Supplier Invoice API

1. Introduction

The HORISEN Supplier Invoice API enables programmatic management of Supplier Invoices, offering functionality to create, retrieve, update or delete invoices. Additionally, it provides an option to upload a Supplier Invoice file.

It supports OAuth 2.0 authentication. An example of how to implement OAuth 2.0 and obtain access token as well as an example of using HORISEN API service, is available on OAuth2 Authentication Guidelines page.

2. Methods Overview

2.1 Supplier Invoice

The following endpoints provide functionality to manage Supplier Invoices, allowing you to create, retrieve, update or delete invoices.

These API endpoints belong to the Finance domain. The subject domain of an endpoint URL is:


Note: A domain is presented with placeholders as https://api{separator}{platform_domain}, where {separator} can be a dot (.) or a hyphen (-). Please, replace it with your actual platform domain name.

Returns a list of Suppliers Invoices.Read More
Creates a new Supplier Invoice.Read More
Returns data for an Invoice identified by Invoice ID.Read More
Updates an Invoice for a given Invoice ID.Read More
Deletes an Invoice for a given Invoice ID.Read More
Get an Invoice default configuration (type and template) for a given domain, data source, document class and Co-Owner ID.Read More

2.2 Supplier Invoice File

The following endpoint provides an option to upload a Supplier Invoice file.

This API endpoint belongs to the Invoice Docs domain. The subject domain of an endpoint URL is:


Note: A domain is presented with placeholders as https://api{separator}{platform_domain}, where {separator} can be a dot (.) or a hyphen (-). Please, replace it with your actual platform domain name.

Uploads invoice file (.pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, max 10MB).Read More

3. Methods Details

3.1 Supplier Invoice

The following endpoints provide functionality to manage Supplier Invoices, allowing you to create, retrieve, update or delete invoices.

These API endpoints belong to the Finance domain. The subject domain of an endpoint URL is:


Note: A domain is presented with placeholders as https://api{separator}{platform_domain}, where {separator} can be a dot (.) or a hyphen (-). Please, replace it with your actual platform domain name.

Returns a list of Suppliers Invoices.Up
Method Overview

The method returns a list of Suppliers Invoices.

Authorization privilege needed for this endpoint: finance-invoices.view.
Optional - privilege used in this endpoint: finance-invoices-own.view.

This endpoint is used to list invoices. Invoices can be filtered by many parameters, but most common ones are: custID, currency, domainCodeName, dataSourceCodeName, classCodeName, dtsSelectorCodeName, status and paymentStatus.

These parameters are used in most queries to filter invoices.

  • Parameters custID and currency can be used to filter invoices for customer in currencies.
  • status and paymentStatus parameters filter invoices per status.
  • domainCodeName parameter represents invoice domain. Supported values are 'BULK' and 'BULK-MNP' for Bulk SMS and Bulk MNP invoices respectively.
  • dataSourceCodeName parameter represents invoice data source. Supported values are 'PREPAID', 'POSTPAID', 'FINANCE', 'SUPPLIER-INVOICE', 'POSTPAID-SUPPLIER-INVOICE', 'POSTPAID-CONTROL'.
  • classCodeName parameter represents document class and it is perhaps the most important one, because it allows to list different kind of invoices. Common values are: 'CUSTOMER_INVOICE', 'SUPPLIER_INVOICE', 'NETTING_INVOICE', 'CONTROL_INVOICE', 'CREDIT_DEBIT_NOTE', 'SUPPLIER_CR_DB_NOTE'.
  • dtsSelectorCodeName represents subprocess of existing data source. The only supported dtsSelectorCodeName is 'PART-PAYMENT' for POSTPAID data source.

Each of these classes represent one kind of financial document. Because each document class has its own distinct properties and behavior, which differentiate that kind of document from other kinds, this filter property plays the key role in filtering invoices.

This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.

Supported filter properties are:

  • custName, custShortName, invNumber, invDate, invDueDate, overDueDate,
  • status, total, totalUnpaid, totalPaid, invType, invTypeName, invPeriod, invPeriodStart, invPeriodEnd, invoiceTypeName, invoicingDate, invoicingDatePolicy,
  • paymentStatus, nettingInvoiceId, classCodeName, currency, id, disputeStatus, statusDt, dataSourceCodeName,
  • custID, processingStatus, collectionLeadId, collectionMode, vat, amountNoVat, amountVat, domainCodeName, custCountry,
  • nettingInvoiceStatus, nettingInvoicePaymentStatus, rounding, dtsSelectorId, dtsSelectorCodeName, invUid, custPOBox,
  • docsDeliveryStatus, selfBilling, customerType, domainName, syncStatus, syncStatusDt, syncMode, collectionLeadNumber,
  • ownerId, ownerBpName, ownerBpBriefName, documentSync, externalRefId.

IMPORTANT: showAccountManager filter has been added, with 2 values (yes, no). If you want to see accountManagerId and accountManagerName, you need to call with this parameter showAccountManager=yes.


  1. Loading all member invoices (both Supplier and Customer) belonging to the netting invoice with id=100:

    GET /invoices?nettingInvoiceId=100
  2. Loading the draft netting statements:

    GET /invoices?classCodeName=NETTING_INVOICE&status=draft
  3. Loading the netting statements in favor of a Supplier:

    GET /invoices?classCodeName=NETTING_INVOICE&paymentStatus=open&selfBilling=yes
  4. Loading the netting statements in favor of a platform owner:

    GET /invoices?classCodeName=NETTING_INVOICE&paymentStatus=open&selfBilling=no
  5. Loading Supplier invoices with a payment status 'open':

    GET /invoices?domainCodeName=BULK&classCodeName=SUPPLIER_INVOICE&paymentStatus=open
  6. Loading the customer invoices with a payment status 'open':

    GET /invoices?domainCodeName=BULK&classCodeName=CUSTOMER_INVOICE&paymentStatus=open
  7. Loading the customer part-payment invoices:

    GET /invoices?domainCodeName=BULK&classCodeName=CUSTOMER_INVOICE&dataSourceCodeName=POSTPAID&dtsSelectorCodeName=PART-PAYMENT
  8. Loading the customer postpaid without part-payment invoices:

    GET /invoices?domainCodeName=BULK&classCodeName=CUSTOMER_INVOICE&dataSourceCodeName=POSTPAID&dtsSelectorCodeName=0
  9. Loading the control invoices:

    GET /invoices?domainCodeName=BULK&classCodeName=CONTROL_INVOICE
  10. Loading the collection members for invoice:

    GET /invoices?collectionLeadId=X&...
  11. Loading the documents which are member of the invoices collections:

    GET /invoices?collectionMode=member&...
  12. Loading all documents which has 'processingStatus' scheduled or running:

    GET /invoices?in(processingStatus)=scheduled,running&...
  13. Loading all documents which has 'processingStatus' scheduled or running:

    GET /invoices?showAccountManager=yes&...
Name Type Description
page_number integer (query) Page number. Default value is 1.
page_size integer (query) Page size. Default value is 10.
paging string (query) Paging options.
The format is: &paging=page_num,page_size e.g. paging=1,10.
q string (query) General search criteria. Available fields: customerShortName, custName, status, invUid, ownerId, ownerBpName, ownerBpBriefName.
sort string (query) Sorting options.
The format is: sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3.

