Contact Manager API
1. Introduction
The Business Messenger Contact Manager API is a standard REST HTTP API with JSON payload. It can be used to store customer subscription information, create messaging lists etc. The Business Messenger API authorization is implemented as the industry-standard OAuth 2.0 protocol. For more information, please refer to the OAuth2 Authentication Guidelines page.
1.1 API Call Examples
Note: A domain is presented with placeholders as https://api{separator}{platform_domain}
, where {separator}
can be a dot (.) or a hyphen (-). Please, replace it with your actual platform domain name.
1. The following sample CURL call adds a new contact in your Business Messenger account:
curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Accept: application/json" --header "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN" -d "{
\"list_uuid\": \"LIST_UUID\",
\"first_name\": \"John\",
\"last_name\": \"Smith\",
\"mobile\": \"+12025550100\",
\"email\": \"\",
\"address\": \"St One\",
\"zip\": \"9000\",
\"city\": \"NY\",
\"country\": \"US\",
\"opt_status\": \"in\"
}" "https://api{separator}{platform_domain}/news/v1/services/SERVICE_UUID/cds/contacts"
Note that in order to have a contact opted in for SMS campaigns, you need to explicitly set field opt_status
to in
value, or PATCH this contact with this opt_status later.
2. An example call searching for contact(s) with +11111111111 mobile number:
curl --header "Accept: application/json" --header "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN" "https://api{separator}{platform_domain}/news/v1/services/SERVICE_UUID/cds/contacts?mobile=%2B11111111111"
3. If you need a batch import of contacts, an example of how to do that is given below:
curl -X POST "https://api{separator}{platform_domain}/news/v1/services/SERVICE_UUID/cds/imports?list_uuid=LIST_UUID&resolve_duplicate=update&identifier=mobile" \
-H "accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' \
-d @- << EOF
identifier=mobile defines that new and existing contacts will be mapped by the mobile property.
resolve_duplicate=update instructs what to do with duplicate records (in this case, updates the old record with the new data).
4. An example of how to filter results and make segmentation to see all contacts with e.g. first name John is given below:
curl 'https://api{separator}{platform_domain}/news/v1/services/SERVICE_UUID/cds/contacts?fields=lists,channels&page_number=1&page_size=10&query={"segmentation":[{"operator":"AND","rules":[{"field":"first_name","condition":"eq","value":"john","operator":"AND"}]}]}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' \
5. An example of how to filter results and make segmentation to see all contacts with specific birthday from one specific country is given below:
curl 'https://api{separator}{platform_domain}/news/v1/services/SERVICE_UUID/cds/contacts?fields=lists,channels&page_number=1&page_size=10&query={"segmentation":[{"operator":"AND","rules":[{"field":"country","condition":"eq","value":"CH","operator":"AND"},{"field":"birthday","condition":"eq","value":"1980-03-20","operator":"AND"}]}]}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' \
2. Methods Overview
2.1 Contact
Endpoints for Contacts management.
2.2 List
Endpoints for Lists management.
2.3 Field
Endpoints for Contact Fields management.
2.4 Segmentation
Endpoints for Segmentation Sets and Groups management.
2.5 Subscription
Endpoints for Subscriptions and Options management.
2.6 Group
Endpoints for Groups management.
2.7 Touchpoint
Endpoints for Touchpoints management.
2.8 Interest
Endpoints for Interests management.
3. Methods Details
3.1 Contact
Endpoints for Contacts management.
Returns a list of contacts.Up
Method Overview
The method returns a list of contacts.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
fields |
array[string] (query) |
Optional fields. Available values : lists, show_deleted, count_only, channels. |
list_uuids |
array[string] (query) |
List UUIDs (comma-separated). |
subscription_uuids |
array[string] (query) |
Subscription Options UUIDs (comma-separated). |
interest_uuids |
array[string]Â (query) |
Interest UUIDs (comma-separated). |
touchpoint_uuids |
array[string] (query) |
Touchpoint UUIDs (comma-separated). |
member_status |
string (query) |
Member status. Available values : subscribed, unsubscribed. |
subscription_status |
string (query) |
Subscription member status. Available values : subscribed, unsubscribed. |
opt_status |
string (query) |
Opt status. Available values : in, out. |
opt_status_webpush |
string (query) |
Opt status webpush. Available values : in, out. |
gender |
string (query) |
Gender. Available values : male, female. |
mobile |
string (query) |
Mobile (E.164 with + prefix). |
email |
string (query) |
Email. |
webpush_subscription |
string (query) |
Webpush subscription. |
first_name |
string (query) |
First Name. |
last_name |
string (query) |
Last Name. |
age |
string (query) |
Age. |
query |
string (query) |
Segmentation. |
group_uuid |
string (query) |
Group UUID. |
page_number |
integer (query) |
Page number. Default value: 1. |
page_size |
integer (query) |
Page size. Default value: 10. |
sort |
string (query) |
Sort order for the result records. Available values: mobile, -mobile, first_name, -first_name, last_name, -last_name, created_dt, -created_dt, birthday, -birthday, gender, -gender, updated_dt, -updated_dt. |
required |
array[string] (query) |
Returns contacts which have these fields defined: 'mobile', 'email', 'birthday', 'first_name', 'last_name'. Available values: mobile, email, birthday, first_name, last_name. |
updated_dt |
string (query) |
The date/time when the content was updated. It is in RFC 3339 format. You can use operators for this field, e.g. gt(updated_dt)=2020-03-01T09:21:11+00:00 to get all contacts updated after the specified time. |
channel_name |
string (query) |
Channel name. Available values: telegram, viber, facebook, instagram. |
channel_identifier |
string (query) |
Alias/Chat ID. |
channel_opt_status |
string (query) |
Opt status. Available values: in, out. |
uuids |
array[string] (query) |
Search contacts by their UUIDs (comma-separated). |
Code |
Description |
Links |
200 |
List of Contacts. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
"data": [
"uuid": "string",
"created_dt": "string",
"updated_dt": "string",
"list_uuid": "string",
"first_name": "string",
"last_name": "string",
"second_name": "string",
"nick_name": "string",
"gender": "string",
"birthday": "string",
"salutation": "string",
"title": "string",
"language": "string",
"nationality": "string",
"mobile": "string",
"opt_status": "in",
"opt_status_webpush": "in",
"email": "string",
"phone": "string",
"address": "string",
"zip": "string",
"city": "string",
"region": "string",
"country": "string",
"b_mobile": "string",
"b_email": "string",
"b_phone": "string",
"b_address": "string",
"b_zip": "string",
"b_city": "string",
"b_region": "string",
"b_country": "string",
"b_job_title": "string",
"b_department": "string",
"b_reception_code": "string",
"channel_telegram_identifier": "string",
"channel_telegram_opt_status": "in",
"channel_telegram_data": {},
"channels": [
"opt_status": "in",
"channel_name": "string",
"data": {},
"identifier": "string"
"meta": {
"pagination": {
"total": 0,
"count": 0,
"perPage": 0,
"currentPage": 0,
"totalPages": 0,
"links": {
"first": "string",
"last": "string",
"prev": "string",
"next": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Method Overview
The method creates a new Contact.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
body (required) |
(body) |
Contact data. |
Data Parameters
Contact data object example
"list_uuid": "string",
"first_name": "string",
"last_name": "string",
"second_name": "string",
"nick_name": "string",
"gender": "string",
"birthday": "string",
"salutation": "string",
"title": "string",
"language": "string",
"nationality": "string",
"mobile": "string",
"opt_status": "in",
"email": "string",
"phone": "string",
"address": "string",
"zip": "string",
"city": "string",
"region": "string",
"country": "string",
"b_mobile": "string",
"b_email": "string",
"b_phone": "string",
"b_address": "string",
"b_zip": "string",
"b_city": "string",
"b_region": "string",
"b_country": "string",
"b_job_title": "string",
"b_department": "string",
"b_reception_code": "string",
"channel_telegram_identifier": "string",
"channel_telegram_opt_status": "in",
"channel_telegram_data": {}
Code |
Description |
Links |
201 |
Created Contact. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
"uuid": "string",
"created_dt": "string",
"updated_dt": "string",
"list_uuid": "string",
"first_name": "string",
"last_name": "string",
"second_name": "string",
"nick_name": "string",
"gender": "string",
"birthday": "string",
"salutation": "string",
"title": "string",
"language": "string",
"nationality": "string",
"mobile": "string",
"opt_status": "in",
"opt_status_webpush": "in",
"email": "string",
"phone": "string",
"address": "string",
"zip": "string",
"city": "string",
"region": "string",
"country": "string",
"b_mobile": "string",
"b_email": "string",
"b_phone": "string",
"b_address": "string",
"b_zip": "string",
"b_city": "string",
"b_region": "string",
"b_country": "string",
"b_job_title": "string",
"b_department": "string",
"b_reception_code": "string",
"channel_telegram_identifier": "string",
"channel_telegram_opt_status": "in",
"channel_telegram_data": {},
"channels": [
"opt_status": "in",
"channel_name": "string",
"data": {},
"identifier": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Returns a Contact by UUID.Up
Method Overview
