Campaign API v1.0.0
1. Introduction
1.1 Overview
Business Messenger (BM) Campaign API is a standard REST HTTP API with JSON payload. It can be used to programmatically manage BM campaign data. BM API authorization is implemented as the industry-standard OAuth2 protocol.
Here you can download the Campaign API Swagger file for use in your development project.
The subject domain of an endpoint URL is:
Note: A domain is presented with placeholders as https://api{separator}{platform_domain}
, where {separator}
can be a dot (.) or a hyphen (-). Please, replace it with your actual platform domain name.
The subject domain of an endpoint URL depends on your domain used to access our services.
Please check with your CRM Account Manager, what is the subject domain you should use.
1.2 Getting Credentials
In order to be able to use the API, you need to provide a name for your custom app, IP address from which you will be authorizing the app and the BM account name whose contacts data your app will be managing. It is expected that your app will be a server-side implementation and as such will use the OAuth2 client credentials grant type.
In return, the support team will create an API account for your app and you will be given: client_id and client_secret credentials.
1.3 Authorization
In order to be able to call any API endpoint, you need to obtain a valid access token. Each access token has an expiration time so you need to obtain a new one if the existing one is expired. Here's a CURL example of how an access token can be obtained (please replace CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET with the ones you were given in the previous step):
curl https://accounts{separator}{platform_domain}/oauth2/access-token -d 'grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=CLIENT_ID&client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET'
Note: A domain is presented with placeholders as https://accounts{separator}{platform_domain}
, where {separator}
can be a dot (.) or a hyphen (-). Please, replace it with your actual platform domain name.
If the parameters are valid, and the call is made from the authorized IP address, the server will respond with JSON containing the access token:
For more information please refer to the OAuth2 Authentication Guidelines page.
1.4 Cloning Existing Campaign
An existing campaign, e.g. draft one, can be cloned and activated, and the call can be as simple as:
curl -X 'POST' \
'https://api{separator}{platform_domain}/news/v1/services/SERVICE_UUID/campaigns' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' \
-d '{
"clone_uuid": "CLONE_UUID",
"template_vars": {
"temp": "-22C",
"wind": "100km/h"},
"name": "Bad weather conditions"
CLONE_UUID is an UUID of an existing campaign we want to clone from. Replace SERVICE_UUID, ACCESS_TOKEN, CLONE_UUID with proper values. template_vars
is a simple dictionary of key/value pairs. It is expected that the campaign you are cloning from, has variables in the text content {temp}
, {wind}
. Note that name
is optional. Additional fields depend on your wish what exact fields you want to overwrite compared to the existing campaign you are cloning from.
2. Methods Overview
Campaign Management Endpoints. List, Fetch, Create, Clone, Update, Stop/Resume Business Messenger Campaigns.
3. Methods Details
Campaign Management Endpoints. List, Fetch, Create, Clone, Update, Stop/Resume BM Campaigns.
3.1 Create or Clone a Campaign
Method Overview
The method creates or clones a Campaign.
Create a new SMS campaign to be executed once on 1st of May, 2024 at 17:05 UTC timezone. Message content includes a contact variable for a contact's first name. The messages will be sent to contacts from the defined list per recipient_lists
curl -X 'POST' \
'https://api{separator}{platform_domain}/news/v1/services/SERVICE_UUID/campaigns' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"name": "New Campaign",
"status": "active",
"sending_type": "sms",
"schedule_type": "once",
"schedule_rrule": "2024-05-01 17:05:00",
"template": "Hello @first_name",
"sender": "+41587000000",
"recipient_lists": "cf9eeb30-c1af-11ee-8073-bf4d6e8c1618"
Name | Type | Description |
serviceUuid (required) | string (path) | Service (BM Account) UUID. |
body (required) | object (body) | Campaign to add. Find below CampaignCreate data model description. |
Data Parameters
CampaignCreate post data object example
"clone_uuid": "1592695e-c1b1-11ee-b153-774c9d3a7957",
"template_vars": {
"temp": "-22C",
"wind": "100km/h"
"name": "Bad weather conditions"
Code | Description | Links |
201 | New Campaign response. | No links |
400 | Invalid request. | No links |
Success Response 201: New Campaign Response
"name": "New Campaign",
"status": "active",
"sending_type": "sms",
"schedule_type": "once",
"schedule_rrule": "2024-05-01 17:05:00",
"template": "Hello world",
"webpush_title": "string",
"webpush_body": "string",
"webpush_target_url": "string",
"webpush_icon": "string",
"webpush_image": "string",
"sender": "+41587000000",
"recipient_lists": "cf9eeb30-c1af-11ee-8073-bf4d6e8c1618",
"query_type": "segmentation",
"query": "{\"segmentation\":[{\"operator\":\"OR\",\"rules\":[{\"field\":\"subscription_options_in\",\"condition\":\"in\",\"value\":[\"7c4c1e07-4c65-4861-ab82-9f8fd9cd3913\",\"94bb60a3-7b4b-4614-913c-0a2760e5f633\"],\"operator\":\"AND\"}]}]}\n",
"uuid": "string",
"created_dt": "2024-02-05T09:34:11.327Z",
"updated_dt": "2024-02-05T09:34:11.327Z",
"next_dt": "2024-02-05T09:34:11.327Z",
"last_dt": "2024-02-05T09:34:11.327Z"
Error Response 400: Invalid request
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
3.2 Get a List of Campaigns
Method Overview
The method gets a list of Campaigns with optional filters and sort order.