Available fields: customerShortName, invNumber, invDate, invDueDate, overDueDate, status, total, totalUnpaid, invoiceType, invPeriod, invPeriodStart, invPeriodEnd, invoiceTypeName, deliveryDate, nettingInvoiceId, paymentStatus, currency, id, disputeStatus, processingStatus, collectionMode, collectionLeadId, custID, vat, amountNoVat, amountVat, rounding, nettingInvoiceStatus, nettingInvoicePaymentStatus, invUid, ownerId, ownerBpName, ownerBpBriefName, invoicingDate, invoicingDatePolicy, documentSync, externalRefId.
Code Description Links
200 List of Invoices. No links.
default Unexpected error. No links.
Success Response 200: List of Invoices
  "data": [
      "id": 0,
      "invUid": "string",
      "instanceID": 0,
      "custID": 0,
      "custName": "string",
      "custShortName": "string",
      "custAttn": "string",
      "custAddress": "string",
      "custAddress2": "string",
      "custPost": "string",
      "custCity": "string",
      "custCountry": 0,
      "custPOBox": "string",
      "customerType": "string",
      "custVatNumber": "string",
      "invType": 0,
      "invTypeName": "string",
      "templateID": 0,
      "invDate": "2023-05-23",
      "invoicingDate": "2023-05-23",
      "invoicingDatePolicy": "delivery",
      "invNumberFix": "string",
      "invNumberNum": 0,
      "invNumber": "string",
      "invPeriod": "string",
      "invDueDate": "2023-05-23",
      "overDueDate": 0,
      "ownerVatNumber": "string",
      "currency": 0,
      "currencyCode": "string",
      "amountNoVat": 0,
      "amountVat": 0,
      "vatPercent": 0,
      "vat": 0,
      "rounding": 0,
      "total": 0,
      "totalUnpaid": 0,
      "totalPaid": 0,
      "vatInPrice": 0,
      "vatInTotal": 0,
      "status": "draft",
      "insertDt": "2023-05-23T11:26:00.124Z",
      "statusDt": "2023-05-23T11:26:00.124Z",
      "deliveryDate": "2023-05-23",
      "invPeriodStart": "2023-05-23",
      "invPeriodEnd": "2023-05-23",
      "docsDeliveryStatus": "string",
      "docsDeliveryStatusDate": "2023-05-23T11:26:00.124Z",
      "docsDeliveryDlrStatus": "string",
      "docsDeliveryDlrStatusDate": "2023-05-23T11:26:00.124Z",
      "classCodeName": "string",
      "classDomain": "string",
      "classArea": "string",
      "lang": "string",
      "paymentStatus": "none",
      "paymentStatusDate": "2023-05-23T11:26:00.124Z",
      "disputeStatus": "string",
      "disputeStatusDate": "2023-05-23T11:26:00.124Z",
      "dataSourceId": 0,
      "dataSourceCodeName": "string",
      "nettingInvoiceId": 0,
      "nettingInvoiceNumber": "string",
      "selfBilling": "yes",
      "domainId": 0,
      "domainCodeName": "string",
      "domainName": "string",
      "domainProduct": 0,
      "accountManagerId": 0,
      "accountManagerName": "string",
      "disputeNextId": 0,
      "collectionMode": "none",
      "collectionLeadId": 0,
      "collectionLeadNumber": "string",
      "collectionLeadNettingInvoiceId": 0,
      "collectionLeadNettingInvoiceNumber": "string",
      "collectionLeadNettingInvoiceStatus": "string",
      "collectionLeadNettingInvoicePaymentStatus": "string",
      "collectionLeadNettingInvoiceTotal": "string",
      "collectionLeadNettingInvoiceTotalPaid": "string",
      "collectionLeadNettingInvoiceTotalUnpaid": "string",
      "processingStatus": "none",
      "comment": "string",
      "nettingInvoiceStatus": "draft",
      "nettingPaymentStatus": "none",
      "nettingTotal": 0,
      "nettingTotalUnpaid": 0,
      "nettingTotalPaid": 0,
      "dtsSelectorId": 0,
      "dtsSelectorCodeName": "string",
      "sitInvoiceEmailImportId": 0,
      "billingBalance": {
        "id": 0,
        "name": "string",
        "resourceUrl": "string"
      "billingTypeName": "string",
      "smsCount": 0,
      "syncStatus": "none",
      "syncStatusDt": "2023-05-23T11:26:00.124Z",
      "syncMode": "disabled",
      "reminderStatus": "enabled",
      "domesticCurrency": 0,
      "domesticCurrencyCode": "string",
      "domesticCurrencyAmountNoVAT": 0,
      "domesticCurrencyAmountVAT": 0,
      "domesticCurrencyTotal": 0,
      "domesticCurrencyRounding": 0,
      "domesticCurrencyRate": 0,
      "industryName": "string",
      "ownerName": "string",
      "ownerId": 0,
      "ownerBpName": "string",
      "ownerBpBriefName": "string",
      "documentSync": {}
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {}
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Creates a new Supplier Invoice.Up
Method Overview

The method creates a new Supplier Invoice.
NOTE: To add a Supplier Invoice, use POST /invoices with the parameter ClassCodeName=SUPPLIER_INVOICE in the URL query.

POST /invoices?classCodeName=SUPPLIER_INVOICE&...

Authorization privilege needed for this endpoint:
- finance-invoices.manage or
- finance-cust-invoices.manage or
- finance-supplier-invoices.manage or
- finance-netting-invoices.manage.

Manual Generation of a Supplier Invoice

For manual generation of an invoice, personal data should be in the request body. These values have priority over the values from a database found for that 'custID'. If the values are omitted from the body, the data from a database will be used.

To discover invtype, templateId and lang properties, you have to use method GET /default-invoice-config and put response values typeId, templateId and templateLang in properties invType, templateId and lang respectively.
See description of GET /default-invoice-config for instruction on how to get values for different kind of invoices.

Notice that GET /default-invoice-config has query parameter templateLang. By default the value of that parameter is 'en'. In some cases such as manual generation of an invoice, templateLang parameter value should be initially set to a Business Partner's default language, in order to instruct API to try to find template in the Business Partner default language, if available.

Input Parameters Description
invDate It must be in 2006-01-02 format. If it is omitted, Time.Now() is used. It is mandatory for Supplier invoices.
DeliveryDate It must be in 2006-01-02 format. If it is omitted, Time.Now() is used.
invNumberFix Fixed part of an invoice number. If it is omitted, there will be an error. For Supplier invoices it will be populated with supplierInvNumber.
invDueDate It must be in 2006-01-02 format. It has priority over invDueDateDays. Mandatory for Supplier invoices.
invDueDateDays It is a number of days to add on invDate. If no invDueDate is used, this parameter is used.
If both inDueDate and invDueDateDays are missing, there will be an error.
inDueDate Invoice due date. It must be after DeliveryDate.
If both inDueDate and invDueDateDays are missing, there will be an error.
invPeriod It is a string like "01.01.2016 - 31.12.2016".
vatInPrice It must be 0 or 1.
0 - shows (uses) NET item price.
1 - shows (uses) GROSS. It can be omitted.
vatInTotal It must be 0 or 1.
0 - shows (uses) NET item total.
1 - shows (uses) GROSS. It can be omitted.
status It is set to 'draft' by default. Any change to this field is done by delete or change status endpoints, status for Supplier invoices are set to approved by default.
amountNoVat Net amount. Mandatory for Supplier invoices.
amountVat Gross amount. Mandatory for Supplier invoices.
total Total gross amount. Mandatory for Supplier invoices.
currency Mandatory for Supplier invoices.
supplierInvNumber Mandatory for Supplier invoices.