The method returns a Contact by UUID.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
contactId (required) |
string (path) |
ID of a Contact to get. |
fields |
array[string] (query) |
Optional fields (lists). |
Code |
Description |
Links |
200 |
Contact data. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
"uuid": "string",
"created_dt": "string",
"updated_dt": "string",
"list_uuid": "string",
"first_name": "string",
"last_name": "string",
"second_name": "string",
"nick_name": "string",
"gender": "string",
"birthday": "string",
"salutation": "string",
"title": "string",
"language": "string",
"nationality": "string",
"mobile": "string",
"opt_status": "in",
"opt_status_webpush": "in",
"email": "string",
"phone": "string",
"address": "string",
"zip": "string",
"city": "string",
"region": "string",
"country": "string",
"b_mobile": "string",
"b_email": "string",
"b_phone": "string",
"b_address": "string",
"b_zip": "string",
"b_city": "string",
"b_region": "string",
"b_country": "string",
"b_job_title": "string",
"b_department": "string",
"b_reception_code": "string",
"channel_telegram_identifier": "string",
"channel_telegram_opt_status": "in",
"channel_telegram_data": {},
"channels": [
"opt_status": "in",
"channel_name": "string",
"data": {},
"identifier": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Updates a Contact by UUID.Up
Method Overview
The method updates a Contact by UUID.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
contactId (required) |
string (path) |
ID of a Contact to update. |
body (required) |
(body) |
Contact data. |
Data Parameters
Contact data object example
"list_uuid": "string",
"first_name": "string",
"last_name": "string",
"second_name": "string",
"nick_name": "string",
"gender": "string",
"birthday": "string",
"salutation": "string",
"title": "string",
"language": "string",
"nationality": "string",
"mobile": "string",
"opt_status": "in",
"email": "string",
"phone": "string",
"address": "string",
"zip": "string",
"city": "string",
"region": "string",
"country": "string",
"b_mobile": "string",
"b_email": "string",
"b_phone": "string",
"b_address": "string",
"b_zip": "string",
"b_city": "string",
"b_region": "string",
"b_country": "string",
"b_job_title": "string",
"b_department": "string",
"b_reception_code": "string",
"channel_telegram_identifier": "string",
"channel_telegram_opt_status": "in",
"channel_telegram_data": {}
Code |
Description |
Links |
200 |
Contact data. |
No links. |
400 |
Invalid request. |
No links. |
404 |
Resource not found. |
No links. |
405 |
Validation exception. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
"uuid": "string",
"created_dt": "string",
"updated_dt": "string",
"list_uuid": "string",
"first_name": "string",
"last_name": "string",
"second_name": "string",
"nick_name": "string",
"gender": "string",
"birthday": "string",
"salutation": "string",
"title": "string",
"language": "string",
"nationality": "string",
"mobile": "string",
"opt_status": "in",
"opt_status_webpush": "in",
"email": "string",
"phone": "string",
"address": "string",
"zip": "string",
"city": "string",
"region": "string",
"country": "string",
"b_mobile": "string",
"b_email": "string",
"b_phone": "string",
"b_address": "string",
"b_zip": "string",
"b_city": "string",
"b_region": "string",
"b_country": "string",
"b_job_title": "string",
"b_department": "string",
"b_reception_code": "string",
"channel_telegram_identifier": "string",
"channel_telegram_opt_status": "in",
"channel_telegram_data": {},
"channels": [
"opt_status": "in",
"channel_name": "string",
"data": {},
"identifier": "string"
Error Response 400: Invalid request
Error Response 404: Resource not found
Error Response 405: Validation exception
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Patches a Contact by UUID.Up
Method Overview
The method patches a Contact by UUID.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
contactId (required) |
string (path) |
ID of a Contact to update. |
body (required) |
(body) |
Contact Status. |
Data Parameters
Contact Status object example
"opt_status": "in",
"opt_status_webpush": "in",
"channel_telegram_identifier": "string",
"channel_telegram_opt_status": "in"
Code |
Description |
Links |
200 |
Contact data. |
No links. |
400 |
Invalid request. |
No links. |
404 |
Resource not found. |
No links. |
405 |
Validation exception. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
"uuid": "string",
"created_dt": "string",
"updated_dt": "string",
"list_uuid": "string",
"first_name": "string",
"last_name": "string",
"second_name": "string",
"nick_name": "string",
"gender": "string",
"birthday": "string",
"salutation": "string",
"title": "string",
"language": "string",
"nationality": "string",
"mobile": "string",
"opt_status": "in",
"opt_status_webpush": "in",
"email": "string",
"phone": "string",
"address": "string",
"zip": "string",
"city": "string",
"region": "string",
"country": "string",
"b_mobile": "string",
"b_email": "string",
"b_phone": "string",
"b_address": "string",
"b_zip": "string",
"b_city": "string",
"b_region": "string",
"b_country": "string",
"b_job_title": "string",
"b_department": "string",
"b_reception_code": "string",
"channel_telegram_identifier": "string",
"channel_telegram_opt_status": "in",
"channel_telegram_data": {},
"channels": [
"opt_status": "in",
"channel_name": "string",
"data": {},
"identifier": "string"
Error Response 400: Invalid request
Error Response 404: Resource not found
Error Response 405: Validation exception
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Deletes a Contact by UUID.Up
Method Overview
The method deletes a Contact by UUID.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
contactId (required) |
string (path) |
ID of a Contact to delete. |
gdpr (required) |
string (query) |
If full GDPR delete should be executed. Available values: yes, no. Default value: no. |
Code |
Description |
Links |
204 |
Contact deleted. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Imports contacts in a batch.Up
Method Overview
The method imports contacts in a batch.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
list_uuid (required) |
string (query) |
UUID of a list in which contacts should be imported. |
option_uuids |
array[string] (query) |
A comma separated string of subscription option UUIDs. |
update_option_uuids |
array[string]Â (query) |
A comma separated string of subscription option UUIDs used for updating of existing contacts when resolve action is subscribe or unsubscribe. |
touchpoint_uuids |
array[string] (query) |
A comma separated string of touchpoint UUIDs. |
interest_uuids |
array[string] (query) |
A comma separated string of interest UUIDs. |
resolve_duplicate (required) |
string (query) |
Defines an action how to resolve found duplicates. Available values: update, skip, subscribe, unsubscribe, delete, optin, optout. Default value: update. |
identifier (required) |
string (query) |
This field is to be used as a unique identifier of imported contacts. Default value: mobile. |
unset_invalid_fields |
array[string] (query) |
A comma separated list of fields code names which can be unset (nulled) if the sent value is invalid. |
insert_opt_channels |
array[string] (query) |
A list of channels to opt-in or opt-out from, when creating new contacts. Available values: sms, whatsapp. Default value: sms. |
update_opt_channels |
array[string] (query) |
A list of channels to opt-in or opt-out from, when updating existing contacts. Available values: sms, whatsapp. Default value: sms. |
body (required) |
array (body) |
Array of Contacts to add. |
Data Parameters
Contacts Array body object example
"first_name": "string",
"last_name": "string",
"second_name": "string",
"nick_name": "string",
"gender": "string",
"birthday": "string",
"salutation": "string",
"title": "string",
"language": "string",
"nationality": "string",
"mobile": "string",
"email": "string",
"phone": "string",
"address": "string",
"zip": "string",
"city": "string",
"region": "string",
"country": "string",
"b_mobile": "string",
"b_email": "string",
"b_phone": "string",
"b_address": "string",
"b_zip": "string",
"b_city": "string",
"b_region": "string",
"b_country": "string",
"b_job_title": "string",
"b_department": "string",
"b_reception_code": "string"
Code |
Description |
Links |
200 |
Import result. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 200: Import result
"created": 0,
"deleted": 0,
"invalid": 0,
"updated": 0,
"skipped": 0,
"subscribed": 0,
"unsubscribed": 0,
"optedin": 0,
"optedout": 0,
"errors": [
"contact": {
"uuid": "string",
"created_dt": "string",
"updated_dt": "string",
"list_uuid": "string",
"first_name": "string",
"last_name": "string",
"second_name": "string",
"nick_name": "string",
"gender": "string",
"birthday": "string",
"salutation": "string",
"title": "string",
"language": "string",
"nationality": "string",
"mobile": "string",
"opt_status": "in",
"opt_status_webpush": "in",
"email": "string",
"phone": "string",
"address": "string",
"zip": "string",
"city": "string",
"region": "string",
"country": "string",
"b_mobile": "string",
"b_email": "string",
"b_phone": "string",
"b_address": "string",
"b_zip": "string",
"b_city": "string",
"b_region": "string",
"b_country": "string",
"b_job_title": "string",
"b_department": "string",
"b_reception_code": "string",
"channel_telegram_identifier": "string",
"channel_telegram_opt_status": "in",
"channel_telegram_data": {},
"channels": [
"opt_status": "in",
"channel_name": "string",
"data": {},
"identifier": "string"
"errors": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
3.2 List
Endpoints for Lists management.
