list of values.
  • If operator is between or notbetween, a field value must be a comma separated list of two values, representing the beginning and the end of a range.
  • Operator can be omitted, and in that case, it will be treated as operator is eq (E.g.: fieldName=fieldValue).
  • Example: startswith(clientName)=hor, starts with hor in field 'clientName'.
  • If fieldName is 'q', and operator is eq or omitted, a field value will be used in general search across multiple attributes.
Code Description Links
200 A list of Products. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: List of Products
  "data": [
      "id": 0,
      "productType": 0,
      "name": "string",
      "codeName": "string",
      "status": "active",
      "statusDt": "2022-02-01T15:30:35.138Z",
      "productTypeName": "string",
      "productTypeCodeName": "string",
      "isOurProduct": "string",
      "isSupplierProduct": "string",
      "productContextStatus": "string"
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "total": 0,
      "totalPages": 0,
      "currentPage": 0,
      "perPage": 0,
      "count": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Returns a Biz Partner product for a given ID.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a Biz Partner product for a given ID.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Product ID.
Code Description Links
200 Product data. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Product data
  "id": 0,
  "productType": 0,
  "name": "string",
  "codeName": "string",
  "status": "active",
  "statusDt": "2021-03-05T19:37:23.199Z",
  "productTypeName": "string",
  "productTypeCodeName": "string",
  "isOurProduct": "string",
  "isSupplierProduct": "string",
  "productContextStatus": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"

3.13 Biz Partner Products

Endpoints for working with Biz Partner Products.

Returns Biz Partner product record for a given partnerId and bizProductId.Up
Method Overview

This method returns Biz Partner product record for a given partnerId and bizProductId.
The required privileges: biz-core.view or biz-core.own.view.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
partnerId (required) integer (path) Biz Partner ID.
bizProductId (required) integer (path) Product ID.
Code Description Links
200 BizPartnerProduct data. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: BizPartnerProduct data
  "id": 0,
  "bizPartnerId": 0,
  "bizPartnerBriefName": "string",
  "productTypeName": "string",
  "productTypeCodeName": "string",
  "productId": 0,
  "productName": "string",
  "productCodeName": "string",
  "relationTypeId": 0,
  "relationTypeName": "string",
  "relationTypeCodeName": "string",
  "status": "string",
  "enabledDt": "2021-01-15T14:46:29.060Z",
  "disabledDt": "2021-01-15T14:46:29.060Z",
  "statusDt": "2021-01-15T14:46:29.060Z",
  "notes": "string",
  "customerType": "string",
  "accountManagerId": 0,
  "serviceCategoryId": 0,
  "serviceProductName": "string",
  "productBulkSms": {
    "id": 0,
    "bizpProductId": 0,
    "sellingPaymentType": "string",
    "sellingPaymentDue": 0,
    "validFromD": "2021-01-15",
    "billingCycle": 0,
    "billingCycleUnit": "string",
    "currencyId": 0,
    "invoiceTriggerAmount": 0,
    "overdraftLimit": 0,
    "creditLimit": 0,
    "deposit": 0,
    "bankGuarantee": 0,
    "disputePercent": 0,
    "maxDispute": 0,
    "announcementDays": 0,
    "currencyCode": "string",
    "currencyName": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Deletes logically Biz Partner product record for a given partnerId and bizProductId.Up
Method Overview

This method deletes logically Biz Partner product record for a given partnerId and bizProductId.
The required privileges: biz-core.manage.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
partnerId (required) integer (path) Biz Partner ID.
bizProductId (required) integer (path) Product ID.
Code Description Links
204 BizPartnerProduct data deleted. No links
409 BizPartnerProduct data can not be deleted due to its relation type owner. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 204: BizPartnerProduct data deleted
Error Response 409: BizPartnerProduct data can not be deleted due to its relation type owner
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Updates Biz Partner product record for a given partnerId and bizProductId.Up
Method Overview

This method updates Biz Partner product record for a given partnerId and bizProductId.
The required privileges: biz-core.manage.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
partnerId (required) integer (path) Biz Partner ID.
bizProductId (required) integer (path) Product ID.
put data (required) object (body) Biz Partner product data.
Data Parameters

put data object example

  "productType": 0,
  "productId": 0,
  "relationTypeId": 0,
  "status": "string",
  "notes": "string",
  "customerType": "enterprise",
  "accountManagerId": 0,
  "productBulkSms": {
    "sellingPaymentType": "prepaid",
    "sellingPaymentDue": 0,
    "validFromD": "2021-01-20",
    "billingCycle": 0,
    "billingCycleUnit": "Days",
    "currencyId": 0,
    "invoiceTriggerAmount": 0,
    "overdraftLimit": 0,
    "creditLimit": 0,
    "deposit": 0,
    "bankGuarantee": 0,
    "disputePercent": 0,
    "maxDispute": 0,
    "announcementDays": 0
Code Description Links
200 BizPartnerProduct data updated successfully. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: BizPartnerProduct data updated successfully
  "id": 0,
  "bizPartnerId": 0,
  "bizPartnerBriefName": "string",
  "productTypeName": "string",
  "productTypeCodeName": "string",
  "productId": 0,
  "productName": "string",
  "productCodeName": "string",
  "relationTypeId": 0,
  "relationTypeName": "string",
  "relationTypeCodeName": "string",
  "status": "string",
  "enabledDt": "2022-02-01T15:57:46.317Z",
  "disabledDt": "2022-02-01T15:57:46.317Z",
  "statusDt": "2022-02-01T15:57:46.317Z",
  "notes": "string",
  "customerType": "string",
  "accountManagerId": 0,
  "accountManagerName": "string",
  "serviceCategoryId": 0,
  "serviceProductName": "string",
  "productBulkSms": {
    "id": 0,
    "bizpProductId": 0,
    "sellingPaymentType": "string",
    "sellingPaymentDue": 0,
    "validFromD": "2022-02-01",
    "billingCycle": 0,
    "billingCycleUnit": "string",
    "currencyId": 0,
    "invoiceTriggerAmount": 0,
    "overdraftLimit": 0,
    "creditLimit": 0,
    "deposit": 0,
    "bankGuarantee": 0,
    "disputePercent": 0,
    "maxDispute": 0,
    "announcementDays": 0,
    "currencyCode": "string",
    "currencyName": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Creates Biz Partner product record for a given partnerId and bizProductId.Up
Method Overview

This method creates Biz Partner product record for a given partnerId and bizProductId.
The required privileges: biz-core.manage.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
partnerId (required) integer (path) Biz Partner ID.
post data (required) object (body) Biz Partner product data.
Data Parameters

post data object example

  "productType": 0,
  "productId": 0,
  "relationTypeId": 0,
  "status": "enabled",
  "notes": "string",
  "customerType": "enterprise",
  "accountManagerId": 0,
  "productBulkSms": {
    "sellingPaymentType": "prepaid",
    "sellingPaymentDue": 0,
    "validFromD": "2021-01-20",
    "billingCycle": 0,
    "billingCycleUnit": "Days",
    "currencyId": 0,
    "invoiceTriggerAmount": 0,
    "overdraftLimit": 0,
    "creditLimit": 0,
    "deposit": 0,
    "bankGuarantee": 0,
    "disputePercent": 0,
    "maxDispute": 0,
    "announcementDays": 0
Code Description Links
200 BizPartnerProduct data updated successfully. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: BizPartnerProduct data updated successfully
  "id": 0,
  "bizPartnerId": 0,
  "bizPartnerBriefName": "string",
  "productTypeName": "string",
  "productTypeCodeName": "string",
  "productId": 0,
  "productName": "string",
  "productCodeName": "string",
  "relationTypeId": 0,
  "relationTypeName": "string",
  "relationTypeCodeName": "string",
  "status": "string",
  "enabledDt": "2021-01-20T16:37:46.851Z",
  "disabledDt": "2021-01-20T16:37:46.851Z",
  "statusDt": "2021-01-20T16:37:46.851Z",
  "notes": "string",
  "customerType": "string",
  "accountManagerId": 0,
  "serviceCategoryId": 0,
  "serviceProductName": "string",
  "productBulkSms": {
    "id": 0,
    "bizpProductId": 0,
    "sellingPaymentType": "string",
    "sellingPaymentDue": 0,
    "validFromD": "2021-01-20",
    "billingCycle": 0,
    "billingCycleUnit": "string",
    "currencyId": 0,
    "invoiceTriggerAmount": 0,
    "overdraftLimit": 0,
    "creditLimit": 0,
    "deposit": 0,
    "bankGuarantee": 0,
    "disputePercent": 0,
    "maxDispute": 0,
    "announcementDays": 0,
    "currencyCode": "string",
    "currencyName": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Returns a list of Biz Partner product records for a given partnerId.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a list of Biz Partner product records for a given partnerId.
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
partnerId (required) integer (path) Biz Partner ID.
all string (query) Returns all data for a given criteria.
Available values: yes, no.
Default value: no.
page_size integer (query) Page size.
Default value: 10.
page_number integer (query) Page number.
Default value: 1.
paging string (query) Paging options in the form of &paging=page_num,page_size, e.g. paging=1,10.
sort string (query) Sort options in the form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3.
operator(fieldName) string (query) Search criteria by using the following operators: isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween, includeIds and by following attributes: id, productType, productTypeName, productTypeCodeName, productId, productName, productCodeName, relationTypeId, relationTypeName, status, sellingPaymentType, sellingPaymentDue, billingCycle, billingCycleUnit, accountManagerName, currencyId, currencyCode, currencyName, invoiceTriggerAmount, overdraftLimit, creditLimit, deposit, bankGuarantee, disputePercent, maxDispute, announcementDays.

  • If operator is one of isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, a field value can be omitted.
  • If operator is in or notin, a field value must be a comma separated list of values.
  • If operator is between or notbetween, a field value must be a comma separated list of two values, representing the beginning and the end of a range.
  • Operator can be omitted, and in that case, it will be treated as operator is eq (E.g.: fieldName=fieldValue).
  • Example: startswith(clientName)=hor, starts with hor in field 'clientName'.
  • If fieldName is 'q', and operator is eq or omitted, a field value will be used in general search across multiple attributes.
Code Description Links
200 A list of All Biz Partner Products. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: List of All Biz Partner Products
  "data": [
      "id": 0,
      "bizPartnerId": 0,
      "bizPartnerBriefName": "string",
      "productTypeName": "string",
      "productTypeCodeName": "string",
      "productId": 0,
      "productName": "string",
      "productCodeName": "string",
      "relationTypeId": 0,
      "relationTypeName": "string",
      "relationTypeCodeName": "string",
      "status": "string",
      "enabledDt": "2021-01-20T16:40:34.843Z",
      "disabledDt": "2021-01-20T16:40:34.843Z",
      "statusDt": "2021-01-20T16:40:34.843Z",
      "notes": "string",
      "customerType": "string",
      "accountManagerId": 0,
      "serviceCategoryId": 0,
      "serviceProductName": "string",
      "productBulkSms": {
        "id": 0,
        "bizpProductId": 0,
        "sellingPaymentType": "string",
        "sellingPaymentDue": 0,
        "validFromD": "2021-01-20",
        "billingCycle": 0,
        "billingCycleUnit": "string",
        "currencyId": 0,
        "invoiceTriggerAmount": 0,
        "overdraftLimit": 0,
        "creditLimit": 0,
        "deposit": 0,
        "bankGuarantee": 0,
        "disputePercent": 0,
        "maxDispute": 0,
        "announcementDays": 0,
        "currencyCode": "string",
        "currencyName": "string"
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "total": 0,
      "totalPages": 0,
      "currentPage": 0,
      "perPage": 0,
      "count": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Returns a list of all Biz Partner allowed products.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a list of Biz Partner allowed products.
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
partnerId (required) integer (path) Biz Partner ID.
all string (query) Returns all data for a given criteria.
Available values: yes, no.
Default value: no.
page_size integer (query) Page size.
Default value: 10.
page_number integer (query) Page number.
Default value: 1.
paging string (query) Paging options in the form of &paging=page_num,page_size, e.g. paging=1,10.
sort string (query) Sort options in the form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3.
operator(fieldName) string (query) Search criteria by using the following operators: isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween, includeIds and by following attributes: id, instanceId, bizPartnerId, bizPartnerName, status, productType, productTypeCodeName, productTypeName, productId, productCodeName, productName, relationTypeId, relationTypeCodeName, relationType, status, customerType, accountManagerId, accountManagerName, serviceCategoryId.

  • If operator is one of isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, a field value can be omitted.
  • If operator is in or notin, a field value must be a comma separated list of values.
  • If operator is between or notbetween, a field value must be a comma separated list of two values, representing the beginning and the end of a range.
  • Operator can be omitted, and in that case, it will be treated as operator is eq (E.g.: fieldName=fieldValue).
  • Example: startswith(clientName)=hor, starts with hor in field 'clientName'.
  • If fieldName is 'q', and operator is eq or omitted, a field value will be used in general search across multiple attributes.
Code Description Links
200 A list of allowed products for Biz Partner. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: List of allowed products for Biz Partner
  "data": [
      "id": 0,
      "name": "string",
      "codeName": "string",
      "productTypeId": 0,
      "productTypeName": "string",
      "productTypeCodeName": "string"
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "total": 0,
      "totalPages": 0,
      "currentPage": 0,
      "perPage": 0,
      "count": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Returns a list of all Biz Partner products.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a list of all Biz Partner products.
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
all string (query) Returns all data for a given criteria.
Available values: yes, no.
Default value: no.
page_size integer (query) Page size.
Default value: 10.
page_number integer (query) Page number.
Default value: 1.
paging string (query) Paging options in the form of &paging=page_num,page_size, e.g. paging=1,10.
sort string (query) Sort options in the form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3.
operator(fieldName) string (query) Search criteria by using the following operators: isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween, includeIds and by following attributes: id, instanceId, bizPartnerId, bizPartnerName, status, productType, productTypeCodeName, productTypeName, productId, productCodeName, productName, relationTypeId, relationTypeCodeName, relationType, status, customerType, accountManagerId, accountManagerName, serviceCategoryId.

  • If operator is one of isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, a field value can be omitted.
  • If operator is in or notin, a field value must be a comma separated list of values.
  • If operator is between or notbetween, a field value must be a comma separated list of two values, representing the beginning and the end of a range.
  • Operator can be omitted, and in that case, it will be treated as operator is eq (E.g.: fieldName=fieldValue).
  • Example: startswith(clientName)=hor, starts with hor in field 'clientName'.
  • If fieldName is 'q', and operator is eq or omitted, a field value will be used in general search across multiple attributes.
Code Description Links
200 A list of All Biz Partner Products. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: List of All Biz Partner Products
  "data": [
      "id": 0,
      "instanceId": 0,
      "bizPartnerId": 0,
      "bizPartnerName": "string",
      "productType": 0,
      "productTypeName": "string",
      "productTypeCodeName": "string",
      "productName": "string",
      "productCodeName": "string",
      "productId": 0,
      "relationTypeId": 0,
      "relationTypeCodeName": "string",
      "relationType": "string",
      "status": "enabled",
      "statusDt": "2021-01-20T16:51:26.519Z",
      "enabledDt": "2021-01-20T16:51:26.519Z",
      "disabledDt": "2021-01-20T16:51:26.519Z",
      "notes": "string",
      "customerType": "string",
      "accountManagerId": 0,
      "accountManagerName": "string",
      "serviceCategoryId": 0,
      "serviceCategoryName": "string",
      "serviceProductName": "string"
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "total": 0,
      "totalPages": 0,
      "currentPage": 0,
      "perPage": 0,
      "count": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Returns Biz Partner product data.Up
Method Overview

This method returns Biz Partner product data.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
partnerId (required) integer (path) Biz Partner products ID.
Code Description Links
200 Biz Partner Product data. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Biz Partner Product data
  "id": 0,
  "instanceId": 0,
  "bizPartnerId": 0,
  "bizPartnerName": "string",
  "productType": 0,
  "productTypeName": "string",
  "productTypeCodeName": "string",
  "productName": "string",
  "productCodeName": "string",
  "productId": 0,
  "relationTypeId": 0,
  "relationTypeCodeName": "string",
  "relationType": "string",
  "status": "enabled",
  "statusDt": "2022-02-02T08:41:05.519Z",
  "enabledDt": "2022-02-02T08:41:05.519Z",
  "disabledDt": "2022-02-02T08:41:05.519Z",
  "notes": "string",
  "customerType": "string",
  "accountManagerId": 0,
  "accountManagerName": "string",
  "serviceCategoryId": 0,
  "serviceCategoryName": "string",
  "serviceProductName": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Deactivates and activates Biz Partner products for a given ID.Up
Method Overview

This method deactivates and activates Biz Partner products for a given ID.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Biz Partner product ID.
put data (required) object (body) Biz Partner product data.
Data Parameters

put data object example

  "status": "suspended"
Code Description Links
200 Biz Partner Product data. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Biz Partner Product data
  "id": 0,
  "instanceId": 0,
  "bizPartnerId": 0,
  "bizPartnerName": "string",
  "productType": 0,
  "productTypeName": "string",
  "productTypeCodeName": "string",
  "productName": "string",
  "productCodeName": "string",
  "productId": 0,
  "relationTypeId": 0,
  "relationTypeCodeName": "string",
  "relationType": "string",
  "status": "enabled",
  "statusDt": "2021-01-21T16:14:39.918Z",
  "enabledDt": "2021-01-21T16:14:39.918Z",
  "disabledDt": "2021-01-21T16:14:39.918Z",
  "notes": "string",
  "customerType": "string",
  "accountManagerId": 0,
  "accountManagerName": "string",
  "serviceCategoryId": 0,
  "serviceCategoryName": "string",
  "serviceProductName": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"

3.14 Currency

Endpoints for working with currencies.

Returns a list of currencies.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a list of currencies.
The required privileges: biz-core.view or biz-core.own.view.
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
all string (query) Returns all data for a given criteria.
Available values: yes, no.
Default value: no.
page_size integer (query) Page size.
Default value: 10.
page_number integer (query) Page number.
Default value: 1.
paging string (query) Paging options in the form of &paging=page_num,page_size, e.g. paging=1,10.
sort string (query) Sort options in the form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3.
operator(fieldName) string (query) Search criteria by using the following operators: isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween, includeIds and by following attributes: id, name, code, status, statusDt, type.

  • If operator is one of isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, a field value can be omitted.
  • If operator is in or notin, a field value must be a comma separated list of values.
  • If operator is between or notbetween, a field value must be a comma separated list of two values, representing the beginning and the end of a range.
  • Operator can be omitted, and in that case, it will be treated as operator is eq (E.g.: fieldName=fieldValue).
  • Example: startswith(clientName)=hor, starts with hor in field 'clientName'.
  • If fieldName is 'q', and operator is eq or omitted, a field value will be used in general search across multiple attributes.
Code Description Links
200 A list of currency records. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: List of currency records.
  "data": [
      "id": 0,
      "name": "string",
      "code": "string",
      "status": "string",
      "statusDt": "2021-01-21T16:24:19.072Z",
      "type": "formal"
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "total": 0,
      "totalPages": 0,
      "currentPage": 0,
      "perPage": 0,
      "count": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Returns a Currency record for a given ID.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a Currency record for a given ID.
The required privileges: biz-core.view or biz-core.own.view.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Currency ID.
Code Description Links
200 Currency data. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Currency data
  "id": 0,
  "name": "string",
  "code": "string",
  "status": "string",
  "statusDt": "2021-01-21T16:28:02.575Z",
  "type": "formal"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"

3.15 Country

Endpoints for working with countries.

Returns a list of countries.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a list of countries.
The required privileges: biz-core.view or biz-core.own.view.
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
all string (query) Returns all data for a given criteria.
Available values: yes, no.
Default value: no.
page_size integer (query) Page size.
Default value: 10.
page_number integer (query) Page number.
Default value: 1.
paging string (query) Paging options in the form of &paging=page_num,page_size, e.g. paging=1,10.
sort string (query) Sort options in the form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3.
operator(fieldName) string (query) Search criteria by using the following operators: isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween, includeIds and by following attributes: id, name, code2, code3, currency, defLang, status, statusDt, domain, dialCode, type, continent.

  • If operator is one of isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, a field value can be omitted.
  • If operator is in or notin, a field value must be a comma separated list of values.
  • If operator is between or notbetween, a field value must be a comma separated list of two values, representing the beginning and the end of a range.
  • Operator can be omitted, and in that case, it will be treated as operator is eq (E.g.: fieldName=fieldValue).
  • Example: startswith(clientName)=hor, starts with hor in field 'clientName'.
  • If fieldName is 'q', and operator is eq or omitted, a field value will be used in general search across multiple attributes.
Code Description Links
200 A list of country records. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: List of country records
  "data": [
      "id": 0,
      "name": "string",
      "code2": "string",
      "code3": "string",
      "type": "formal",
      "currency": 0,
      "defLang": "string",
      "status": "A",
      "statusDt": "2021-01-21T16:33:00.657Z",
      "domain": "string",
      "dialCode": "string",
      "continent": "string",
      "defTaxCategoryId": 0,
      "cashRounding": 0
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "total": 0,
      "totalPages": 0,
      "currentPage": 0,
      "perPage": 0,
      "count": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Returns Country record for a given ID.Up
Method Overview

This method returns Country record for a given ID.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Country ID.
Code Description Links
200 Country data. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Country data
  "id": 0,
  "name": "string",
  "code2": "string",
  "code3": "string",
  "type": "formal",
  "currency": 0,
  "defLang": "string",
  "status": "A",
  "statusDt": "2021-03-05T19:24:14.355Z",
  "domain": "string",
  "dialCode": "string",
  "continent": "string",
  "defTaxCategoryId": 0,
  "cashRounding": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Returns a list of countries related to business partners.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a list of countries related to business partners.
The required privileges: biz-core.view.
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
all string (query) Returns all data for a given criteria.
Available values: yes, no.
Default value: no.
page_size integer (query) Page size.
Default value: 10.
page_number integer (query) Page number.
Default value: 1.
paging string (query) Paging options in the form of &paging=page_num,page_size, e.g. paging=1,10.
sort string (query) Sort options in the form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3.
operator(fieldName) string (query) Search criteria by using the following operators: isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween, includeIds and by following attributes: id, name.

  • If operator is one of isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, a field value can be omitted.
  • If operator is in or notin, a field value must be a comma separated list of values.
  • If operator is between or notbetween, a field value must be a comma separated list of two values, representing the beginning and the end of a range.
  • Operator can be omitted, and in that case, it will be treated as operator is eq (E.g.: fieldName=fieldValue).
  • Example: startswith(clientName)=hor, starts with hor in field 'clientName'.
  • If fieldName is 'q', and operator is eq or omitted, a field value will be used in general search across multiple attributes.
Code Description Links
200 A list of Biz Partner country records. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: List of Biz Partner country records
  "data": [
      "id": 0,
      "name": "string"
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "total": 0,
      "totalPages": 0,
      "currentPage": 0,
      "perPage": 0,
      "count": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"

3.16 Language

Endpoints for working with countries.