Read draft SMS campaigns, ordered by created date descending.
curl -X 'GET' \
'https://api{separator}{platform_domain}/news/v1/services/SERVICE_UUID/campaigns?sending_type=sms&status=draft&sort=-created_dt' \
-H 'accept: application/json'
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.
Name | Type | Description |
serviceUuid (required) | string (path) | Service (BM Account) UUID. |
sending_type | string (query) | Search by messaging channel. Available values: sms, webpush, email, telegram, rbm, viber, whatsapp. |
status | string (query) | Search by status. Available values: active, stopped, finished, draft. |
fields | array[string] (query) | Include optional fields in the response. Possible values: tasks, messages. |
sort | array[string] (query) | Define order by columns. |
page_number | integer (query) | Page number. Default value is 1. |
page_size | integer (query) | Page size. Default value is 10. |
Code | Description | Links |
200 | List of Campaigns. | No links. |
Success Response 200: List of Campaigns
"data": [
"name": "New Campaign",
"status": "active",
"sending_type": "sms",
"schedule_type": "once",
"schedule_rrule": "2024-05-01 17:05:00",
"template": "Hello world",
"webpush_title": "string",
"webpush_body": "string",
"webpush_target_url": "string",
"webpush_icon": "string",
"webpush_image": "string",
"sender": "+41587000000",
"recipient_lists": "cf9eeb30-c1af-11ee-8073-bf4d6e8c1618",
"query_type": "segmentation",
"query": "{\"segmentation\":[{\"operator\":\"OR\",\"rules\":[{\"field\":\"subscription_options_in\",\"condition\":\"in\",\"value\":[\"7c4c1e07-4c65-4861-ab82-9f8fd9cd3913\",\"94bb60a3-7b4b-4614-913c-0a2760e5f633\"],\"operator\":\"AND\"}]}]}\n",
"uuid": "string",
"created_dt": "2024-02-05T09:41:46.187Z",
"updated_dt": "2024-02-05T09:41:46.187Z",
"next_dt": "2024-02-05T09:41:46.187Z",
"last_dt": "2024-02-05T09:41:46.187Z"
"meta": {
"pagination": {
"total": 0,
"count": 0,
"perPage": 0,
"currentPage": 0,
"totalPages": 0,
"links": {
"first": "string",
"last": "string",
"prev": "string",
"next": "string"
3.3 Get a Campaign by UUID
Method Overview
The method fetches an existing campaign by its UUID.