Returns an array of Lists.Up
Method Overview
The method returns an array of Lists.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
fields |
array[string] (query) |
Optional fields (totals, status, show_deleted, contacts_count). |
Code |
Description |
Links |
200 |
Array of Lists. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 200: Array of Lists
"data": [
"uuid": "string",
"name": "string",
"list_status": "string",
"created_dt": "string",
"updated_dt": "string",
"subscribed": 0,
"unsubscribed": 0,
"contacts_count": 0
"meta": {
"pagination": {
"total": 0,
"count": 0,
"perPage": 0,
"currentPage": 0,
"totalPages": 0,
"links": {
"first": "string",
"last": "string",
"prev": "string",
"next": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Method Overview
The method creates a new List.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
body (required) |
(body) |
List to add. |
Data Parameters
List body object example
"uuid": "string",
"name": "string",
"list_status": "string",
"created_dt": "string",
"updated_dt": "string",
"subscribed": 0,
"unsubscribed": 0,
"contacts_count": 0
Code |
Description |
Links |
201 |
New List response. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 201: New List response
"uuid": "string",
"name": "string",
"list_status": "string",
"created_dt": "string",
"updated_dt": "string",
"subscribed": 0,
"unsubscribed": 0,
"contacts_count": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Returns a List by UUID.Up
Method Overview
The method returns a List by UUID.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
listId (required) |
string (path) |
ID of a List to get. |
Code |
Description |
Links |
200 |
List Data. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 200: List Data
"uuid": "string",
"name": "string",
"list_status": "string",
"created_dt": "string",
"updated_dt": "string",
"subscribed": 0,
"unsubscribed": 0,
"contacts_count": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Method Overview
The method updates a List.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
listId (required) |
string (path) |
ID of a List to update. |
body (required) |
(body) |
List data. |
Data Parameters
List data object example
"uuid": "string",
"name": "string",
"list_status": "string",
"created_dt": "string",
"updated_dt": "string",
"subscribed": 0,
"unsubscribed": 0,
"contacts_count": 0
Code |
Description |
Links |
200 |
Resource updated. |
No links. |
400 |
Invalid request. |
No links. |
404 |
Resource not found. |
No links. |
405 |
Validation exception. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 200: Resource updated
Error Response 400: Invalid request
Error Response 404: Resource not found
Error Response 405: Validation exception
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Deletes a List by UUID.Up
Method Overview
The method deletes a List by UUID.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
listId (required) |
string (path) |
ID of a List to delete. |
Code |
Description |
Links |
204 |
List deleted. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 204: List Deleted
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
3.3 Field
Endpoints for Contact Fields management.
Returns a list of Contact Fields.Up
Method Overview
The method returns a list of Contact Fields.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
include_all |
string (query) |
Appends custom fields and returns more detailed information about fields (use value 1 to set it). Default value: 1. |
Code |
Description |
Links |
200 |
List of all fields (when include_all = 1), in the case of 0 or none, simple array of strings is returned. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 200: List of all fields (when include_all = 1), in the case of 0 or none, simple array of strings is returned
"display_name": "string",
"field_type": "string",
"field_name": "string",
"mandatory": "no",
"order_num": 0,
"config": {},
"identifier": "no"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Returns a list of Custom Fields.Up
Method Overview
The method returns a list of Custom Fields.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
Code |
Description |
Links |
200 |
List of Custom Fields. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 200: List of Custom Fields
"data": [
"display_name": "string",
"field_type": "string",
"field_name": "string",
"mandatory": "no",
"order_num": 0,
"config": {},
"identifier": "no"
"meta": {
"pagination": {
"total": 0,
"count": 0,
"perPage": 0,
"currentPage": 0,
"totalPages": 0,
"links": {
"first": "string",
"last": "string",
"prev": "string",
"next": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Creates a Custom Field.Up
Method Overview
The method creates a Custom Field.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
body (required) |
(body) |
Field data. |
Data Parameters
Field body object example
"display_name": "string",
"field_type": "string",
"field_name": "string",
"mandatory": "no",
"order_num": 0,
"config": {},
"identifier": "no"
Code |
Description |
Links |
201 |
New Custom Field response. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 201: New Custom Field response
"display_name": "string",
"field_type": "string",
"field_name": "string",
"mandatory": "no",
"order_num": 0,
"config": {},
"identifier": "no"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Returns a Custom Field by ID.Up
Method Overview
The method returns a Custom Field by ID.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
customFieldId (required) |
string (path) |
ID of a Custom Field to get. |
Code |
Description |
Links |
200 |
Custom Field data. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 200: Custom Field data
"display_name": "string",
"field_type": "string",
"field_name": "string",
"mandatory": "no",
"order_num": 0,
"config": {},
"identifier": "no"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Updates a Custom Field.Up
Method Overview
The method updates a Custom Field.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
customFieldID (required) |
string (path) |
ID of a Custom Field to update. |
body (required) |
(body) |
Custom Field data. |
Data Parameters
Custom Field data object example
"display_name": "string",
"field_type": "string",
"field_name": "string",
"mandatory": "no",
"order_num": 0,
"config": {},
"identifier": "no"
Code |
Description |
Links |
200 |
Resource updated. |
No links. |
400 |
Invalid request. |
No links. |
404 |
Resource not found. |
No links. |
405 |
Validation exception. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 200: Resource updated
Error Response 400: Invalid request
Error Response 404: Resource not found
Error Response 405: Validation exception
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Deletes a Custom Field by ID.Up
Method Overview
The method deletes a Custom Field by ID.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
customFieldId (required) |
string (path) |
ID of a Custom Field to delete. |
Code |
Description |
Links |
204 |
Custom Field Deleted. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 204: Custom Field Deleted
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
3.4 Segmentation
Endpoints for Segmentation Sets and Groups management.