Example of minimal JSON body parameters for Supplier invoices:

  "custID": 1061,
  "currency": 978,
  "invType": 21,
  "invDueDate": "2017-03-02",
  "invDate": "2017-02-02",
  "supplierInvNumber": "invoice-123",
  "amountNoVat": 100,
  "amountVat": 120,
  "total": 120

Example of minimal JSON body parameters for Netting invoices:

  "custID": 1061,
  "invNumberFix": "string",
  "currency": 978,
  "invDueDateDays": 5,
  "invType" : 1,
  "templateId" : 2
Name Type Description
post data (required) object (body) Post data. If invDate is used, it must be in 2006-01-02 format.
If invDueDate is used, it must be in 2006-01-02 format.
Data Parameters

Post data object example

  "custID": 0,
  "instanceID": 0,
  "custName": "string",
  "custAttn": "string",
  "custAddress": "string",
  "custAddress2": "string",
  "custPost": "string",
  "custCity": "string",
  "custCountry": 0,
  "custPOBox": "string",
  "custVatNumber": "string",
  "invType": 0,
  "templateID": 0,
  "invDate": "2023-05-19",
  "invoicingDate": "2023-05-19",
  "invNumberFix": "string",
  "supplierInvNumber": "string",
  "invPeriod": "string",
  "invPeriodStart": "2023-05-19",
  "invPeriodEnd": "2023-05-19",
  "invDueDate": "2023-05-19",
  "invDueDateDays": 0,
  "deliveryDate": "2023-05-19",
  "ownerVatNumber": "string",
  "currency": 0,
  "vatInPrice": 0,
  "vatInTotal": 0,
  "lang": "string",
  "docsDeliveryStatus": "none",
  "comment": "string",
  "dataSourceId": 0,
  "dataSourceCodeName": "string",
  "domainId": 0,
  "domainCodeName": "string",
  "dtsSelectorId": 0,
  "dtsSelectorCodeName": "string",
  "finDocClassId": 0,
  "finDocClassCodeName": "string",
  "sitInvoiceEmailImportId": 0,
  "reminderStatus": "enabled",
  "items": [
      "name": "string",
      "itemType": "string",
      "quantity": 0,
      "quantityMore": 0,
      "quantityMode": 0,
      "measureUnit": 0,
      "price": 0,
      "status": "string",
      "dataSourceId": 0,
      "dataSourceForeignKey": 0,
      "dtsSelectorId": 0
  "payment": {
    "fullyPaid": true,
    "paymentType": 0,
    "paymentDate": "2023-05-19",
    "comment": "string",
    "bankAccountId": 0,
    "paymentReference": "string"
  "invoiceSourceRecord": {
    "billingRecordId": 0,
    "creditRecordId": 0
Code Description Links
200 Invoice added. No links
default Unexpected Error. No links
Success Response 200: Invoice added
  "id": 0,
  "invUid": "string",
  "instanceID": 0,
  "custID": 0,
  "custName": "string",
  "custShortName": "string",
  "custAttn": "string",
  "custAddress": "string",
  "custAddress2": "string",
  "custPost": "string",
  "custCity": "string",
  "custCountry": 0,
  "custPOBox": "string",
  "customerType": "string",
  "custVatNumber": "string",
  "invType": 0,
  "invTypeName": "string",
  "templateID": 0,
  "invDate": "2023-05-19",
  "invoicingDate": "2023-05-19",
  "invoicingDatePolicy": "delivery",
  "invNumberFix": "string",
  "invNumberNum": 0,
  "invNumber": "string",
  "invPeriod": "string",
  "invDueDate": "2023-05-19",
  "overDueDate": 0,
  "ownerVatNumber": "string",
  "currency": 0,
  "currencyCode": "string",
  "amountNoVat": 0,
  "amountVat": 0,
  "vatPercent": 0,
  "vat": 0,
  "rounding": 0,
  "total": 0,
  "totalUnpaid": 0,
  "totalPaid": 0,
  "vatInPrice": 0,
  "vatInTotal": 0,
  "status": "draft",
  "insertDt": "2023-05-19T12:18:41.974Z",
  "statusDt": "2023-05-19T12:18:41.974Z",
  "deliveryDate": "2023-05-19",
  "invPeriodStart": "2023-05-19",
  "invPeriodEnd": "2023-05-19",
  "docsDeliveryStatus": "string",
  "docsDeliveryStatusDate": "2023-05-19T12:18:41.974Z",
  "docsDeliveryDlrStatus": "string",
  "docsDeliveryDlrStatusDate": "2023-05-19T12:18:41.974Z",
  "classCodeName": "string",
  "classDomain": "string",
  "classArea": "string",
  "lang": "string",
  "paymentStatus": "none",
  "paymentStatusDate": "2023-05-19T12:18:41.974Z",
  "disputeStatus": "string",
  "disputeStatusDate": "2023-05-19T12:18:41.974Z",
  "dataSourceId": 0,
  "dataSourceCodeName": "string",
  "nettingInvoiceId": 0,
  "nettingInvoiceNumber": "string",
  "selfBilling": "yes",
  "domainId": 0,
  "domainCodeName": "string",
  "domainName": "string",
  "domainProduct": 0,
  "accountManagerId": 0,
  "accountManagerName": "string",
  "disputeNextId": 0,
  "collectionMode": "none",
  "collectionLeadId": 0,
  "collectionLeadNumber": "string",
  "collectionLeadNettingInvoiceId": 0,
  "collectionLeadNettingInvoiceNumber": "string",
  "collectionLeadNettingInvoiceStatus": "string",
  "collectionLeadNettingInvoicePaymentStatus": "string",
  "collectionLeadNettingInvoiceTotal": "string",
  "collectionLeadNettingInvoiceTotalPaid": "string",
  "collectionLeadNettingInvoiceTotalUnpaid": "string",
  "processingStatus": "none",
  "comment": "string",
  "nettingInvoiceStatus": "draft",
  "nettingPaymentStatus": "none",
  "nettingTotal": 0,
  "nettingTotalUnpaid": 0,
  "nettingTotalPaid": 0,
  "dtsSelectorId": 0,
  "dtsSelectorCodeName": "string",
  "sitInvoiceEmailImportId": 0,
  "billingBalance": {
    "id": 0,
    "name": "string",
    "resourceUrl": "string"
  "billingTypeName": "string",
  "smsCount": 0,
  "syncStatus": "none",
  "syncStatusDt": "2023-05-19T12:18:41.974Z",
  "syncMode": "disabled",
  "reminderStatus": "enabled",
  "domesticCurrency": 0,
  "domesticCurrencyCode": "string",
  "domesticCurrencyAmountNoVAT": 0,
  "domesticCurrencyAmountVAT": 0,
  "domesticCurrencyTotal": 0,
  "domesticCurrencyRounding": 0,
  "domesticCurrencyRate": 0,
  "industryName": "string",
  "ownerName": "string",
  "ownerId": 0,
  "ownerBpName": "string",
  "ownerBpBriefName": "string",
  "documentSync": {}
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Returns data for an Invoice identified by Invoice ID.Up
Method Overview

The method returns data for an Invoice identified by Invoice ID.

Authorization privilege needed for this endpoint: finance-invoices.view.
Optional - privilege used in this endpoint: finance-invoices-own.view.