curl -X 'GET' \
'https://api{separator}{platform_domain}/news/v1/services/SERVICE_UUID/campaigns/CAMPAIGN_UUID' \
-H 'accept: application/json'
Name | Type | Description |
serviceUuid (required) | string (path) | Service (BM Account) UUID. |
campaignUuid (required) | string (path) | Campaign UUID. |
fields | array[string] (query) | Include optional fields in the response. Possible values: tasks, messages. |
Code | Description | Links |
200 | Campaign data. | No links. |
404 | Resource not found. | No links. |
default | Unexpected error. | No links. |
Success Response 200: Campaign data
"name": "New Campaign",
"status": "active",
"sending_type": "sms",
"schedule_type": "once",
"schedule_rrule": "2024-05-01 17:05:00",
"template": "Hello world",
"webpush_title": "string",
"webpush_body": "string",
"webpush_target_url": "string",
"webpush_icon": "string",
"webpush_image": "string",
"sender": "+41587000000",
"recipient_lists": "cf9eeb30-c1af-11ee-8073-bf4d6e8c1618",
"query_type": "segmentation",
"query": "{\"segmentation\":[{\"operator\":\"OR\",\"rules\":[{\"field\":\"subscription_options_in\",\"condition\":\"in\",\"value\":[\"7c4c1e07-4c65-4861-ab82-9f8fd9cd3913\",\"94bb60a3-7b4b-4614-913c-0a2760e5f633\"],\"operator\":\"AND\"}]}]}\n",
"uuid": "string",
"created_dt": "2024-02-06T14:15:55.403Z",
"updated_dt": "2024-02-06T14:15:55.403Z",
"next_dt": "2024-02-06T14:15:55.403Z",
"last_dt": "2024-02-06T14:15:55.403Z"
Error Response 404: Resource not found
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
3.4 Update a Campaign
Method Overview
The method updates an existing campaign identified by UUID. It has the same payload as POST request.
Name | Type | Description |
serviceUuid (required) | string (path) | Service (BM Account) UUID. |
campaignUuid (required) | string (path) | Campaign UUID. |
body (required) | object (body) | Campaign data to be updated. Find below CampaignUpdate data model description. |
Data Parameters
Campaign data example
"name": "New Campaign",
"status": "active",
"sending_type": "sms",
"schedule_type": "once",
"schedule_rrule": "2024-05-01 17:05:00",
"template": "Hello world",
"webpush_title": "string",
"webpush_body": "string",
"webpush_target_url": "string",
"webpush_icon": "string",
"webpush_image": "string",
"sender": "+41587000000",
"recipient_lists": "cf9eeb30-c1af-11ee-8073-bf4d6e8c1618",
"query_type": "segmentation",
"query": "{\"segmentation\":[{\"operator\":\"OR\",\"rules\":[{\"field\":\"subscription_options_in\",\"condition\":\"in\",\"value\":[\"7c4c1e07-4c65-4861-ab82-9f8fd9cd3913\",\"94bb60a3-7b4b-4614-913c-0a2760e5f633\"],\"operator\":\"AND\"}]}]}\n"
Code | Description | Links |
200 | Campaign updated. | No links. |
400 | Invalid request. | No links. |
404 | Campaign not found. | No links. |
Success Response 200: Campaign updated
"name": "New Campaign",
"status": "active",
"sending_type": "sms",
"schedule_type": "once",
"schedule_rrule": "2024-05-01 17:05:00",
"template": "Hello world",
"webpush_title": "string",
"webpush_body": "string",
"webpush_target_url": "string",
"webpush_icon": "string",
"webpush_image": "string",
"sender": "+41587000000",
"recipient_lists": "cf9eeb30-c1af-11ee-8073-bf4d6e8c1618",
"query_type": "segmentation",
"query": "{\"segmentation\":[{\"operator\":\"OR\",\"rules\":[{\"field\":\"subscription_options_in\",\"condition\":\"in\",\"value\":[\"7c4c1e07-4c65-4861-ab82-9f8fd9cd3913\",\"94bb60a3-7b4b-4614-913c-0a2760e5f633\"],\"operator\":\"AND\"}]}]}\n",
"uuid": "string",
"created_dt": "2024-02-06T14:22:57.274Z",
"updated_dt": "2024-02-06T14:22:57.274Z",
"next_dt": "2024-02-06T14:22:57.274Z",
"last_dt": "2024-02-06T14:22:57.274Z"
Error Response 400: Invalid request
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Error Response 404: Campaign not found
3.5 Change a Campaign Status
Method Overview
The method changes a campaign Status - toggle active/stopped.