Returns a list of languages.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a list of languages.
The required privileges: biz-core.view or biz-core.own.view.
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
all string (query) Returns all data for a given criteria.
Available values: yes, no.
Default value: no.
page_size integer (query) Page size.
Default value: 10.
page_number integer (query) Page number.
Default value: 1.
paging string (query) Paging options in the form of &paging=page_num,page_size, e.g. paging=1,10.
sort string (query) Sort options in the form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3.
operator(fieldName) string (query) Search criteria by using the following operators: isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween, includeIds and by following attributes: id, name, status, statusDt.

  • If operator is one of isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, a field value can be omitted.
  • If operator is in or notin, a field value must be a comma separated list of values.
  • If operator is between or notbetween, a field value must be a comma separated list of two values, representing the beginning and the end of a range.
  • Operator can be omitted, and in that case, it will be treated as operator is eq (E.g.: fieldName=fieldValue).
  • Example: startswith(clientName)=hor, starts with hor in field 'clientName'.
  • If fieldName is 'q', and operator is eq or omitted, a field value will be used in general search across multiple attributes.
Code Description Links
200 A list of language records. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: List of language records.
  "data": [
      "id": "string",
      "name": "string",
      "status": "A",
      "statusDt": "2021-01-21T16:37:17.762Z"
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "total": 0,
      "totalPages": 0,
      "currentPage": 0,
      "perPage": 0,
      "count": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Returns language record for a given ID.Up
Method Overview

This method returns language record for a given ID.
The required privileges: biz-core.view or biz-core.own.view.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Language ID.
Code Description Links
200 Language records. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Language records.
  "id": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "status": "A",
  "statusDt": "2021-01-21T16:39:05.012Z"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"

3.17 Measure Units

Endpoints for working with measure units.

Returns a list of measure units.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a list of measure units.
The required privileges: biz-core.view or biz-core.own.view.
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
all string (query) Returns all data for a given criteria.
Available values: yes, no.
Default value: no.
page_size integer (query) Page size.
Default value: 10.
page_number integer (query) Page number.
Default value: 1.
paging string (query) Paging options in the form of &paging=page_num,page_size, e.g. paging=1,10.
sort string (query) Sort options in the form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3.
operator(fieldName) string (query) Search criteria by using the following operators: isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween, includeIds and by following attributes: id, name, code, type, ordNum, baseUnitId, baseNumerator, baseDenominator.
Sort available fields: id, name, code, type, ordNum, baseUnitId, baseNumerator, baseDenominator.

  • If operator is one of isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, a field value can be omitted.
  • If operator is in or notin, a field value must be a comma separated list of values.
  • If operator is between or notbetween, a field value must be a comma separated list of two values, representing the beginning and the end of a range.
  • Operator can be omitted, and in that case, it will be treated as operator is eq (E.g.: fieldName=fieldValue).
  • Example: startswith(clientName)=hor, starts with hor in field 'clientName'.
  • If fieldName is 'q', and operator is eq or omitted, a field value will be used in general search across multiple attributes.
Code Description Links
200 A list of Measure Units records. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: List of Measure Units records
  "data": [
      "id": 0,
      "name": "string",
      "code": "string",
      "type": "string",
      "ordNum": 0,
      "baseUnitId": 0,
      "baseNumerator": 0,
      "baseDenominator": 0
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "total": 0,
      "totalPages": 0,
      "currentPage": 0,
      "perPage": 0,
      "count": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Returns measure unit record for a given ID.Up
Method Overview

This method returns measure unit record for a given ID.
The required privileges: biz-core.view or biz-core.own.view.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Measure Unit ID.
Code Description Links
200 Measure Unit data. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Measure Unit data
  "id": 0,
  "name": "string",
  "code": "string",
  "type": "string",
  "ordNum": 0,
  "baseUnitId": 0,
  "baseNumerator": 0,
  "baseDenominator": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"

3.18 Biz Positions

Endpoints for working with Biz positions.

Returns a list of Biz Positions.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a list of Biz Positions.
The required privileges: biz-core.view or biz-core.own.view.
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
all string (query) Returns all data for a given criteria.
Available values: yes, no.
Default value: no.
page_size integer (query) Page size.
Default value: 10.
page_number integer (query) Page number.
Default value: 1.
paging string (query) Paging options in the form of &paging=page_num,page_size, e.g. paging=1,10.
sort string (query) Sort options in the form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3.
operator(fieldName) string (query) Search criteria by using the following operators: isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween, includeIds and by following attributes: id, name, codeName, status, statusDt, favorite.
Sort available fields: id, name, codeName, status, statusDt, favorite.

  • If operator is one of isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, a field value can be omitted.
  • If operator is in or notin, a field value must be a comma separated list of values.
  • If operator is between or notbetween, a field value must be a comma separated list of two values, representing the beginning and the end of a range.
  • Operator can be omitted, and in that case, it will be treated as operator is eq (E.g.: fieldName=fieldValue).
  • Example: startswith(clientName)=hor, starts with hor in field 'clientName'.
  • If fieldName is 'q', and operator is eq or omitted, a field value will be used in general search across multiple attributes.
Code Description Links
200 A list of Bi zPositions records. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: List of Biz Positions records
  "data": [
      "id": 0,
      "name": "string",
      "codeName": "string",
      "status": "active",
      "statusDt": "2021-01-25T16:56:52.503Z",
      "canBeDeleted": true,
      "favorite": "yes"
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "total": 0,
      "totalPages": 0,
      "currentPage": 0,
      "perPage": 0,
      "count": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Creates a new Biz Positions record.Up
Method Overview

This method creates a new Biz Positions record.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
post data (required) object (body) Biz Positions data.
Data Parameters

post data object example

  "name": "string",
  "favorite": "yes"
Code Description Links
200 Biz Positions record created successfully. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Biz Positions record created successfully
  "id": 0,
  "name": "string",
  "codeName": "string",
  "status": "active",
  "statusDt": "2023-01-11T14:23:46.383Z",
  "canBeDeleted": true,
  "favorite": "yes"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Returns a Biz Positions record for a given ID.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a Biz Positions record for a given ID.
The required privileges: biz-core.view.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Biz Positions ID.
Code Description Links
200 Biz Positions data. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Biz Positions data
  "id": 0,
  "name": "string",
  "codeName": "string",
  "status": "active",
  "statusDt": "2023-01-12T11:20:37.618Z",
  "canBeDeleted": true,
  "favorite": "yes"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Updates a Biz Positions data.Up
Method Overview

This method updates Biz Positions data.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Biz Positions ID.
put data (required) object (body) Biz Positions data.
Data Parameters

put data object example

  "name": "string",
  "status": "active",
  "favorite": "yes"
Code Description Links
200 Biz Positions updated successfully. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Biz Positions updated successfully
  "id": 0,
  "name": "string",
  "codeName": "string",
  "status": "active",
  "statusDt": "2023-01-11T14:26:36.697Z",
  "canBeDeleted": true,
  "favorite": "yes"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Deletes a Biz Positions data logically for a given ID.Up
Method Overview

This method deletes a Biz Positions data logically for a given ID.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Biz Positions ID.
Code Description Links
200 Biz Positions data deleted successfully. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Biz Positions data deleted successfully
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"

3.19 Relation Types

Endpoint for working with relation types.

Returns a list of Relation Types.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a list of Relation Types.
The required privileges: biz-core.view or biz-core.own.view.
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
all string (query) Returns all data for a given criteria.
Available values: yes, no.
Default value: no.
page_size integer (query) Page size.
Default value: 10.
page_number integer (query) Page number.
Default value: 1.
paging string (query) Paging options in the form of &paging=page_num,page_size, e.g. paging=1,10.
sort string (query) Sort options in the form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3.
operator(fieldName) string (query) Search criteria by using the following operators: isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween, includeIds and by following attributes: id, codeName, relationType.Sort available fields: id, codeName, relationType.

  • If operator is one of isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, a field value can be omitted.
  • If operator is in or notin, a field value must be a comma separated list of values.
  • If operator is between or notbetween, a field value must be a comma separated list of two values, representing the beginning and the end of a range.
  • Operator can be omitted, and in that case, it will be treated as operator is eq (E.g.: fieldName=fieldValue).
  • Example: startswith(clientName)=hor, starts with hor in field 'clientName'.
  • If fieldName is 'q', and operator is eq or omitted, a field value will be used in general search across multiple attributes.
Code Description Links
200 A list of Relation Types records. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: List of Relation Types records
  "data": [
      "id": 0,
      "codeName": "string",
      "relationType": "string"
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "total": 0,
      "totalPages": 0,
      "currentPage": 0,
      "perPage": 0,
      "count": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"

3.20 Service Categories

Endpoints for working with service categories.

Returns a list of Service Categories.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a list of Service Categories.
The required privileges: biz-core.view.
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
all string (query) Returns all data for a given criteria.
Available values: yes, no.
Default value: no.
page_size integer (query) Page size.
Default value: 10.
page_number integer (query) Page number.
Default value: 1.
paging string (query) Paging options in the form of &paging=page_num,page_size, e.g. paging=1,10.
sort string (query) Sort options in the form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3.
operator(fieldName) string (query) Search criteria by using the following operators: isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween, includeIds and by following attributes: id, category.
Sort available fields: id, category.

  • If operator is one of isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, a field value can be omitted.
  • If operator is in or notin, a field value must be a comma separated list of values.
  • If operator is between or notbetween, a field value must be a comma separated list of two values, representing the beginning and the end of a range.
  • Operator can be omitted, and in that case, it will be treated as operator is eq (E.g.: fieldName=fieldValue).
  • Example: startswith(clientName)=hor, starts with hor in field 'clientName'.
  • If fieldName is 'q', and operator is eq or omitted, a field value will be used in general search across multiple attributes.
Code Description Links
200 A list of Service Categories records. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: List of Service Categories records
  "data": [
      "id": 0,
      "category": "string"
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "total": 0,
      "totalPages": 0,
      "currentPage": 0,
      "perPage": 0,
      "count": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Returns Service Categories record for a given ID.Up
Method Overview

This method returns Service Categories record for a given ID.
The required privileges: biz-core.view.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Service Categories ID.
Code Description Links
200 Service Categories data. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Service Categories data
  "id": 0,
  "category": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"

3.21 Biz Partner LOV

Endpoints for working with Biz Partner LOV.

Returns a list of BizPartnerLov.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a list of BizPartnerLov.
The required privileges: biz-core.view or biz-core.own.view.
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
all string (query) Returns all data for a given criteria.
Available values: yes, no.
Default value: no.
page_size integer (query) Page size.
Default value: 10.
page_number integer (query) Page number.
Default value: 1.
paging string (query) Paging options in the form of &paging=page_num,page_size, e.g. paging=1,10.
sort string (query) Sort options in the form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3.
operator(fieldName) string (query) Search criteria by using the following operators: isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween, includeIds and by following attributes: id, name, briefName, city, postalCode, ownerBpId, instanceRole.
Sort available fields: id, name, briefName, city, postalCode.

  • If operator is one of isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, a field value can be omitted.
  • If operator is in or notin, a field value must be a comma separated list of values.
  • If operator is between or notbetween, a field value must be a comma separated list of two values, representing the beginning and the end of a range.
  • Operator can be omitted, and in that case, it will be treated as operator is eq (E.g.: fieldName=fieldValue).
  • Example: startswith(clientName)=hor, starts with hor in field 'clientName'.
  • If fieldName is 'q', and operator is eq or omitted, a field value will be used in general search across multiple attributes.
Code Description Links
200 A list of BizPartnerLov records. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: List of BizPartnerLov records
  "data": [
      "id": 0,
      "name": "string",
      "briefName": "string",
      "city": "string",
      "postalCode": "string",
      "code2": "string",
      "externalRefId": "string"
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "total": 0,
      "totalPages": 0,
      "currentPage": 0,
      "perPage": 0,
      "count": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Returns BizPartnerLov record for a given ID.Up
Method Overview

This method returns BizPartnerLov record for a given ID.
The required privileges: biz-core.view or biz-core.own.view.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) BizPartnerLov ID.
Code Description Links
200 BizPartnerLov data. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: BizPartnerLov data
  "id": 0,
  "name": "string",
  "briefName": "string",
  "city": "string",
  "postalCode": "string",
  "code2": "string",
  "externalRefId": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"

3.22 Biz Partner Status

Endpoint for working with Biz Partner status.

Returns BizPartnerStatus record for a given ID.Up
Method Overview

This method returns BizPartnerStatus record for a given ID.
The required privileges: biz-core.view or biz-core.own.view.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
status (required) string (path) Status. Available values: active, potential, archived, misc, suspended, draft.
Code Description Links
200 BizPartnerStatus data. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: BizPartnerStatus data
  "partnerStatus": "active",
  "partnerStatusCount": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"

3.23 Biz Partner Stat

Endpoint for working with BizPartnerStat.

Returns a list of BizPartnerStat.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a list of BizPartnerStat.
The required privileges: biz-core.view or biz-core.own.view.

URL Parameters

No parameters

Code Description Links
200 A list of BizPartnerStat records. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: List of BizPartnerStat records
  "data": [
      "relationType": "string",
      "productInfo": [
          "product": "string",
          "productCount": 0
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "total": 0,
      "totalPages": 0,
      "currentPage": 0,
      "perPage": 0,
      "count": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"

3.24 Context Owner

Endpoint for working with context owner.

Returns ContextOwner.Up
Method Overview

This method returns ContextOwner.
The required privileges: biz-core.view.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
ownerParam (required) string (path) Parameter. Available values: info.
Code Description Links
200 ContextOwner record. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: ContextOwner record
  "id": 0,
  "name": "string",
  "instanceRole": "string",
  "country": 0,
  "countryName": "string",
  "vatNumber": "string",
  "vatApply": "yes",
  "regNumber": "string",
  "legalAddressId": 0,
  "status": "string",
  "parentId": 0,
  "legalFormId": 0,
  "language": "string",
  "languageName": "string",
  "legalForm": "string",
  "briefName": "string",
  "detailsId": 0,
  "hasAttributes": "no",
  "externalRefId": 0,
  "statusActiveDt": "2021-01-26T09:31:39.875Z",
  "statusDt": "2021-01-26T09:31:39.875Z",
  "industryId": 0,
  "companySizeId": 0,
  "eMail": "string",
  "phone": "string",
  "fax": "string",
  "taxExempt": "string",
  "foundingD": "2021-01-26",
  "dunsNumber": "string",
  "industryName": "string",
  "companySize": "string",
  "instanceOwnerName": "string",
  "bizPartnerInstanceUid": "string",
  "isIntercompany": "no",
  "partnerTypeId": 0,
  "partnerTypeName": "string",
  "ownerBpId": 0,
  "ownerBpName": "string",
  "ownerBpBriefName": "string",
  "selfOwner": "yes"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"

3.25 Email Account

Endpoints for working with Email account.

Returns a list of Email Accounts.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a list of Email Accounts.
The required privileges: biz-core.view.
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
all string (query) Returns all data for a given criteria.
Available values: yes, no.
Default value: no.
page_size integer (query) Page size.
Default value: 10.
page_number integer (query) Page number.
Default value: 1.
paging string (query) Paging options in the form of &paging=page_num,page_size, e.g. paging=1,10.
sort string (query) Sort options in the form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3.
operator(fieldName) string (query) Search criteria by using the following operators: isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween, includeIds and by following attributes: id, name, canReceive, inHost, inPort, inSecurity, canSend, outHost, outPort, outSecurity, status, statusDt, bizPartnerId.
Sort available fields: id, name, canReceive, inHost, inPort, inSecurity, canSend, outHost, outPort, outSecurity, status, statusDt.

  • If operator is one of isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, a field value can be omitted.
  • If operator is in or notin, a field value must be a comma separated list of values.
  • If operator is between or notbetween, a field value must be a comma separated list of two values, representing the beginning and the end of a range.
  • Operator can be omitted, and in that case, it will be treated as operator is eq (E.g.: fieldName=fieldValue).
  • Example: startswith(clientName)=hor, starts with hor in field 'clientName'.
  • If fieldName is 'q', and operator is eq or omitted, a field value will be used in general search across multiple attributes.
can_send string (query) Filtering by column can_send. Available values: yes.
Code Description Links
200 A list of EmailAccounts records. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: List of EmailAccounts records
  "data": [
      "id": 0,
      "name": "string",
      "canReceive": "yes",
      "inHost": "string",
      "inPort": 0,
      "inSecurity": "string",
      "canSend": "yes",
      "outHost": "string",
      "outPort": 0,
      "outSecurity": "string",
      "status": "active",
      "statusDt": "2022-02-08T10:29:58.866Z"
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "total": 0,
      "totalPages": 0,
      "currentPage": 0,
      "perPage": 0,
      "count": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Returns EmailAccount record for a given ID.Up
Method Overview

This method returns EmailAccount record for a given ID.
The required privileges: biz-core.view.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) EmailAccount ID.
Code Description Links
200 EmailAccount data. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: EmailAccount data
  "id": 0,
  "name": "string",
  "canReceive": "yes",
  "inHost": "string",
  "inPort": 0,
  "inSecurity": "string",
  "canSend": "yes",
  "outHost": "string",
  "outPort": 0,
  "outSecurity": "string",
  "status": "active",
  "statusDt": "2021-01-26T09:37:10.438Z"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"

3.26 Finance Email Addresses

Endpoint for working with finance email addresses.

Returns a list of Finance Email Addresses.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a list of Finance Email Addresses.
The required privileges: biz-core.view or biz-core.own.view.
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
partnerId (required) integer (path) Biz Partner ID.
all string (query) Returns all data for a given criteria.
Available values: yes, no.
Default value: no.
page_size integer (query) Page size.
Default value: 10.
page_number integer (query) Page number.
Default value: 1.
paging string (query) Paging options in the form of &paging=page_num,page_size, e.g. paging=1,10.
sort string (query) Sort options in the form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3.
operator(fieldName) string (query) Sort available fields: id, emailContactId, addressType, eMail.

  • If operator is one of isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, a field value can be omitted.
  • If operator is in or notin, a field value must be a comma separated list of values.
  • If operator is between or notbetween, a field value must be a comma separated list of two values, representing the beginning and the end of a range.
  • Operator can be omitted, and in that case, it will be treated as operator is eq (E.g.: fieldName=fieldValue).
  • Example: startswith(clientName)=hor, starts with hor in field 'clientName'.
  • If fieldName is 'q', and operator is eq or omitted, a field value will be used in general search across multiple attributes.
Code Description Links
200 A list of FinanceEmailAddresses records. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: List of FinanceEmailAddresses records
  "data": [
      "id": 0,
      "emailContactId": 0,
      "addressType": "string",
      "eMail": "string",
      "bizPartnerId": 0,
      "bizPartnerBriefName": "string"
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "total": 0,
      "totalPages": 0,
      "currentPage": 0,
      "perPage": 0,
      "count": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"

3.27 Product Features

Endpoints for working with product features.

Returns a list of Product Features.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a list of Product Features.
The required privileges: biz-core.view.
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
productId (required) integer (path) Product ID.
all string (query) Returns all data for a given criteria.
Available values: yes, no.
Default value: no.
page_size integer (query) Page size.
Default value: 10.
page_number integer (query) Page number.
Default value: 1.
paging string (query) Paging options in the form of &paging=page_num,page_size, e.g. paging=1,10.
sort string (query) Sort options in the form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3.
operator(fieldName) string (query) Search criteria by using the following operators: isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween, includeIds and by following attributes: id, productId, codeName, name, status, productName, productCodeName.
Sort available fields: id, productId, codeName, name, status, productName, productCodeName.

  • If operator is one of isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, a field value can be omitted.
  • If operator is in or notin, a field value must be a comma separated list of values.
  • If operator is between or notbetween, a field value must be a comma separated list of two values, representing the beginning and the end of a range.
  • Operator can be omitted, and in that case, it will be treated as operator is eq (E.g.: fieldName=fieldValue).
  • Example: startswith(clientName)=hor, starts with hor in field 'clientName'.
  • If fieldName is 'q', and operator is eq or omitted, a field value will be used in general search across multiple attributes.
Code Description Links
200 A list of Product Features records. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: List of Product Features records
  "data": [
      "id": 0,
      "productId": 0,
      "codeName": "string",
      "name": "string",
      "status": "string",
      "productName": "string",
      "productCodeName": "string"
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "total": 0,
      "totalPages": 0,
      "currentPage": 0,
      "perPage": 0,
      "count": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Returns ProductFeature record for a given ID.Up
Method Overview

This method returns ProductFeature record for a given ID.
The required privileges: biz-core.view.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
productId (required) integer (path) Product ID.
featureId (required) integer (path) Feature ID.
Code Description Links
200 ProductFeature data. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: ProductFeature data
  "id": 0,
  "productId": 0,
  "codeName": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "status": "string",
  "productName": "string",
  "productCodeName": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"

3.28 Product Type Partners LOV

Endpoint for working with product type partners LOV.

Returns a list of ProductTypePartnersLov.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a list of ProductTypePartnersLov.
The required privileges: biz-core.view or biz-core.own.view.
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
all string (query) Returns all data for a given criteria.
Available values: yes, no.
Default value: no.
page_size integer (query) Page size.
Default value: 10.
page_number integer (query) Page number.
Default value: 1.
paging string (query) Paging options in the form of &paging=page_num,page_size, e.g. paging=1,10.
sort string (query) Sort options in the form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3.
operator(fieldName) string (query) Search criteria by using the following operators: isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween, includeIds and by following attributes: id, name, country, countryName, vatNumber, vatApply, regNumber, legalFormId, language, status, languageName, legalForm, briefName, industryId, companySizeId, eMail, phone, fax, taxExempt, dunsNumber, industryName, companySize, ownerBpId, ownerBpName, ownerBpBriefName, instanceRole.
Sort allowed attributes: id, name, country, countryName, vatNumber, vatApply, regNumber, legalFormId, language, status, languageName, legalForm, briefName, industryId, companySizeId, eMail, phone, fax, taxExempt, dunsNumber, industryName, companySize, ownerBpId, ownerBpName, ownerBpBriefName, instanceRole.