Name Type Description
invoiceid (required) integer (path) Invoice ID.
Code Description Links
200 Invoice data. No links.
default Unexpected error. No links.
Success Response 200: Invoice data
  "id": 0,
  "invUid": "string",
  "instanceID": 0,
  "custID": 0,
  "custName": "string",
  "custShortName": "string",
  "custAttn": "string",
  "custAddress": "string",
  "custAddress2": "string",
  "custPost": "string",
  "custCity": "string",
  "custCountry": 0,
  "custPOBox": "string",
  "customerType": "string",
  "custVatNumber": "string",
  "invType": 0,
  "invTypeName": "string",
  "templateID": 0,
  "invDate": "2023-05-22",
  "invoicingDate": "2023-05-22",
  "invoicingDatePolicy": "delivery",
  "invNumberFix": "string",
  "invNumberNum": 0,
  "invNumber": "string",
  "invPeriod": "string",
  "invDueDate": "2023-05-22",
  "overDueDate": 0,
  "ownerVatNumber": "string",
  "currency": 0,
  "currencyCode": "string",
  "amountNoVat": 0,
  "amountVat": 0,
  "vatPercent": 0,
  "vat": 0,
  "rounding": 0,
  "total": 0,
  "totalUnpaid": 0,
  "totalPaid": 0,
  "vatInPrice": 0,
  "vatInTotal": 0,
  "status": "draft",
  "insertDt": "2023-05-22T10:00:25.567Z",
  "statusDt": "2023-05-22T10:00:25.567Z",
  "deliveryDate": "2023-05-22",
  "invPeriodStart": "2023-05-22",
  "invPeriodEnd": "2023-05-22",
  "docsDeliveryStatus": "string",
  "docsDeliveryStatusDate": "2023-05-22T10:00:25.567Z",
  "docsDeliveryDlrStatus": "string",
  "docsDeliveryDlrStatusDate": "2023-05-22T10:00:25.567Z",
  "classCodeName": "string",
  "classDomain": "string",
  "classArea": "string",
  "lang": "string",
  "paymentStatus": "none",
  "paymentStatusDate": "2023-05-22T10:00:25.567Z",
  "disputeStatus": "string",
  "disputeStatusDate": "2023-05-22T10:00:25.567Z",
  "dataSourceId": 0,
  "dataSourceCodeName": "string",
  "nettingInvoiceId": 0,
  "nettingInvoiceNumber": "string",
  "selfBilling": "yes",
  "domainId": 0,
  "domainCodeName": "string",
  "domainName": "string",
  "domainProduct": 0,
  "accountManagerId": 0,
  "accountManagerName": "string",
  "disputeNextId": 0,
  "collectionMode": "none",
  "collectionLeadId": 0,
  "collectionLeadNumber": "string",
  "collectionLeadNettingInvoiceId": 0,
  "collectionLeadNettingInvoiceNumber": "string",
  "collectionLeadNettingInvoiceStatus": "string",
  "collectionLeadNettingInvoicePaymentStatus": "string",
  "collectionLeadNettingInvoiceTotal": "string",
  "collectionLeadNettingInvoiceTotalPaid": "string",
  "collectionLeadNettingInvoiceTotalUnpaid": "string",
  "processingStatus": "none",
  "comment": "string",
  "nettingInvoiceStatus": "draft",
  "nettingPaymentStatus": "none",
  "nettingTotal": 0,
  "nettingTotalUnpaid": 0,
  "nettingTotalPaid": 0,
  "dtsSelectorId": 0,
  "dtsSelectorCodeName": "string",
  "sitInvoiceEmailImportId": 0,
  "billingBalance": {
    "id": 0,
    "name": "string",
    "resourceUrl": "string"
  "billingTypeName": "string",
  "smsCount": 0,
  "syncStatus": "none",
  "syncStatusDt": "2023-05-22T10:00:25.567Z",
  "syncMode": "disabled",
  "reminderStatus": "enabled",
  "domesticCurrency": 0,
  "domesticCurrencyCode": "string",
  "domesticCurrencyAmountNoVAT": 0,
  "domesticCurrencyAmountVAT": 0,
  "domesticCurrencyTotal": 0,
  "domesticCurrencyRounding": 0,
  "domesticCurrencyRate": 0,
  "industryName": "string",
  "ownerName": "string",
  "ownerId": 0,
  "ownerBpName": "string",
  "ownerBpBriefName": "string",
  "documentSync": {}
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Updates an Invoice for a given Invoice ID.Up
Method Overview

The method updates an Invoice for a given Invoice ID.

Authorization privilege needed for this endpoint:
- finance-invoices.manage or
- finance-cust-invoices.manage or
- finance-supplier-invoices.manage or
- finance-netting-invoices.manage.

Only invoices with status draft, can be updated.
Currency can be updated only if there are no invoice items for this invoice.

Updating vatInPrice could also force recalculation of invoiceItem.price and change of invoiceItem.vat_in_price value in item table (sit_invoice_item).

Updating vatPercent is for manual invoice creating. When adding a new item to invoice, this field is used to calculate the item total. By changing this value in the invoice, all new items added to the invoice will use this updated value for calculation. By this way, the invoice could be made with items that have different VAT percent.

If used invDueDate, must be in format 2006-01-02, and it has priority over invDueDateDays.

If used invDueDateDays, it is a number of days to add on invDate, if no invDueDate is used, this is used.

If no invDueDate and invDueDateDays are set, invDueDate and deliveryDate are equal to invDate.

It is possible to update (change) invDate and to add invDueDateDays to create new inDueDate.

inDueDate must be after DeliveryDate.

Only Supplier Invoice with status approved, can be updated.

Updating Supplier Invoice will change invoice clearing and clearing record.
Updating collection members is not supported.

Name Type Description
invoceid (required) integer (path) Invoice ID.
put data (required) object (body) Data to put. Dates must be in format 2006-01-02.
Data Parameters