Stopping an existing campaign by its UUID and setting a new status.
curl -X 'PATCH' \
'https://api{separator}{platform_domain}/news/v1/services/SERVICE_UUID/campaigns/CAMPAIGN_UUID' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"status": "stopped"
Name | Type | Description |
serviceUuid (required) | string (path) | Service (BM Account) UUID. |
campaignUuid (required) | string (path) | Campaign UUID. |
body (required) | string (body) | Change campaign Status, stop/resume. Find below CampaignStatus data model description. |
Data Parameters
Change Campaign Status data example
"status": "active"
Code | Description | Links |
200 | Campaign status changed. | No links. |
400 | Invalid request. | No links. |
404 | Campaign not found. | No links. |
Success Response 200: Campaign status changed
Error Response 400: Invalid request
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Error Response 404: Campaign not found
3.6 Delete a Campaign
Method Overview
The method deletes an existing campaign by its UUID.
curl -X 'DELETE' \
'https://api{separator}{platform_domain}/news/v1/services/SERVICE_UUID/campaigns/CAMPAIGN_UUID' \
-H 'accept: application/json'
Name | Type | Description |
serviceUuid (required) | string (path) | Service (BM Account) UUID. |
campaignUuid (required) | string (path) | Campaign UUID. |
Code | Description | Links |
204 | Campaign deleted. | No links |
404 | Campaign not found. | No links |
Success Response 204: Campaign deleted
Error Response 404: Campaign not found
4. Data Models
Data Models define the structure of a JSON document and describe the data related to the Campaign API.
4.1 Campaign
Name | Type | Description |
name (required) | string | Campaign Name. Example: New Campaign. |
status (required) | string | When creating a campaign it can be either active or draft .Possible values: active, stopped, finished, draft. Example: active. |
sending_type (required) | string | Messaging channel. Possible values: sms, webpush, email, telegram, rbm, viber, whatsapp. Example: sms. |
schedule_type (required) | string | Schedule type defines when a campaign is going to be executed, now runs as soon as saved, once runs once in the defined future time, scheduled runs per rrule spec.Possible values: now, once, scheduled. Example: once. |
schedule_rrule | string | This field defines how and when the campaign is going to be executed. In the case of schedule_type once , this is time in the format Y-m-d H:i:s in UTC timezone. For scheduled , it's iCal RRule string to define recurrence.Example: 2024-05-01 17:05:00. More details can be found on page. |
template (required) | string | Campaign messages content. Depending on the sending_type , template can be sms plan text, or in the case of other channels serialized standardized JSON message format.Example: Hello world. In case of other channels than sms and webpush, Examples of JSON format of template field is presented below. More details about messages data model, can be found in ResponseBody data model description section. |
webpush_title | string | Webpush message title. |
webpush_body | string | Webpush message content body. |
webpush_target_url | string | Webpush message target URL. |
webpush_icon | string | Webpush message URL to an icon. |
webpush_image | string | Webpush message URL to an image. |
sender (required) | string | Campaign messages sender. Depending on the sending_type , a sender can be sms registered sender ID, email email address, whatsapp business phone number ID.Example: +41587000000. |
recipient_lists (required) | string | One or more (comma separated) list of UUIDs from which the contacts are to be targeted. Example: cf9eeb30-c1af-11ee-8073-bf4d6e8c1618. |
query_type | string | If all contacts from a list are to be targeted, use all . If you want to apply segmentation by query field, set this value to segmentation .Possible values: all, segmentation. Example: segmentation. |
query | string | This field defines segmentation query applied if query_type is segmentation . It is a string as serialized JSON SegmentationQuery data model.An Example of JSON format of query field is presented below. |
4.2 CampaignCreate
CampaignCreate object properties:
Name | Type | Description |
name (required) | string | Campaign Name. Example: New Campaign. |
status (required) | string | When creating a campaign it can be either active or draft .Possible values: active, stopped, finished, draft. Example: active. |
sending_type (required) | string | Messaging channel. Possible values: sms, webpush, email, telegram, rbm, viber, whatsapp. Example: sms. |
schedule_type (required) | string | Schedule type defines when a campaign is going to be executed, now runs as soon as saved, once runs once in the defined future time, scheduled runs per rrule spec.Possible values: now, once, scheduled. Example: once. |