  • If operator is one of isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, a field value can be omitted.
  • If operator is in or notin, a field value must be a comma separated list of values.
  • If operator is between or notbetween, a field value must be a comma separated list of two values, representing the beginning and the end of a range.
  • Operator can be omitted, and in that case, it will be treated as operator is eq (E.g.: fieldName=fieldValue).
  • Example: startswith(clientName)=hor, starts with hor in field 'clientName'.
  • If fieldName is 'q', and operator is eq or omitted, a field value will be used in general search across multiple attributes.
Code Description Links
200 A list of ProductTypePartnersLov. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: List of ProductTypePartnersLov
  "data": [
      "id": 0,
      "name": "string",
      "instanceRole": "string",
      "country": 0,
      "countryName": "string",
      "vatNumber": "string",
      "vatApply": "string",
      "regNumber": "string",
      "legalAddressId": 0,
      "status": "string",
      "parentId": 0,
      "legalFormId": 0,
      "language": "string",
      "languageName": "string",
      "legalForm": "string",
      "instanceOwnerName": "string",
      "briefName": "string",
      "detailsId": 0,
      "hasAttributes": "yes",
      "externalRefId": 0,
      "bizPartnerInstanceUid": "string",
      "statusActiveDt": "2021-01-26T09:51:36.318Z",
      "statusDt": "2021-01-26T09:51:36.318Z",
      "industryId": 0,
      "companySizeId": 0,
      "eMail": "string",
      "phone": "string",
      "fax": "string",
      "taxExempt": "string",
      "foundingD": "2021-01-26T09:51:36.318Z",
      "dunsNumber": "string",
      "industryName": "string",
      "companySize": "string",
      "ownerBpId": 0,
      "ownerBpName": "string",
      "ownerBpBriefName": "string",
      "selfOwner": "yes",
      "isIntercompany": "yes",
      "partnerTypeId": 0,
      "partnerTypeName": "string"
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "total": 0,
      "totalPages": 0,
      "currentPage": 0,
      "perPage": 0,
      "count": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"

3.29 Finance Settings

Endpoints for working with finance settings.

Returns FinanceSettings record for a given ID.Up
Method Overview

This method returns FinanceSettings record for a given ID.
The required privileges: biz-core.view.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Biz Partner ID.
Code Description Links
200 FinanceSettings data. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: FinanceSettings data
  "id": 0,
  "productType": "string",
  "productId": 0,
  "invoiceAddressId": 0,
  "invoiceAddressIsDefault": "yes",
  "emailContactId": 0,
  "emailAddressIsDefault": "yes",
  "hardCopyAddressId": 0,
  "hardCopyAddressIsDefault": "yes",
  "nettingPartner": "yes",
  "emailAccountId": 0,
  "smtpAccount": "string",
  "emailAddressTO": "",
  "emailAddressCC": "",
  "emailAddressBcc": ""
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Updates FinanceSettings for a given ID.Up
Method Overview

This method updates FinanceSettings for a given ID.
The required privileges: biz-core.manage.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Biz Partner ID.
put data (required) object (body) Finance settings data.
Data Parameters

put data object example

  "partnerInDraft": "yes",
  "nettingPartner": "yes",
  "hardCopyAddressIsDefault": "yes",
  "invoiceAddressId": 0,
  "emailContact": {
    "emailAccountId": 0,
    "emailAddresses": [
        "addressType": "to",
        "eMail": ""
Code Description Links
200 Biz Partner address updated successfully. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Biz Partner address updated successfully
  "id": 0,
  "productType": "string",
  "productId": 0,
  "invoiceAddressId": 0,
  "invoiceAddressIsDefault": "yes",
  "emailContactId": 0,
  "emailAddressIsDefault": "yes",
  "hardCopyAddressId": 0,
  "hardCopyAddressIsDefault": "yes",
  "nettingPartner": "yes",
  "emailAccountId": 0,
  "smtpAccount": "string",
  "emailAddressTO": "",
  "emailAddressCC": "",
  "emailAddressBcc": ""
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"

3.30 Product Types

Endpoint for working with product types.

Returns a list of Product Types.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a list of Product Types.
The required privileges: biz-core.view.
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
all string (query) Returns all data for a given criteria.
Available values: yes, no.
Default value: no.
page_size integer (query) Page size.
Default value: 10.
page_number integer (query) Page number.
Default value: 1.
paging string (query) Paging options in the form of &paging=page_num,page_size, e.g. paging=1,10.
sort string (query) Sort options in the form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3.
operator(fieldName) string (query) Search criteria by using the following operators: isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween, includeIds and by following attributes: id, name, codeName, status, statusDt.
Sort available fields: id, name, codeName, status, statusDt.

  • If operator is one of isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, a field value can be omitted.
  • If operator is in or notin, a field value must be a comma separated list of values.
  • If operator is between or notbetween, a field value must be a comma separated list of two values, representing the beginning and the end of a range.
  • Operator can be omitted, and in that case, it will be treated as operator is eq (E.g.: fieldName=fieldValue).
  • Example: startswith(clientName)=hor, starts with hor in field 'clientName'.
  • If fieldName is 'q', and operator is eq or omitted, a field value will be used in general search across multiple attributes.
Code Description Links
200 A list of Product Types records. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: List of Product Types records
  "data": [
      "id": 0,
      "name": "string",
      "codeName": "string",
      "status": "active",
      "statusDt": "2021-02-01T10:02:01.249Z"
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "total": 0,
      "totalPages": 0,
      "currentPage": 0,
      "perPage": 0,
      "count": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"

3.31 Biz Partner Types

Endpoint for working with Biz Partner types.

Returns a list of all Biz Partner types.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a list of all Biz Partner types.
The required privileges: biz-core.view or biz-core.own.view.
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
all string (query) Returns all data for a given criteria.
Available values: yes, no.
Default value: no.
page_size integer (query) Page size.
Default value: 10.
page_number integer (query) Page number.
Default value: 1.
paging string (query) Paging options in the form of &paging=page_num,page_size, e.g. paging=1,10.
sort string (query) Sort options in the form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3.
operator(fieldName) string (query) Search criteria by using the following operators: isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween, and by following attributes: id, name, instanceId, favorite.

  • If operator is one of isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, a field value can be omitted.
  • If operator is in or notin, a field value must be a comma separated list of values.
  • If operator is between or notbetween, a field value must be a comma separated list of two values, representing the beginning and the end of a range.
  • Operator can be omitted, and in that case, it will be treated as operator is eq (E.g.: fieldName=fieldValue).
  • Example: startswith(clientName)=hor, starts with hor in field 'clientName'.
  • If fieldName is 'q', and operator is eq or omitted, a field value will be used in general search across multiple attributes.
Code Description Links
200 A list of Biz Partner types. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: List of Biz Partner types
  "data": [
      "id": 0,
      "name": "string",
      "status": "string",
      "favorite": "yes"
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "total": 0,
      "totalPages": 0,
      "currentPage": 0,
      "perPage": 0,
      "count": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"

3.32 Biz Settings

Endpoint for working with Biz Settings.

Returns BizSettings.Up
Method Overview

This method returns BizSettings record from the database on the Biz Partner instance.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
param (required) string (path) BizSettings param to get.
Code Description Links
200 BizSettings data. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: BizSettings data
  "instanceId": 0,
  "coOwnersEnabled": "no",
  "resellersEnabled": "no"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"

3.33 Web Socials

Endpoints for working with Web Socials.

Returns a list of all WebSocial.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a list of all WebSocial.
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
all string (query) Returns all data for a given criteria.
Available values: yes, no.
Default value: no.
page_size integer (query) Page size.
Default value: 10.
page_number integer (query) Page number.
Default value: 1.
paging string (query) Paging options in the form of &paging=page_num,page_size, e.g. paging=1,10.
sort string (query) Sort options in the form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3.
operator(fieldName) string (query) Search criteria by using the following operators: isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween and by following attributes: id, name, sectionRowId, value, status, sectionCodeName(DETAILS, CONTACTS, FINANCE-SETTINGS).

  • If operator is one of isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, a field value can be omitted.
  • If operator is in or notin, a field value must be a comma separated list of values.
  • If operator is between or notbetween, a field value must be a comma separated list of two values, representing the beginning and the end of a range.
  • Operator can be omitted, and in that case, it will be treated as operator is eq (E.g.: fieldName=fieldValue).
  • Example: startswith(clientName)=hor, starts with hor in field 'clientName'.
  • If fieldName is 'q', and operator is eq or omitted, a field value will be used in general search across multiple attributes.
Code Description Links
200 A list of WebSocials. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: List of WebSocials
  "data": [
      "id": 0,
      "name": "string",
      "sectionRowId": 0,
      "value": "string",
      "status": "active",
      "statusDt": "2021-02-01T13:15:44.579Z"
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "total": 0,
      "totalPages": 0,
      "currentPage": 0,
      "perPage": 0,
      "count": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Creates a new WebSocial record.Up
Method Overview

This method creates a new WebSocial record.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
sectionCodeName (required) string (path) Code name for section - DETAILS, CONTACTS, FINANCE-SETTINGS.
post data (required) object (body) WebSocial data.
Data Parameters

post data object example

  "name": "string",
  "sectionRowId": 0,
  "value": "string"
Code Description Links
200 WebSocial record created. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: WebSocial record created
  "id": 0,
  "name": "string",
  "sectionRowId": 0,
  "value": "string",
  "status": "active",
  "statusDt": "2021-02-01T13:19:05.861Z"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Returns WebSocials details for a given ID.Up
Method Overview

This method returns WebSocials details for a given ID.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) WebSocial ID.
Code Description Links
200 WebSocial data. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: WebSocial data
  "id": 0,
  "name": "string",
  "sectionRowId": 0,
  "value": "string",
  "status": "active",
  "statusDt": "2021-02-01T13:23:23.357Z"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Updates a WebSocial record.Up
Method Overview

This method updates a WebSocial record.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) WebSocial ID.
put data (required) object (body) WebSocial data.
Data Parameters

put data object example

  "name": "string",
  "value": "string"
Code Description Links
200 WebSocial updated successfully. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: WebSocial updated successfully
  "id": 0,
  "name": "string",
  "sectionRowId": 0,
  "value": "string",
  "status": "active",
  "statusDt": "2021-02-01T13:27:17.172Z"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Deletes a WebSocial record for a given ID.Up
Method Overview

This method deletes a WebSocial record for a given ID.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) WebSocial ID.
Code Description Links
200 WebSocial deleted successfully. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: WebSocial deleted successfully
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"

3.34 Partner Types

Endpoints for working with Partner Types.

Returns a list of all Partner Types.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a list of all Partner Types.
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
all string (query) Returns all data for a given criteria.
Available values: yes, no.
Default value: no.
page_size integer (query) Page size.
Default value: 10.
page_number integer (query) Page number.
Default value: 1.
paging string (query) Paging options in the form of &paging=page_num,page_size, e.g. paging=1,10.
sort string (query) Sort options in the form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3.
operator(fieldName) string (query) Search criteria by using the following operators: isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween, includeIds and by following attributes: id, instanceId, name, status, favorite.

  • If operator is one of isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, a field value can be omitted.
  • If operator is in or notin, a field value must be a comma separated list of values.
  • If operator is between or notbetween, a field value must be a comma separated list of two values, representing the beginning and the end of a range.
  • Operator can be omitted, and in that case, it will be treated as operator is eq (E.g.: fieldName=fieldValue).
  • Example: startswith(clientName)=hor, starts with hor in field 'clientName'.
  • If fieldName is 'q', and operator is eq or omitted, a field value will be used in general search across multiple attributes.
Code Description Links
200 A list of Partner Types. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: List of Partner Types
  "data": [
      "id": 0,
      "name": "string",
      "status": "active",
      "statusDt": "2021-02-01T13:35:51.271Z",
      "dbCodeName": "string",
      "comment": "yes"
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "total": 0,
      "totalPages": 0,
      "currentPage": 0,
      "perPage": 0,
      "count": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Creates a new PartnerType record.Up
Method Overview

This method creates a new PartnerType record.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
post data (required) object (body) Partner type data.
Data Parameters

post data object example

  "name": "manually",
  "selfOwner": "yes"
Code Description Links
200 PartnerType record created. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: PartnerType record created
  "id": 0,
  "name": "string",
  "status": "active",
  "statusDt": "2021-02-01T13:42:20.637Z",
  "dbCodeName": "string",
  "comment": "yes"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Returns PartnerType data for a given ID.Up
Method Overview

This method returns PartnerType data for a given ID.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) PartnerType ID.
Code Description Links
200 PartnerType data. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: PartnerType data
  "id": 0,
  "name": "string",
  "status": "active",
  "statusDt": "2021-02-01T13:42:20.637Z",
  "dbCodeName": "string",
  "comment": "yes"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Updates PartnerType data for a given ID.Up
Method Overview

This method updates PartnerType data for a given ID.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) PartnerType ID.
put data (required) object (body) PartnerType data.
Data Parameters

put data object example

  "name": "string",
  "taxExempt": "string",
  "foundingD": "2021-02-01T13:48:47.047Z",
  "industryId": 0,
  "companySizeId": 0,
  "eMail": "string",
  "phone": "string",
  "fax": "string",
  "industryName": "string",
  "companySize": "string",
  "hasAttributes": "yes",
  "isIntercompany": "yes"
Code Description Links
200 PartnerType updated successfully. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: PartnerType updated successfully
  "id": 0,
  "name": "string",
  "status": "active",
  "statusDt": "2021-02-01T13:49:39.022Z",
  "dbCodeName": "string",
  "comment": "yes"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Deletes PartnerType data for a given ID.Up
Method Overview

This method deletes PartnerType data for a given ID.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) PartnerType ID.
Code Description Links
200 Partner Type data deleted successfully. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Partner Type data deleted successfully
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"

3.35 Industries

Endpoints for working with Industries.

Returns a list of all Industry.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a list of all Industries.
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
all string (query) Returns all data for a given criteria.
Available values: yes, no.
Default value: no.
page_size integer (query) Page size.
Default value: 10.
page_number integer (query) Page number.
Default value: 1.
paging string (query) Paging options in the form of &paging=page_num,page_size, e.g. paging=1,10.
sort string (query) Sort options in the form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3.
operator(fieldName) string (query) Search criteria by using the following operators: isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween, includeIds and by following attributes: id, instanceId, name, status, favorite.

  • If operator is one of isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, a field value can be omitted.
  • If operator is in or notin, a field value must be a comma separated list of values.
  • If operator is between or notbetween, a field value must be a comma separated list of two values, representing the beginning and the end of a range.
  • Operator can be omitted, and in that case, it will be treated as operator is eq (E.g.: fieldName=fieldValue).
  • Example: startswith(clientName)=hor, starts with hor in field 'clientName'.
  • If fieldName is 'q', and operator is eq or omitted, a field value will be used in general search across multiple attributes.
Code Description Links
200 A list of Industries. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: List of Industries
  "data": [
      "id": 0,
      "name": "string",
      "status": "active",
      "statusDt": "2021-02-02T12:56:10.108Z",
      "canBeDeleted": true,
      "favorite": "yes"
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "total": 0,
      "totalPages": 0,
      "currentPage": 0,
      "perPage": 0,
      "count": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Creates a new Industry record.Up
Method Overview

This method creates a new Industry record.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
post data (required) object (body) Industry data.
Data Parameters

post data object example

  "name": "string",
  "favorite": "yes"
Code Description Links
200 Industry record created. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Industry record created
  "id": 0,
  "name": "string",
  "status": "active",
  "statusDt": "2021-02-02T12:58:35.192Z",
  "canBeDeleted": true,
  "favorite": "yes"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Returns Industry data for a given ID.Up
Method Overview

This method returns Industry data for a given ID.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Industry ID.
Code Description Links
200 Industry data. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Industry data
  "id": 0,
  "name": "string",
  "status": "active",
  "statusDt": "2021-02-02T13:01:11.368Z",
  "canBeDeleted": true,
  "favorite": "yes"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Updates Industry data for a given ID.Up
Method Overview

This method updates Industry data for a given ID.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Industry ID.
put data (required) object (body) Industry data.
Data Parameters

put data object example

  "name": "string",
  "status": "active",
  "favorite": "yes"
Code Description Links
200 Industry data updated successfully. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Industry data updated successfully
  "id": 0,
  "name": "string",
  "status": "active",
  "statusDt": "2021-02-02T13:01:11.368Z",
  "canBeDeleted": true,
  "favorite": "yes"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Deletes Industry data for a given ID logically.Up
Method Overview

This method deletes Industry data for a given ID logically.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Industry ID.
Code Description Links
200 Industry record deleted successfully. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Industry record deleted successfully
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"

3.36 Company Size

Endpoints for working with Company Size.

Returns a list of all Company Sizes.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a list of all Company Sizes.
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
all string (query) Returns all data for a given criteria.
Available values: yes, no.
Default value: no.
page_size integer (query) Page size.
Default value: 10.
page_number integer (query) Page number.
Default value: 1.
paging string (query) Paging options in the form of &paging=page_num,page_size, e.g. paging=1,10.
sort string (query) Sort options in the form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3.
operator(fieldName) string (query) Search criteria by using the following operators: isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween, includeIds and by following attributes: id, instanceId, companySize, status, favorite.

  • If operator is one of isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, a field value can be omitted.
  • If operator is in or notin, a field value must be a comma separated list of values.
  • If operator is between or notbetween, a field value must be a comma separated list of two values, representing the beginning and the end of a range.
  • Operator can be omitted, and in that case, it will be treated as operator is eq (E.g.: fieldName=fieldValue).
  • Example: startswith(clientName)=hor, starts with hor in field 'clientName'.
  • If fieldName is 'q', and operator is eq or omitted, a field value will be used in general search across multiple attributes.
Code Description Links
200 A list of Company Sizes. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: List of Company Sizes
  "data": [
      "id": 0,
      "companySize": "string",
      "status": "active",
      "statusDt": "2021-02-02T13:18:15.807Z",
      "canBeDeleted": true,
      "favorite": "yes"
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "total": 0,
      "totalPages": 0,
      "currentPage": 0,
      "perPage": 0,
      "count": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Creates a new Company Size record.Up
Method Overview

This method creates a new Company Size record.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
post data (required) object (body) Company size data.
Data Parameters

post data object example

  "companySize": "string",
  "favorite": "yes"
Code Description Links
200 Company Size record created. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Company Size record created
  "id": 0,
  "companySize": "string",
  "status": "active",
  "statusDt": "2021-02-02T13:18:46.685Z",
  "canBeDeleted": true,
  "favorite": "yes"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Returns Company Size data for a given ID.Up
Method Overview

This method returns Company Size data for a given ID.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Company Size ID.
Code Description Links
200 Company Size data. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Company Size data
  "id": 0,
  "companySize": "string",
  "status": "active",
  "statusDt": "2021-02-02T13:19:49.252Z",
  "canBeDeleted": true,
  "favorite": "yes"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Updates Company Size data for a given ID.Up
Method Overview

This method updates Company Size data for a given ID.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Company Size ID.
put data (required) object (body) Company Size data.
Data Parameters

put data object example

  "companySize": "string",
  "status": "active",
  "favorite": "yes"
Code Description Links
200 Company Size updated successfully. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Company Size updated successfully
  "id": 0,
  "companySize": "string",
  "status": "active",
  "statusDt": "2021-02-02T13:20:11.935Z",
  "canBeDeleted": true,
  "favorite": "yes"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Deletes Company Size record for a given ID logically.Up
Method Overview

This method deletes Company Size record for a given ID.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Company Size ID.
Code Description Links
200 Company Size deleted successfully. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Company Size deleted successfully
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"

3.37 Partners

Endpoints for working with Partners.

Returns a list of all Partners.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a list of all Partners.
The required privileges:
- biz-core.view - Logged user can see all Biz partners in the list.
- biz-core-own.view - Logged user can see only his own Biz Partner in the list.
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
all string (query) Returns all data for a given criteria.
Available values: yes, no.
Default value: no.
page_size integer (query) Page size.
Default value: 10.
page_number integer (query) Page number.
Default value: 1.
paging string (query) Paging options in the form of &paging=page_num,page_size, e.g. paging=1,10.
sort string (query) Sort options in the form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3.
operator(fieldName) string (query) Search criteria by using the following operators: isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween, includeIds, and by following attributes: id, instanceId, name, country, vatNumber, vatApply, regNumber, legalAddressId, status, parentId, legalFormId, language, bizPartnerUid, briefName, partnerDetailsId, notificationAddressId, hasAttributes, externalRefId, partnerTypeId, isIntercompany, partnerTypeName, dunsNumber, taxExempt, statusActiveDt, statusDt, foundingD, industryId, companySizeId, eMail, phone, fax, creation, industryName, companySize, languageName.