Data object example

  "custName": "string",
  "custAttn": "string",
  "custAddress": "string",
  "custAddress2": "string",
  "custPost": "string",
  "custCity": "string",
  "custCountry": 0,
  "custPOBox": "string",
  "custVatNumber": "string",
  "invType": 0,
  "templateID": 0,
  "invDate": "2024-01-23",
  "invoicingDate": "2024-01-23",
  "invNumberFix": "string",
  "supplierInvNumber": "string",
  "invPeriod": "string",
  "invPeriodStart": "2024-01-23",
  "invPeriodEnd": "2024-01-23",
  "invDueDate": "2024-01-23",
  "invDueDateDays": 0,
  "ownerVatNumber": "string",
  "currency": 0,
  "vatPercent": 0,
  "vatInPrice": 0,
  "vatInTotal": 0,
  "lang": "string",
  "docsDeliveryStatus": "none",
  "comment": "string",
  "reminderStatus": "enabled",
  "items": [
      "name": "string",
      "itemType": "string",
      "quantity": 0,
      "quantityMore": 0,
      "quantityMode": 0,
      "measureUnit": 0,
      "price": 0,
      "status": "string",
      "dataSourceId": 0,
      "dataSourceForeignKey": 0,
      "dtsSelectorId": 0
  "invoiceSourceRecord": {
    "billingRecordId": 0,
    "creditRecordId": 0
Code Description Links
200 Invoice updated successfully. No links
default Unexpected Error. No links
Success Response 200: Invoice updated successfully
  "id": 0,
  "invUid": "string",
  "instanceID": 0,
  "custID": 0,
  "custName": "string",
  "custShortName": "string",
  "custAttn": "string",
  "custAddress": "string",
  "custAddress2": "string",
  "custPost": "string",
  "custCity": "string",
  "custCountry": 0,
  "custPOBox": "string",
  "customerType": "string",
  "custVatNumber": "string",
  "invType": 0,
  "invTypeName": "string",
  "templateID": 0,
  "invDate": "2024-01-24",
  "invoicingDate": "2024-01-24",
  "invoicingDatePolicy": "delivery",
  "invNumberFix": "string",
  "invNumberNum": 0,
  "invNumber": "string",
  "invPeriod": "string",
  "invDueDate": "2024-01-24",
  "overDueDate": 0,
  "ownerVatNumber": "string",
  "currency": 0,
  "currencyCode": "string",
  "amountNoVat": 0,
  "amountVat": 0,
  "vatPercent": 0,
  "vat": 0,
  "rounding": 0,
  "total": 0,
  "totalUnpaid": 0,
  "totalPaid": 0,
  "vatInPrice": 0,
  "vatInTotal": 0,
  "status": "draft",
  "insertDt": "2024-01-24T09:58:17.351Z",
  "statusDt": "2024-01-24T09:58:17.351Z",
  "deliveryDate": "2024-01-24",
  "invPeriodStart": "2024-01-24",
  "invPeriodEnd": "2024-01-24",
  "docsDeliveryStatus": "string",
  "docsDeliveryStatusDate": "2024-01-24T09:58:17.351Z",
  "docsDeliveryDlrStatus": "string",
  "docsDeliveryDlrStatusDate": "2024-01-24T09:58:17.351Z",
  "classCodeName": "string",
  "classDomain": "string",
  "classArea": "string",
  "lang": "string",
  "paymentStatus": "none",
  "paymentStatusDate": "2024-01-24T09:58:17.351Z",
  "disputeStatus": "string",
  "disputeStatusDate": "2024-01-24T09:58:17.351Z",
  "dataSourceId": 0,
  "dataSourceCodeName": "string",
  "nettingInvoiceId": 0,
  "nettingInvoiceNumber": "string",
  "selfBilling": "yes",
  "domainId": 0,
  "domainCodeName": "string",
  "domainName": "string",
  "domainProduct": 0,
  "accountManagerId": 0,
  "accountManagerName": "string",
  "disputeNextId": 0,
  "collectionMode": "none",
  "collectionLeadId": 0,
  "collectionLeadNumber": "string",
  "collectionLeadNettingInvoiceId": 0,
  "collectionLeadNettingInvoiceNumber": "string",
  "collectionLeadNettingInvoiceStatus": "string",
  "collectionLeadNettingInvoicePaymentStatus": "string",
  "collectionLeadNettingInvoiceTotal": "string",
  "collectionLeadNettingInvoiceTotalPaid": "string",
  "collectionLeadNettingInvoiceTotalUnpaid": "string",
  "processingStatus": "none",
  "comment": "string",
  "nettingInvoiceStatus": "draft",
  "nettingPaymentStatus": "none",
  "nettingTotal": 0,
  "nettingTotalUnpaid": 0,
  "nettingTotalPaid": 0,
  "dtsSelectorId": 0,
  "dtsSelectorCodeName": "string",
  "sitInvoiceEmailImportId": 0,
  "billingBalance": {
    "id": 0,
    "name": "string",
    "resourceUrl": "string"
  "billingTypeName": "string",
  "smsCount": 0,
  "syncStatus": "none",
  "syncStatusDt": "2024-01-24T09:58:17.351Z",
  "syncMode": "disabled",
  "reminderStatus": "enabled",
  "domesticCurrency": 0,
  "domesticCurrencyCode": "string",
  "domesticCurrencyAmountNoVAT": 0,
  "domesticCurrencyAmountVAT": 0,
  "domesticCurrencyTotal": 0,
  "domesticCurrencyRounding": 0,
  "domesticCurrencyRate": 0,
  "industryName": "string",
  "ownerName": "string",
  "ownerId": 0,
  "ownerBpName": "string",
  "ownerBpBriefName": "string",
  "documentSync": {}
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"
Deletes an Invoice for a given Invoice ID.Up
Method Overview

The method deletes an Invoice for a given Invoice ID.

Authorization privilege needed for this endpoint:
- finance-invoices.manage or
- finance-cust-invoices.manage or
- finance-supplier-invoices.manage or
- finance-netting-invoices.manage.

Invoice deletion is logical delete. Invoice status will be set to 'deleted'. After this, the Invoice will not be available when listing or searching. Deleting a collection members (credit and debit notes) is not supported.

Name Type Description
invoceid (required) integer (path) ID of an Invoice to be deleted.
Code Description Links
200 Invoice deleted successfully. No links
default Unexpected Error. No links
Success Response 200: Invoice deleted successfully
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"

Get an Invoice default configuration (type and template) for a given domain, data source, document class and Co-Owner ID.Up
Method Overview

The method returns an Invoice default configuration (type and template) for a given domain, data source, document class and Co-Owner ID.


  1. To get default config for Supplier invoices execute the following:

    GET /default-invoice-config?domainCodeName=BULK&dataSourceCodeName=SUPPLIER-INVOICE&docClassCodeName=SUPPLIER_INVOICE&coOwnerId=0
  2. To get default config for customer prepaid invoices with english language template execute the following:

    GET /default-invoice-config?domainCodeName=BULK&dataSourceCodeName=POSTPAID&docClassCodeName=CUSTOMER_INVOICE&templateLang=en&coOwnerId=0
  3. To get default config for customer postpaid invoices with serbian language template execute the following:

    GET /default-invoice-config?domainCodeName=BULK&dataSourceCodeName=POSTPAID&docClassCodeName=CUSTOMER_INVOICE&templateLang=sr&coOwnerId=0
  4. To get default config for customer postpaid part payment invoices with en language template execute the following:

    GET /default-invoice-config?domainCodeName=BULK&dataSourceCodeName=POSTPAID&docClassCodeName=CUSTOMER_INVOICE&dtsSelectorCodeName=PART-PAYMENT&templateLang=sr&coOwnerId=0
  5. Netting invoice config can be loaded using:

    GET /default-invoice-config?domainCodeName=BULK&dataSourceCodeName=FINANCE&docClassCodeName=NETTING_INVOICE&templateLang=sr&coOwnerId=0
  6. Credit and debit note collection member type discovery:

    GET /default-invoice-config?domainCodeName=BULK&dataSourceCodeName=FINANCE&docClassCodeName=CREDIT_DEBIT_NOTE&collectionCode=credit-note&templateLang=sr&coOwnerId=0
    GET /default-invoice-config?domainCodeName=BULK&dataSourceCodeName=FINANCE&docClassCodeName=CREDIT_DEBIT_NOTE&collectionCode=debit-note&templateLang=sr&coOwnerId=0

When Co-Owners are enabled on a platform level, replace coOwnerId parameter with Owner ID from a Biz Partner. If Co-Owners are disabled, coOwnerId should be 0 or not sent at all.

When querying an Invoice config values, replace templateLang parameter value with an appropriate value. Typically value of templateLang query parameter depends on an Invoice Biz Partner, identified by custID property, and in most cases can be obtained using the Biz Core API.

When templateId and templateLang values are present in a response, their values should be copied to an Invoice create or update data properties templateId and lang. For example, these values are available when docClassCodeName is 'CUSTOMER_INVOICE' or 'NETTING_INVOICE'.
When docClassName is 'SUPPLIER_INVOICE', templateXXX property values are not applicable.