schedule_rrule | string | This field defines how and when the campaign is going to be executed. In the case of schedule_type once , this is time in the format Y-m-d H:i:s in UTC timezone. For scheduled , it's iCal RRule string to define recurrence.Example: 2024-05-01 17:05:00. |
template (required) | string | Campaign messages content. Depending on the sending_type , template can be sms plan text, or in the case of other channels serialized standardized JSON message format.Example: Hello world. In case of other channels than sms and webpush, an Example of JSON format of template field is presented below. |
webpush_title | string | Webpush message title. |
webpush_body | string | Webpush message content body. |
webpush_target_url | string | Webpush message target URL. |
webpush_icon | string | Webpush message URL to an icon. |
webpush_image | string | Webpush message URL to an image. |
sender (required) | string | Campaign messages sender. Depending on the sending_type , a sender can be sms registered sender ID, email email address, whatsapp business phone number ID.Example: +41587000000. |
recipient_lists (required) | string | One or more (comma separated) list of UUIDs from which the contacts are to be targeted. Example: cf9eeb30-c1af-11ee-8073-bf4d6e8c1618. |
query_type | string | If all contacts from a list are to be targeted, use all . If you want to apply segmentation by query field, set this value to segmentation .Possible values: all, segmentation. Example: segmentation. |
query | string | This field defines segmentation query applied if query_type is segmentation . It is a string as serialized JSON SegmentationQuery data model.An Example of JSON format of query field is presented below. |
clone_uuid | string | UUID of a campaign to be cloned from. Example: 1592695e-c1b1-11ee-b153-774c9d3a7957. |
template_vars | object | In the case of cloning, here can be provided a map of variable name -> variable value to be replaced in the final campaigns content. Variables in template are to be in the form {var_name} but in this map, it's expected to use raw name, without braces.Example: { "temp": "-22C", "wind": "100km/h" }. |
JSON Example
"name": "New Campaign",
"status": "active",
"sending_type": "sms",
"schedule_type": "once",
"schedule_rrule": "2024-05-01 17:05:00",
"template": "Hello world",
"webpush_title": "string",
"webpush_body": "string",
"webpush_target_url": "string",
"webpush_icon": "string",
"webpush_image": "string",
"sender": "+41587000000",
"recipient_lists": "cf9eeb30-c1af-11ee-8073-bf4d6e8c1618",
"query_type": "segmentation",
"query": "{\"segmentation\":[{\"operator\":\"OR\",\"rules\":[{\"field\":\"subscription_options_in\",\"condition\":\"in\",\"value\":[\"7c4c1e07-4c65-4861-ab82-9f8fd9cd3913\",\"94bb60a3-7b4b-4614-913c-0a2760e5f633\"],\"operator\":\"AND\"}]}]}\n",
"uuid": "string",
"created_dt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"updated_dt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"next_dt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"last_dt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
4.3 CampaignUpdate
CampaignUpdate object properties:
Name | Type | Description |
name (required) | string | Campaign Name. Example: New Campaign. |
status (required) | string | When creating a campaign, it can be either active or draft .Possible values: active, stopped, finished, draft. Example: active. |
sending_type (required) | string | Messaging channel. Possible values: sms, webpush, email, telegram, rbm, viber, whatsapp. Example: sms. |
schedule_type (required) | string | Schedule type defines when a campaign is going to be executed, now runs as soon as saved, once runs once in the defined future time, scheduled runs per rrule spec.Possible values: now, once, scheduled. Example: once. |
schedule_rrule | string | This field defines how and when the campaign is going to be executed. In the case of schedule_type once , this is time in the format Y-m-d H:i:s in UTC timezone. For scheduled , it's iCal RRule string to define recurrence.Example: 2024-05-01 17:05:00. |
template (required) | string | Campaign messages content. Depending on the sending_type , template can be sms plan text, or in the case of other channels serialized standardized JSON message format.Example: Hello world. In case of other channels than sms and webpush, an Example of JSON format of template field is presented below. |
webpush_title | string | Webpush message title. |
webpush_body | string | Webpush message content body. |
webpush_target_url | string | Webpush message target URL. |
webpush_icon | string | Webpush message URL to an icon. |
webpush_image | string | Webpush message URL to an image. |
sender (required) | string | Campaign messages sender. Depending on the sending_type , a sender can be sms registered sender ID, email email address, whatsapp business phone number ID.Example: +41587000000. |
recipient_lists (required) | string | One or more (comma separated) list of UUIDs from which the contacts are to be targeted. Example: cf9eeb30-c1af-11ee-8073-bf4d6e8c1618. |
query_type | string | If all contacts from a list are to be targeted, use all . If you want to apply segmentation by query field, set this value to segmentation .Possible values: all, segmentation. Example: segmentation. |
query | string | This field defines segmentation query applied if query_type is segmentation . It is a string as serialized JSON SegmentationQuery data model.An Example of JSON format of query field is presented below. |
4.4 CampaignResponse
CampaignResponse object properties:
Name | Type | Description |
name (required) | string | Campaign Name. Example: New Campaign. |
status (required) | string | When creating a campaign it can be either active or draft .Possible values: active, stopped, finished, draft. Example: active. |
sending_type (required) | string | Messaging channel. Possible values: sms, webpush, email, telegram, rbm, viber, whatsapp. Example: sms. |
schedule_type (required) | string | Schedule type defines when a campaign is going to be executed, now runs as soon as saved, once runs once in the defined future time, scheduled runs per rrule spec.Possible values: now, once, scheduled. Example: once. |
schedule_rrule | string | This field defines how and when the campaign is going to be executed. In the case of schedule_type once , this is time in the format Y-m-d H:i:s in UTC timezone. For scheduled , it's iCal RRule string to define recurrence.Example: 2024-05-01 17:05:00. |
template (required) | string | Campaign messages content. Depending on the sending_type , template can be sms plan text, or in the case of other channels serialized standardized JSON message format.Example: Hello world. In case of other channels than sms and webpush, an Example of JSON format of template field is presented below. |
webpush_title | string | Webpush message title. |
webpush_body | string | Webpush message content body. |
webpush_target_url | string | Webpush message target URL. |
webpush_icon | string | Webpush message URL to an icon. |
webpush_image | string | Webpush message URL to an image. |
sender (required) | string | Campaign messages sender. Depending on the sending_type , a sender can be sms registered sender ID, email email address, whatsapp business phone number ID.Example: +41587000000. |
recipient_lists (required) | string | One or more (comma separated) list of UUIDs from which the contacts are to be targeted. Example: cf9eeb30-c1af-11ee-8073-bf4d6e8c1618. |
query_type | string | If all contacts from a list are to be targeted, use all . If you want to apply segmentation by query field, set this value to segmentation .Possible values: all, segmentation. Example: segmentation. |
query | string | This field defines segmentation query applied if query_type is segmentation . It is a string as serialized JSON SegmentationQuery data model.An Example of JSON format of query field is presented below. |
uuid | string | Campaign UUID. |
created_dt | string($date‑time) | Campaign's created time in RFC 3339 format. |
updated_dt | string($date‑time) | Campaign's updated time in RFC 3339 format. |
next_dt | string($date‑time) | Campaign's next execution time in RFC 3339 format. |
last_dt | string($date‑time) | Campaign's last execution time in RFC 3339 format. |
JSON Example
"name": "New Campaign",
"status": "active",
"sending_type": "sms",
"schedule_type": "once",
"schedule_rrule": "2024-05-01 17:05:00",
"template": "Hello world",
"webpush_title": "string",
"webpush_body": "string",
"webpush_target_url": "string",
"webpush_icon": "string",
"webpush_image": "string",
"sender": "+41587000000",
"recipient_lists": "cf9eeb30-c1af-11ee-8073-bf4d6e8c1618",
"query_type": "segmentation",
"query": "{\"segmentation\":[{\"operator\":\"OR\",\"rules\":[{\"field\":\"subscription_options_in\",\"condition\":\"in\",\"value\":[\"7c4c1e07-4c65-4861-ab82-9f8fd9cd3913\",\"94bb60a3-7b4b-4614-913c-0a2760e5f633\"],\"operator\":\"AND\"}]}]}\n",
"uuid": "string",
"created_dt": "2024-02-05T09:34:11.327Z",
"updated_dt": "2024-02-05T09:34:11.327Z",
"next_dt": "2024-02-05T09:34:11.327Z",
"last_dt": "2024-02-05T09:34:11.327Z"
JSON Examples of Message Template Field
Message template
field defines a Campaign messages content. In the case of other channels than sms and webpush, it is serialized standardized JSON message format.
"messages": [
"body": {
"textMessage": {
"content": "Hello John Doe"
"messages": [
"allowedChannels": [
"body": {
"cardMessage": {
"content": {
"description": "Card message text",
"media": {
"url": ""
"suggestions": [
"text": "Visit Us",
"openUrl": {
"url": ""
JSON Example of Message Query Field
Message query
field defines segmentation query applied if query_type is segmentation
. It is a string as serialized JSON SegmentationQuery data model.
The example below finds the contacts with first_name John and last_name Smith, or just nick_name is Johnny.
"segmentation": [
"operator": "OR",
"rules": [
"field": "first_name",
"condition": "eq",
"value": "John",
"operator": "AND"
"field": "last_name",
"condition": "eq",
"value": "Smith",
"operator": "AND"
"operator": "OR",
"rules": [
"field": "nick_name",
"condition": "eq",
"value": "Johnny",
"operator": "OR"
4.5 CampaignStatus
CampaignStatus object properties:
Name | Type | Description |
status (required) | string | Campaign status. Possible values: active, stopped. |
4.6 CampaignCollection
CampaignCollection object properties:
Name | Type | Description |
data (required) | array | An array of CampaignResponse objects. |
meta (required) | object | CollectionMeta object. |
4.7 SegmentationQuery
SegmentationQuery object properties:
Name | Type | Description |
segmentation (required) | array | An array of SegmentationGroup objects. |
4.8 SegmentationGroup
SegmentationGroup object properties:
Name | Type | Description |
operator (required) | string | A logical operator connecting this group to the previous group. Possible values: OR, AND NOT, OR NOT. Example: OR. |
rules (required) | array | An array of SegmentationRule objects. |
JSON Example
"segmentation": [
"operator": "OR",
"rules": [
"field": "first_name",
"condition": "eq",
"value": "John",
"operator": "AND"
"field": "last_name",
"condition": "eq",
"value": "Smith",
"operator": "AND"
"operator": "OR",
"rules": [
"field": "nick_name",
"condition": "eq",
"value": "Johnny",
"operator": "OR"
4.9 SegmentationRule
SegmentationRule object properties:
Name | Type | Description |
field (required) | string | Contact field to be checked. Possible values: first_name, last_name, second_name, nick_name, gender, birthday, salutation, title, language, nationality, mobile, email, phone, address, zip, city, region, country, b_company, b_mobile, b_email, b_phone, b_reception_code, b_address, b_zip, b_city, b_region, b_country, b_job_title, b_department, column_1, column_2, subscription_options_in, subscription_options_out. Example: first_name. |
condition (required) | string | Condition to be applied to a field, e.g. comparison. Possible values: eq, neq, isnull, isnotnull, in, notin, startswith, endswith, contains, lt, lte, gt, gte, ann_in_days. Example: eq. |
value (required) | string | A string or array of strings to be compared against. |
operator (required) | string | A logical operator connection with previous rule, all should be always the same as the first one in this group. Possible values: AND, OR. |
4.10 Error
Name | Type | Description |
code (required) | string | Error code. |
message (required) | string | Error message. |
description | string | Description. |
items | array | An array of ErrorItem objects. |
4.11 ErrorItem
Name | Type | Description |
name (required) | string | Error item name. |
message (required) | string | Error item message. |
description | string | Description. |
JSON Example
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
4.12 CollectionMeta
CollectionMeta object properties:
Name | Type | Description |
pagination | object | CollectionMetaPagination object. |
4.13 CollectionMetaPagination
CollectionMetaPagination object properties:
Name | Type | Description |
total (required) | integer | Total number of rows. |
count (required) | integer | Number of rows in the current page. |
perPage (required) | integer | The maximum rows per page. |
currentPage (required) | integer | The current page number. |
totalPages (required) | integer | Total number of pages. |
links (required) | object | CollectionMetaPaginationLinks object. |
4.14 CollectionMetaPaginationLinks
CollectionMetaPaginationLinks object properties:
Name | Type | Description |
first | string | Link to the first page. |
last | string | Link to the last page. |
prev | string | Link to the previous page. |
next | string | Link to the next page. |
JSON Example
"meta": {
"pagination": {
"total": 0,
"count": 0,
"perPage": 0,
"currentPage": 0,
"totalPages": 0,
"links": {
"first": "string",
"last": "string",
"prev": "string",
"next": "string"