  • If operator is one of isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, a field value can be omitted.
  • If operator is in or notin, a field value must be a comma separated list of values.
  • If operator is between or notbetween, a field value must be a comma separated list of two values, representing the beginning and the end of a range.
  • Operator can be omitted, and in that case, it will be treated as operator is eq (E.g.: fieldName=fieldValue).
  • Example: startswith(clientName)=hor, starts with hor in field 'clientName'.
  • If fieldName is 'q', and operator is eq or omitted, a field value will be used in general search across multiple attributes.
Code Description Links
200 A list of Partners. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: List of Partners
  "data": [
      "id": 0,
      "name": "string",
      "country": 0,
      "vatNumber": "string",
      "vatApply": "yes",
      "regNumber": "string",
      "legalAddressId": 0,
      "value": "string",
      "status": "potential",
      "parentId": 0,
      "legalFormId": 0,
      "language": "string",
      "bizPartnerUid": "string",
      "partnerDetailsId": 0,
      "briefName": "string",
      "notificationAddressId": 0,
      "externalRefId": "string",
      "partnerTypeId": 0,
      "partnerTypeName": "string",
      "statusActiveDt": "2021-02-02T13:31:49.562Z",
      "statusDt": "2021-02-02T13:31:49.562Z"
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "total": 0,
      "totalPages": 0,
      "currentPage": 0,
      "perPage": 0,
      "count": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Returns a Partner data for a given ID.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a Partner data for a given ID.
The required privileges:
- biz-core.view - Logged user can see all Biz partners.
- biz-core-own.view - Logged user can see only his own Biz Partner.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Partner ID.
Code Description Links
200 Partner data. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Partner data
  "id": 0,
  "name": "string",
  "country": 0,
  "vatNumber": "string",
  "vatApply": "yes",
  "regNumber": "string",
  "legalAddressId": 0,
  "status": "potential",
  "parentId": 0,
  "legalFormId": 0,
  "language": "string",
  "bizPartnerUid": "string",
  "partnerDetailsId": 0,
  "briefName": "string",
  "notificationAddressId": 0,
  "externalRefId": "string",
  "partnerTypeId": 0,
  "partnerTypeName": "string",
  "statusActiveDt": "2022-02-18T12:41:21.202Z",
  "statusDt": "2022-02-18T12:41:21.202Z",
  "dunsNumber": "string",
  "taxExempt": "string",
  "foundingD": "2022-02-18",
  "industryId": 0,
  "companySizeId": 0,
  "email": "string",
  "phone": "string",
  "fax": "string",
  "industryName": "string",
  "companySize": "string",
  "hasAttributes": "yes",
  "isIntercompany": "yes",
  "creation": "2022-02-18",
  "instanceRole": "string",
  "ownerBpId": 0,
  "ownerBpName": "string",
  "ownerBpBriefName": "string",
  "selfOwner": "yes"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Updates Partner data.Up
Method Overview

This method updates Partner data.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Partner ID.
put data (required) object (body) Partner data.
Data Parameters

put data object example

  "name": "string",
  "country": 0,
  "vatNumber": "string",
  "vatApply": "yes",
  "regNumber": "string",
  "legalFormId": 0,
  "language": "string",
  "briefName": "string",
  "externalRefId": "string",
  "partnerTypeId": 0,
  "isIntercompany": "yes",
  "dunsNumber": "string",
  "taxExempt": "string",
  "foundingD": "2021-02-02",
  "industryId": 0,
  "companySizeId": 0,
  "eMail": "string",
  "phone": "string",
  "fax": "string",
  "creation": "manually",
  "selfOwner": "yes",
  "ownerBpId": 0
Code Description Links
200 Partner updated successfully. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Partner updated successfully
  "id": 0,
  "name": "string",
  "country": 0,
  "vatNumber": "string",
  "vatApply": "yes",
  "regNumber": "string",
  "legalAddressId": 0,
  "status": "potential",
  "parentId": 0,
  "legalFormId": 0,
  "language": "string",
  "bizPartnerUid": "string",
  "partnerDetailsId": 0,
  "briefName": "string",
  "notificationAddressId": 0,
  "externalRefId": "string",
  "partnerTypeId": 0,
  "partnerTypeName": "string",
  "statusActiveDt": "2022-02-18T12:53:12.957Z",
  "statusDt": "2022-02-18T12:53:12.957Z",
  "dunsNumber": "string",
  "taxExempt": "string",
  "foundingD": "2022-02-18",
  "industryId": 0,
  "companySizeId": 0,
  "email": "string",
  "phone": "string",
  "fax": "string",
  "industryName": "string",
  "companySize": "string",
  "hasAttributes": "yes",
  "isIntercompany": "yes",
  "creation": "2022-02-18",
  "instanceRole": "string",
  "ownerBpId": 0,
  "ownerBpName": "string",
  "ownerBpBriefName": "string",
  "selfOwner": "yes"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Deletes business partner logically with all necessary prior checks (pricelists, billings, balances, connections, coOwner, Business Messenger).Up
Method Overview

This method deletes business partner logically with all necessary prior checks (pricelists, billings, balances, connections, coOwner, Business Messenger).

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Partner ID.
Code Description Links
204 Partner deleted successfully. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 204: Partner deleted successfully
Error Response 409: Unable to delete Partner due to its instance role or relations
  "code": "string",
  "message": "string",
  "items": [
      "name": "string",
      "sectionRowId": 0,
      "value": "string",
      "description": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Changes Biz Partner status. For deactivating process, first checks instance role, pricelists, billings, balances, connections, coOwner.Up
Method Overview

This method changes Biz Partner status. For deactivating process, first checks instance role, pricelists, billings, balances, connections, coOwner.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Biz Partner ID.
put data (required) object (body) Biz Partner status.
Data Parameters

put data object example

  "status": "suspended"
Code Description Links
200 Partner's status changed successfully. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Partner's status changed successfully
  "id": 0,
  "name": "string",
  "country": 0,
  "vatNumber": "string",
  "vatApply": "yes",
  "regNumber": "string",
  "legalAddressId": 0,
  "status": "potential",
  "parentId": 0,
  "legalFormId": 0,
  "language": "string",
  "bizPartnerUid": "string",
  "partnerDetailsId": 0,
  "briefName": "string",
  "notificationAddressId": 0,
  "externalRefId": "string",
  "partnerTypeId": 0,
  "partnerTypeName": "string",
  "statusActiveDt": "2022-02-18T14:08:40.702Z",
  "statusDt": "2022-02-18T14:08:40.702Z",
  "dunsNumber": "string",
  "taxExempt": "string",
  "foundingD": "2022-02-18",
  "industryId": 0,
  "companySizeId": 0,
  "email": "string",
  "phone": "string",
  "fax": "string",
  "industryName": "string",
  "companySize": "string",
  "hasAttributes": "yes",
  "isIntercompany": "yes",
  "creation": "2022-02-18",
  "instanceRole": "string",
  "ownerBpId": 0,
  "ownerBpName": "string",
  "ownerBpBriefName": "string",
  "selfOwner": "yes"
Error Response 409: Unable to delete Partner due to its instance role or relations
  "code": "string",
  "message": "string",
  "items": [
      "name": "string",
      "sectionRowId": 0,
      "value": "string",
      "description": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Returns Business Partner data for a given ID.Up
Method Overview

This method returns Business Partner data for a given ID.
The required privileges: biz-core.view or biz-core.own.view.

Allowed embedded objects: legalAddress, bizPartnerProduct.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Business Partner ID.
embed integer (query) Allowed embedded objects: legalAddress, bizPartnerProducts.
Example: embed=legalAddress, embed=bizPartnerProduct.
Code Description Links
200 Business Partner data. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Business Partner data
  "id": 0,
  "instanceId": 0,
  "name": "string",
  "country": 0,
  "vatNumber": "string",
  "vatApply": "yes",
  "regNumber": "string",
  "legalAddressId": "string",
  "status": "string",
  "parentId": 0,
  "legalFormId": 0,
  "language": "string",
  "bizPartnerUid": "string",
  "instanceOwnerName": "string",
  "briefName": "string",
  "countryName": "string",
  "dunsNumber": "string",
  "statusDt": "2021-02-02T13:51:21.794Z",
  "statusActiveDt": "2021-02-02T13:51:21.794Z",
  "legalForm": "string",
  "languageName": "string",
  "taxExempt": "string",
  "foundingD": "2021-02-02",
  "industryId": 0,
  "companySizeId": 0,
  "eMail": "string",
  "phone": "string",
  "fax": "string",
  "industryName": "string",
  "companySize": "string",
  "instanceRole": "string",
  "externalRefId": "string",
  "bizPartnerInstanceUid": "string",
  "hasAttributes": "string",
  "isIntercompany": "string",
  "partnerTypeId": 0,
  "partnerTypeName": "string",
  "detailsId": 0,
  "ownerBpId": 0,
  "ownerBpName": "string",
  "ownerBpBriefName": "string",
  "selfOwner": "yes",
  "legalAddress": {
    "id": 0,
    "bizPartnerId": 0,
    "bizPartnerName": "string",
    "bizPartnerBriefName": "string",
    "addressTypeId": 0,
    "addressTypeName": "string",
    "addressTypeCodeName": "string",
    "branchName": "string",
    "country": 0,
    "countryName": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "address": "string",
    "poBox": "string",
    "postalCode": "string",
    "city": "string",
    "province": "string",
    "attnPerson": "string",
    "latitude": "string",
    "longitude": "string",
    "eMail": "string",
    "phone": "string",
    "fax": "string",
    "copyOfAddresses": [
        "id": 0,
        "bizPartnerId": 0,
        "bizPartnerName": "string",
        "bizPartnerBriefName": "string",
        "addressTypeId": 0,
        "addressTypeName": "string",
        "addressTypeCodeName": "string",
        "country": 0,
        "countryName": "string",
        "name": "string",
        "branchName": "string",
        "address": "string",
        "poBox": "string",
        "postalCode": "string",
        "city": "string",
        "province": "string",
        "attnPerson": "string",
        "latitude": "string",
        "longitude": "string",
        "eMail": "string",
        "phone": "string",
        "fax": "string",
        "copyToAddresses": [
            "id": 0,
            "name": "string",
            "branchName": "string",
            "addressTypeId": 0
  "extraAttributes": {
    "data": [
        "id": 0,
        "sectionId": 0,
        "attributeId": 0,
        "attributeName": "string",
        "customAttrName": "string",
        "attributeValue": "string",
        "attributeCodeName": "string",
        "attributeTypeId": 0
  "businessPartnerProducts": {
    "data": [
        "id": 0,
        "bizPartnerId": 0,
        "bizPartnerBriefName": "string",
        "productTypeName": "string",
        "productTypeCodeName": "string",
        "productId": 0,
        "productName": "string",
        "productCodeName": "string",
        "relationTypeId": 0,
        "relationTypeName": "string",
        "relationTypeCodeName": "string",
        "status": "string",
        "enabledDt": "2021-02-02T13:51:21.795Z",
        "disabledDt": "2021-02-02T13:51:21.795Z",
        "statusDt": "2021-02-02T13:51:21.795Z",
        "notes": "string",
        "customerType": "string",
        "accountManagerId": 0,
        "serviceCategoryId": 0,
        "serviceProductName": "string",
        "productBulkSms": {
          "id": 0,
          "bizpProductId": 0,
          "sellingPaymentType": "string",
          "sellingPaymentDue": 0,
          "validFromD": "2021-02-02",
          "billingCycle": 0,
          "billingCycleUnit": "string",
          "currencyId": 0,
          "invoiceTriggerAmount": 0,
          "overdraftLimit": 0,
          "creditLimit": 0,
          "deposit": 0,
          "bankGuarantee": 0,
          "disputePercent": 0,
          "maxDispute": 0,
          "announcementDays": 0,
          "currencyCode": "string",
          "currencyName": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Updates Business Partner data for a given ID.Up
Method Overview

This method updates Business Partner data for a given ID.
The required privilege: biz-core.manage.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Business Partner ID.
put data (required) object (body) Business Partner update data.
Data Parameters

put data object example

  "name": "string",
  "briefName": "string",
  "externalRefId": "string",
  "country": 0,
  "vatNumber": "string",
  "vatApply": "yes",
  "regNumber": "string",
  "dunsNumber": "string",
  "statusActiveDt": "2021-02-02T13:55:28.477Z",
  "legalFormId": 0,
  "language": "string",
  "taxExempt": "string",
  "foundingD": "2021-02-02",
  "industryId": 0,
  "companySizeId": 0,
  "eMail": "string",
  "phone": "string",
  "fax": "string",
  "isIntercompany": "string",
  "partnerTypeId": 0,
  "selfOwner": "string",
  "ownerBpId": 0,
  "extraAttributes": {
    "data": [
        "attributeId": 0,
        "attributeValue": "string",
        "customAttrName": "string"
Code Description Links
200 Business Partner data. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Business Partner data
  "id": 0,
  "instanceId": 0,
  "name": "string",
  "country": 0,
  "vatNumber": "string",
  "vatApply": "yes",
  "regNumber": "string",
  "legalAddressId": "string",
  "status": "string",
  "parentId": 0,
  "legalFormId": 0,
  "language": "string",
  "bizPartnerUid": "string",
  "instanceOwnerName": "string",
  "briefName": "string",
  "countryName": "string",
  "dunsNumber": "string",
  "statusDt": "2022-02-28T09:51:28.728Z",
  "statusActiveDt": "2022-02-28T09:51:28.728Z",
  "legalForm": "string",
  "languageName": "string",
  "taxExempt": "string",
  "foundingD": "2022-02-28",
  "industryId": 0,
  "companySizeId": 0,
  "eMail": "string",
  "phone": "string",
  "fax": "string",
  "industryName": "string",
  "companySize": "string",
  "instanceRole": "string",
  "externalRefId": "string",
  "bizPartnerInstanceUid": "string",
  "hasAttributes": "string",
  "isIntercompany": "string",
  "partnerTypeId": 0,
  "partnerTypeName": "string",
  "detailsId": 0,
  "ownerBpId": 0,
  "ownerBpName": "string",
  "ownerBpBriefName": "string",
  "selfOwner": "yes",
  "legalAddress": {
    "id": 0,
    "bizPartnerId": 0,
    "bizPartnerName": "string",
    "bizPartnerBriefName": "string",
    "addressTypeId": 0,
    "addressTypeName": "string",
    "addressTypeCodeName": "string",
    "branchName": "string",
    "country": 0,
    "countryName": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "address": "string",
    "poBox": "string",
    "postalCode": "string",
    "city": "string",
    "province": "string",
    "attnPerson": "string",
    "latitude": "string",
    "longitude": "string",
    "eMail": "string",
    "phone": "string",
    "fax": "string",
    "copyOfAddresses": [
        "id": 0,
        "bizPartnerId": 0,
        "bizPartnerName": "string",
        "bizPartnerBriefName": "string",
        "addressTypeId": 0,
        "addressTypeName": "string",
        "addressTypeCodeName": "string",
        "country": 0,
        "countryName": "string",
        "name": "string",
        "branchName": "string",
        "address": "string",
        "poBox": "string",
        "postalCode": "string",
        "city": "string",
        "province": "string",
        "attnPerson": "string",
        "latitude": "string",
        "longitude": "string",
        "eMail": "string",
        "phone": "string",
        "fax": "string",
        "copyToAddresses": [
            "id": 0,
            "name": "string",
            "branchName": "string",
            "addressTypeId": 0
  "extraAttributes": {
    "data": [
        "id": 0,
        "sectionId": 0,
        "attributeId": 0,
        "attributeName": "string",
        "customAttrName": "string",
        "attributeValue": "string",
        "attributeCodeName": "string",
        "attributeTypeId": 0
  "businessPartnerProducts": {
    "data": [
        "id": 0,
        "bizPartnerId": 0,
        "bizPartnerBriefName": "string",
        "productTypeName": "string",
        "productTypeCodeName": "string",
        "productId": 0,
        "productName": "string",
        "productCodeName": "string",
        "relationTypeId": 0,
        "relationTypeName": "string",
        "relationTypeCodeName": "string",
        "status": "string",
        "enabledDt": "2022-02-28T09:51:28.728Z",
        "disabledDt": "2022-02-28T09:51:28.728Z",
        "statusDt": "2022-02-28T09:51:28.728Z",
        "notes": "string",
        "customerType": "string",
        "accountManagerId": 0,
        "accountManagerName": "string",
        "serviceCategoryId": 0,
        "serviceProductName": "string",
        "productBulkSms": {
          "id": 0,
          "bizpProductId": 0,
          "sellingPaymentType": "string",
          "sellingPaymentDue": 0,
          "validFromD": "2022-02-28",
          "billingCycle": 0,
          "billingCycleUnit": "string",
          "currencyId": 0,
          "invoiceTriggerAmount": 0,
          "overdraftLimit": 0,
          "creditLimit": 0,
          "deposit": 0,
          "bankGuarantee": 0,
          "disputePercent": 0,
          "maxDispute": 0,
          "announcementDays": 0,
          "currencyCode": "string",
          "currencyName": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Creates a new Biz Partner record.Up
Method Overview

This method creates a new Biz Partner record.
The required privileges: biz-core.manage, auth.resource.add.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
post data (required) object (body) Biz Partner data.
Data Parameters

post data object example

  "name": "string",
  "briefName": "string",
  "externalRefId": "string",
  "country": 0,
  "vatNumber": "string",
  "vatApply": "yes",
  "regNumber": "string",
  "dunsNumber": "string",
  "status": "string",
  "taxExempt": "string",
  "foundingD": "2021-02-02",
  "statusActiveDt": "2021-02-02T14:00:34.554Z",
  "industryID": 0,
  "companySizeId": 0,
  "legalFormId": 0,
  "language": "string",
  "eMail": "string",
  "phone": "string",
  "fax": "string",
  "isIntercompany": "yes",
  "partnerTypeId": 0,
  "selfOwner": "yes",
  "ownerBpId": 0,
  "addresses": {
    "data": [
        "addressTypeId": 0,
        "country": 0,
        "name": "string",
        "branchName": "string",
        "address": "string",
        "poBox": "string",
        "postalCode": "string",
        "city": "string",
        "province": "string",
        "attnPerson": "string",
        "latitude": 0,
        "longitude": 0,
        "eMail": "string",
        "phone": "string",
        "fax": "string",
        "copyToAddresses": {
          "data": [
              "name": "string",
              "branchName": "string",
              "addressTypeId": 0
  "extraAttributes": {
    "data": [
        "attributeId": 0,
        "attributeValue": "string",
        "customAttrName": "string"
Code Description Links
201 Business Partner record created. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 201: Business Partner record created
  "id": 0,
  "instanceId": 0,
  "name": "string",
  "country": 0,
  "vatNumber": "string",
  "vatApply": "yes",
  "regNumber": "string",
  "legalAddressId": "string",
  "status": "string",
  "parentId": 0,
  "legalFormId": 0,
  "language": "string",
  "bizPartnerUid": "string",
  "instanceOwnerName": "string",
  "briefName": "string",
  "countryName": "string",
  "dunsNumber": "string",
  "statusDt": "2021-02-02T14:02:01.184Z",
  "statusActiveDt": "2021-02-02T14:02:01.184Z",
  "legalForm": "string",
  "languageName": "string",
  "taxExempt": "string",
  "foundingD": "2021-02-02",
  "industryId": 0,
  "companySizeId": 0,
  "eMail": "string",
  "phone": "string",
  "fax": "string",
  "industryName": "string",
  "companySize": "string",
  "instanceRole": "string",
  "externalRefId": "string",
  "bizPartnerInstanceUid": "string",
  "hasAttributes": "string",
  "isIntercompany": "string",
  "partnerTypeId": 0,
  "partnerTypeName": "string",
  "detailsId": 0,
  "ownerBpId": 0,
  "ownerBpName": "string",
  "ownerBpBriefName": "string",
  "selfOwner": "yes",
  "legalAddress": {
    "id": 0,
    "bizPartnerId": 0,
    "bizPartnerName": "string",
    "bizPartnerBriefName": "string",
    "addressTypeId": 0,
    "addressTypeName": "string",
    "addressTypeCodeName": "string",
    "branchName": "string",
    "country": 0,
    "countryName": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "address": "string",
    "poBox": "string",
    "postalCode": "string",
    "city": "string",
    "province": "string",
    "attnPerson": "string",
    "latitude": "string",
    "longitude": "string",
    "eMail": "string",
    "phone": "string",
    "fax": "string",
    "copyOfAddresses": [
        "id": 0,
        "bizPartnerId": 0,
        "bizPartnerName": "string",
        "bizPartnerBriefName": "string",
        "addressTypeId": 0,
        "addressTypeName": "string",
        "addressTypeCodeName": "string",
        "country": 0,
        "countryName": "string",
        "name": "string",
        "branchName": "string",
        "address": "string",
        "poBox": "string",
        "postalCode": "string",
        "city": "string",
        "province": "string",
        "attnPerson": "string",
        "latitude": "string",
        "longitude": "string",
        "eMail": "string",
        "phone": "string",
        "fax": "string",
        "copyToAddresses": [
            "id": 0,
            "name": "string",
            "branchName": "string",
            "addressTypeId": 0
  "extraAttributes": {
    "data": [
        "id": 0,
        "sectionId": 0,
        "attributeId": 0,
        "attributeName": "string",
        "customAttrName": "string",
        "attributeValue": "string",
        "attributeCodeName": "string",
        "attributeTypeId": 0
  "businessPartnerProducts": {
    "data": [
        "id": 0,
        "bizPartnerId": 0,
        "bizPartnerBriefName": "string",
        "productTypeName": "string",
        "productTypeCodeName": "string",
        "productId": 0,
        "productName": "string",
        "productCodeName": "string",
        "relationTypeId": 0,
        "relationTypeName": "string",
        "relationTypeCodeName": "string",
        "status": "string",
        "enabledDt": "2021-02-02T14:02:01.184Z",
        "disabledDt": "2021-02-02T14:02:01.184Z",
        "statusDt": "2021-02-02T14:02:01.184Z",
        "notes": "string",
        "customerType": "string",
        "accountManagerId": 0,
        "serviceCategoryId": 0,
        "serviceProductName": "string",
        "productBulkSms": {
          "id": 0,
          "bizpProductId": 0,
          "sellingPaymentType": "string",
          "sellingPaymentDue": 0,
          "validFromD": "2021-02-02",
          "billingCycle": 0,
          "billingCycleUnit": "string",
          "currencyId": 0,
          "invoiceTriggerAmount": 0,
          "overdraftLimit": 0,
          "creditLimit": 0,
          "deposit": 0,
          "bankGuarantee": 0,
          "disputePercent": 0,
          "maxDispute": 0,
          "announcementDays": 0,
          "currencyCode": "string",
          "currencyName": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"

3.38 Partner Sections

Endpoints for working with Partner Sections.

Returns a list of all Partner sections.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a list of all Partner sections.
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
all string (query) Returns all data for a given criteria.
Available values: yes, no.
Default value: no.
page_size integer (query) Page size.
Default value: 10.
page_number integer (query) Page number.
Default value: 1.
paging string (query) Paging options in the form of &paging=page_num,page_size, e.g. paging=1,10.
sort string (query) Sort options in the form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3.
operator(fieldName) string (query) Search criteria by using the following operators: isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween, includeIds and by following attributes: id, codeName, name, status, dbCodeName, comment.

  • If operator is one of isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, a field value can be omitted.
  • If operator is in or notin, a field value must be a comma separated list of values.
  • If operator is between or notbetween, a field value must be a comma separated list of two values, representing the beginning and the end of a range.
  • Operator can be omitted, and in that case, it will be treated as operator is eq (E.g.: fieldName=fieldValue).
  • Example: startswith(clientName)=hor, starts with hor in field 'clientName'.
  • If fieldName is 'q', and operator is eq or omitted, a field value will be used in general search across multiple attributes.
Code Description Links
200 A list of Partner sections. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: List of Partner sections
  "data": [
      "id": 0,
      "codeName": "string",
      "name": "string",
      "status": "active",
      "statusDt": "2021-02-02T14:47:29.960Z",
      "dbCodeName": "string",
      "comment": "string"
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "total": 0,
      "totalPages": 0,
      "currentPage": 0,
      "perPage": 0,
      "count": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Returns a Partner section data.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a Partner section data.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Partner section ID.
Code Description Links
200 Partner section data. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Partner section data
  "id": 0,
  "codeName": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "status": "active",
  "statusDt": "2021-02-02T14:49:45.934Z",
  "dbCodeName": "string",
  "comment": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"

3.39 Account Managers

Endpoints for working with Account Managers.