If template with requested language was not found, but there is a template for a given type but in different language, an existing template will be returned, and templateLang property will be set to available template language.

Name Type Description
domainCodeName (required) string (query) Invoice domain (e.g. BULK).
dataSourceCodeName (required) string (query) Value represents business process code name (Invoice data source) (e.g. FINANCE, PREPAID, POSTPAID, SUPPLIER-INVOICE, ...). PREPAID and POSTPAID are for customer invoices, SUPPLIER-INVOICE is for Supplier invoices, FINANCE for netting statements and credit and debit notes.
docClassCodeName (required) string (query) Document class code name (e.g. CUSTOMER_INVOICE, CONTROL_INVOICE, SUPPLIER_INVOICE, NETTING_INVOICE, CREDIT_DEBIT_NOTE).
templateLang string (query) Requested template language code (e.g. en, de, sr, ...). Language codes are usually represented as 2 lowercase letters.
Default value: en.
collectionCode string (query) collectionCode parameter must be used to discover document types for Invoices which will be used as collection members. if collectionCode value is none, returned Invoice type can not be used for documents which can be added as Invoice collection members.
Available values: none, credit-note, debit-no, reminder.
Default value : none.
dtsSelectorCodeName string (query) Subprocess code name for the selected data source. Currently only POSTPAID customer Invoice PART-PAYMENT subprocess is supported.
coOwnerId integer (query) Owner ID of Invoice Biz Partner.
Code Description Links
200 Invoice configuration data. No links.
default Unexpected error. No links.
Success Response 200: Invoice configuration data
  "typeId": 0,
  "instanceId": 0,
  "dataSourceId": 0,
  "dataSourceCodeName": "string",
  "dataSourceDefault": "string",
  "domainId": 0,
  "domainCodeName": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "status": "string",
  "docClassId": 0,
  "docClassCodeName": "string",
  "selfBilling": "string",
  "selfBillingOfType": 0,
  "docFactoryParams": "string",
  "comment": "string",
  "statusDt": "string",
  "templateId": 0,
  "templateLang": "string",
  "templateName": "string",
  "templateFileName": "string",
  "dtsSelectorId": 0,
  "dtsSelectorCodeName": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "Code": 0,
  "Message": "string"

3.2 Supplier Invoice File

The following endpoint provides the option of uploading a Supplier Invoice file.

This API endpoint belongs to the Invoice Docs domain. The subject domain of an endpoint URL is:


Note: A domain is presented with placeholders as https://api{separator}{platform_domain}, where {separator} can be a dot (.) or a hyphen (-). Please, replace it with your actual platform domain name.

Uploads invoice file (.pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, max 10MB).Up
Method Overview

The method uploads a Supplier Invoice file. The acceptable file formats for Supplier Invoices include .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .jpg, .jpeg, .png. The file upload has a maximum size limit of 10MB.

Name Type Description
invoiceId (required) integer (path) Invoice ID to update.
supplierInvoice (required) file (formData) Invoice file.
Code Description Links
201 New resource response. No links
400 Invalid request. No links
404 Resource not found. No links
405 Validation exception. No links
default Unexpected Error. No links
Success Response 201: New resource response
  "id": 0,
  "invoiceId": 0,
  "filename": "string",
  "fsFilename": "string",
  "size": 0,
  "status": "string",
  "statusDt": "string",
  "statusInfo": 0,
  "insertDt": "string",
  "dtsFileTypeId": 0,
  "fsStatus": "string",
  "fsStatusDt": "string"
Error Response 400: Invalid request
Error Response 404: Resource not found
Error Response 405: Validation exception
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "code": "string",
  "message": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "items": [
      "name": "string",
      "message": "string",
      "description": "string"

4. Data Models

Data Models define the structure of a JSON document and describe data related to the Supplier Invoice API.

4.1 InvoiceCollection

InvoiceCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of Invoice objects.
meta (required) object collectionMeta object.

4.2 Invoice

Invoice object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer Invoice ID.
invUid string Invoice UID.
instanceID integer Instance ID.
custID integer Customer ID.
custName string Customer name.
custShortName string Customer short name.
custAttn string Customer Attn data.
custAddress string Customer address.
custAddress2 string Customer address2.
custPost string Customer post code.
custCity string Customer city.
custCountry integer Customer country.
custPOBox string Customer postbox.
customerType string Customer type.
custVatNumber string Customer VAT number.
invType integer Invoice type.
invTypeName string Invoice type name.
templateID integer Template ID.
invDate string($date) Invoice date.
invoicingDate string($date) Date of invoicing.
invoicingDatePolicy string Invoicing date policy. Possible values: delivery, creation, approval.
invNumberFix string The fixed part of an invoice number, based on this field system will define next invoice number.
invNumberNum integer The invoice number (variable part) - it counts invoices for the same invNumberFix.
invNumber string Invoice number.
invPeriod string Invoice period.
invDueDate string($date) Invoice due date.
overDueDate integer Invoice over due date.
ownerVatNumber string Owner VAT number.
currency integer Currency.
currencyCode string Currency code.
amountNoVat number($float) Invoice amount without VAT (net amount). It can be negative when selfBilling is 'yes'.
amountVat number($float) Invoice amount including VAT. It can be negative when selfBilling is 'yes'.
vatPercent number($float) Percentage of the value added tax.
vat number($float) Value added tax.
rounding number($float) Difference between an invoice total and amount including VAT value.
total number($float) Invoice gross amount. It can be negative when selfBilling is 'yes'.
totalUnpaid number($float) Invoice unpaid amount.
totalPaid number($float) Invoice paid amount.
vatInPrice integer VAT in price.
vatInTotal integer VAT in total.
status string Invoice status. Possible values: draft, approved, rejected, deleted, misc, canceled, archived, imported.
insertDt string($date-time) Date and time of insertion.
statusDt string($date-time) Date and time of the invoice status.
deliveryDate string($date) Date of a delivery.
invPeriodStart string($date) Staring date of the invoice.
invPeriodEnd string($date) Ending date of the invoice.
docsDeliveryStatus string Delivery status.
docsDeliveryStatusDate string($date-time) Date and time of delivery status.
docsDeliveryDlrStatus string Delivery report status.
docsDeliveryDlrStatusDate string($date-time) Date and time of delivery report status.
classCodeName string Unique code name.
classDomain string Group of documents.
classArea string Business area/section, i.e. sales or purchase.
lang string Language.
paymentStatus string Payment status. Possible values: none, open, on-hold, closed.
paymentStatusDate string($date-time) Payment status date and time.
disputeStatus string Dispute status, indicates whether the invoice is in dispute process or not.
disputeStatusDate string($date-time) Dispute status date and time.
dataSourceId integer ID of a data source.
dataSourceCodeName string Data source code name. It represents invoice data source.
nettingInvoiceId integer Netting invoice ID.
nettingInvoiceNumber string ID of an invoice netting.
selfBilling string Indicator if an invoice is a credit note or not. If value is 'yes', when the document is in netting statement, indicates that the document is in favor of a buyer, but issued by a seller. Also, if the document is CREDIT_DEBIT_NOTE class, it indicates that the document is a credit note, which is also in favor of a buyer, but issued by a seller.
Possible values: yes, no.
domainId integer Domain ID.
domainCodeName string Invoice domain (e.g. BULK).
domainName string Domain name.
domainProduct integer Domain product.
accountManagerId integer Account manager ID.
accountManagerName string Account manager name.
disputeNextId integer ID of dispute.
collectionMode string Document collection mode. If member, the document is a member of a collection. If lead, the document is a collection lead. By default, collection mode is none, which indicates that the document is not a member of a collection nor collection lead.
Possible values: none, member, lead.
collectionLeadId integer If the document is a member of a collection, this value contains the ID of a collection lead document.
collectionLeadNumber string If the document is a member of a collection, this value contains the number of a collection lead document.
collectionLeadNettingInvoiceId integer Netting statement ID of a collection lead. It is returned when the collection lead, to whom the current invoice belongs to, is a netting statement's member.
collectionLeadNettingInvoiceNumber string Netting statement number of a collection lead. It is returned when the collection lead, to whom the current invoice belongs to, is a netting statement's member.
collectionLeadNettingInvoiceStatus string Netting statement status of a collection lead. It is returned when the collection lead, to whom the current invoice belongs to, is a netting statement's member.
collectionLeadNettingInvoicePaymentStatus string Netting statement payment status of a collection lead. It is returned when the collection lead, to whom the current invoice belongs to, is a netting statement's member.
collectionLeadNettingInvoiceTotal string Netting statement total amount of a collection lead. It is returned when the collection lead, to whom the current invoice belongs to, is a netting statement's member.
collectionLeadNettingInvoiceTotalPaid string Netting statement total paid amount of a collection lead. It is returned when the collection lead, to whom the current invoice belongs to, is a netting statement's member.
collectionLeadNettingInvoiceTotalUnpaid string Netting statement total unpaid amount of a collection lead. It is returned when the collection lead, to whom the current invoice belongs to, is a netting statement's member.
processingStatus string Indicates processing status of a document, if the document has been assigned recalculation task(s) or some other kind of processing tasks.
Possible values: none, scheduled, running, done, canceled.
comment string Description or comment in case an invoice is a credit or debit note. Comment is not available when an invoice list is returned as a result of a request, regardless of an invoice class code name.
nettingInvoiceStatus string If an invoice is a netting statement's member, this property contains netting statement status.
Possible values: draft, approved, rejected, deleted, misc, canceled, archived.
nettingPaymentStatus string If an invoice is a netting statement's member, this property is a netting's payment status.
Possible values: none, open, closed.
nettingTotal number($float) If an invoice is a netting statement's member, this property is a netting's gross amount. It can be negative when selfBilling is 'yes'.
nettingTotalUnpaid number($float) If an invoice is a netting statement's member, this property is a netting's unpaid amount.
nettingTotalPaid number($float) If an invoice is a netting statement's member, this property is a netting's paid amount.
dtsSelectorId integer ID reference to DTS selector, e.g. for part-payment invoice.
dtsSelectorCodeName string DTS selector code name.
sitInvoiceEmailImportId integer ID of an invoice email import.
billingBalance object BillingBalance object
billingTypeName string Required and returned for control invoices.
smsCount integer An amount of messages. Required and returned for postpaid and control invoices.
syncStatus string SyncStatus is an invoice synchronization status. The synchronization is done between our system and some independent financial software.
Possible values: none, waiting, syncing, done, error, misc, exported, invalid.
syncStatusDt string($date‑time) Sync status date.
syncMode string Synchronization mode.
Possible values: disabled, primary, secondary.
reminderStatus string Reminder status.
Possible values: enabled, disabled, open, closed, misc.
domesticCurrency integer Domestic currency.
domesticCurrencyCode string Domestic currency code, e.g. "CHD".
domesticCurrencyAmountNoVAT number($float) Invoice amount in domestic currency without VAT.
domesticCurrencyAmountVAT number($float) Invoice amount in domestic currency with VAT.
domesticCurrencyTotal number($float) Invoice total amount in domestic currency.
domesticCurrencyRounding number($float) Invoice rounding, difference between domestic currency total and domestic currency amount with VAT.
domesticCurrencyRate number($float) Domestic currency rate is used to calculate domestic currency amounts.
industryName string Industry name.
ownerName string Owner name.
ownerId integer Co-Owner ID.
ownerBpName string Co-Owner name.
ownerBpBriefName string Co-Owner brief name.
documentSync object An arbitrary JSON object, holding the document synchronization data. It is returned if syncStatus is done, error, misc, exported or invalid.
"documentSync": { "propertyA": "value A", "propertyB": "value B" }.

4.3 InvoicePost

InvoicePost object properties:

Name Type Description
custID integer Invoice ID.
instanceID integer Instance ID.
custName string Customer name.
custAttn string Customer Attn data.
custAddress string Customer address.
custAddress2 string Customer address2.
custPost string Customer post code.
custCity string Customer city.
custCountry integer Customer country.
custPOBox string Customer postbox.
custVatNumber string Customer VAT number.
invType integer Invoice type.
templateID integer Template ID.
invDate string($date) Invoice date.
invoicingDate string($date) Date of invoicing.
invNumberFix string The fixed part of an invoice number, based on this field system will define next invoice number.
invNumberNum integer The invoice number (variable part) - it counts invoices for the same invNumberFix.
supplierInvNumber string Supplier Invoice number.
invPeriod string Invoice period.
invPeriodStart string($date) Invoice period start date.
invPeriodEnd string($date) Invoice period end date.
invDueDate string($date) Invoice due date.
invDueDateDays integer Invoice due date a number of days.
deliveryDate string($date) Invoice delivery date.
ownerVatNumber string Owner VAT number.
currency integer Currency.
vatInPrice integer VAT in price.
vatInTotal integer VAT in total.
lang string Language.
docsDeliveryStatus string Delivery status. Possible values: none, waiting, sending, sent, error, misc.
comment string Description or comment in case an invoice is a credit or debit note.
dataSourceId integer ID of a data source.
dataSourceCodeName string Data source code name. It represents invoice data source.
domainId integer Domain ID.
domainCodeName string Invoice domain (e.g. BULK).
dtsSelectorId integer ID reference to DTS selector, e.g. for part-payment invoice.
dtsSelectorCodeName string DTS selector code name.
finDocClassId integer Finance doc class ID.
finDocClassCodeName string Finance doc class code name.
sitInvoiceEmailImportId integer ID of an invoice email import.
reminderStatus string Reminder status.
Possible values: enabled, disabled, open, closed, misc.
items array An array of InvoiceItemPost objects
payment object PaymentRequestData object
invoiceSourceRecord object InvoiceSourceRecord object

4.4 PaymentRequestData

PaymentRequestData object properties:

Name Type Description
fullyPaid boolean If an invoice fully paid.
paymentType integer Payment type.
paymentDate string($date) Payment date.
comment string Comment
bankAccountId integer Bank account ID.
paymentReference string Payment reference.

4.5 InvoiceSourceRecord

InvoiceSourceRecord object properties:

Name Type Description
billingRecordId integer Billing record ID.
creditRecordId integer Credit record ID.