Returns a list of Segmentation Sets.Up
Method Overview
The method returns a list of Segmentation Sets.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
Code |
Description |
Links |
200 |
List of Segmentation Sets. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 200: List of Segmentation Sets
"data": [
"uuid": "string",
"name": "string",
"data": "string"
"meta": {
"pagination": {
"total": 0,
"count": 0,
"perPage": 0,
"currentPage": 0,
"totalPages": 0,
"links": {
"first": "string",
"last": "string",
"prev": "string",
"next": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Creates a new Segmentation Set.Up
Method Overview
The method creates a new Segmentation Set.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
body (required) |
(body) |
Segmentation Set data. |
Data Parameters
Segmentation Sets data object example
"uuid": "string",
"name": "string",
"data": "string"
Code |
Description |
Links |
201 |
New Segmentation Set response. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 201: New Segmentation Set response
"uuid": "string",
"name": "string",
"data": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Returns a Segmentation Set by UUID.Up
Method Overview
The method returns a Segmentation Set by UUID.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
segmentationSetId (required) |
string (path) |
ID of a Segmentation Set to get. |
Code |
Description |
Links |
200 |
Segmentation Set Data. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 200: Segmentation Set Data
"uuid": "string",
"name": "string",
"data": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Updates a Segmentation Set.Up
Method Overview
The method updates a Segmentation Set.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
segmentationSetId (required) |
string (path) |
ID of a Segmentation Set to update. |
body (required) |
(body) |
Segmentation Set data. |
Data Parameters
Segmentation Set data object example
"uuid": "string",
"name": "string",
"data": "string"
Code |
Description |
Links |
200 |
Resource updated. |
No links. |
400 |
Invalid request. |
No links. |
404 |
Resource not found. |
No links. |
405 |
Validation exception. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 200: Resource updated
Error Response 400: Invalid request
Error Response 404: Resource not found
Error Response 405: Validation exception
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Deletes a Segmentation Set.Up
Method Overview
The method deletes a Segmentation Set.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
segmentationSetId (required) |
string (path) |
ID of a Segmentation Set to delete. |
Code |
Description |
Links |
204 |
Segmentation Set deleted. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 204: Segmentation Set deleted
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Returns a list of Segmentation Groups.Up
Method Overview
The method returns a list of Segmentation Groups.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
Code |
Description |
Links |
200 |
List of Segmentation Groups. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 200: List of Segmentation Groups
"data": [
"uuid": "string",
"name": "string",
"data": "string"
"meta": {
"pagination": {
"total": 0,
"count": 0,
"perPage": 0,
"currentPage": 0,
"totalPages": 0,
"links": {
"first": "string",
"last": "string",
"prev": "string",
"next": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Creates a Segmentation Group.Up
Method Overview
The method creates a Segmentation Group.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
body (required) |
(body) |
Segmentation Group data. |
Data Parameters
Segmentation Group body object example
"uuid": "string",
"name": "string",
"data": "string"
Code |
Description |
Links |
201 |
New Segmentation Group created. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 201: New Segmentation Group Created
"uuid": "string",
"name": "string",
"data": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Returns a Segmentation Group by UUID.Up
Method Overview
The method returns a Segmentation Group by UUID.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
segmentationGroupId (required) |
string (path) |
ID of a Segmentation Group to get. |
Code |
Description |
Links |
200 |
Segmentation Group data. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 200: Segmentation Group data
"uuid": "string",
"name": "string",
"data": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Updates a Segmentation Group.Up
Method Overview
The method updates a Segmentation Group.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
segmentationGroupId (required) |
string (path) |
ID of a Segmentation Group to update. |
body (required) |
(body) |
Segmentation Group data. |
Data Parameters
Segmentation Group object example
"uuid": "string",
"name": "string",
"data": "string"
Code |
Description |
Links |
200 |
Resource updated. |
No links. |
400 |
Invalid request. |
No links. |
404 |
Resource not found. |
No links. |
405 |
Validation exception. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 200: Resource updated
Error Response 400: Invalid request
Error Response 404: Resource not found
Error Response 405: Validation exception
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Deletes a Segmentation Group Set.Up
Method Overview
The method deletes a Segmentation Group Set.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
segmentationGroupID (required) |
string (path) |
ID of a Segmentation Group to delete. |
Code |
Description |
Links |
204 |
Segmentation Group deleted. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 204: Segmentation Group deleted
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
3.5 Subscription
Endpoints for Subscriptions and Options management.
Returns a list of Subscriptions.Up
Method Overview
The method returns a list of Subscriptions.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
fields |
array[string] (query) |
Optional fields (show_deleted). |
Code |
Description |
Links |
200 |
List of Subscriptions. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 200: List of Subscriptions
"data": [
"uuid": "string",
"name": "string",
"description": "string",
"created_dt": "string",
"updated_dt": "string",
"status": "string"
"meta": {
"pagination": {
"total": 0,
"count": 0,
"perPage": 0,
"currentPage": 0,
"totalPages": 0,
"links": {
"first": "string",
"last": "string",
"prev": "string",
"next": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Creates a new Subscription.Up
Method Overview
The method creates a new Subscription.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
body (required) |
(body) |
Subscription data. |
Data Parameters
Subscription body object example
"uuid": "string",
"name": "string",
"description": "string",
"created_dt": "string",
"updated_dt": "string",
"status": "string"
Code |
Description |
Links |
201 |
New Subscription created. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 201: New Subscription Created
"uuid": "string",
"name": "string",
"description": "string",
"created_dt": "string",
"updated_dt": "string",
"status": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Returns a Subscription by UUID.Up
Method Overview
The method returns a Subscription by UUID.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
subscriptionId (required) |
string (path) |
ID of a Subscription to get. |
Code |
Description |
Links |
200 |
Subscription Data Received. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 200: Subscription Data Received
"uuid": "string",
"name": "string",
"description": "string",
"created_dt": "string",
"updated_dt": "string",
"status": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Updates a Subscription.Up
Method Overview
The method updates a Subscription.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
subscriptionId (required) |
string (path) |
ID of a Subscription to update. |
body (required) |
(body) |
Subscription Option data. |
Data Parameters
Subscription option data object example
"uuid": "string",
"name": "string",
"description": "string",
"created_dt": "string",
"updated_dt": "string",
"status": "string"
Code |
Description |
Links |
200 |
Resource updated. |
No links. |
400 |
Invalid request. |
No links. |
404 |
Resource not found. |
No links. |
405 |
Validation exception. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 200: Resource updated
Error Response 400: Invalid request
Error Response 404: Resource not found
Error Response 405: Validation exception
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Deletes a Subscription.Up
Method Overview
The method deletes a Subscription.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
subscriptionId (required) |
string (path) |
ID of a Subscription to delete. |
Code |
Description |
Links |
204 |
Subscription Option deleted. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 204: Subscription Option deleted
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Returns a list of Subscription Options.Up
Method Overview
The method returns a list of Subscription Options.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
subscription_uuid |
string (query) |
ID of a Subscription Option to get. |
fields |
array[string] (query) |
Optional fields (totals, status, show_deleted) |
Code |
Description |
Links |
200 |
List of Subscription Option. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 200: List of Subscription Option
"data": [
"uuid": "string",
"name": "string",
"subscription_uuid": "string",
"order_num": "string",
"description": "string",
"created_dt": "string",
"updated_dt": "string",
"status": "string"
"meta": {
"pagination": {
"total": 0,
"count": 0,
"perPage": 0,
"currentPage": 0,
"totalPages": 0,
"links": {
"first": "string",
"last": "string",
"prev": "string",
"next": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Creates a Subscription Options.Up
Method Overview
The method creates a Subscription Options.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
body (required) |
(body) |
A Subscription Option data. |
Data Parameters
Subscription Option data example
"uuid": "string",
"name": "string",
"subscription_uuid": "string",
"order_num": "string",
"description": "string",
"created_dt": "string",
"updated_dt": "string",
"status": "string"
Code |
Description |
Links |
201 |
New Subscription Option response. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 201: New Subscription Option response
"uuid": "string",
"name": "string",
"subscription_uuid": "string",
"order_num": "string",
"description": "string",
"created_dt": "string",
"updated_dt": "string",
"status": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Returns a Subscription Option by UUID.Up
Method Overview
The method returns a Subscription Option by UUID.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
optionId (required) |
string (path) |
ID of a Subscriptions Option to get. |
Code |
Description |
Links |
200 |
Subscriptions Option Data. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 200: Subscriptions Option Data
"uuid": "string",
"name": "string",
"subscription_uuid": "string",
"order_num": "string",
"description": "string",
"created_dt": "string",
"updated_dt": "string",
"status": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Updates a Subscription Option.Up
Method Overview
The method updates a Subscription Option.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
optionId (required) |
string (path) |
ID of a Subscriptions Option to update. |
body (required) |
(body) |
Subscription Option data. |
Data Parameters
Subscription Option data example
"uuid": "string",
"name": "string",
"subscription_uuid": "string",
"order_num": "string",
"description": "string",
"created_dt": "string",
"updated_dt": "string",
"status": "string"
Code |
Description |
Links |
200 |
Resource updated. |
No links. |
400 |
Invalid request. |
No links. |
404 |
Resource not found. |
No links. |
405 |
Validation exception. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 200: Resource updated
Error Response 400: Invalid request
Error Response 404: Resource not found
Error Response 405: Validation exception
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Deletes a Subscription Option.Up
Method Overview
The method deletes a Subscription Option.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
optionId (required) |
string (path) |
ID of a Subscription Option to delete. |
Code |
Description |
Links |
204 |
Subscription Option deleted. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 204: Subscription Option deleted
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Returns a list of a Subscription Option Members.Up
Method Overview
The method returns a list of a Subscription Option Members.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
contact_uuid |
string (query) |
Filters memberships by UUID of a contact. |
option_uuid |
string (query) |
Filters memberships by UUID of a subscription option. |
Code |
Description |
Links |
200 |
List of Subscription Members. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 200: List of Subscription Members
"data": [
"uuid": "string",
"option_uuid": "string",
"contact_uuid": "string",
"status": "string",
"joined_dt": "string",
"updated_dt": "string"
"meta": {
"pagination": {
"total": 0,
"count": 0,
"perPage": 0,
"currentPage": 0,
"totalPages": 0,
"links": {
"first": "string",
"last": "string",
"prev": "string",
"next": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Creates or Updates a Subscription Member.Up
Method Overview
The method creates or updates a Subscription Member.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
body (required) |
(body) |
Subscription Member data to add. |
Data Parameters
Subscription Member data body object example
"option_uuid": "string",
"contact_uuid": "string",
"status": "subscribed"
Code |
Description |
Links |
201 |
New Subscription Member added or updated. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 201: New Subscription Member Added or Updated
"uuid": "string",
"option_uuid": "string",
"contact_uuid": "string",
"status": "string",
"joined_dt": "string",
"updated_dt": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
3.6 Group
Endpoints for Groups management.
Returns a list of Groups.Up
Method Overview
The method returns a list of Groups.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
fields |
array[string] (query) |
Optional fields (total, status, show_deleted). |
Code |
Description |
Links |
200 |
List of Groups. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 200: List of Groups
"data": [
"uuid": "string",
"name": "string",
"group_status": "string",
"type": "string",
"match_type": "string",
"list_uuids": "string",
"segmentation_uuids": "string",
"created_dt": "string",
"updated_dt": "string",
"description": "string"
"meta": {
"pagination": {
"total": 0,
"count": 0,
"perPage": 0,
"currentPage": 0,
"totalPages": 0,
"links": {
"first": "string",
"last": "string",
"prev": "string",
"next": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Method Overview
The method creates a new Group.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
body (required) |
(body) |
Group data to add. |
Data Parameters
Group body object example
"uuid": "string",
"name": "string",
"group_status": "string",
"type": "string",
"match_type": "string",
"list_uuids": "string",
"segmentation_uuids": "string",
"created_dt": "string",
"updated_dt": "string",
"description": "string"
Code |
Description |
Links |
201 |
New Group created. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 201: New Group Created
"uuid": "string",
"name": "string",
"group_status": "string",
"type": "string",
"match_type": "string",
"list_uuids": "string",
"segmentation_uuids": "string",
"created_dt": "string",
"updated_dt": "string",
"description": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Returns a Group by UUID.Up
Method Overview
The method returns a Group by UUID.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
groupId (required) |
string (path) |
ID of a Group to get. |
Code |
Description |
Links |
200 |
Group Data Received. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 200: Group Data Received
"uuid": "string",
"name": "string",
"group_status": "string",
"type": "string",
"match_type": "string",
"list_uuids": "string",
"segmentation_uuids": "string",
"created_dt": "string",
"updated_dt": "string",
"description": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Method Overview
The method updates a Group.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
groupId (required) |
string (path) |
ID of a Group to update. |
body (required) |
(body) |
Group data. |
Data Parameters
Group body object example
"uuid": "string",
"name": "string",
"group_status": "string",
"type": "string",
"match_type": "string",
"list_uuids": "string",
"segmentation_uuids": "string",
"created_dt": "string",
"updated_dt": "string",
"description": "string"
Code |
Description |
Links |
200 |
Resource updated. |
No links. |
400 |
Invalid request. |
No links. |
404 |
Resource not found. |
No links. |
405 |
Validation exception. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 200: Resource updated
Error Response 400: Invalid request
Error Response 404: Resource not found
Error Response 405: Validation exception
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Method Overview
The method deletes a Group.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
groupId (required) |
string (path) |
ID of a Group to delete. |
Code |
Description |
Links |
204 |
Group deleted. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 204: Group deleted
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Returns a list of Group Lists.Up
Method Overview
The method returns a list of Group Lists.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
list_uuid |
string (query) |
ID of a List to get. |
group_uuid |
string (query) |
ID of a Group List to get. |
Code |
Description |
Links |
200 |
List of Group Lists. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 200: List of Group Lists
"data": [
"group_uuid": "string",
"list_uuid": "string"
"meta": {
"pagination": {
"total": 0,
"count": 0,
"perPage": 0,
"currentPage": 0,
"totalPages": 0,
"links": {
"first": "string",
"last": "string",
"prev": "string",
"next": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Method Overview
The method creates a Group List.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
body (required) |
(body) |
A Group List data to add. |
Data Parameters
Group List body object example
"group_uuid": "string",
"list_uuid": "string"
Code |
Description |
Links |
201 |
New Group List response. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 201: New Group List response
"group_uuid": "string",
"list_uuid": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Returns a Group List by UUID.Up
Method Overview
The method returns a Group List by UUID.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
groupListId (required) |
string (path) |
ID of a Group List to get. |
Code |
Description |
Links |
200 |
Group List data. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 200: Group List data
"group_uuid": "string",
"list_uuid": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Method Overview
The method updates a Group List.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
groupListId (required) |
string (path) |
ID of a Group List to update. |
body (required) |
(body) |
A Group List data. |
Data Parameters
Group List body object example
"group_uuid": "string",
"list_uuid": "string"
Code |
Description |
Links |
200 |
Resource updated. |
No links. |
400 |
Invalid request. |
No links. |
404 |
Resource not found. |
No links. |
405 |
Validation exception. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 200: Resource updated
Error Response 400: Invalid request
Error Response 404: Resource not found
Error Response 405: Validation exception
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Returns a list of Group Segmentation.Up
Method Overview
The method returns a list of Group Segmentation.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
segmentation_uuid |
string (query) |
ID of a Segmentation to get. |
group_uuid |
string (query) |
The ID of a Group Segmentation to get. |
Code |
Description |
Links |
200 |
List of Group Segmentation. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 200: List of Group Segmentation
"data": [
"group_uuid": "string",
"segmentation_uuid": "string"
"meta": {
"pagination": {
"total": 0,
"count": 0,
"perPage": 0,
"currentPage": 0,
"totalPages": 0,
"links": {
"first": "string",
"last": "string",
"prev": "string",
"next": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Creates a new Group Segmentation.Up
Method Overview
The method creates a new Group Segmentation.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
body (required) |
(body) |
A Group Segmentation data to add. |
Data Parameters
Group Segmentation body object example
"group_uuid": "string",
"segmentation_uuid": "string"
Code |
Description |
Links |
201 |
New Group Segmentation response. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 201: New Group Segmentation response
"group_uuid": "string",
"segmentation_uuid": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Gets a Group Segmentation by UUID.Up
Method Overview
The method gets a Group Segmentation by UUID.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
groupSegmentationId (required) |
string (path) |
ID of a Group Segmentation to get. |
Code |
Description |
Links |
200 |
Group Segmentation data. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 200: Group Segmentation data
"group_uuid": "string",
"segmentation_uuid": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Updates a Group Segmentation.Up
Method Overview
The method updates a Group Segmentation.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
groupSegmentationId (required) |
string (path) |
ID of a Group Segmentation to update. |
body (required) |
(body) |
Group Segmentation data. |
Data Parameters
Group Segmentation body object example
"group_uuid": "string",
"segmentation_uuid": "string"
Code |
Description |
Links |
200 |
Resource updated. |
No links. |
400 |
Invalid request. |
No links. |
404 |
Resource not found. |
No links. |
405 |
Validation exception. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 200: Resource updated
Error Response 400: Invalid request
Error Response 404: Resource not found
Error Response 405: Validation exception
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
3.7 Touchpoint
Endpoints for Touchpoints management.