Returns a list of all Account Managers.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a list of all Account Managers.
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
all string (query) Returns all data for a given criteria.
Available values: yes, no.
Default value: no.
page_size integer (query) Page size.
Default value: 10.
page_number integer (query) Page number.
Default value: 1.
paging string (query) Paging options in the form of &paging=page_num,page_size, e.g. paging=1,10.
sort string (query) Sort options in the form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3.
operator(fieldName) string (query) Search criteria by using the following operators: isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween, includeIds and by following attributes: id, instanceId, name, email, status, productId, productCodeName, productName.

  • If operator is one of isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, a field value can be omitted.
  • If operator is in or notin, a field value must be a comma separated list of values.
  • If operator is between or notbetween, a field value must be a comma separated list of two values, representing the beginning and the end of a range.
  • Operator can be omitted, and in that case, it will be treated as operator is eq (E.g.: fieldName=fieldValue).
  • Example: startswith(clientName)=hor, starts with hor in field 'clientName'.
  • If fieldName is 'q', and operator is eq or omitted, a field value will be used in general search across multiple attributes.
Code Description Links
200 A list of Account Managers. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: List of Account Managers
  "data": [
      "id": 0,
      "instanceId": 0,
      "email": "string",
      "name": "string",
      "status": "active",
      "statusDt": "2021-02-02T14:56:49.745Z",
      "products": "string",
      "productCodeNames": "string"
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "total": 0,
      "totalPages": 0,
      "currentPage": 0,
      "perPage": 0,
      "count": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Creates a new Account Manager.Up
Method Overview

This method creates a new Account Manager.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
post data (required) object (body) Account Manager data.
Data Parameters

post data object example

  "name": "string",
  "email": "string",
  "accountMgrProducts": [
      "productId": 0
Code Description Links
200 Account Manager record created. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Account Manager record created
  "id": 0,
  "instanceId": 0,
  "email": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "status": "active",
  "statusDt": "2021-02-02T15:02:48.009Z",
  "accountMgrProduct": [
      "id": 0,
      "accountMgrId": 0,
      "productId": 0,
      "productType": 0,
      "status": "active",
      "statusDt": "2021-02-02T15:02:48.009Z",
      "productName": "string",
      "productCodeName": "string",
      "productTypeName": "string",
      "productTypeCodeName": "string",
      "isOurProduct": "yes",
      "isSupplierProduct": "yes"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Returns an Account Manager data for a given ID.Up
Method Overview

This method returns an Account Manager data for a given ID.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Account Manager ID.
Code Description Links
200 Account Manager data. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Account Manager data
  "id": 0,
  "instanceId": 0,
  "email": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "status": "active",
  "statusDt": "2021-02-03T11:52:28.185Z",
  "accountMgrProduct": [
      "id": 0,
      "accountMgrId": 0,
      "productId": 0,
      "productType": 0,
      "status": "active",
      "statusDt": "2021-02-03T11:52:28.185Z",
      "productName": "string",
      "productCodeName": "string",
      "productTypeName": "string",
      "productTypeCodeName": "string",
      "isOurProduct": "yes",
      "isSupplierProduct": "yes"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Updates an Account Manager data.Up
Method Overview

This method updates an Account Manager data.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Account Manager ID.
put data (required) object (body) Account Manager data.
Data Parameters

put data object example

  "name": "string",
  "email": "string",
  "status": "active",
  "accountMgrProducts": [
      "productId": 0
Code Description Links
200 Account Manager updated successfully. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Account Manager updated successfully
  "id": 0,
  "instanceId": 0,
  "email": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "status": "active",
  "statusDt": "2021-02-03T11:55:49.931Z",
  "accountMgrProduct": [
      "id": 0,
      "accountMgrId": 0,
      "productId": 0,
      "productType": 0,
      "status": "active",
      "statusDt": "2021-02-03T11:55:49.931Z",
      "productName": "string",
      "productCodeName": "string",
      "productTypeName": "string",
      "productTypeCodeName": "string",
      "isOurProduct": "yes",
      "isSupplierProduct": "yes"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Deletes an Account Manager data with a given ID.Up
Method Overview

This method deletes an Account Manager data with a given ID.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) An Account Manager ID.
Code Description Links
200 Account Manager deleted successfully. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Account Manager deleted successfully
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Deletes all Account Manager assigned Biz products in Biz Partner products for adequate Account Manager ID.Up
Method Overview

This method deletes all Account Manager assigned Biz products in Biz Partner products for adequate Account Manager ID.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
accountManagerId (required) integer (path) An Account Manager ID.
Code Description Links
200 Account Manager assigned Biz products in Biz Partner products deleted successfully. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Account Manager assigned Biz products in Biz Partner products deleted successfully
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"

3.40 Attributes / Custom Fields

Endpoints for working with Attributes/Custom fields.

The registry of attributes are used to enrich basic data in many sections (areas) of business partners model.

We have two general groups of attributes, predefined (there is attributeKind=predefined) and registered - custom fields (there is attributeKind=registered).

Predefined attributes have built-in meaning like web links (type is WWW), social networks (type is SOCIAL) etc., and new attributes of this types can be added only when software supports them. Types for these attributes have to have allCustomAttrs=no.

Registered attributes are predicted for special data enrichment approach, where software owner can register new attributes i.e. custom fields, where semantic meaning is not so strictly controlled. Code name prefix for these attributes is 'ATTR-'. Types for these attributes have to have allCustomAttrs=yes.

Returns a list of all Attributes/Custom fields.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a list of all Attributes/Custom fields.
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
all string (query) Returns all data for a given criteria.
Available values: yes, no.
Default value: no.
page_size integer (query) Page size.
Default value: 10.
page_number integer (query) Page number.
Default value: 1.
paging string (query) Paging options in the form of &paging=page_num,page_size, e.g. paging=1,10.
sort string (query) Sort options in the form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3.
operator(fieldName) string (query) Search criteria by using the following operators: isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween, includeIds and by following attributes: id, instanceId, attributeTypeId, codeName, name, status, attributeKind, sectionId, sectionCodeName, sectionName, dbCodeName, comment, attributeTypeCodeName, attributeTypeName, attributeSectionStatus.

  • If operator is one of isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, a field value can be omitted.
  • If operator is in or notin, a field value must be a comma separated list of values.
  • If operator is between or notbetween, a field value must be a comma separated list of two values, representing the beginning and the end of a range.
  • Operator can be omitted, and in that case, it will be treated as operator is eq (E.g.: fieldName=fieldValue).
  • Example: startswith(clientName)=hor, starts with hor in field 'clientName'.
  • If fieldName is 'q', and operator is eq or omitted, a field value will be used in general search across multiple attributes.
Code Description Links
200 A list of Attributes/Custom fields. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: List of Attributes/Custom fields
  "data": [
      "id": 0,
      "attributeTypeId": 0,
      "codeName": "string",
      "name": "string",
      "status": "active",
      "statusDt": "2021-02-03T12:04:35.206Z",
      "attributeKind": "predefined",
      "sections": "string",
      "sectionCodeNames": "string",
      "attributeTypeCodeName": "string",
      "attributeTypeName": "string",
      "canBeDeleted": true,
      "canCodeNameChange": true
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "total": 0,
      "totalPages": 0,
      "currentPage": 0,
      "perPage": 0,
      "count": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Creates a new Attribute/Custom field record.Up
Method Overview

This method creates a new Attribute/Custom field record.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
post data (required) object (body) Attribute/Custom field data.
Data Parameters

post data object example

  "attributeTypeId": 0,
  "codeName": "string",
  "name": "string"
Code Description Links
200 Attribute/Custom field created. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Attribute/Custom field created
  "id": 0,
  "attributeTypeId": 0,
  "codeName": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "status": "active",
  "statusDt": "2021-02-03T12:07:57.469Z",
  "attributeKind": "registered",
  "attributeTypeCodeName": "string",
  "attributeTypeName": "string",
  "canBeDeleted": true,
  "canCodeNameChange": true,
  "attributeSections": [
      "attributeId": 0,
      "sectionId": 0,
      "status": "active",
      "statusDt": "2021-02-03T12:07:57.469Z",
      "sectionCodeName": "string",
      "sectionName": "string",
      "dbCodeName": "string",
      "sectionStatus": "active",
      "attributeStatus": "active",
      "attributeSectionTags": [
          "sectionId": 0,
          "attributeId": 0,
          "tagId": 0,
          "insertTs": "2021-02-03T12:07:57.469Z",
          "attributeTagCategoryId": 0,
          "attributeTagRowType": "string",
          "attributeTagCodeName": "string",
          "attributeTagName": "string",
          "attributeTagStatus": "string",
          "attributeTagStatusDt": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Returns Attribute/Custom field data for a given ID.Up
Method Overview

This method returns Attribute/Custom field data for a given ID.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Attribute/Custom field ID.
Code Description Links
200 Attribute/Custom field data. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Attribute/Custom field data
  "id": 0,
  "attributeTypeId": 0,
  "codeName": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "status": "active",
  "statusDt": "2021-02-03T12:10:22.086Z",
  "attributeKind": "predefined",
  "attributeTypeCodeName": "string",
  "attributeTypeName": "string",
  "canBeDeleted": true,
  "canCodeNameChange": true,
  "attributeSections": [
      "attributeId": 0,
      "sectionId": 0,
      "status": "active",
      "statusDt": "2021-02-03T12:10:22.086Z",
      "sectionCodeName": "string",
      "sectionName": "string",
      "dbCodeName": "string",
      "sectionStatus": "active",
      "attributeStatus": "active",
      "attributeSectionTags": [
          "sectionId": 0,
          "attributeId": 0,
          "tagId": 0,
          "insertTs": "2021-02-03T12:10:22.087Z",
          "attributeTagCategoryId": 0,
          "attributeTagRowType": "string",
          "attributeTagCodeName": "string",
          "attributeTagName": "string",
          "attributeTagStatus": "string",
          "attributeTagStatusDt": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Updates Attribute/Custom field data for a given ID.Up
Method Overview

This method updates Attribute/Custom field data for a given ID.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Attribute/Custom field ID.
put data (required) object (body) Attribute/Custom field data.
Data Parameters

put data object example

  "attributeTypeId": 0,
  "codeName": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "status": "active"
Code Description Links
200 Attribute/Custom field updated successfully. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Attribute/Custom field updated successfully
  "id": 0,
  "attributeTypeId": 0,
  "codeName": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "status": "active",
  "statusDt": "2021-02-03T12:13:02.394Z",
  "attributeKind": "registered",
  "attributeTypeCodeName": "string",
  "attributeTypeName": "string",
  "canBeDeleted": true,
  "canCodeNameChange": true,
  "attributeSections": [
      "attributeId": 0,
      "sectionId": 0,
      "status": "active",
      "statusDt": "2021-02-03T12:13:02.394Z",
      "sectionCodeName": "string",
      "sectionName": "string",
      "dbCodeName": "string",
      "sectionStatus": "active",
      "attributeStatus": "active",
      "attributeSectionTags": [
          "sectionId": 0,
          "attributeId": 0,
          "tagId": 0,
          "insertTs": "2021-02-03T12:13:02.394Z",
          "attributeTagCategoryId": 0,
          "attributeTagRowType": "string",
          "attributeTagCodeName": "string",
          "attributeTagName": "string",
          "attributeTagStatus": "string",
          "attributeTagStatusDt": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Deletes Attribute/Custom field record with a given ID.Up
Method Overview

This method deletes Attribute/Custom field record with a given ID.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Attribute/Custom field ID.
Code Description Links
200 Attribute/Custom field deleted successfully. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Attribute/Custom field deleted successfully
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Creates Attribute/Custom field code name.Up
Method Overview

This method creates Attribute/Custom field code name.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
post data (required) object (body) Attribute/Custom field code data.
Data Parameters

put data object example

  "name": "string"
Code Description Links
200 Attribute/Custom field code name data. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Attribute/Custom field code name data
  "codeName": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"

3.41 Attribute / Custom Field Sections

Endpoints for working with Attribute/Custom fields sections.

Creates a new Attribute/Custom field section record.Up
Method Overview

This method creates a new Attribute/Custom field section record.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Attribute/Custom field ID.
post data (required) object (body) Attribute/Custom field section data.
Data Parameters

post data object example

  "sectionId": 0
Code Description Links
200 Attribute/Custom field section record created. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Attribute/Custom field section record created
  "attributeId": 0,
  "sectionId": 0,
  "status": "active",
  "statusDt": "2021-02-04T10:30:54.681Z",
  "sectionCodeName": "string",
  "sectionName": "string",
  "dbCodeName": "string",
  "sectionStatus": "active",
  "attributeStatus": "active",
  "attributeSectionTags": [
      "sectionId": 0,
      "attributeId": 0,
      "tagId": 0,
      "insertTs": "2021-02-04T10:30:54.681Z",
      "attributeTagCategoryId": 0,
      "attributeTagRowType": "string",
      "attributeTagCodeName": "string",
      "attributeTagName": "string",
      "attributeTagStatus": "string",
      "attributeTagStatusDt": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Returns Attribute/Custom field section.Up
Method Overview

This method returns Attribute/Custom field section data.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Attribute/Custom field ID.
secId (required) integer (path) Section ID.
Code Description Links
200 Attribute/Custom field section data. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Attribute/Custom field section data
  "attributeId": 0,
  "sectionId": 0,
  "status": "active",
  "statusDt": "2021-02-04T10:33:36.668Z",
  "sectionCodeName": "string",
  "sectionName": "string",
  "dbCodeName": "string",
  "sectionStatus": "active",
  "attributeStatus": "active",
  "attributeSectionTags": [
      "sectionId": 0,
      "attributeId": 0,
      "tagId": 0,
      "insertTs": "2021-02-04T10:33:36.668Z",
      "attributeTagCategoryId": 0,
      "attributeTagRowType": "string",
      "attributeTagCodeName": "string",
      "attributeTagName": "string",
      "attributeTagStatus": "string",
      "attributeTagStatusDt": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Updates Attribute/Custom field section data.Up
Method Overview

This method updates Attribute/Custom field section data.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Attribute/Custom field ID.
secId (required) integer (path) Section ID.
put data (required) object (body) Attribute/Custom field section data.
Data Parameters

put data object example

  "status": "active"
Code Description Links
200 Attribute/Custom field section updated successfully. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Attribute/Custom field section updated successfully
  "attributeId": 0,
  "sectionId": 0,
  "status": "active",
  "statusDt": "2021-02-04T10:36:56.131Z",
  "sectionCodeName": "string",
  "sectionName": "string",
  "dbCodeName": "string",
  "sectionStatus": "active",
  "attributeStatus": "active",
  "attributeSectionTags": [
      "sectionId": 0,
      "attributeId": 0,
      "tagId": 0,
      "insertTs": "2021-02-04T10:36:56.131Z",
      "attributeTagCategoryId": 0,
      "attributeTagRowType": "string",
      "attributeTagCodeName": "string",
      "attributeTagName": "string",
      "attributeTagStatus": "string",
      "attributeTagStatusDt": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Deletes Attribute/Custom field section data logically.Up
Method Overview

This method deletes Attribute/Custom field section record with a given Attribute ID and Section ID.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Attribute/Custom field ID.
secId (required) integer (path) Section ID.
Code Description Links
200 Attribute/Custom field section deleted successfully. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Attribute/Custom field section deleted successfully
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"

3.42 Biz Attribute / Custom Field Section Tag

Endpoints for working with Biz Attribute/Custom field section tag table.

Returns a Biz Attribute/Custom field section tag record from the database for a given attribute/custom field ID, section ID and tag ID.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a Biz Attribute/Custom field section tag record from the database for a given attribute/custom field ID, section ID and tag ID.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Attribute/Custom field ID.
secId (required) integer (path) Section ID.
tagId (required) integer (path) Tag ID.
Code Description Links
200 BizAttributeSectionTag data. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: BizAttributeSectionTag data
  "sectionId": 0,
  "attributeId": 0,
  "tagId": 0,
  "insertTs": "2022-01-31T10:39:46.704Z",
  "attributeTagCategoryId": 0,
  "attributeTagRowType": "string",
  "attributeTagCodeName": "string",
  "attributeTagName": "string",
  "attributeTagStatus": "string",
  "attributeTagStatusDt": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Deletes a Biz Attribute/Custom field section tag record from the database for a given attribute/custom field ID, section ID and tag ID.Up
Method Overview

This method deletes a Biz Attribute/Custom field section tag record from the database for a given attribute/custom field ID, section ID and tag ID.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Attribute/Custom field ID.
secId (required) integer (path) Section ID.
tagId (required) integer (path) Tag ID.
Code Description Links
204 Biz Attribute/Custom field section successfully deleted. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 204: Biz Attribute/Custom field section successfully deleted
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Returns a list of Biz Attribute/Custom field section tag.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a list of Biz Attribute/Custom field section tag.
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Attribute/Custom field ID.
secId (required) integer (path) Section ID.
operator(fieldName) string (query) Search criteria by using the following operators: isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween and the following attributes: sectionId, attributeId, tagId, insertTs, attributeTagCategoryId, attributeTagRowType, attributeTagCodeName, attributeTagName, attributeInstanceId, attributeAttributeTypeId, attributeCodeName, attributeName, attributeKind, sectionCodeName, sectionName.

  • If operator is one of isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, a field value can be omitted.
  • If operator is in or notin, a field value must be a comma separated list of values.
  • If operator is between or notbetween, a field value must be a comma separated list of two values, representing the beginning and the end of a range.
  • Operator can be omitted, and in that case, it will be treated as operator is eq (E.g.: fieldName=fieldValue).
  • Example: startswith(clientName)=hor, starts with hor in field 'clientName'.
  • If fieldName is 'q', and operator is eq or omitted, a field value will be used in general search across multiple attributes.
Code Description Links
200 A list of Biz Attribute/Custom field section tag. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: List of Biz Attribute/Custom field section tag
  "data": [
      "sectionId": 0,
      "attributeId": 0,
      "tagId": 0,
      "insertTs": "2021-01-08T12:59:24.431Z",
      "attributeTagCategoryId": 0,
      "attributeTagRowType": "string",
      "attributeTagCodeName": "string",
      "attributeTagName": "string",
      "attributeTagStatus": "string",
      "attributeTagStatusDt": "string"
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "total": 0,
      "totalPages": 0,
      "currentPage": 0,
      "perPage": 0,
      "count": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Creates a new Biz Attribute/Custom field section tag record.Up
Method Overview

This method creates a new Biz Attribute/Custom field section tag record.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Attribute/Custom field ID.
secId (required) integer (path) Section ID.
post data (required) object (body) Biz Attribute/Custom field section tag data.
Data Parameters

Post data object example

  "tagID": 0
Code Description Links
200 Biz Attribute/Custom field section tag record created. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Biz Attribute/Custom field section tag record created
  "sectionId": 0,
  "attributeId": 0,
  "tagId": 0,
  "insertTs": "2022-01-31T10:58:52.386Z",
  "attributeTagCategoryId": 0,
  "attributeTagRowType": "string",
  "attributeTagCodeName": "string",
  "attributeTagName": "string",
  "attributeTagStatus": "string",
  "attributeTagStatusDt": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"

3.43 Biz Attribute / Custom Field Tag

Endpoints for working with Biz Attribute/Custom field tag table.

Returns a Biz Attribute/Custom field tag record for a given tag ID.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a Biz Attribute/Custom field tag record from the database for a given tag ID.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Tag ID.
Code Description Links
200 BizAttributeTag data. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: BizAttributeTag data
  "id": 0,
  "categoryId": 0,
  "rowType": "string",
  "codeName": "string",
  "customAttrName": "string",
  "attributeValue": "string",
  "attributeCodeName": "string",
  "attributeTypeId": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Returns a list of Biz Attribute/Custom field tag records.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a list of Biz Attribute/Custom field tag records.
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
operator(fieldName) string (query) Search criteria by using the following operators: isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween and the following attributes: id, categoryId, rowType, codeName, name, status, statusDt.

  • If operator is one of isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, a field value can be omitted.
  • If operator is in or notin, a field value must be a comma separated list of values.
  • If operator is between or notbetween, a field value must be a comma separated list of two values, representing the beginning and the end of a range.
  • Operator can be omitted, and in that case, it will be treated as operator is eq (E.g.: fieldName=fieldValue).
  • Example: startswith(clientName)=hor, starts with hor in field 'clientName'.
  • If fieldName is 'q', and operator is eq or omitted, a field value will be used in general search across multiple attributes.
Code Description Links
200 A list of Biz Attribute/Custom field section tag. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: List of Biz Attribute/Custom field section tag
  "data": [
      "id": 0,
      "categoryId": 0,
      "rowType": "string",
      "codeName": "string",
      "customAttrName": "string",
      "attributeValue": "string",
      "attributeCodeName": "string",
      "attributeTypeId": 0
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "total": 0,
      "totalPages": 0,
      "currentPage": 0,
      "perPage": 0,
      "count": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"

3.44 Attribute / Custom Field Types

Endpoints for working with types of Attribute/Custom field.

We have two general groups of attributes, predefined (there is allCustomAttrs=no) and registered - custom fields (there is allCustomAttrs=yes).

Types for predefined attributes have built-in meaning like web links (type is WWW), social networks (type is SOCIAL) etc., and new attributes of this types can be added only when software supports them.

Types for registered attributes are predicted for special data enrichment approach, where software owner can register new attributes i.e. custom fields, where semantic meaning is not so strictly controlled. Code name prefix for these attribute types is 'INPUT-' (INPUT-STRING, INPUT-TEXT, INPUT-DATE).

Returns a list of all Attribute/Custom field types.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a list of Attribute/Custom field types.
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
all string (query) Returns all data for a given criteria.
Available values: yes, no.
Default value: no.
page_size integer (query) Page size.
Default value: 10.
page_number integer (query) Page number.
Default value: 1.
paging string (query) Paging options in the form of &paging=page_num,page_size, e.g. paging=1,10.
sort string (query) Sort options in the form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3.
operator(fieldName) string (query) Search criteria by using the following operators: isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween, includeIds and by following attributes: id, codeName, name, allCustomAttrs, status.

  • If operator is one of isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, a field value can be omitted.
  • If operator is in or notin, a field value must be a comma separated list of values.
  • If operator is between or notbetween, a field value must be a comma separated list of two values, representing the beginning and the end of a range.
  • Operator can be omitted, and in that case, it will be treated as operator is eq (E.g.: fieldName=fieldValue).
  • Example: startswith(clientName)=hor, starts with hor in field 'clientName'.
  • If fieldName is 'q', and operator is eq or omitted, a field value will be used in general search across multiple attributes.
Code Description Links
200 A list of Attribute/Custom field types. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: List of Attribute/Custom field types
  "data": [
      "id": 0,
      "codeName": "string",
      "name": "string",
      "allCustomAttrs": "yes",
      "status": "active",
      "statusDt": "2021-02-04T10:43:46.323Z"
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "total": 0,
      "totalPages": 0,
      "currentPage": 0,
      "perPage": 0,
      "count": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Returns Attribute/Custom field type.Up
Method Overview

This method returns Attribute/Custom field type data.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Attribute/Custom field type ID.
Code Description Links
200 Attribute/Custom field type data. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Attribute/Custom field type data
  "id": 0,
  "codeName": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "allCustomAttrs": "yes",
  "status": "active",
  "statusDt": "2021-02-04T10:46:04.210Z"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"

3.45 Partner Attributes / Custom Fields

Endpoints for working with Partner Attributes/Custom fields.