4.6 InvoicePut

InvoicePut object properties:

Name Type Description
custName string Customer name.
custAttn string Customer Attn data.
custAddress string Customer address.
custAddress2 string Customer address2.
custPost string Customer post code.
custCity string Customer city.
custCountry integer Customer country.
custPOBox string Customer postbox.
custVatNumber string Customer VAT number.
invType integer Invoice type.
templateID integer Template ID.
invDate string($date) Invoice date.
invoicingDate string($date) Date of invoicing.
invNumberFix string The fixed part of an invoice number, based on this field system will define next invoice number.
supplierInvNumber string Supplier Invoice number.
invPeriod string Invoice period.
invPeriodStart string($date) Invoice period start date.
invPeriodEnd string($date) Invoice period end date.
invDueDate string($date) Invoice due date.
invDueDateDays integer Invoice due date a number of days.
ownerVatNumber string Owner VAT number.
currency integer Currency.
vatPercent number($float) Percentage of the value added tax.
vatInPrice integer VAT in price.
vatInTotal integer VAT in total.
lang string Language.
docsDeliveryStatus string Delivery status. Possible values: none, waiting, sending, sent, error, misc.
comment string Description or comment in case an invoice is a credit or debit note.
reminderStatus string Reminder status.
Possible values: enabled, disabled, open, closed, misc.
items array An array of InvoiceItemPost objects
invoiceSourceRecord object InvoiceSourceRecord object
JSON Example
  "custName": "string",
  "custAttn": "string",
  "custAddress": "string",
  "custAddress2": "string",
  "custPost": "string",
  "custCity": "string",
  "custCountry": 0,
  "custPOBox": "string",
  "custVatNumber": "string",
  "invType": 0,
  "templateID": 0,
  "invDate": "2024-01-23",
  "invoicingDate": "2024-01-23",
  "invNumberFix": "string",
  "supplierInvNumber": "string",
  "invPeriod": "string",
  "invPeriodStart": "2024-01-23",
  "invPeriodEnd": "2024-01-23",
  "invDueDate": "2024-01-23",
  "invDueDateDays": 0,
  "ownerVatNumber": "string",
  "currency": 0,
  "vatPercent": 0,
  "vatInPrice": 0,
  "vatInTotal": 0,
  "lang": "string",
  "docsDeliveryStatus": "none",
  "comment": "string",
  "reminderStatus": "enabled",
  "items": [
      "name": "string",
      "itemType": "string",
      "quantity": 0,
      "quantityMore": 0,
      "quantityMode": 0,
      "measureUnit": 0,
      "price": 0,
      "status": "string",
      "dataSourceId": 0,
      "dataSourceForeignKey": 0,
      "dtsSelectorId": 0
  "invoiceSourceRecord": {
    "billingRecordId": 0,
    "creditRecordId": 0

4.7 InvoiceItemPost

InvoiceItemPost object properties:

Name Type Description
name string Invoice item name.
itemType string Type of item.
quantity number($float) Quantity.
quantityMore number($float) Quantity more.
quantityMode integer Quantity mode.
measureUnit integer Measure unit.
price number($float) Price.
status string Status.
dataSourceId integer ID of a data source.
dataSourceForeignKey integer Data source foreign key.
dtsSelectorId integer ID reference to DTS selector, e.g. for part-payment invoice.

4.8 BillingBalance

BillingBalance object properties:

BillingBalance is Invoice Condition which an invoice is associated to.

Name Type Description
id integer ID is the unique key for the Invoice Condition.
name string Invoice Condition name.
resourceUrl string Billing API URL that should be used to load billing balance resource.

4.9 InvoiceConfig

InvoiceConfig object properties:

Name Type Description
typeId integer ID of invoice type.
instanceId integer Instance ID.
dataSourceId integer ID of a data source.
dataSourceCodeName string Data source code name. It represents invoice data source.
dataSourceDefault string Is this type default for DTS. Only one invoice type can be default for certain dts_id within the same instance_id + co_owner_id
domainId integer Domain ID.
domainCodeName string Invoice domain (e.g. BULK).
name string Invoice name.
status string Invoice status.
docClassId integer Relation to finance document class definition which categorizes what kind of invoices this type holds (customer invoice, supplier invoices, control invoices, etc).
selfBilling string Indicator if an invoice is a credit note or not. If value is 'yes', when the document is in netting statement, indicates that the document is in favor of a buyer, but issued by a seller. Also, if the document is CREDIT_DEBIT_NOTE class, it indicates that the document is a credit note, which is also in favor of a buyer, but issued by a seller.
Possible values: yes, no.
selfBillingOfType integer self_billing_of_type - if self_billing = 'yes', then this is relation to 'regular' invoice type (if self billing type represents 'Credit Note' then self_billing_of_type will point to Invoice type).
docFactoryParams string doc_factory_params - JSON object used to pass to document creator factory. The attribute 'factory' is mandatory (it is class selector), other attributes will be documented if they are introduced.
comment string Comment.
statusDt string Date and time of an invoice status.
templateId integer A template ID.
templateLang string Requested template language code (e.g. en, de, sr, ...). Language codes are usually represented as 2 lowercase letters.
Default value: en.
templateName string Template name.
templateFileName string Template file name.
dtsSelectorId integer ID reference to DTS selector, e.g. for part-payment invoice.
dtsSelectorCodeName string DTS selector code name.
JSON Example
  "typeId": 0,
  "instanceId": 0,
  "dataSourceId": 0,
  "dataSourceCodeName": "string",
  "dataSourceDefault": "string",
  "domainId": 0,
  "domainCodeName": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "status": "string",
  "docClassId": 0,
  "docClassCodeName": "string",
  "selfBilling": "string",
  "selfBillingOfType": 0,
  "docFactoryParams": "string",
  "comment": "string",
  "statusDt": "string",
  "templateId": 0,
  "templateLang": "string",
  "templateName": "string",
  "templateFileName": "string",
  "dtsSelectorId": 0,
  "dtsSelectorCodeName": "string"

4.10 SupplierInvoiceFile

SupplierInvoiceFile object properties:

Name Type Description
id integer Invoice file ID.
invoiceId integer Invoice ID. The invoice to which file belongs.
filename string Official file name.
fsFilename string File system file name (it contains relative path with file name on file system).
size integer Size in bytes in case of cached or stored file (when file really exists).
status string Invoice file status.
statusDt string($date‑time Y‑m‑d\TH:i:s\Z) Status date and time.
statusInfo integer General information about current status.
insertDt string($date‑time Y‑m‑d\TH:i:s\Z) Date and time of insertion.
dtsFileTypeId integer Reference to file type, this gives semantical meaning of the file (is it invoice, report, etc.).
fsStatus string Status of the file on file system.
Possible values:
  • stored (file exists on file system on absolute location)
  • cached (file exists in caching subsystem )
  • volatile (file doesn't exists on file system)
fsStatusDt string Date and time of status of the file on file system.
JSON Example
  "id": 0,
  "invoiceId": 0,
  "filename": "string",
  "fsFilename": "string",
  "size": 0,
  "status": "string",
  "statusDt": "string",
  "statusInfo": 0,
  "insertDt": "string",
  "dtsFileTypeId": 0,
  "fsStatus": "string",
  "fsStatusDt": "string"

4.11 CollectionMeta

CollectionMeta object properties:

Name Type Description
collectionMetaPagination object collectionMetaPagination object.

4.12 CollectionMetaPagination

CollectionMetaPagination object properties:

Name Type Description
total (required) integer Total number of rows.
count (required) integer Number of rows in the current page.
perPage (required) integer The maximum rows per page.
currentPage (required) integer The current page number.
totalPages (required) integer Total number of pages.
links (required) object CollectionMetaPaginationLinks object.

4.13 CollectionMetaPaginationLinks

CollectionMetaPaginationLinks object properties:

Name Type Description
first string Link to the first page.
last string Link to the last page.
prev string Link to the previous page.
next string Link to the next page.
JSON Example
"meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "total": 0,
      "count": 0,
      "perPage": 0,
      "currentPage": 0,
      "totalPages": 0,
      "links": {
        "first": "string",
        "last": "string",
        "prev": "string",
        "next": "string"