Returns a list of Touchpoints.Up
Method Overview
The method returns a list of Touchpoints.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
contact_uuid |
string (path) |
ID of a Contact to get. |
fields |
array[string] (query) |
Optional fields (show_deleted). |
Code |
Description |
Links |
200 |
List of Touchpoints. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 200: List of Touchpoints
"data": [
"uuid": "string",
"name": "string",
"status": "string",
"type": "string",
"default_date": "string",
"created_dt": "string",
"updated_dt": "string"
"meta": {
"pagination": {
"total": 0,
"count": 0,
"perPage": 0,
"currentPage": 0,
"totalPages": 0,
"links": {
"first": "string",
"last": "string",
"prev": "string",
"next": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Creates a new Touchpoint.Up
Method Overview
The method creates a new Touchpoint.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
body (required) |
(body) |
A Touchpoint data to add. |
Data Parameters
Touchpoint data object example
"uuid": "string",
"name": "string",
"status": "string",
"type": "string",
"default_date": "string",
"created_dt": "string",
"updated_dt": "string"
Code |
Description |
Links |
201 |
New Touchpoint created. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 201: New Touchpoint Created
"uuid": "string",
"name": "string",
"status": "string",
"type": "string",
"default_date": "string",
"created_dt": "string",
"updated_dt": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Gets a Touchpoint by UUID.Up
Method Overview
The method gets a Touchpoint by UUID.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
touchpointId (required) |
string (path) |
ID of a Touchpoint to get. |
Code |
Description |
Links |
200 |
Touchpoint data. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 200: Touchpoint Data
"uuid": "string",
"name": "string",
"status": "string",
"type": "string",
"default_date": "string",
"created_dt": "string",
"updated_dt": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Method Overview
The method updates a Touchpoint.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
touchpointId (required) |
string (path) |
ID of a Touchpoint to get. |
body (required) |
(body) |
A Touchpoint data. |
Data Parameters
Touchpoint data object example
"uuid": "string",
"name": "string",
"status": "string",
"type": "string",
"default_date": "string",
"created_dt": "string",
"updated_dt": "string"
Code |
Description |
Links |
200 |
Resource updated. |
No links. |
400 |
Invalid request. |
No links. |
404 |
Resource not found. |
No links. |
405 |
Validation exception. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 200: Resource updated
Error Response 400: Invalid request
Error Response 404: Resource not found
Error Response 405: Validation exception
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Method Overview
The method deletes a Touchpoint.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
touchpointId (required) |
string (path) |
ID of a Touchpoint to delete. |
Code |
Description |
Links |
204 |
Touchpoint deleted. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 204: Touchpoint deleted
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Returns a list of Touchpoint Members.Up
Method Overview
The method returns a list of Touchpoint Members.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
contact_uuid |
string (query) |
Filters memberships by UUID of a Contact. |
touchpoint_uuid |
string (query) |
Filters memberships by UUID of a Touchpoint. |
Code |
Description |
Links |
200 |
List of Touchpoint Members. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 200: List of Touchpoint Members
"data": [
"uuid": "string",
"status": "string",
"touchpoint_uuid": "string",
"contact_uuid": "string",
"joined_dt": "string",
"updated_dt": "string"
"meta": {
"pagination": {
"total": 0,
"count": 0,
"perPage": 0,
"currentPage": 0,
"totalPages": 0,
"links": {
"first": "string",
"last": "string",
"prev": "string",
"next": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Creates or Updates a Touchpoint Membership.Up
Method Overview
The method creates or updates a Touchpoint Membership.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
body (required) |
(body) |
A Touchpoint Member data to add. |
Data Parameters
Touchpoint Member object example
"status": "subscribed",
"touchpoint_uuid": "string",
"contact_uuid": "string"
Code |
Description |
Links |
201 |
New Touchpoint Member response. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 201: New Touchpoint Member Response
"uuid": "string",
"status": "string",
"touchpoint_uuid": "string",
"contact_uuid": "string",
"joined_dt": "string",
"updated_dt": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
3.8 Interest
Endpoints for Interests management.
Returns a list of Interests.Up
Method Overview
The method returns a list of Interests.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
fields |
array[string] (query) |
Optional fields (status, parent_id, level). |
embed |
array[string] (query) |
Embeds additional entities. |
Code |
Description |
Links |
200 |
List of Interests. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 200: List of Interests
"data": [
"uuid": "string",
"parent_id": 0,
"service_id": 0,
"name": "string",
"status": "string",
"created_dt": "string",
"updated_dt": "string",
"level": 0,
"description": "string",
"order_num": 0
"meta": {
"pagination": {
"total": 0,
"count": 0,
"perPage": 0,
"currentPage": 0,
"totalPages": 0,
"links": {
"first": "string",
"last": "string",
"prev": "string",
"next": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Creates a new Interest.Up
Method Overview
The method creates a new Interest.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
body (required) |
(body) |
Interest data. |
Data Parameters
Interest data object example
"uuid": "string",
"parent_id": 0,
"service_id": 0,
"name": "string",
"status": "string",
"created_dt": "string",
"updated_dt": "string",
"level": 0,
"description": "string",
"order_num": 0
Code |
Description |
Links |
201 |
New Interest created. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 201: New Interest Created
"uuid": "string",
"parent_id": 0,
"service_id": 0,
"name": "string",
"status": "string",
"created_dt": "string",
"updated_dt": "string",
"level": 0,
"description": "string",
"order_num": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Gets an Interest by UUID.Up
Method Overview
The method gets an Interest by UUID.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
interestId (required) |
string (path) |
Interest ID to get. |
embed |
array[string] (query) |
Embeds additional entities. |
Code |
Description |
Links |
200 |
Interest Data. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 200: Interest Data
"uuid": "string",
"parent_id": 0,
"service_id": 0,
"name": "string",
"status": "string",
"created_dt": "string",
"updated_dt": "string",
"level": 0,
"description": "string",
"order_num": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Method Overview
The method updates an Interest.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
interestId (required) |
string (path) |
ID of an Interest to get. |
body (required) |
(body) |
Interest data. |
Data Parameters
Interest data object example
"uuid": "string",
"parent_id": 0,
"service_id": 0,
"name": "string",
"status": "string",
"created_dt": "string",
"updated_dt": "string",
"level": 0,
"description": "string",
"order_num": 0
Code |
Description |
Links |
200 |
Resource updated. |
No links. |
400 |
Invalid request. |
No links. |
404 |
Resource not found. |
No links. |
405 |
Validation exception. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 200: Resource updated
Error Response 400: Invalid request
Error Response 404: Resource not found
Error Response 405: Validation exception
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Method Overview
The method deletes an Interest.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
interestId (required) |
string (path) |
ID of an Interest to delete. |
Code |
Description |
Links |
204 |
Interest deleted. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 204: Interest deleted
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Returns a list of Interest Members.Up
Method Overview
The method returns a list of Interest Members.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
contact_uuid |
string (query) |
Filters memberships by UUID of a Contact. |
interest_uuid |
string (query) |
Filters memberships by UUID of an Interest. |
Code |
Description |
Links |
200 |
List of Interests Members. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 200: List of Interests Members
"data": [
"uuid": "string",
"status": "string",
"interest_uuid": "string",
"contact_uuid": "string"
"meta": {
"pagination": {
"total": 0,
"count": 0,
"perPage": 0,
"currentPage": 0,
"totalPages": 0,
"links": {
"first": "string",
"last": "string",
"prev": "string",
"next": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Creates or Updates an Interest Member.Up
Method Overview
The method creates or updates an Interest Member.
URL Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
serviceUuid (required) |
string (path) |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
body (required) |
(body) |
An Interest Member to create or update. |
Data Parameters
Interest Member data object example
"status": "subscribed",
"interest_uuid": "string",
"contact_uuid": "string"
Code |
Description |
Links |
201 |
New Interest Member response. |
No links. |
default |
Unexpected error. |
No links. |
Success Response 201: New Interest Member response
"uuid": "string",
"status": "string",
"interest_uuid": "string",
"contact_uuid": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
4. Data Models
Data Models define the structure of a JSON document and describe the data related to the Business Messenger Contact Manager API.