Returns a list of all Partner Attributes/Custom fields.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a list of all Partner Attributes/Custom fields.
The required privileges:
- bp-settings-custom-fields.view - Logged user can see partner attributes/custom fields for all Biz partners in the list.
- bp-settings-custom-fields-own.view - Logged user can see only partner attributes/custom fields for his own Biz Partner in the list.
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
all string (query) Returns all data for a given criteria.
Available values: yes, no.
Default value: no.
page_size integer (query) Page size.
Default value: 10.
page_number integer (query) Page number.
Default value: 1.
paging string (query) Paging options in the form of &paging=page_num,page_size, e.g. paging=1,10.
sort string (query) Sort options in the form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3.
operator(fieldName) string (query) Search criteria by using the following operators: isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween, includeIds and by following attributes: id, instanceId, sectionId, sectionRowId, attributeId, customAttrName, attributeValue, valueType, status, sectionCodeName, sectionName, attributeCodeName, attributeName, attributeTypeCodeName, attributeTypeName.

  • If operator is one of isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, a field value can be omitted.
  • If operator is in or notin, a field value must be a comma separated list of values.
  • If operator is between or notbetween, a field value must be a comma separated list of two values, representing the beginning and the end of a range.
  • Operator can be omitted, and in that case, it will be treated as operator is eq (E.g.: fieldName=fieldValue).
  • Example: startswith(clientName)=hor, starts with hor in field 'clientName'.
  • If fieldName is 'q', and operator is eq or omitted, a field value will be used in general search across multiple attributes.
Code Description Links
200 A list of Partner Attributes/Custom fields. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: List of Partner Attributes/Custom fields
  "data": [
      "id": 0,
      "sectionId": 0,
      "sectionRowId": 0,
      "attributeId": 0,
      "bizPartnerId": 0,
      "customAttrName": "string",
      "attributeValue": "string",
      "jsonValue": {
        "value": "string"
      "valueType": "simple",
      "status": "active",
      "statusDt": "2021-02-04T09:14:38.360Z",
      "sectionCodeName": "string",
      "sectionName": "string",
      "dbCodeName": "string",
      "attributeCodeName": "string",
      "attributeName": "string",
      "attributeTypeCodeName": "string",
      "attributeTypeName": "string",
      "canBeChanged": true
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "total": 0,
      "totalPages": 0,
      "currentPage": 0,
      "perPage": 0,
      "count": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Creates a new Partner Attribute/Custom field record.Up
Method Overview

This method creates a new Partner Attribute/Custom field record.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
post data (required) object (body) Partner attribute/custom field data.
Data Parameters

post data object example

  "sectionId": 0,
  "sectionRowId": 0,
  "attributeId": 0,
  "bizPartnerId": 0,
  "customAttrName": "string",
  "attributeValue": "string",
  "jsonValue": {
    "value": "string"
Code Description Links
200 Partner Attribute/Custom field record created. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Partner Attribute/Custom field record created
  "id": 0,
  "sectionId": 0,
  "sectionRowId": 0,
  "attributeId": 0,
  "bizPartnerId": 0,
  "customAttrName": "string",
  "attributeValue": "string",
  "jsonValue": {
    "value": "string"
  "valueType": "simple",
  "status": "active",
  "statusDt": "2021-02-04T09:16:07.712Z",
  "sectionCodeName": "string",
  "sectionName": "string",
  "dbCodeName": "string",
  "attributeCodeName": "string",
  "attributeName": "string",
  "attributeTypeCodeName": "string",
  "attributeTypeName": "string",
  "canBeChanged": true
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Returns a list of all Partner Attributes/Custom fields extend.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a list of all Partner Attributes/Custom fields extend.
The required privileges:
- bp-settings-custom-fields.view - Logged user can see partner attributes/custom fields for all Biz partners in the list.
- bp-settings-custom-fields-own.view - Logged user can see only partner attributes/custom fields for his own Biz Partner in the list.
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
all string (query) Returns all data for a given criteria.
Available values: yes, no.
Default value: no.
page_size integer (query) Page size.
Default value: 10.
page_number integer (query) Page number.
Default value: 1.
paging string (query) Paging options in the form of &paging=page_num,page_size, e.g. paging=1,10.
sort string (query) Sort options in the form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3.
operator(fieldName) string (query) Search criteria by using the following operators: isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween, includeIds and by following attributes: id, instanceId, sectionId, sectionRowId, attributeId, customAttrName, attributeValue, valueType, status, sectionCodeName, sectionName, attributeCodeName, attributeName, attributeTypeCodeName, attributeTypeName, attributeTagCodeName, attributeTagName.

  • If operator is one of isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, a field value can be omitted.
  • If operator is in or notin, a field value must be a comma separated list of values.
  • If operator is between or notbetween, a field value must be a comma separated list of two values, representing the beginning and the end of a range.
  • Operator can be omitted, and in that case, it will be treated as operator is eq (E.g.: fieldName=fieldValue).
  • Example: startswith(clientName)=hor, starts with hor in field 'clientName'.
  • If fieldName is 'q', and operator is eq or omitted, a field value will be used in general search across multiple attributes.
Code Description Links
200 A list of PartnerAttributesExtend. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: List of PartnerAttributesExtend
  "data": [
      "id": 0,
      "sectionId": 0,
      "sectionRowId": 0,
      "attributeId": 0,
      "bizPartnerId": 0,
      "customAttrName": "string",
      "attributeValue": "string",
      "jsonValue": {
        "value": "string"
      "status": "active",
      "statusDt": "2021-02-04T09:19:19.278Z",
      "sectionCodeName": "string",
      "sectionName": "string",
      "dbCodeName": "string",
      "attributeCodeName": "string",
      "attributeName": "string",
      "attributeTypeCodeName": "string",
      "attributeTypeName": "string",
      "attributeTagCodeName": "string",
      "attributeTagName": "string",
      "canBeChanged": true
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "total": 0,
      "totalPages": 0,
      "currentPage": 0,
      "perPage": 0,
      "count": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Returns Partner Attribute/Custom field data.Up
Method Overview

This method returns Partner Attribute/Custom field data.
The required privileges:
- bp-settings-custom-fields.view - Logged user can see partner attributes/custom fields for all Biz partners.
- bp-settings-custom-fields-own.view - Logged user can see only partner attribute/custom fields for his own Biz Partner in the list.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Partner Attribute/Custom field ID.
Code Description Links
200 Partner Attribute/Custom field data. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Partner Attribute/Custom field data
  "id": 0,
  "sectionId": 0,
  "sectionRowId": 0,
  "attributeId": 0,
  "bizPartnerId": 0,
  "customAttrName": "string",
  "attributeValue": "string",
  "jsonValue": {
    "value": "string"
  "valueType": "simple",
  "status": "active",
  "statusDt": "2021-02-04T09:21:55.713Z",
  "sectionCodeName": "string",
  "sectionName": "string",
  "dbCodeName": "string",
  "attributeCodeName": "string",
  "attributeName": "string",
  "attributeTypeCodeName": "string",
  "attributeTypeName": "string",
  "canBeChanged": true
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Updates Partner Attribute/Custom field data for a given ID.Up
Method Overview

This method updates Partner Attribute/Custom field data for a given ID.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Partner Attribute/Custom field ID.
put data (required) object (body) Partner Attribute/Custom field data.
Data Parameters

put data object example

  "sectionId": 0,
  "sectionRowId": 0,
  "attributeId": 0,
  "bizPartnerId": 0,
  "customAttrName": "string",
  "attributeValue": "string",
  "jsonValue": {
    "value": "string"
Code Description Links
200 Partner Attribute/Custom field updated successfully. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Partner Attribute/Custom field updated successfully
  "id": 0,
  "sectionId": 0,
  "sectionRowId": 0,
  "attributeId": 0,
  "bizPartnerId": 0,
  "customAttrName": "string",
  "attributeValue": "string",
  "jsonValue": {
    "value": "string"
  "valueType": "simple",
  "status": "active",
  "statusDt": "2021-02-04T09:22:58.894Z",
  "sectionCodeName": "string",
  "sectionName": "string",
  "dbCodeName": "string",
  "attributeCodeName": "string",
  "attributeName": "string",
  "attributeTypeCodeName": "string",
  "attributeTypeName": "string",
  "canBeChanged": true
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Deletes Partner Attribute/Custom field data logically.Up
Method Overview

This method deletes Partner Attribute/Custom field record with a given ID.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
id (required) integer (path) Partner Attribute/Custom field ID.
Code Description Links
200 Partner Attribute/Custom field deleted successfully. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Partner Attribute/Custom field deleted successfully
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Deletes Partner Attribute/Custom field record with a given attribute ID and section ID.Up
Method Overview

This method deletes Partner Attribute/Custom field record with a given attribute ID and section ID.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
attrId (required) integer (path) Attribute/Custom field ID.
secId (required) integer (path) Section ID.
Code Description Links
200 Partner Attribute/Custom field deleted successfully. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: Partner Attribute/Custom field deleted successfully
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"

3.46 Attribute / Custom Field Partners

Endpoint for working with Attribute/Custom field Partners.

Returns a list of all Attribute/Custom fields Partners.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a list of all Attribute/Custom field Partners.
The required privileges:
- bp-settings-custom-fields.view - Logged user can see partner attributes/custom fields for all Biz partners in the list.
- bp-settings-custom-fields-own.view - Logged user can see only partner attributes/custom fields for his own Biz Partner in the list.
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
operator(fieldName) string (query) Search criteria by using the following operators: isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween, includeIds and by following attributes: attributeId, sectionId.

  • If operator is one of isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, a field value can be omitted.
  • If operator is in or notin, a field value must be a comma separated list of values.
  • If operator is between or notbetween, a field value must be a comma separated list of two values, representing the beginning and the end of a range.
  • Operator can be omitted, and in that case, it will be treated as operator is eq (E.g.: fieldName=fieldValue).
  • Example: startswith(clientName)=hor, starts with hor in field 'clientName'.
  • If fieldName is 'q', and operator is eq or omitted, a field value will be used in general search across multiple attributes.
Code Description Links
200 A list of Attribute/Custom field Partners. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: List of Attribute/Custom field Partners
  "data": [
      "partnerId": 0,
      "partnerName": "string",
      "partnerBriefName": "string"
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "total": 0,
      "totalPages": 0,
      "currentPage": 0,
      "perPage": 0,
      "count": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"

3.47 Users

Endpoints for working with Users.

Returns a list of users.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a list of users.
The required privileges:
- biz-core.view - All users must have this privilege.
- biz-core-own-user.view - If a user has this privilege, he will see only his own user in a response list.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
kind string (query) Kind of a user.
Available values: user, app.
status string (query) A user's status.
Available values: active, inactive, invited, disabled.
Code Description Links
200 A list of users' data. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: List of users' data
  "data": [
      "uuid": "string",
      "email": "string",
      "firstName": "string",
      "lastName": "string",
      "status": "active"
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "total": 0,
      "totalPages": 0,
      "currentPage": 0,
      "perPage": 0,
      "count": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Returns a user for a given UUID.Up
Method Overview

This method returns a user for a given UUID.
The required privileges:
- biz-core.view - All users must have this privilege.
- biz-core-own-user.view - If a user has this privilege, he will see only his own user in a response list.

URL Parameters
Name Type Description
uuid (required) string (path) A user's UUID.
Code Description Links
200 A user's data. No links
default Unexpected error. No links
Success Response 200: A user's data
  "uuid": "string",
  "email": "string",
  "firstName": "string",
  "lastName": "string",
  "status": "active"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"

4. Data Models

Data Models define the structure of a JSON document.

4.1 Data

Data describe all the data related to the Business Partners API.

DocLogoFile object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer Logo ID.
partnerId integer Partner ID.
filename string Logo file name.
size integer File size.
language string Language.
mimeType string Mime type.
insertDt string($date‑time) Date of insertion.
status string Logo status. Possible values: draft, active, deleted, inactive.
statusDt string($date‑time) Date of logo status.

DocTemplateFileStatus object properties:

Name Type Description
status string File status. Possible values: draft, active, deleted, inactive.
JSON example
  "id": 0,
  "partnerId": 0,
  "filename": "string",
  "size": 0,
  "language": "string",
  "mimeType": "string",
  "insertDt": "2021-01-28T11:09:48.212Z",
  "status": "draft",
  "statusDt": "2021-01-28T11:09:48.212Z"

BizPartnerTypeCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of BizPartnerTypeItem objects.
meta (required) object CollectionMeta object.

BizPartnerTypeItem object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer Business Partner ID.
name string Name.
status string Status.
favorite string Possible values: yes, no.

BizSettings object properties:

Name Type Description
instanceId integer Instance ID.
coOwnersEnabled string Possible values: yes, no.
resellersEnabled string Possible values: yes, no.
JSON example
  "instanceId": 0,
  "coOwnersEnabled": "no",
  "resellersEnabled": "no"

BizAttributeSectionTagCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of BizAttributeSectionTag objects.
meta (required) object CollectionMeta object.

BizAttributeSectionTag object properties:

Name Type Description
sectionId integer Section ID.
attributeId integer Attribute/Custom field ID.
tagId integer Tag ID.
insertTs string($date‑time) Date of insertion.
attributeTagCategoryId integer Attribute tag category ID.
attributeTagRowType string Attribute tag row type.
attributeTagCodeName string Attribute tag code name.
attributeTagName string Attribute tag name.
attributeTagStatus string Attribute tag status.
attributeTagStatusDt string Attribute tag status date.

BizAttributeSectionTagPost object properties:

Name Type Description
tagId integer Tag ID.
JSON example
  "sectionId": 0,
  "attributeId": 0,
  "tagId": 0,
  "insertTs": "2022-01-31T10:39:46.704Z",
  "attributeTagCategoryId": 0,
  "attributeTagRowType": "string",
  "attributeTagCodeName": "string",
  "attributeTagName": "string",
  "attributeTagStatus": "string",
  "attributeTagStatusDt": "string"

BizAttributeTagCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of BizAttributeTag objects.
meta (required) object CollectionMeta object.

BizAttributeTag object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer Tag ID.
categoryId integer Category ID.
rowType string Row type.
codeName string Code name.
customAttrName string Custom attribute name.
attributeValue string Attribute value.
attributeCodeName string Attribute code name.
attributeTypeId integer Attribute type ID.
JSON example
  "id": 0,
  "categoryId": 0,
  "rowType": "string",
  "codeName": "string",
  "customAttrName": "string",
  "attributeValue": "string",
  "attributeCodeName": "string",
  "attributeTypeId": 0

WebSocialCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of WebSocial objects.
meta (required) object CollectionMeta object.

WebSocial object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer Web social ID.
name string Web social name.
sectionRowId integer ID of details for section DETAILS or ID of contact for section CONTACTS.
value string Value.
status string Possible value: active, deleted.
statusDt string($date‑time) Web social status date.

WebSocialPut object properties:

Name Type Description
name (required) string maxLength: 50.
value string maxLength: 1000.

WebSocialPost object properties:

Name Type Description
name (required) string maxLength: 50.
sectionRowId integer maxLength: 10.
ID of details for section DETAILS or ID of contact for section CONTACTS.
value string maxLength: 1000.
JSON example
  "id": 0,
  "name": "string",
  "sectionRowId": 0,
  "value": "string",
  "status": "active",
  "statusDt": "2021-02-01T13:15:44.579Z"

ErrorObjectsFixFirst object properties:

Name Type Description
code string Error code.
message string Error message.
items array An array of ErrorItems object.

ErrorItems object properties:

Name Type Description
name string maxLength: 50.
sectionRowId integer maxLength: 10.
ID of details for section DETAILS or ID of contact for section CONTACTS.
value string Error value.
description string Error description.

PartnerPatch object properties:

Name Type Description
status string Possible values: suspended, active, draft.

BizProductPatch object properties:

Name Type Description
status string Possible values: suspended, enabled.

Partner object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer Partner ID.
name string Partner name.
country integer Country code.
vatNumber string Vat number.
vatApply string Possible values: yes, no, unknown.
regNumber string Partner's reg number.
legalAddressId integer Partner's legal address ID.
value string Value.
status string Possible values: potential, active, suspended, archived,deleted, mics, draft.
parentId integer Partner's parent ID.
legalFormId integer Legal form ID.
language string Language.
bizPartnerUid string Biz Partner UID.
partnerDetailsId integer Partner's details ID.
briefName string Partner's brief name.
notificationAddressId integer Notification address ID.
externalRefId string External reference ID.
partnerTypeId integer Partner type ID.
partnerTypeName string Partner type name.
statusActiveDt string($date‑time) Date of active status.
statusDt string($date‑time) Date of status.
JSON example
  "id": 0,
  "name": "string",
  "country": 0,
  "vatNumber": "string",
  "vatApply": "yes",
  "regNumber": "string",
  "legalAddressId": 0,
  "value": "string",
  "status": "potential",
  "parentId": 0,
  "legalFormId": 0,
  "language": "string",
  "bizPartnerUid": "string",
  "partnerDetailsId": 0,
  "briefName": "string",
  "notificationAddressId": 0,
  "externalRefId": "string",
  "partnerTypeId": 0,
  "partnerTypeName": "string",
  "statusActiveDt": "2021-02-02T13:31:49.562Z",
  "statusDt": "2021-02-02T13:31:49.562Z"

PartnerTypeCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of PartnerType objects.
meta (required) object CollectionMeta object.

PartnerType object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer Partner type ID.
name string Partner type name.
status string Possible values: active, inactive, deleted, misc.
statusDt string($date‑time) Status date.
dbCodeName string Code name.
comment string Possible values: yes, no.
JSON example
  "id": 0,
  "name": "string",
  "status": "active",
  "statusDt": "2021-02-01T13:35:51.271Z",
  "dbCodeName": "string",
  "comment": "yes"

PartnerTypePut object properties:

Name Type Description
name string Partner type name.
taxExempt string Tax exemption.
foundingD string($date‑time) Founding date.
industryId integer Industry ID.
companySizeId integer Company size ID.
eMail string Partner's E-mail.
phone string Partner's phone.
fax string Partner's fax.
industryName string Industry name.
companySize string Company size.
hasAttributes string Possible values: yes, no.
isIntercompany string Possible values: yes, no.

PartnerTypePost object properties:

Name Type Description
name (required) string Possible values: manually, self_service.
selfOwner string Possible values: yes, no.
JSON example
  "name": "string",
  "taxExempt": "string",
  "foundingD": "2021-02-01T13:48:47.047Z",
  "industryId": 0,
  "companySizeId": 0,
  "eMail": "string",
  "phone": "string",
  "fax": "string",
  "industryName": "string",
  "companySize": "string",
  "hasAttributes": "yes",
  "isIntercompany": "yes"

IndustryCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of Industry objects.
meta (required) object CollectionMeta object.

Industry object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer Industry ID.
name string Industry name.
status string Possible values: active, inactive, deleted.
statusDt string($date‑time) Status date.
canBeDeleted boolean If industry can be deleted.
favorite string Possible values: yes, no.

IndustryPut object properties:

Name Type Description
name string Industry name. maxLength: 50.
status string Possible values: active, inactive.
favorite string Possible values: yes, no.

IndustryPost object properties:

Name Type Description
name (required) string Industry name. maxLength: 50.
favorite string Possible values: yes, no.
JSON example
  "id": 0,
  "name": "string",
  "status": "active",
  "statusDt": "2021-02-02T12:56:10.108Z",
  "canBeDeleted": true,
  "favorite": "yes"

CompanySizeCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of CompanySize objects.
meta (required) object CollectionMeta object.

CompanySize object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer Company ID.
companySize string Company size.
status string Company status. Possible values: active, inactive, deleted.
statusDt string($date‑time) Status date.
canBeDeleted boolean If company size can be deleted.
favorite string Possible values: yes, no.

CompanySizePut object properties:

Name Type Description
companySize string Company size. maxLength: 20.
status string Company status. Possible values: active, inactive.
favorite string Possible values: yes, no.

CompanySizePost object properties:

Name Type Description
companySize (required) string Company size. maxLength: 20.
favorite string Possible values: yes, no.
JSON example
  "id": 0,
  "companySize": "string",
  "status": "active",
  "statusDt": "2021-02-02T13:18:15.807Z",
  "canBeDeleted": true,
  "favorite": "yes"

BusinessPartner object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer Business Partner ID.
instanceId integer Instance ID.
name string Business Partner name.
country integer Country code.
vatNumber string VAT number.
vatApply string Possible values: yes, no.
regNumber string Registration number.
legalAddressId string Legal address ID.
status string Status.
parentId integer Parent ID.
legalFormId integer Legal form ID.
language string Language.
bizPartnerUid string Business Partner UID.
instanceOwnerName string Instance owner name.
briefName string Business Partner brief name.
countryName string Country name.
dunsNumber string DUNS number.
statusDt string($date‑time) Status date.
statusActiveDt string($date‑time) Date of active status.
legalForm string Legal form.
languageName string Language name.
taxExempt string Tax exemption.
foundingD string($date) Founding date.
industryId integer Industry ID.
companySizeId integer Company size ID.
eMail string Business Partner E-mail.
phone string Business Partner phone.
fax string Business Partner fax.
industryName string Industry name.
companySize string Company size.
instanceRole string Instance role.
externalRefId string External reference ID.
bizPartnerInstanceUid string Business Partner instance ID.
hasAttributes string Possible values: yes, no.
isIntercompany string Possible values: yes, no.
partnerTypeId integer Partner type ID.
partnerTypeName string Partner type name.
detailsId integer Detail ID.
ownerBpId integer Owner business partner ID.
ownerBpName string Owner business partner name.
ownerBpBriefName string Owner business partner brief name.
selfOwner string Possible values: yes, no.
legalAddress object BizPartnerLegalAddress object.
extraAttributes object ExtraAttributesDataResponse object.
businessPartnerProducts object BizPartnerProductDataResponse object.

BusinessPartnerPostData object properties:

Name Type Description
name string Business Partner name.
briefName string Business Partner brief name.
externalRefId string External reference ID.
country integer Country code.
vatNumber string VAT number.
vatApply string Possible values: yes, no.
regNumber string Registration number.
dunsNumber string DUNS number.
status string Status.
taxExempt string Tax exemption.
foundingD string($date) Founding date.
statusActiveDt string($date) Date of active status.
industryID integer Industry ID.
companySizeId integer Company size ID.
legalFormId integer Legal form ID.
language string Language.
eMail string E-mail.
phone string Phone.
fax string Fax.
isIntercompany string Possible values: yes, no.
partnerTypeId integer Partner type ID.
selfOwner string Possible values: yes, no.
ownerBpId integer Owner business partner ID.
addresses object BizPartnerAddressesDataReqObj object.
extraAttributes object ExtraAttributeDataReqObj object.

BizPartnerAddressesDataReqObj object properties:

Name Type Description
data array An array of BizPartnerAddressPostData objects.

BizPartnerAddressPostData object properties:

Name Type Description
addressTypeId integer Address type ID.
country integer Country code.
name string Name.
branchName string Branch name.
address string Address.
poBox string PO box.
postalCode string Postal code.
city string City.
province string Province.
attnPerson string Attn person.
latitude number($float) Address latitude.
longitude number($float) Address longitude.
eMail string E-mail.
phone string Phone.
fax string Fax.
copyToAddresses object CopyAddressesCreateDataReqObj object.

ExtraAttributeDataReqObj object properties:

Name Type Description
data array An array of BizPartnerExtraAttributes objects.

BizPartnerExtraAttributes object properties:

Name Type Description
attributeId integer Attribute/Custom field ID.
attributeValue string Attribute value.
customAttrName string Custom attribute name.

CopyAddressesCreateDataReqObj object properties:

Name Type Description
data array An array of BizPartnerAddressCopyCreateData objects.

BizPartnerAddressCopyCreateData object properties:

Name Type Description
name string Business Partner name.
branchName string Branch name.
addressTypeId integer Address type ID.

BizPartnerLegalAddress object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer Address ID.
bizPartnerId integer Business Partner ID.
bizPartnerName string Business Partner name.
bizPartnerBriefName string Business Partner brief name.
addressTypeId integer Address type ID.
addressTypeName string Address type name.
addressTypeCodeName string Address type code name.
branchName string Branch name.
country integer Country code.
countryName string Country name.
name string Business Partner name.
address string Business Partner address.
poBox string PO box.
postalCode string Postal code.
city string City.
province string Province.
attnPerson string Attn person.
latitude string Address latitude.
longitude string Address longitude.
eMail string E-mail.
phone string Phone.
fax string Fax.
copyOfAddresses array An array of BizPartnerAddress object.

BizPartnerAddress object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer Business Partner address ID.
bizPartnerId integer Business Partner ID.
bizPartnerName string Business Partner name.
bizPartnerBriefName string Business Partner brief name.
addressTypeId integer Address type ID.
addressTypeName string Address type name.
addressTypeCodeName string Address type code name.
country integer Country code.
countryName string Country name.
name string Business Partner name.
branchName string Branch name.
address string Business Partner address.
poBox string PO box.
postalCode string Postal code.
city string City.
province string Province.
attnPerson string Attn person.
latitude string Address latitude.
longitude string Address longitude.
eMail string E-mail.
phone string Phone.
fax string Fax.
copyToAddresses array An array of BizPartnerAddressCopy object.

BizPartnerAddressCopy object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer Address ID.
name string Name.
branchName string Branch name.
addressTypeId integer Address type ID.

ExtraAttributesDataResponse object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of BizPartnerExtraAttributesRes objects.

BizPartnerExtraAttributesRes object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer Business Partner ID.
sectionId integer Section ID.
attributeId integer Attribute/Custom field ID.
attributeName string Attribute name.
customAttrName string Custom attribute name.
attributeValue string Attribute value.
attributeCodeName string Attribute code name.
attributeTypeId integer Attribute type ID.

BizPartnerProductDataResponse object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of BizPartnerProduct objects.

BizPartnerProduct object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer BizPartnerProduct ID.
bizPartnerId integer Business Partner ID.
bizPartnerBriefName string Business Partner brief name.
productTypeName string Product type name.
productTypeCodeName string Product type code name.
productId integer Product ID.
productName string Product name.
productCodeName string Product code name.
relationTypeId integer Relation type ID.
relationTypeName string Relation type name.
relationTypeCodeName string Relation type code name.
status string Status.
enabledDt string($date‑time) Activation date.
disabledDt string($date‑time) Deactivation date.
statusDt string($date‑time) Status date.
notes string Notes.
customerType string Customer type.
accountManagerId integer Account Manager ID.
accountManagerName string Account Manager name.
serviceCategoryId integer Service category ID.
serviceProductName string Service product name.
productBulkSms object ProductBulkSMS object.
JSON example
  "id": 0,
  "bizPartnerId": 0,
  "bizPartnerBriefName": "string",
  "productTypeName": "string",
  "productTypeCodeName": "string",
  "productId": 0,
  "productName": "string",
  "productCodeName": "string",
  "relationTypeId": 0,
  "relationTypeName": "string",
  "relationTypeCodeName": "string",
  "status": "string",
  "enabledDt": "2021-01-15T14:46:29.060Z",
  "disabledDt": "2021-01-15T14:46:29.060Z",
  "statusDt": "2021-01-15T14:46:29.060Z",
  "notes": "string",
  "customerType": "string",
  "accountManagerId": 0,
  "serviceCategoryId": 0,
  "serviceProductName": "string",
  "productBulkSms": {
    "id": 0,
    "bizpProductId": 0,
    "sellingPaymentType": "string",
    "sellingPaymentDue": 0,
    "validFromD": "2021-01-15",
    "billingCycle": 0,
    "billingCycleUnit": "string",
    "currencyId": 0,
    "invoiceTriggerAmount": 0,
    "overdraftLimit": 0,
    "creditLimit": 0,
    "deposit": 0,
    "bankGuarantee": 0,
    "disputePercent": 0,
    "maxDispute": 0,
    "announcementDays": 0,
    "currencyCode": "string",
    "currencyName": "string"

ProductBulkSMS object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer Product ID.
bizpProductId integer Business Partner product ID.
sellingPaymentType string Selling payment type.
sellingPaymentDue integer Selling payment due period.
validFromD string($data) Valid from date.
billingCycle integer Billing cycle.
billingCycleUnit string Billing cycle unit. Possible values: Days, Months, Years, Weeks, Quarters, Semesters.
currencyId integer Currency ID.
invoiceTriggerAmount number($float64) Invoice trigger amount.
overdraftLimit number($float64) Overdraft limit.
creditLimit number($float64) Credit limit.
deposit number($float64) Deposit.
bankGuarantee number($float64) Bank guarantee amount.
disputePercent number($float64) Dispute percent.
maxDispute number($float64) Max dispute.
announcementDays integer Announcement days.
currencyCode string Currency code.
currencyName string Currency name.

BusinessPartnerUpdateData object properties:

Name Type Description
name string Business Partner name.
briefName string Business Partner brief name.
externalRefId string External reference ID.
country integer Country code.
vatNumber string VAT number.
vatApply string Possible values: yes, no.
regNumber string Registration number.
dunsNumber string DUNS number.
statusActiveDt string($date‑time) Date of active status.
legalFormId integer Legal form ID.
language string Language.
taxExempt string Tax exemption.
foundingD string($date) Founding date.
industryId integer Industry ID.
companySizeId integer Company size ID.
eMail string E-mail.
phone string Phone.
fax string Fax.
isIntercompany string Possible values: yes, no.
partnerTypeId integer Partner type ID.
selfOwner string Possible values: yes, no.
ownerBpId integer Owner business partner ID.
extraAttributes object ExtraAttributeDataReqObj object.

PartnerCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of Partner object.

Partner object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer Partner ID.
name string Partner name.
country integer Country code.
vatNumber string VAT number.
vatApply string Possible values: yes, no, unknown.
regNumber string Registration number.
legalAddressId integer Legal address ID.
value string Value.
status string Possible values: potential, active, suspended, archived, deleted, misc, draft.
parentId integer Parent ID.
legalFormId integer Legal form ID.
language string Language.
bizPartnerUid string Biz Partner UID.
partnerDetailsId integer Partner's details ID.
briefName string Partner brief name.
notificationAddressId integer Notification address ID.
externalRefId string External reference ID.
partnerTypeId integer Partner type ID.
partnerTypeName string Partner type name.
statusActiveDt string($date‑time) Date of active status.
statusDt string($date‑time) Status date.

PartnerPut object properties:

Name Type Description
name string maxLength: 150.
country integer Country code.
vatNumber string VAT number. maxLength: 30.
vatApply string Possible values: yes, no, unknown.
regNumber string Registration number. maxLength: 150.
legalFormId integer Legal form ID.
language string Language.
briefName string maxLength: 50.
externalRefId string External reference ID. maxLength: 100.
partnerTypeId integer Partner type ID.
isIntercompany string Possible values: yes, no.
dunsNumber string DUNS number. maxLength: 20.
taxExempt string Tax exemption.
foundingD string($date) Founding date.
industryId integer Industry ID.
companySizeId integer Company size ID.
eMail string E-mail. maxLength: 150.
phone string maxLength: 30.
fax string maxLength: 30.
creation string Possible values: manually, self_service.
selfOwner string Possible values: yes, no.
ownerBpId integer Owner business partner ID.

PartnerSectionCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of PartnerSection objects.
meta (required) object CollectionMeta object.

PartnerSection object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer PartnerSection ID.
codeName string Code name.
name string Name.
status string Possible values: active, inactive, deleted, misc.
statusDt string($date‑time) Status date.
dbCodeName string Code name.
comment string Comment.

AttributeCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of AttributeList objects.
meta (required) object CollectionMeta object.

AttributeList object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer Attribute list ID.
attributeTypeId integer Attribute type ID.
codeName string Code name.
name string Name.
status string Possible values: active, inactive, deleted, misc.
statusDt string($date‑time) Status date.
attributeKind string Possible values: predefined, registered. Defines if attribute is predefined (attributeKind=predefined e.g. "Note") or register i.e. custom field (attributeKind=registered).
sections string Sections.
sectionCodeNames string Sections code names.
attributeTypeCodeName string Attribute type code name.
attributeTypeName string Attribute type name.
canBeDeleted boolean If attribute list can be deleted.
canCodeNameChange boolean Value if code name can change.

Attribute object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer Attribute/Custom field ID.
attributeTypeId integer Attribute type ID.
codeName string Attribute code name. Attribute that is created as custom field will have code name prefix 'ATTR-'.
name string Name.
status string Attribute status. Possible values: active, inactive, deleted, misc.
statusDt string($date‑time) Status date.
attributeKind string Possible values: predefined, registered. Defines if attribute is predefined (attributeKind=predefined e.g. "Note") or register i.e. custom field (attributeKind=registered).
attributeTypeCodeName string Attribute type code name.
attributeTypeName string Attribute type name.
canBeDeleted boolean If attribute can be deleted.
canCodeNameChange boolean Value if code name can change.
attributeSections array An array of AttributeSection objects.

AttributeSection object properties:

Name Type Description
attributeId integer Attribute/Custom field ID.
sectionId integer Section ID.
status string Possible values: active, inactive, deleted.
statusDt string($date‑time) Status date.
sectionCodeName string Section code name.
sectionName string Section name.
dbCodeName string Code name.
sectionStatus string Possible values: active, inactive, deleted.
attributeStatus string Attribute status.
attributeSectionTags array An array of BizAttributeSectionTag objects.

AttributePost object properties:

Name Type Description
attributeTypeId (required) integer Attribute/Custom field type ID.
codeName (required) string Code name. maxLength: 30.
name (required) string Name. maxLength: 50.

AttributePut object properties:

Name Type Description
attributeTypeId integer Attribute/Custom field type ID.
codeName string Code name. maxLength: 30.
name string maxLength: 50.
status string Possible values: active, inactive.
JSON example
  "attributeTypeId": 0,
  "codeName": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "status": "active"

AllProductCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of AllProduct objects.
meta (required) object CollectionMeta object.

AllProduct object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer AllProduct ID.
productType integer Product type.
name string Name.
codeName string Code name.
status string Possible values: active, inactive.
statusDt string($date‑time) Status date.

ProductCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of ProductList objects.
meta (required) object CollectionMeta object.

ProductList object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer ProductList ID.
productType integer Product type.
name string Name.
codeName string Code name.
status string Possible values: active, inactive, deleted.
statusDt string($date‑time) Status date.
productTypeName string Product type name.
productTypeCodeName string Product type code name.
isOurProduct string Possible values: yes, no.
isSupplierProduct string Possible values: yes, no.
productContextStatus string Product context status.

BizPartnerProductCreate object properties:

Name Type Description
productType integer Product type.
productId integer Product ID.
relationTypeId integer Relation type ID.
status string Status.
notes string Notes.
customerType string Customer type.
accountManagerId integer Account Manager ID.
productBulkSms object ProductBulkSMSCreate object.

ProductBulkSMSCreate object properties:

Name Type Description
sellingPaymentType string Possible values: prepaid, postpaid, none.
sellingPaymentDue integer Selling payment due period.
validFromD string($date) Valid from date.
billingCycle integer Billing cycle.
billingCycleUnit string Possible values: Days, Months, Years, Weeks, Quarters, Semesters.
currencyId integer Currency ID.
invoiceTriggerAmount number($float64) Invoice trigger amount.
overdraftLimit number($float64) Overdraft limit.
creditLimit number($float64) Credit limit.
deposit number($float64) Deposit.
bankGuarantee number($float64) Bank guarantee amount.
disputePercent number($float64) Dispute percent.
maxDispute number($float64) Max dispute.
announcementDays integer Announcement days.

BizPartnerProductUpdate object properties:

Name Type Description
productType integer Product type.
productId integer Product ID.
relationTypeId integer Relation type ID.
status string Status.
notes string Notes.
customerType string Customer type. Possible values: enterprise, wholesale, inter-company.
accountManagerId integer Account Manager ID.
productBulkSms object ProductBulkSMSUpdate object.

ProductBulkSMSUpdate object properties:

Name Type Description
sellingPaymentType string Possible values: prepaid, postpaid, none.
sellingPaymentDue integer Selling payment due period.
validFromD string($date) Valid from date.
billingCycle integer Billing cycle.
billingCycleUnit string Possible values: Days, Months, Years, Weeks, Quarters, Semesters.
currencyId integer Currency ID.
invoiceTriggerAmount number($float64) Invoice trigger amount.
overdraftLimit number($float64) Overdraft limit.
creditLimit number($float64) Credit limit.
deposit number($float64) Deposit.
bankGuarantee number($float64) Bank guarantee amount.
disputePercent number($float64) Dispute percent.
maxDispute number($float64) Max dispute.
announcementDays integer Announcement days.

BizPartnerAllowedProductCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of BizPartnerAllowedProduct objects.
meta (required) object CollectionMeta object.

BizPartnerAllowedProduct object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer BizPartnerAllowedProduct ID.
name string Name.
codeName string Code name.
productTypeId integer Product type id.
productTypeName string Product type name.
productTypeCodeName string Product type code name.

BizPartnerProductCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of BizPartnerProduct objects.
meta (required) object CollectionMeta object.

BizPartnerProduct object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer BizPartnerProduct ID.
bizPartnerId integer Business Partner ID.
bizPartnerBriefName string Business Partner brief name.
productTypeName string Product type name.
productTypeCodeName string Product type code name.
productId integer Product ID.
productName string Product name.
productCodeName string Product code name.
relationTypeId integer Relation type ID.
relationTypeName string Relation type name.
relationTypeCodeName string Relation type code name.
status string Status.
enabledDt string($date‑time) Activation date.
disabledDt string($date‑time) Deactivation date.
statusDt string($date‑time) Status date.
notes string Notes.
customerType string Customer type.
accountManagerId integer Account Manager ID.
accountManagerName string Account Manager name.
serviceCategoryId integer Service category ID.
serviceProductName string Service product name.
productBulkSms object ProductBulkSMS object.

ProductBulkSMS object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer ProductBulkSMS ID.
bizpProductId integer Business Partner product ID.
sellingPaymentType string Selling payment type.
sellingPaymentDue integer Selling payment due period.
validFromD string($date) Valid from date.
billingCycle integer Billing cycle.
billingCycleUnit string Possible values: Days, Months, Years, Weeks, Quarters, Semesters.
currencyId integer Currency ID.
invoiceTriggerAmount number($float64) Invoice trigger amount.
overdraftLimit number($float64) Overdraft limit.
creditLimit number($float64) Credit limit.
deposit number($float64) Deposit.
bankGuarantee number($float64) Bank guarantee amount.
disputePercent number($float64) Dispute percent.
maxDispute number($float64) Max dispute.
announcementDays integer Announcement days.
currencyCode string Currency code.
currencyName string Currency name.

BizpProductCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of BizpProductList objects.
meta (required) object CollectionMeta object.

BizpProductList object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer BizpProductList ID.
instanceId integer Instance ID.
bizPartnerId integer Business Partner ID.
bizPartnerName string Business Partner name.
productType integer Product type.
productTypeName string Product type name.
productTypeCodeName string Product type code name.
productName string Product name.
productCodeName string Product code name.
productId integer Product ID.
relationTypeId integer Relation type ID.
relationTypeCodeName string Relation type code name.
relationType string Relation type.
status string Status.
statusDt string($date‑time) Status date.
enabledDt string($date‑time) Activation date.
disabledDt string($date‑time) Deactivation date.
notes string Notes.
customerType string Customer type.
accountManagerId integer Account Manager ID.
accountManagerName string Account Manager name.
serviceCategoryId integer Service category ID.
serviceCategoryName string Service category name.
serviceProductName string Service product name.

AccountManagerData object properties:

Name Type Description
Name Type Description
id integer AccountManagerData ID.
instanceId integer Instance ID.
email string E-mail.
name string Name.
status string Possible values: active, inactive, deleted.
statusDt string($date‑time) Status date.
accountMgrProduct array An array of AccountMgrProduct objects.

AccountMgrProduct objects properties:

Name Type Description
id integer AccountMgrProduct ID.
accountMgrId integer Account Manager ID.
productId integer Product ID.
productType integer Product type.
status string Possible values: active, inactive, deleted.
statusDt string($date‑time) Status date.
productName string Product name.
productCodeName string Product code name.
productTypeName string Product type name.
productTypeCodeName string Product type code name.
isOurProduct string Possible values: yes, no.
isSupplierProduct string Possible values: yes, no.

AccountManagerCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of AccountManagerDataList objects.
meta (required) object CollectionMeta object.

AccountManagerDataList object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer AccountManagerDataList ID.
instanceId integer Instance ID.
email string E-mail.
name string Name.
status string Possible values: active, inactive, deleted.
statusDt string($date‑time) Status date.
products string Products.
productCodeNames string Product code name.

AccountManagerPost object properties:

Name Type Description
name (required) string Account Manager name.
email (required) string E-mail.
accountMgrProducts array An array of AccountMgrProductRequestData objects.

AccountMgrProductRequestData object properties:

Name Type Description
productId integer Product ID.

PartnerAttributeCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of PartnerAttribute objects.
meta (required) object CollectionMeta object.

PartnerAttribute object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer Partner Attribute/Custom field ID.
sectionId integer Section ID.
sectionRowId integer Section row ID.
attributeId integer Attribute/Custom field ID.
bizPartnerId integer Business Partner ID.
customAttrName string Custom attribute name.
attributeValue string Attribute value.
jsonValue object {value: string($JSON)}.
valueType string Possible values: simple, json.
status string Possible values: active, deleted.
statusDt string($date‑time) Status date.
sectionCodeName string Section code name.
sectionName string Section name.
dbCodeName string Code name.
attributeCodeName string Attribute code name.
attributeName string Attribute name.
attributeTypeCodeName string Attribute type code name.
attributeTypeName string Attribute type name.
canBeChanged boolean If it can be changed.

PartnerAttributePut object properties:

Name Type Description
sectionId integer Section ID.
sectionRowId integer Section row ID.
attributeId integer Attribute/Custom field ID.
bizPartnerId integer Business Partner ID.
customAttrName string maxLength: 50.
attributeValue string maxLength: 255.
jsonValue object {value: string($JSON)}.

PartnerAttributePost object properties:

Name Type Description
sectionId integer Section ID.
sectionRowId integer Section row ID.
attributeId integer Attribute/Custom field ID.
bizPartnerId integer Business Partner ID.
customAttrName string maxLength: 255.
attributeValue string maxLength: 255.
jsonValue object {value: string($JSON)}.

PartnerAttributeExtendCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of PartnerAttributeExtend objects.
meta (required) object CollectionMeta object.

PartnerAttributeExtend object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer PartnerAttributeExtend ID.
sectionId integer Section ID.
sectionRowId integer Section row ID.
attributeId integer Attribute/Custom field ID.
bizPartnerId integer Business Partner ID.
customAttrName string Custom attribute name.
attributeValue string Attribute value.
jsonValue object {value: string($JSON)}.
status string Possible values: active, deleted.
statusDt string($date‑time) Status date.
sectionCodeName string Section code name.
sectionName string Section name.
dbCodeName string Code name.
attributeCodeName string Attribute code name.
attributeName string Attribute name.
attributeTypeCodeName string Attribute type code name.
attributeTypeName string Attribute type name.
attributeTagCodeName string Attribute tag code name.
attributeTagName string Attribute tag name.
canBeChanged boolean If it can be changed.

AttributeSectionPut object properties:

Name Type Description
status string Possible values: active, inactive.

AttributeSectionPost object properties:

Name Type Description
sectionId integer Section ID.

AttributePartnerCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of AttributePartner objects.
meta (required) object CollectionMeta object.

AttributePartner object properties:

Name Type Description
partnerId integer Partner ID.
partnerName string Partner name.
partnerBriefName string Partner brief name.

AttributeCodeName object properties:

Name Type Description
codeName string Code name.

AttributeCodeNamePost object properties:

Name Type Description
name string AttributeCodeName name.

AttributeTypeCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of AttributeType objects.
meta (required) object CollectionMeta object.

AttributeType object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer Attribute/Custom field type ID.
codeName string Code name.
name string Name.
allCustomAttrs string Possible values: yes, no. For allCustomAttrs=yes it will return all custom attributes (custom fields).
status string Possible values: active, inactive, deleted, misc.
statusDt string($date‑time) Status date.

BizPartnerLogoCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of DocLogoFile objects.
meta (required) object CollectionMeta object.