4.1 Service Collection
ServiceCollection object properties:
4.2 Service
Service object properties:
Name |
Type |
Description |
uuid (required) |
string |
Business Messenger account UUID. |
status (required) |
string |
Business Messenger account status. |
name (required) |
string |
Business Messenger account name. |
partner_id (required) |
integer |
Partner ID. |
start_dt (required) |
string |
Business Messenger account start date and time. |
end_dt (required) |
string |
Business Messenger account end date and time. |
created_dt |
string |
Business Messenger account date and time of creation. |
4.3 Lists Collection
ListsCollection object properties:
4.4 List
List object properties:
Name |
Type |
Description |
uuid |
string |
List UUID. |
name (required) |
string |
List name. |
list_status |
string |
List status. |
created_dt |
string |
List creation date and time. |
updated_dt |
string |
List update date and time. |
subscribed |
integer |
Number of subscribed contacts. |
unsubscribed |
integer |
Number of unsubscribed contacts. |
contact_count |
integer |
Total number of contacts. |
JSON Example
"uuid": "string",
"name": "string",
"list_status": "string",
"created_dt": "string",
"updated_dt": "string",
"subscribed": 0,
"unsubscribed": 0,
"contacts_count": 0
4.5 Group Collection
GroupCollection object properties:
4.6 Group
Group object properties:
Name |
Type |
Description |
uuid |
string |
Group UUID. |
name (required) |
string |
Group name. |
group_status |
string |
Group status. |
type |
string |
Group type. |
match_type |
string |
Match type. |
list_uuids |
string |
Lists' UUIDs added to a group. |
segmentation_uuids |
string |
Segmentation UUIDs. |
created_dt |
string |
Group creation date and time. |
updated_dt |
string |
Group update date and time. |
description |
string |
Description of a group. |
4.7 Group List Collection
GroupListCollection object properties:
4.8 Group List
GroupList object properties:
Name |
Type |
Description |
group_uuid (required) |
string |
Group UUID. |
list_uuid (required) |
string |
List UUID. |
4.9 Group Segmentation Collection
GroupSegmentationCollection object properties:
4.10 Group Segmentation
GroupSegmentation object properties:
Name |
Type |
Description |
group_uuid (required) |
string |
Group UUID. |
segmentation_uuid (required) |
string |
Segmentation UUID. |
4.11 Subscription Collection
SubscriptionCollection object properties:
4.12 Subscription
Subscription object properties:
Name |
Type |
Description |
uuid |
string |
Subscription UUID. |
name (required) |
string |
Subscription name. |
description |
string |
Description of a subscription. |
created_dt |
string |
Subscription creation date and time. |
updated_dt |
string |
Subscription update date and time. |
status |
string |
Subscription status. |
JSON Example
"uuid": "string",
"name": "string",
"description": "string",
"created_dt": "string",
"updated_dt": "string",
"status": "string"
4.13 Touchpoint Collection
TouchpointCollection object properties:
4.14 Touchpoint
Touchpoint object properties:
Name |
Type |
Description |
uuid |
string |
Touchpoint UUID. |
name (required) |
string |
Touchpoint name. |
status |
string |
Touchpoint status. |
type |
string |
Touchpoint type. |
default_dt |
string |
Touchpoint default date. |
created_dt |
string |
Touchpoint creation date and time. |
updated_dt |
string |
Touchpoint update date and time. |
4.15 Touchpoint Member Create Collection
TouchpointMemberCreateCollection object properties:
4.16 Touchpoint Member Create
TouchpointMemberCreate object properties:
Name |
Type |
Description |
status (required) |
string |
Status of a contact. Possible values: subscribed, unsubscribed. |
touchpoint_uuid (required) |
string |
Touchpoint UUID. |
contact_uuid (required) |
string |
Contact UUID. |
4.17 Touchpoint Members Collection
TouchpointMembersCollection object properties:
4.18 Touchpoint Member
TouchpointMember object properties:
Name |
Type |
Description |
uuid |
string |
Touchpoint member UUID. |
status (required) |
string |
Touchpoint member status. |
touchpoint_uuid (required) |
string |
Touchpoint UUID. |
contact_uuid (required) |
string |
Member - contact UUID. |
joined_dt |
string |
Date and time when contact joined. |
updated_dt |
string |
Member updated date and time. |
JSON Example
"uuid": "string",
"status": "string",
"touchpoint_uuid": "string",
"contact_uuid": "string",
"joined_dt": "string",
"updated_dt": "string"
4.19 Subscription Option Collection
SubscriptionOptionCollection object properties:
4.20 Subscription Option
SubscriptionOption object properties:
Name |
Type |
Description |
uuid |
string |
Subscription option UUID. |
name (required) |
string |
Subscription option name. |
subscription_uuid (required) |
string |
Subscription UUID. |
order_num |
string |
Subscription option order number. |
description |
string |
Subscription option description. |
created_dt |
string |
Subscription option creation date and time. |
updated_dt |
string |
Subscription option update date and time. |
status |
string |
Subscription option status. |
JSON Example
"uuid": "string",
"name": "string",
"subscription_uuid": "string",
"order_num": "string",
"description": "string",
"created_dt": "string",
"updated_dt": "string",
"status": "string"
4.21 Subscription Member Create
SubscriptionMemberCreate object properties:
Name |
Type |
Description |
option_uuid (required) |
string |
Subscription option UUID. |
contact_uuid (required) |
string |
Contact UUID. |
status (required) |
string |
Subscription member status. Possible values: subscribed, unsubscribed. |
4.22 Subscription Members Collection
SubscriptionMembersCollection object properties:
4.23 Subscription Member
SubscriptionMember object properties:
Name |
Type |
Description |
uuid |
string |
Subscription member UUID. |
option_uuid (required) |
string |
Subscription option UUID. |
contact_uuid (required) |
string |
Member - contact UUID. |
status (required) |
string |
Subscription member status. |
joined_dt |
string |
Subscription member date and time of joining. |
updated_dt |
string |
Subscription member update date and time. |
4.24 Channel
Channel object properties:
Name |
Type |
Description |
opt_status |
string |
Opt status. Possible values: in, out. |
channel_name |
string |
Channel name. |
data |
object |
Channel data. |
identifier |
string |
Channel identifier. |
JSON Example
"opt_status": "in",
"channel_name": "string",
"data": {},
"identifier": "string"
4.25 Contact
Contact object properties:
Name |
Type |
Description |
uuid |
string |
Contact UUID. |
created_dt |
string |
Contact creation date and time. |
updated_dt |
string |
Contact update date and time. |
list_uuid |
string |
List UUID a contact belongs to. |
first_name |
string |
Contact's first name. |
last_name |
string |
Contact's last name. |
second_name |
string |
Contact's second name. |
nick_name |
string |
Contact's nick name. |
gender |
string |
Gender of a contact. |
birthday |
string |
Birthday of a contact. |
salutation |
string |
Salutation. |
title |
string |
Title. |
language |
string |
Language. |
nationality |
string |
Nationality. |
mobile |
string |
Mobile number. |
opt_status |
string |
Contact's opt status. Possible values: in, out. |
opt_status_webpush |
string |
Contact's Webpush opt status. Possible values: in, out. |
email |
string |
Email. |
phone |
string |
Phone number. |
address |
string |
Address. |
zip |
string |
Postal code. |
city |
string |
City. |
region |
string |
Region. |
country |
string |
Country. |
b_mobile |
string |
Business mobile number. |
b_email |
string |
Business email. |
b_phone |
string |
Business phone number. |
b_address |
string |
Business address. |
b_zip |
string |
Business address postal code. |
b_city |
string |
Business address city. |
b_region |
string |
Business address region. |
b_country |
string |
Business address country. |
b_job_title |
string |
Job title. |
b_department |
string |
Department. |
b_reception_code |
string |
Reception code. |
channel_telegram_identifier |
string |
Channel telegram identifier. |
channel_telegram_opt_status |
string |
Telegram channel status. Possible values: in, out. |
channel_telegram_data |
object |
Channel telegram data. |
channels |
array |
An array of Channel objects. |
4.26 Contact Create
ContactCreate object properties:
Name |
Type |
Description |
list_uuid (required) |
string |
List UUID. |
first_name |
string |
Contact's first name. |
last_name |
string |
Contact's last name. |
second_name |
string |
Contact's second name. |
nick_name |
string |
Contact's nick name. |
gender |
string |
Gender of a contact. |
birthday |
string |
Birthday of a contact. |
salutation |
string |
Salutation. |
title |
string |
Title. |
language |
string |
Language. |
nationality |
string |
Nationality. |
mobile |
string |
Mobile number. |
opt_status |
string |
Opt status. Possible values: in, out, none. |
email |
string |
Email. |
phone |
string |
Phone number. |
address |
string |
Address. |
zip |
string |
Postal code. |
city |
string |
City. |
region |
string |
Region. |
country |
string |
Country. |
b_mobile |
string |
Business mobile number. |
b_email |
string |
Business email. |
b_phone |
string |
Business phone number. |
b_address |
string |
Business address. |
b_zip |
string |
Business address postal code. |
b_city |
string |
Business address city. |
b_region |
string |
Business address region. |
b_country |
string |
Business address country. |
b_job_title |
string |
Job title. |
b_department |
string |
Department. |
b_reception_code |
string |
Reception code. |
channel_telegram_identifier |
string |
Channel telegram identifier. |
channel_telegram_opt_status |
string |
Telegram channel status. Possible values: in, out. |
channel_telegram_data |
object |
Channel telegram data. |
4.27 Contact Update
ContactUpdate object properties:
Name |
Type |
Description |
list_uuid (required) |
string |
List UUID. |
first_name |
string |
Contact's first name. |
last_name |
string |
Contact's last name. |
second_name |
string |
Contact's second name. |
nick_name |
string |
Contact's nick name. |
gender |
string |
Gender of a contact. |
birthday |
string |
Birthday of a contact. |
salutation |
string |
Salutation. |
title |
string |
Title. |
language |
string |
Language. |
nationality |
string |
Nationality. |
mobile |
string |
Mobile number. |
opt_status |
string |
Contact's opt status. Possible values: in, out. |
email |
string |
Email. |
phone |
string |
Phone number. |
address |
string |
Address. |
zip |
string |
Postal code. |
city |
string |
City. |
region |
string |
Region. |
country |
string |
Country. |
b_mobile |
string |
Business mobile number. |
b_email |
string |
Business email. |
b_phone |
string |
Business phone number. |
b_address |
string |
Business address. |
b_zip |
string |
Business address postal code. |
b_city |
string |
Business address city. |
b_region |
string |
Business address region. |
b_country |
string |
Business address country. |
b_job_title |
string |
Job title. |
b_department |
string |
Department. |
b_reception_code |
string |
Reception code. |
channel_telegram_identifier |
string |
Channel telegram identifier. |
channel_telegram_opt_status |
string |
Telegram channel status. Possible values: in, out. |
channel_telegram_data |
object |
Channel telegram data. |
4.28 Contact Import
ContactImport object properties:
Name |
Type |
Description |
first_name |
string |
Contact's first name. |
last_name |
string |
Contact's last name. |
second_name |
string |
Contact's second name. |
nick_name |
string |
Contact's nick name. |
gender |
string |
Gender of a contact. |
birthday |
string |
Birthday of a contact. |
salutation |
string |
Salutation. |
title |
string |
Title. |
language |
string |
Language. |
nationality |
string |
Nationality. |
mobile |
string |
Mobile number. |
email |
string |
Email. |
phone |
string |
Phone number. |
address |
string |
Address. |
zip |
string |
Postal code. |
city |
string |
City. |
region |
string |
Region. |
country |
string |
Country. |
b_mobile |
string |
Business mobile number. |
b_email |
string |
Business email. |
b_phone |
string |
Business phone number. |
b_address |
string |
Business address. |
b_zip |
string |
Business address postal code. |
b_city |
string |
Business address city. |
b_region |
string |
Business address region. |
b_country |
string |
Business address country. |
b_job_title |
string |
Job title. |
b_department |
string |
Department. |
b_reception_code |
string |
Reception code. |
4.29 Contact Opt Status
ContactOptStatus object properties:
Name |
Type |
Description |
opt_status (required) |
string |
Contact's opt status. Possible values: in, out. |
opt_status_webpush |
string |
Contact's webpush opt status. Possible values: in, out. |
channel_telegram_identifier |
string |
Channel telegram identifier. |
channel_telegram_opt_status |
string |
Contact's telegram opt status. Possible values: in, out. |
4.30 Contacts Collection
ContactsCollection object properties:
4.31 Contact Create Collection
ContactCreateCollection object properties:
4.32 Import Response
ImportResponse object properties:
Name |
Type |
Description |
created |
integer |
Number of created contacts after an import. |
deleted |
integer |
Number of deleted contacts after an import. |
invalid |
integer |
Number of invalid contacts after an import. |
updated |
integer |
Number of updated contacts after an import. |
skipped |
integer |
Number of skipped contacts after an import. |
subscribed |
integer |
Number of subscribed contacts after an import. |
unsubscribed |
integer |
Number of unsubscribed contacts after an import. |
optedin |
integer |
Number of opted-in contacts after an import. |
optedout |
integer |
Number of opted-out contacts after an import. |
errors |
array |
An array of ImportErrorRecord objects. |
4.33 Import Error Record
ImportErrorRecord object properties:
JSON Example
"created": 0,
"deleted": 0,
"invalid": 0,
"updated": 0,
"skipped": 0,
"subscribed": 0,
"unsubscribed": 0,
"optedin": 0,
"optedout": 0,
"errors": [
"contact": {
"uuid": "string",
"created_dt": "string",
"updated_dt": "string",
"list_uuid": "string",
"first_name": "string",
"last_name": "string",
"second_name": "string",
"nick_name": "string",
"gender": "string",
"birthday": "string",
"salutation": "string",
"title": "string",
"language": "string",
"nationality": "string",
"mobile": "string",
"opt_status": "in",
"opt_status_webpush": "in",
"email": "string",
"phone": "string",
"address": "string",
"zip": "string",
"city": "string",
"region": "string",
"country": "string",
"b_mobile": "string",
"b_email": "string",
"b_phone": "string",
"b_address": "string",
"b_zip": "string",
"b_city": "string",
"b_region": "string",
"b_country": "string",
"b_job_title": "string",
"b_department": "string",
"b_reception_code": "string",
"channel_telegram_identifier": "string",
"channel_telegram_opt_status": "in",
"channel_telegram_data": {},
"channels": [
"opt_status": "in",
"channel_name": "string",
"data": {},
"identifier": "string"
"errors": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
4.34 Custom Fields Collection
CustomFieldsCollection object properties:
4.35 Custom Field
CustomField object properties:
Name |
Type |
Description |
display_name (required) |
string |
Displayed name of a custom field. |
field_type (required) |
string |
Custom field type. |
field_name |
string |
Custom field name. |
mandatory (required) |
string |
If custom field is mandatory. Possible values: no, yes. |
order_num (required) |
integer |
Field order number. |
config |
object |
Custom field config data. |
identifier (required) |
string |
Possible values: no, yes. |
4.36 Segmentation Group Collection
SegmentationGroupCollection object properties:
4.37 Segmentation Group
SegmentationGroup object properties:
Name |
Type |
Description |
uuid |
string |
Segmentation group UUID. |
name (required) |
string |
Segmentation group name. |
data (required) |
string |
Segmentation group data. |
4.38 Segmentation Set Collection
SegmentationSetCollection object properties:
4.39 Segmentation Set
SegmentationSet object properties:
Name |
Type |
Description |
uuid |
string |
Segmentation set UUID. |
name (required) |
string |
Segmentation set name. |
data (required) |
string |
Segmentation name data. |
4.40 Interests Collection
InterestsCollection object properties:
4.41 Interest
Interest object properties:
Name |
Type |
Description |
uuid |
string |
Interest UUID. |
parent_id |
integer |
Parent ID. |
service_id |
integer |
Business Messenger account ID. |
name (required) |
string |
Interest name. |
status |
string |
Interest status. |
created_dt |
string |
Interest date and time of creation. |
updated_dt |
string |
Interest update date and time. |
level |
integer |
Level of interest. |
description |
string |
Description of an interest. |
order_num (required) |
integer |
Interest order number. |
4.42 Interest Member Create
InterestMemberCreate object properties:
Name |
Type |
Description |
status |
string |
Interest member status. Possible values: subscribed, unsubscribed. |
interest_uuid |
string |
Interest UUID. |
contact_uuid |
string |
Contact UUID. |
4.43 Interest Member
InterestMember object properties:
Name |
Type |
Description |
uuid |
string |
Interest member UUID. |
status (required) |
string |
Interest member status. |
interest_uuid (required) |
string |
Interest UUID. |
contact_uuid (required) |
string |
Contact UUID. |
JSON Example
"uuid": "string",
"status": "string",
"interest_uuid": "string",
"contact_uuid": "string"
4.44 Interest Members Collection
InterestMembersCollection object properties:
4.45 Error
Error object properties:
Name |
Type |
Description |
code (required) |
string |
Error code. |
message (required) |
string |
Error message. |
description |
string |
Description. |
items |
array |
An array of ErrorItem objects. |
4.46 Error Item
ErrorItem object properties:
Name |
Type |
Description |
name (required) |
string |
Error item name. |
message (required) |
string |
Error item message. |
description |
string |
Description. |
JSON Example
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
4.47 Collection Meta
CollectionMeta object properties:
4.48 Collection Meta Pagination
CollectionMetaPagination object properties:
Name |
Type |
Description |
total (required) |
integer |
Total number of rows. |
count (required) |
integer |
A number of rows in the current page. |
perPage (required) |
integer |
The maximum rows per page. |
currentPage (required) |
integer |
The current page number. |
totalPages (required) |
integer |
Total number of pages. |
links (required) |
object |
CollectionMetaPaginationLinks object. |
4.49 Collection Meta Pagination Links
CollectionMetaPaginationLinks object properties:
Name |
Type |
Description |
first |
string |
Link to the first page. |
last |
string |
Link to the last page. |
prev |
string |
Link to the previous page. |
next |
string |
Link to the next page. |
JSON Example
"meta": {
"pagination": {
"total": 0,
"count": 0,
"perPage": 0,
"currentPage": 0,
"totalPages": 0,
"links": {
"first": "string",
"last": "string",
"prev": "string",
"next": "string"