BizPartnerContactPostData object properties:

Name Type Description
firstName string BizPartnerContact first name.
lastName string BizPartnerContact last name.
nickName string BizPartnerContact nickname.
salutation string Salutation.
titel string Titel.
gender string Gender.
language string Language.
eMailBusiness string Business E-mail.
eMailPrivate string Private E-mail.
phoneOfficeDirect string Phone office direct.
phoneOfficeCentral string Phone office central.
mobile string Mobile.
mobileBusiness string Contact business mobile.
skype string Contact skype.
birthday string($date) Birthday.
contactTypeId integer Contact type ID.
customTypeName string Custom type name.
departmentId integer Department ID.
positionId integer Position ID.
customPositionName string Custom position name.
fax string Fax.
address string Business Partner contact address.
postalCode string Postal code.
city string City.
countryId integer Country ID.
extraAttributes object ExtraAttributeDataReqObj.

BizPartnerContactStatusPutData object properties:

Name Type Description
status string Possible values: active, inactive.

BizPartnerContactUpdateDP object properties:

Name Type Description
departments array An array of DepartmentDataReqObj objects.
positions array An array of PositionDataReqObj objects.

DepartmentDataReqObj object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer Department ID.

PositionDataReqObj object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer Position ID.

BizPartnerContactPutData object properties:

Name Type Description
firstName string BizPartnerContact first name.
lastName string BizPartnerContact last name.
nickName string BizPartnerContact nickname.
salutation string Salutation.
titel string Titel.
gender string Gender.
language string Language.
eMailBusiness string Business E-mail.
eMailPrivate string Private E-mail.
phoneOfficeDirect string Phone office direct.
phoneOfficeCentral string Phone office central.
mobile string Mobile.
mobileBusiness string Contact business mobile.
skype string Contact skype.
birthday string($date) Birthday.
contactTypeId integer Contact type ID.
customTypeName string Custom type name.
departmentId integer Department ID.
positionId integer Position ID.
customPositionName string Custom position name.
fax string Fax.
address string Address.
postalCode string Postal code.
city string City.
countryId integer Country ID.
extraAttributes object ExtraAttributesUpdateData.

ExtraAttributesUpdateData object properties:

Name Type Description
data array An array of BizPartnerExtraAttributesUpdate objects.

BizPartnerExtraAttributesUpdate object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer BizPartnerExtraAttributes ID.
attributeId integer Attribute/Custom field ID.
attributeValue string Attribute value.
customAttrName string Custom attribute name.

BizPartnerContactCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of BizPartnerContact objects.
meta (required) object CollectionMeta object.

BizPartnerContact object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer BizPartnerContact ID.
bizPartnerId integer Business Partner ID.
contactTypeId integer Contact type ID.
customTypeName string Custom type name.
firstName string BizPartnerContact first name.
lastName string BizPartnerContact last name.
nickName string BizPartnerContact nickname.
salutation string Possible values: formal, informal.
titel string Titel.
gender string Possible values: male, female, unknown.
language string Language.
addressId integer Address ID.
eMailBusiness string Business E-mail.
eMailPrivate string Private E-mail.
phoneOfficeDirect string Phone office direct.
phoneOfficeCentral string Phone office central.
mobile string Mobile.
mobileBusiness string Contact business mobile.
skype string Contact skype.
birthday string($date) Birthday.
departmentId integer Department ID.
positionId integer Position ID.
customPositionName string Custom position name.
picture string Picture.
fax string Fax.
status string Possible values: active, inactive.
statusDt string($date‑time) Status date.
address string Business Partner contact address.
postalCode string Postal code.
city string City.
countryId integer Country ID.
countryName string Country name.
contactTypeName string Country type name.
partnerName string Partner name.
languageName string Language.
partnerBriefName string Partner brief name.
departmentName string Department name.
positionName string Position name.
note string Note.
extraAttributes object ExtraAttributesDataResponse object.

BizPartnerAddressCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of BizPartnerAddress objects.
meta (required) object CollectionMeta object.

BizPartnerAddressPutData object properties:

Name Type Description
addressTypeId integer Address type ID.
country integer Country code.
name string Name.
branchName string Branch name.
address string Address.
poBox string PO box.
postalCode string Postal code.
city string City.
province string Province
attnPerson string Attn person.
latitude number($float) Address latitude.
longitude number($float) Address longitude.
eMail string E-mail.
phone string Phone.
fax string Fax.
copyToAddresses object CopyAddressesUpdateDataReqObj object.

CopyAddressesUpdateDataReqObj object properties:

Name Type Description
data array An array of BizPartnerAddressCopyUpdateData objects.

BizPartnerAddressCopyUpdateData object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer BizPartnerAddressCopy ID.
name string Name.
branchName string Branch name.
addressTypeId integer Address type ID.

BizContactTypeCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of BizContactType objects.
meta (required) object CollectionMeta object.

BizContactType object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer BizContactType ID.
codeName string Code name.
name string Name.
status string Possible values: active, inactive, deleted, misc.

RelationTypesCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of BizRelationType objects.
meta (required) object CollectionMeta object.

BizRelationType object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer BizRelationType ID.
codeName string Code name.
relationType string Relation type.

BizPartnerStatus object properties:

Name Type Description
partnerStatus string Possible values: active, potential, archived, misc, suspended, draft.
partnerStatusCount integer Business Partner status count.

ContextOwner object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer ContextOwner ID.
name string ContextOwner name.
instanceRole string Instance role.
country integer Country code.
countryName string Country name.
vatNumber string VAT number.
vatApply string Possible value: yes, no.
regNumber string Registration number.
legalAddressId integer Legal address ID.
status string Status.
parentId integer Parent ID.
legalFormId integer Legal form ID.
language string Language.
languageName string Language name.
legalForm string Legal form.
briefName string Brief name.
detailsId integer Details ID.
hasAttributes string Possible value: no, yes.
externalRefId string External reference ID.
statusActiveDt string($date) Date of active status.
statusDt string($date‑time) Status date.
industryId integer Industry ID.
companySizeId integer Company size ID.
eMail string E-mail.
phone string Phone.
fax string Fax.
taxExempt string Tax exemption.
foundingD string($date) Founding date.
dunsNumber string DUNS number.
industryName string Industry name.
companySize string Company size.
instanceOwnerName string Instance owner name.
bizPartnerInstanceUid string Business Partner instance UID.
isIntercompany string Possible value: no, yes.
partnerTypeId integer Partner type ID.
partnerTypeName string Partner type name.
ownerBpId integer Owner business partner ID.
ownerBpName string Business Partner name.
ownerBpBriefName string Business Partner brief name.
selfOwner string Possible value: yes, no.

BizPartnerStatCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of BizPartnerStat objects.
meta (required) object CollectionMeta object.

BizPartnerStat object properties:

Name Type Description
relationType string Relation type.
productInfo array An array of BizPartnerStatProduct object.

BizPartnerStatProduct object properties:

Name Type Description
product string BizPartnerStatProduct name.
productCount integer BizPartnerStatProduct count.

BizPartnerLovCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of BizPartnerLov objects.
meta (required) object CollectionMeta object.

BizPartnerLov object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer BizPartnerLov ID.
name string BizPartnerLov name.
briefName string Business Partner brief name.
city string City.
postalCode string Postal code.
code2 string Code2.
externalRefId string External reference ID.

ProductTypePartnersLovCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of ProductTypePartnersLov objects.
meta (required) object CollectionMeta object.

ProductTypePartnersLov object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer ProductTypePartnersLov ID.
name string ProductTypePartnersLov name.
instanceRole string Instance role.
country integer Country code.
countryName string Country name.
vatNumber string VAT number.
vatApply string Possible values: yes, no, unknown.
regNumber string Registration number.
legalAddressId integer Legal address ID.
status string Status.
parentId integer Parent ID.
legalFormId integer Legal form ID.
language string Language.
languageName string Language name.
legalForm string Legal form.
instanceOwnerName string Instance owner name.
briefName string Brief name.
detailsId integer Details ID.
hasAttributes string Possible values: yes, no.
externalRefId integer External reference ID.
bizPartnerInstanceUid string BizPartnerInstance UID.
statusActiveDt string($date‑time) Date of active status.
statusDt string($date‑time) Status date.
industryId integer Industry ID.
companySizeId integer Company size ID.
eMail string E-mail.
phone string Phone.
fax string Fax.
taxExempt string Tax exemption.
foundingD string($date‑time) Founding date.
dunsNumber string DUNS number.
industryName string Industry name.
companySize string Company size.
ownerBpId integer Owner business partner ID.
ownerBpName string Business Partner name.
ownerBpBriefName string Business Partner brief name.
selfOwner string Possible values: yes, no.
isIntercompany string Possible values: yes, no.
partnerTypeId integer Partner type ID.
partnerTypeName string Partner type name.

ProductFeatureCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of ProductFeature objects.
meta (required) object CollectionMeta object.

ProductFeature object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer ProductFeature ID.
productId integer Product ID.
codeName string Code name.
name string Name.
status string Status.
productName string Product name.
productCodeName string Product code name.
JSON example
  "id": 0,
  "productId": 0,
  "codeName": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "status": "string",
  "productName": "string",
  "productCodeName": "string"

FinanceSettingsPutData object properties:

Name Type Description
partnerInDraft string Possible values: yes, no.
nettingPartner string Possible values: yes, no.
hardCopyAddressIsDefault Possible values: yes, no.
invoiceAddressId integer Invoice address ID.
emailContact object EmailContactFinanceSettings object

EmailContactFinanceSettings object properties:

Name Type Description
emailAccountId integer E-mail account ID.
emailAddresses array An array of EmailAddressFinanceSettings objects.

EmailAddressFinanceSettings object properties:

Name Type Description
addressType string Possible values: to, cc, bcc.
eMail string($email) E-mail.

FinanceSettings object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer FinanceSettings ID.
productType string Product type.
productId integer Product ID.
invoiceAddressId integer Invoice address ID.
invoiceAddressIsDefault string Possible values: yes, no.
emailContactId integer E-mail contact ID.
emailAddressIsDefault string Possible values: yes, no.
hardCopyAddressId integer Address ID for hardcopy.
hardCopyAddressIsDefault string Possible values: yes, no.
nettingPartner string Possible values: yes, no.
emailAccountId integer E-mail account ID.
smtpAccount string SMTP account.
emailAddressTO string($email) E-mail TO address.
emailAddressCC string($email) E-mail CC address.
emailAddressBcc string($email) E-mail BCC address.

ProductTypeCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of ProductType objects.
meta (required) object CollectionMeta object.

ProductType object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer Product type ID.
name string Product type name.
codeName string Code name.
status string Possible values: active.
statusDt string($date‑time) Status date.

EmailAccountCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of EmailAccount objects.
meta (required) object CollectionMeta object.

EmailAccount object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer EmailAccount ID.
name string Name.
canReceive string Possible values: yes, no.
inHost string IMAP host name.
inPort integer IMAP port.
inSecurity string Optional security method like TLS or SSL.
canSend string Possible values: yes, no.
outHost string SMTP host name.
outPort integer SMTP port.
outSecurity string Optional security method like TLS or SSL.
status string Possible values: yes, no.
statusDt string)$date‑time Status date.

FinanceEmailAddressCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of FinanceEmailAddress objects.
meta (required) object CollectionMeta object.

FinanceEmailAddress object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer FinanceEmailAddress ID.
emailContactId integer E-mail contact ID.
addressType string Address type.
eMail string E-mail.
bizPartnerId integer Business Partner ID.
bizPartnerBriefName string Business Partner brief name.

ServiceCategoryCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of ServiceCategory objects.
meta (required) object CollectionMeta object.

ServiceCategory object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer ServiceCategory ID.
category string Category.

BizPositionCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of BizPosition objects.
meta (required) object CollectionMeta object.

BizPosition object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer Biz Position ID.
name string Biz Position Name.
codeName string Biz Position Code name.
status string Biz Position status. Possible values: active, inactive.
statusDt string($date‑time) Status date.
canBeDeleted boolean If Biz Position can be deleted.
favorite string Possible values: yes, no.

BizPositionPost object properties:

Name Type Description
name (required) string Biz Position Name. maxLength: 50.
favorite string Possible values: yes, no.

BizPositionPut object properties:

Name Type Description
name string Biz Position Name. maxLength: 50.
status string Possible values: active, inactive.
favorite string Possible values: yes, no.

MeasureUnitCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of MeasureUnit objects.
meta (required) object CollectionMeta object.

MeasureUnit object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer Measure Unit ID.
name string Measure Unit name.
code string Measure Unit code.
type string Measure Unit type.
ordNum integer Measure Unit ordinal number.
baseUnitId integer Base unit ID.
baseNumerator integer Base numerator.
baseDenominator integer Base denominator.

LanguageCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of Language objects.
meta (required) object CollectionMeta object.

Language object properties:

Name Type Description
id string Language ID. maxLength: 2.
name string Language name.
status string Possible values: A, N.
statusDt string($date‑time) Status date.

BizPartnerCountryCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of BizPartnerCountry objects.
meta (required) object CollectionMeta object.

BizPartnerCountry object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer Business Partner country ID.
name string Business Partner country name.

CountryCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of Country objects.
meta (required) object CollectionMeta object.

Country object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer Country ID.
name string Country name.
code2 string Country code.
code3 string Country code.
type string Possible values: formal, undefined, virtual, informal.
currency integer Country currency.
defLang string Default language. maxLenght: 2.
status string Possible values: A, N.
statusDt string($date‑time) Status date.
domain string maxLenght: 5.
dialCode string maxLenght: 10.
continent string maxLenght: 2.
defTaxCategoryId integer Deferred tax category.
cashRounding number($float) Rounding.

CurrencyCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of Currency objects.
meta (required) object CollectionMeta object.

Currency object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer Currency ID.
name string Currency name.
code string Currency code.
status string maxLength: 1.
statusDt string($date‑time) Status date.
type string Possible values: formal, internal, virtual, informal.

LegalFormCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of LegalForm objects.
meta (required) object CollectionMeta object.

LegalForm object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer Legal form ID.
countryId integer Country ID.
legalForm string Legal form name.
status string Possible values: active, inactive, deleted.
statusDt string($date‑time) Status date.

BizDepartmentCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of BizDepartment objects.
meta (required) object CollectionMeta object.

BizDepartment object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer Business department ID.
name string Business department name.
status string Possible values: active, inactive.
statusDt string($date‑time) Status date.
canBeDeleted boolean If Business department can be deleted.
favorite string Possible values: yes, no.

AccountManagersLovCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of AccountManagersLov objects.
meta (required) object CollectionMeta object.

AccountManagersLov object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer AccountManagersLov ID.
name string AccountManagersLov name.

AddressTypeCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of AddressType objects.
meta (required) object CollectionMeta object.

AddressType object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer Address type ID.
name string Address type name.

BizPartnerActiveLovCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of BizPartnerActiveLov objects.
meta (required) object CollectionMeta object.

BizPartnerActiveLov object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer BizPartnerActiveLov ID.
instanceOwnerName string Instance owner name.
externalRefId string External reference ID.
name string Business Partner name.
briefName string Business Partner brief name.
country integer Country code.
countryName string Country name.
vatNumber string VAT number.
vatApply string Possible values: yes, no, unknown.
regNumber string Registration number.
dunsNumber string DUNS number.
status string Status.
parentId string Parent ID.
statusDt string($date‑time) Status date.
statusActiveDt string($date‑time) Date of active status.
legalAddressId integer Legal address ID.
legalFormId integer Legal form ID.
legalForm string Legal form.
language string Language.
languageName string Language name.
taxExempt string Tax exemption.
foundingD string Founding date.
industryId integer Industry ID.
companySizeId integer Company size ID.
eMail string E-mail.
phone string Phone.
fax string Fax.
industryName string Industry name.
companySize string Company size.

AccountManagersPartnerLovCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of AccountManagersPartnerLov objects.
meta (required) object CollectionMeta object.

AccountManagersPartnerLov object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer AccountManagersPartnerLov ID.
name string AccountManagersPartnerLov name.
briefName string AccountManagersPartnerLov brief name.

BizPartnerBriefCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of BizPartnerBrief objects.
meta (required) object CollectionMeta object.

BizPartnerBrief object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer BizPartnerBrief ID.
instanceRole string Instance role.
name string Name.
briefName string Brief name.
externalRefId string External reference ID.
countryId integer Country ID.
countryName string Country name.
phone string Phone.
eMail string E-mail.
language string Language.
vatNumber string VAT number.
vatApply string Possible values: yes, no, unknown.
legalAddressId integer Legal address ID.
legalAddressName string Legal address name.
legalAddress string Legal address.
legalAddressCountryId integer Legal address country ID.
legalAddressCountryName string Legal address country name.
legalAddressZipCode string Legal address ZIP code.
statusActiveDt string($date‑time) Date of active status.
city string City.
regNumber string Registration number.
status string Status.
statusDt string($date‑time) Status date.
relation string Relation.
product string Product.
realProduct string Related product list.
partnerTypeId integer Partner type ID.
partnerTypeName string Partner type name.
industryId integer Industry ID.
industryName string Industry name.
creation string Date of creation.
instanceOwnerName string Instance owner name.
ownerBpId integer Owner business partner ID.
ownerBpName string Business Partner name.
ownerBpBriefName string Business Partner brief name.
addresses array An array of briefAddresses objects.

briefAddresses object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer Biz Partner Address ID.
typeCodeName string Address type code name.
typeName string Address type name.

UserCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of User objects.
meta (required) object CollectionMeta object.

User object properties:

Name Type Description
uuid string User's UUID.
email string User's E-mail.
firstName string User's first name.
lastName string User's last name.
status string User's status. Possible values: active, inactive, invited, disabled.
JSON example
  "uuid": "string",
  "email": "string",
  "firstName": "string",
  "lastName": "string",
  "status": "active"

4.2 Meta

Meta contains data for the number of rows and pages that have been received for a given API call.

Name Type Description
CollectionMeta object CollectionMeta object.

CollectionMeta object properties:

Name Type Description
pagination (required) object CollectionMetaPagination object.

CollectionMetaPagination object properties:

Name Type Description
total (required) integer Total number of rows.
totalPages (required) integer Total number of pages.
currentPage (required) integer The current page number.
perPage (required) integer The maximum rows per page.
count (required) integer A number of rows in the current page.
links object CollectionMetaPaginationLinks object.

CollectionMetaPaginationLinks object properties:

Name Type Description
first string Link to the first page.
last string Link to the last page.
prev string Link to the previous page.
next string Link to the next page.
JSON example
"meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "total": 0,
      "totalPages": 0,
      "currentPage": 0,
      "perPage": 0,
      "count": 0

5. API Call Examples

This section presents a set of sample cURL API calls that shows some of numerous use cases for the API.

Note: A domain is presented with placeholders as https://api{separator}{platform_domain}, where {separator} can be a dot (.) or a hyphen (-). Please, replace it with your actual platform domain name.

1. An example of how to filter the Business Partners results and make segmentation to see all Business Partners with 'Customer' relation type is given below:

curl 'https://api{separator}{platform_domain}/biz-core/v1/biz-partners-brief?bp_type_filter=1&sort=briefName' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN'

2. An example of how to filter the Platform Products results and make segmentation to see all platform products with 'Supplier' relation type is given below:

curl 'https://api{separator}{platform_domain}/biz-core/v1/biz-partners/BIZ_PARTNER_ID/biz-partner-products?contains(relationTypeName)=Supplier' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN'

3. The following API call creates a Custom field:

curl 'https://api{separator}{platform_domain}/biz-core/v2/attributes?attributeKind=registered&name=CUSTOM_FIELD_NAME&sort=name' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
  --data '{
    "attributeTypeId": 4,
    "codeName": "ATTR-CUSTOM_FIELD_NAME",
    "name": "CUSTOM_FIELD_NAME"

4. An example of API call which adds an Attribute Section to a custom field, i.e. section where the custom field will be in use in the system:

curl 'https://api{separator}{platform_domain}/biz-core/v2/attributes/ATTRIBUTE_ID/attribute-sections' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
  --data '{
    "id": ATTRIBUTE_ID,
    "sectionId": SECTION_ID

5. The following examples of API calls creates a Biz Partner product 'Bulk SMS' for a Customer. The custom field, created in the previous example, is also in use:

curl 'https://api{separator}{platform_domain}/biz-core/v1/biz-partners/BIZ_PARTNER_ID/biz-partner-products' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
  --data '{
    "sellingPaymentType": "prepaid",
    "relationTypeId": 1,
    "relationTypeName": "Customer",
    "productId": 1,
    "productType": 3,
    "productName": "Bulk SMS",
    "validFromDateFull": "2023-03-31T22:00:00.000Z",
    "validFromDat": "01.04.2023.",
    "currencyId": "978",
    "currencyCode": "EUR",
    "status": "enabled",
    "accountManagerId": null,
    "productBulkSms": {
      "sellingPaymentType": "prepaid",
      "sellingPaymentDue": 0,
      "validFromD": "2023-04-01",
      "currencyId": "978",
      "disputePercent": 0,
      "maxDispute": 0,
      "announcementDays": 0,
      "invoiceTriggerAmount": 0,
      "overdraftLimit": null,
      "creditLimit": 0,
      "deposit": null,
      "bankGuarantee": null
curl 'https://api{separator}{platform_domain}/biz-core/v2/partner-attributes' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
  --data '{
    "attributeValue": "123",
    "visible": true,
    "fieldData": {
      "name": "CUSTOM_FIELD_NAME",
      "id": ATTRIBUTE_ID,
      "attributeTypeId": 4,
      "codeName": "ATTR-CUSTOM_FIELD_NAME",
      "status": "active",
      "statusDt": "2023-03-06T13:09:58Z",
      "attributeKind": "registered",
      "sections": "Product Relation",
      "sectionCodeNames": "PRODUCT-RELATION",
      "attributeTypeCodeName": "INPUT-STRING",
      "attributeTypeName": "Input String",
      "canBeDeleted": false,
      "canCodeNameChange": true,
      "visible": true,
      "disabled": false
    "sectionId": SECTION_ID,
    "attributeId": ATTRIBUTE_ID,
    "valueType": "simple",
    "error": false,
    "sectionRowId": SECTION_ROW_ID,
    "bizPartnerId": BIZ_PARTNER_ID

6. The following example of API call returns a product for the selected productName and relationTypeName, e.g. product name 'Bulk SMS' for relation type 'Customer', for a Biz Partner:

curl 'https://api{separator}{platform_domain}/biz-core/v1/biz-partners/BIZ_PARTNER_ID/biz-partner-products?contains(productName)=Bulk+SMS&contains(relationTypeName)=Customer' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN'

7. The value of an attribute/custom field for a product (e.g. for a product that is returned in the previous example), can be found from the response of the API call presented below. The request is based on the values of bizProductId and sectionCodeNames, where bizProductId value is used for sectionRowId parameter.

curl 'https://api{separator}{platform_domain}/biz-core/v2/partner-attributes?all=yes&sectionRowId=BIZ_PRODUCT_ID&sectionCodeNames=PRODUCT-RELATION' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN'