Top-Up API
1. Introduction
This document explains the process of using the Top-Up service in the HORISEN SMS Platform application. It provides detailed instructions of how to retrieve needed data before initiating a top-up request, creating a top-up, as well as described in details the APIs endpoints methods associated with the Top-Up feature.
The HORISEN Top-Up API is a standard REST HTTP API with JSON payload. The SMS Platform API authorization is implemented as the industry-standard OAuth 2.0 protocol. For more information, please refer to the OAuth2 Authentication Guidelines page.
1.1 API Call Examples
The following steps explains the process of retrieving needed data for initiating a top-up process, as well as creating clearing records and top-up invoices.
Note: A domain is presented with placeholders as https://api{separator}{platform_domain}
, where {separator}
can be a dot (.) or a hyphen (-). Please, replace it with your actual platform domain name.
More details about the APIs endpoints methods can be found in 2. Methods Overview section of this document.
1. To start a top-up process, creditRecordType
with codeName=TOP-UP
is required for further API calls. The following example cURL API call retrieves details of Credit Record Types available in the system:
curl 'https://api{separator}{platform_domain}/bulk/billing/v2/credit-record-types?sort=name' \
-H 'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN'
An example of a response is given below:
"data": [
"id": 1,
"typeUid": "string",
"codeName": "TOP-UP",
"name": "Prepaid Top Up",
"billingTypeId": 1,
"createInvoice": "yes",
"status": "active",
"statusDt": "2021-12-28T14:18:59+01:00",
"comment": ""
"id": 2,
"typeUid": "string",
"codeName": "TEST-CREDIT",
"name": "Prepaid Test Credit",
"billingTypeId": 1,
"createInvoice": "no",
"status": "active",
"statusDt": "2021-12-28T14:18:59+01:00",
"comment": ""
"id": 3,
"typeUid": "string",
"codeName": "PART-PAYMENT",
"name": "Postpaid Part Payment",
"billingTypeId": 2,
"createInvoice": "yes",
"status": "active",
"statusDt": "2021-12-28T14:18:59+01:00",
"comment": ""
"meta": {
"pagination": {
"total": 3,
"totalPages": 1,
"currentPage": 1,
"perPage": 3,
"count": 3
2. The next API call returns all Business Partners associated with the product:
curl 'https://api{separator}{platform_domain}/biz-core/v1/product-type-partners-lov?productCodeName=BULK-SMS&productTypeCodeName=BULK-SMS&relationTypeCodeName=CUSTOMER&sort=briefName&status=active' \
-H 'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN'
Where productTypeCodeName=BULK-SMS
indicates that 'BULK_SMS' is a product type.relationTypeCodeName=CUSTOMER
is used because the process will create a Customer Invoice.status=active
is used in order to retrieve all active Business Partners.
3. The following cURL call retrieves all valid prepaid total balances associated with the selected Business Partner.
curl 'https://api{separator}{platform_domain}/bulk/billing/v2/valid-prepaid-total-balances?bizPartnerId=BIZ_PARTNER_ID&status=active&page_number=1&page_size=10000&sort=name' \
-H 'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN'
Where bizPartnerId=BIZ_PARTNER_ID
is the ID of the selected Business Partner.
4. For the selected Invoice Conditions (Total Balance), the next API call will retrieve Platform Owner Bank Accounts for the selected currency=CURRENCY_ID
, which is retrieved from the previously selected Invoice Conditions:
curl 'https://api{separator}{platform_domain}/settings/v1/platform-owner-bank-accounts?all=yes&coOwnerId=0¤cy=CURRENCY_ID&sort=name' \
-H 'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN'
5. The next API call creates a Credit Record and a Top-Up invoice with the given data for amount
as the top-up total amount and creditAmount
as allowed amount for the top-up:
curl 'https://api{separator}{platform_domain}/bulk/billing/v2/credit-record-invoices' \
-H 'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' \
--data-raw '{"balanceId": BALANCE_ID,"amount": 1500,"comment":"Test comment","payment":{"fullyPaid": true,"paymentType": 4,"bankAccountId": 0}}'
An example of a payload is given below:
"balanceId": 83,
"amount": 1500,
"comment": "Test comment",
"payment": {
"fullyPaid": true,
"paymentType": 4,
"bankAccountId": 0
and the response example would be:
"id": 742,
"creditUid": "e10963bf-40d5-b711-8085-f6da1dda261a",
"balanceId": 83,
"activationDate": "2024-04-25",
"amount": 1500,
"creditAmount": 1500,
"paidAmount": 1500,
"conditionalAmount": 0,
"unpaidAmount": 0,
"currency": 756,
"description": "",
"status": "active",
"isAggregateRecord": "no",
"aggregateFromDate": "0001-01-01",
"comment": "Test comment",
"invoiceId": 2860,
"creationDate": "2024-04-25",
"typeId": 1,
"billingRecordId": 0,
"orderingStatus": "off",
"orderingStatusDt": "2024-04-25T13:23:15+02:00",
"selectedPriceListId": 0,
"ownerId": 0,
"ownerBpName": "",
"ownerBpBriefName": "",
"currencyCode": "CHF",
"currencyName": "Swiss Franc",
"balanceName": "Test PetPrepaid",
"bizPartnerId": 3000043,
"bizPartnerName": "Test Partner",
"bizPartnerShortName": "Test Partner",
"billingType": 1,
"type": "TOP-UP",
"typeName": "Prepaid Top Up",
"createInvoice": "yes",
"invoice": {
"id": 2860,
"instanceID": 3000003,
"custID": 3000043,
"custName": "Mike T",
"custAttn": "Mike test",
"custAddress": "Test address",
"custAddress2": "",
"custPost": "11000",
"custCity": "Belgrade",
"custVatNumber": "123",
"custShortName": "Mike",
"custCountry": 756,
"custPOBox": "",
"invType": 1,
"invTypeName": "Bulk Invoice - Prepaid Topup",
"selfBilling": "no",
"templateID": 1,
"invDate": "2024-04-25",
"invNumberFix": "250424-%d",
"invNumberNum": 3,
"invNumber": "250424-3",
"invPeriod": "",
"invDueDate": "2024-04-25",
"overDueDate": 0,
"ownerVatNumber": "12",
"currency": 756,
"currencyCode": "CHF",
"amountNoVat": 1500,
"amountVat": 1500,
"vatPercent": 0,
"rounding": 0,
"total": 1500,
"totalUnpaid": 0,
"totalPaid": 1500,
"vatInPrice": 0,
"vatInTotal": 0,
"status": "approved",
"insertDt": "2024-04-25T11:23:15Z",
"statusDt": "2024-04-25T11:23:15Z",
"deliveryDate": "2024-04-25",
"invPeriodStart": null,
"invPeriodEnd": null,
"docsDeliveryStatus": "none",
"docsDeliveryStatusDate": null,
"docsDeliveryDlrStatus": "none",
"docsDeliveryDlrStatusDate": null,
"classCodeName": "CUSTOMER_INVOICE",
"classDomain": "invoice",
"classArea": "sales",
"lang": "en",
"paymentStatus": "closed",
"paymentStatusDate": "2024-04-25T11:23:15Z",
"disputeStatus": "none",
"disputeStatusDate": null,
"nettingInvoiceId": 0,
"nettingInvoiceNumber": "",
"dataSourceId": 1,
"dataSourceCodeName": "PREPAID",
"domainId": 1,
"domainCodeName": "BULK",
"disputeNextId": 0,
"collectionMode": "none",
"collectionLeadId": 0,
"processingStatus": "none",
"dtsSelectorId": 0,
"dtsSelectorCodeName": "",
"ownerId": 0,
"domesticCurrency": 0,
"domesticCurrencyCode": "",
"ownerName": "OwnerNameExample",
"ownerBpName": "",
"ownerBpBriefName": "",
"customerType": "",
"industryName": "",
"domainName": "Bulk SMS",
"domesticCurrencyAmountNoVAT": 0,
"domesticCurrencyAmountVAT": 0,
"domesticCurrencyTotal": 0,
"collectionLeadNumber": "",
"collectionLeadNettingInvoiceId": 0,
"billingBalance": {
"id": 83,
"name": "Test PetPrepaid",
"resourceUrl": "https://api{separator}{platform_domain}/bulk/billing/v2/total-balances/83"
"items": [
"id": 17945,
"invoiceId": 2860,
"ordNum": 1,
"name": "{\"1\": \"Prepaid Bulk SMS Credit\", \"2\" : \"Test PetPrepaid\"}",
"itemType": "ITEM-2",
"quantity": 0,
"quantityMore": 1,
"quantityMode": 0,
"measureUnit": 1,
"price": 0,
"vatInPrice": 0,
"totalNoVat": 1500,
"totalVat": 1500,
"status": "active",
"insertDt": "2024-04-25T11:23:15Z",
"statusDt": "2024-04-25T11:23:15Z",
"dataSourceId": 0,
"dataSourceForeignKey": 0,
"dtsSelectorId": 0,
"dtsSelectorCodeName": ""
Where balanceId
and currency
are data retrieved from the selected Total Balance from the previous step.
This invoice is newly created Customer Prepaid Invoice with status approved
. It can be retrieved by calling the following endpoint with specified INVOICE_ID
curl 'https://api{separator}{platform_domain}/finance/sit/v1/invoices/INVOICE_ID' \
-H 'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN'
6. The following cURL call lists all invoices within the specific date range with status 'approved':
curl 'https://api{separator}{platform_domain}/finance/sit/v1/invoices?between(invDate)=2024-01-01%2C2024-12-31&classCodeName=CUSTOMER_INVOICE&in(disputeStatus)=closed%2Cnone&lang=en&page_number=1&page_size=10&sort=-invDate%2C-id&status=approved' \
-H 'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN'
7. To view payment history data for INVOICE_ID
, the following API call can be used:
curl 'https://api{separator}{platform_domain}/finance/sit/v1/invoices/INVOICE_ID/clearingrecords?status=active&page_number=1&page_size=1000' \
-H 'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN'
An example of a response is given below:
"data": [
"id": 2544,
"clearingId": 1276,
"clearingTypeId": 1,
"clearingTypeCodeName": "INVOICE",
"recordDate": "2024-04-19",
"paymentTypeId": 0,
"paymentTypeName": "",
"amountIncrement": 200,
"paidAmount": 0,
"paymentReference": "",
"comment": "Invoice: 190424-3",
"status": "active",
"statusDate": "2024-04-19T11:54:22Z",
"bankAccountId": 0,
"bankAccountName": "",
"bankAccountNumber": "",
"bankAccountIban": "",
"bankAccountSwiftBic": ""
"meta": {
"pagination": {
"total": 1,
"totalPages": 1,
"currentPage": 1,
"perPage": 1000,
"count": 1
8. To add a Payment for the invoice with id=INVOICE_ID
, the following API call can be made:
curl 'https://api{separator}{platform_domain}/finance/sit/v1/invoices/INVOICE_ID/clearingrecords?status=active&page_number=1&page_size=1000' \
-H 'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' \
--data-raw '{"clearingTypeId":2,"recordDate":"2024-04-22","paymentTypeId":1,"bankAccountId":BANK_ACCOUNT_ID,"paidAmount":100}'
where "clearingTypeId":2
is for payment, "paymentTypeId":1
is for 'Bank Account' selected type, "bankAccountId":BANK_ACCOUNT_ID
is Platform Owner Bank Account ID retrieved in the previous API call.
9. The example of the API call for listing all clearing records for the invoice with INVOICE_ID
, is given below:
curl 'https://api{separator}{platform_domain}/finance/sit/v1/invoices/INVOICE_ID/clearingrecords?status=active&page_number=1&page_size=1000' \
-H 'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN'
2. Methods Overview
2.1 Invoices
These endpoints allow retrieving a list of payable invoices and top-up invoices.
The API endpoints belong to the Finance domain. The subject domain of an endpoint URL is:
Note: A domain is presented with placeholders as https://api{separator}{platform_domain}
, where {separator}
can be a dot (.) or a hyphen (-). Please, replace it with your actual platform domain name.
The following endpoint is used for a top-up or part payment invoice creation.
The API endpoint belongs to the Bulk Billing domain. The subject domain of an endpoint URL is:
2.2 Invoice Clearing
The following endpoints allow performing operations with invoices clearing records.
The API endpoints belong to the Finance domain. The subject domain of an endpoint URL is:
Note: A domain is presented with placeholders as https://api{separator}{platform_domain}
, where {separator}
can be a dot (.) or a hyphen (-). Please, replace it with your actual platform domain name.
2.3 Payment Type
The endpoint described in this section allows retrieving a list of payment types that can be used in invoices payment process.
The API endpoint belong to the Finance domain. The subject domain of an endpoint URL is:
Note: A domain is presented with placeholders as https://api{separator}{platform_domain}
, where {separator}
can be a dot (.) or a hyphen (-). Please, replace it with your actual platform domain name.
2.4 Total Balances
The following endpoints are used for listing Total Balances.
The API endpoints belong to the Bulk Billing domain. The subject domain of an endpoint URL is:
Note: A domain is presented with placeholders as https://api{separator}{platform_domain}
, where {separator}
can be a dot (.) or a hyphen (-). Please, replace it with your actual platform domain name.
2.5 Credit Record Types
This endpoint is used to get all Credit Records Types.
The API endpoint belongs to the Billing domain. The subject domain of an endpoint URL is:
Note: A domain is presented with placeholders as https://api{separator}{platform_domain}
, where {separator}
can be a dot (.) or a hyphen (-). Please, replace it with your actual platform domain name.
2.6 Product Type Partners LOV
The endpoint described in this section allows retrieving a list of Product Type Partners LOV.
The API endpoint belong to the Biz-core domain. The subject domain of an endpoint URL is:
Note: A domain is presented with placeholders as https://api{separator}{platform_domain}
, where {separator}
can be a dot (.) or a hyphen (-). Please, replace it with your actual platform domain name.
2.7 Platform Owner Bank Accounts
The following endpoint is used for listing data of platform owner bank accounts.
The API endpoint belong to the Settings domain. The subject domain of an endpoint URL is:
Note: A domain is presented with placeholders as https://api{separator}{platform_domain}
, where {separator}
can be a dot (.) or a hyphen (-). Please, replace it with your actual platform domain name.
3. Methods Details
3.1 Invoices
These endpoints allow retrieving a list of payable invoices and top-up invoices.
The API endpoints belong to the Finance domain. The subject domain of an endpoint URL is:
Note: A domain is presented with placeholders as https://api{separator}{platform_domain}
, where {separator}
can be a dot (.) or a hyphen (-). Please, replace it with your actual platform domain name.
Method Overview
The method returns a list of payable invoices.
Payable invoices are invoices whose status is 'approved' and whose payment status is 'open'.
Authorization privilege needed for this endpoint: finance-invoices.view.
Optional: privilege used in this endpoint is finance-invoices-own.view.
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.
Name | Type | Description |
page_number | integer (query) | Page number. Default value: 1. |
page_size | integer (query) | Page size. Default value: 10. |
paging | string (query) | Paging options in form of &paging=page_num page_size e.g. paging=1,10. |
operator(fieldName) | string (query) | Search criteria by using the following operators: isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween, and the following attributes: custName, custShortName, invNumber, invDate, invDueDate, overDueDate, total, totalUnpaid, totalPaid, invType, invTypeName, invPeriod, invPeriodStart, invPeriodEnd, invoicingDate, invoicingDatePolicy, classCodeName, currency, id, disputeStatus, statusDt, dataSourceCodeName, custID, processingStatus, collectionLeadId, collectionMode, vat, amountNoVat, amountVat, domainCodeName, custCountry, nettingInvoiceStatus, nettingInvoicePaymentStatus, rounding, dtsSelectorId, dtsSelectorCodeName, invUid, custPOBox, docsDeliveryStatus, selfBilling, customerType, domainName, syncStatus, syncStatusDt, syncMode, collectionLeadNumber, ownerId, ownerBpName, ownerBpBriefName.
q | string (query) | General search criteria. Available fields: custShortName, custName, invNumber, invDate, invoicingDate, invoicingDatePolicy, invDueDate, invTypeName, invPeriod, disputeStatus, ownerId, ownerBpName, ownerBpBriefName. |
sort | string (query) | Sorting options in form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3. Sorting available fields: custName, custShortName, invNumber, invDate, invDueDate, overDueDate, total, totalUnpaid, totalPaid, invType, invTypeName, invPeriod, invPeriodStart, invPeriodEnd, invoicingDate, invoicingDatePolicy, classCodeName, currency, id, disputeStatus, statusDt, dataSourceCodeName, custID, processingStatus, collectionLeadId, collectionMode, vat, amountNoVat, amountVat, domainCodeName, custCountry, nettingInvoiceStatus, nettingInvoicePaymentStatus, rounding, dtsSelectorId, dtsSelectorCodeName, invUid, custPOBox, docsDeliveryStatus, selfBilling, customerType, domainName, syncStatus, syncStatusDt, syncMode, collectionLeadNumber, ownerId, ownerBpName, ownerBpBriefName. |
Code | Description | Links |
200 | List of invoices. | No links |
default | Unexpected Error. | No links |
Success Response 200: List of Invoices
"data": [
"id": 0,
"invUid": "string",
"instanceID": 0,
"custID": 0,
"custName": "string",
"custShortName": "string",
"custAttn": "string",
"custAddress": "string",
"custAddress2": "string",
"custPost": "string",
"custCity": "string",
"custCountry": 0,
"custPOBox": "string",
"customerType": "string",
"custVatNumber": "string",
"invType": 0,
"invTypeName": "string",
"templateID": 0,
"invDate": "2024-02-29",
"invoicingDate": "2024-02-29",
"invoicingDatePolicy": "delivery",
"invNumberFix": "string",
"invNumberNum": 0,
"invNumber": "string",
"invPeriod": "string",
"invDueDate": "2024-02-29",
"overDueDate": 0,
"ownerVatNumber": "string",
"currency": 0,
"currencyCode": "string",
"amountNoVat": 0,
"amountVat": 0,
"vatPercent": 0,
"vat": 0,
"rounding": 0,
"total": 0,
"totalUnpaid": 0,
"totalPaid": 0,
"vatInPrice": 0,
"vatInTotal": 0,
"status": "draft",
"insertDt": "2024-02-29T13:52:05.633Z",
"statusDt": "2024-02-29T13:52:05.633Z",
"deliveryDate": "2024-02-29",
"invPeriodStart": "2024-02-29",
"invPeriodEnd": "2024-02-29",
"docsDeliveryStatus": "string",
"docsDeliveryStatusDate": "2024-02-29T13:52:05.633Z",
"docsDeliveryDlrStatus": "string",
"docsDeliveryDlrStatusDate": "2024-02-29T13:52:05.633Z",
"classCodeName": "string",
"classDomain": "string",
"classArea": "string",
"lang": "string",
"paymentStatus": "none",
"paymentStatusDate": "2024-02-29T13:52:05.633Z",
"disputeStatus": "string",
"disputeStatusDate": "2024-02-29T13:52:05.633Z",
"dataSourceId": 0,
"dataSourceCodeName": "string",
"nettingInvoiceId": 0,
"nettingInvoiceNumber": "string",
"selfBilling": "yes",
"domainId": 0,
"domainCodeName": "string",
"domainName": "string",
"domainProduct": 0,
"accountManagerId": 0,
"accountManagerName": "string",
"disputeNextId": 0,
"collectionMode": "none",
"collectionLeadId": 0,
"collectionLeadNumber": "string",
"collectionLeadNettingInvoiceId": 0,
"collectionLeadNettingInvoiceNumber": "string",
"collectionLeadNettingInvoiceStatus": "string",
"collectionLeadNettingInvoicePaymentStatus": "string",
"collectionLeadNettingInvoiceTotal": "string",
"collectionLeadNettingInvoiceTotalPaid": "string",
"collectionLeadNettingInvoiceTotalUnpaid": "string",
"processingStatus": "none",
"comment": "string",
"nettingInvoiceStatus": "draft",
"nettingPaymentStatus": "none",
"nettingTotal": 0,
"nettingTotalUnpaid": 0,
"nettingTotalPaid": 0,
"dtsSelectorId": 0,
"dtsSelectorCodeName": "string",
"sitInvoiceEmailImportId": 0,
"billingBalance": {
"id": 0,
"name": "string",
"resourceUrl": "string"
"billingTypeName": "string",
"smsCount": 0,
"syncStatus": "none",
"syncStatusDt": "2024-02-29T13:52:05.633Z",
"syncMode": "disabled",
"reminderStatus": "enabled",
"domesticCurrency": 0,
"domesticCurrencyCode": "string",
"domesticCurrencyAmountNoVAT": 0,
"domesticCurrencyAmountVAT": 0,
"domesticCurrencyTotal": 0,
"domesticCurrencyRounding": 0,
"domesticCurrencyRate": 0,
"industryName": "string",
"ownerName": "string",
"ownerId": 0,
"ownerBpName": "string",
"ownerBpBriefName": "string",
"documentSync": {}
"meta": {
"pagination": {}
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"Code": 0,
"Message": "string"
Method Overview
The method returns a list of top-up Invoices.
Authorization privilege needed for this endpoint: finance-invoices.view.
Optional privilege used in this endpoint: finance-invoices-own.view.
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.
Name | Type | Description |
page_number | integer (query) | Page number. Default value: 1. |
page_size | integer (query) | Page size. Default value: 10. |
paging | string (query) | Paging options. The format is: &paging=page_num,page_size e.g. paging=1,10. |
operator(fieldName) | string (query) | Search criteria by using the following operators: isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween, and the following attributes: custName, custShortName, invNumber, invDate, invDueDate, overDueDate, total, totalUnpaid, totalPaid, invType, invTypeName, invPeriod, invPeriodStart, invPeriodEnd, invoicingDate, invoicingDatePolicy, classCodeName, currency, id, disputeStatus, statusDt, dataSourceCodeName, custID, processingStatus, collectionLeadId, collectionMode, vat, amountNoVat, amountVat, domainCodeName, custCountry, nettingInvoiceStatus, nettingInvoicePaymentStatus, rounding, dtsSelectorId, dtsSelectorCodeName, invUid, custPOBox, docsDeliveryStatus, selfBilling, customerType, domainName, syncStatus, syncStatusDt, syncMode, collectionLeadNumber, ownerId, ownerBpName, ownerBpBriefName.
q | string (query) | General search criteria. Available fields: custShortName, custName, invNumber, invDate, invoicingDate, invoicingDatePolicy, invDueDate, invTypeName, invPeriod, disputeStatus, ownerId, ownerBpName, ownerBpBriefName. |
sort | string (query) | Sorting options in form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3. Sorting available fields: custName, custShortName, invNumber, invDate, invDueDate, overDueDate, total, totalUnpaid, totalPaid, invType, invTypeName, invPeriod, invPeriodStart, invPeriodEnd, invoicingDate, invoicingDatePolicy, classCodeName, currency, id, disputeStatus, statusDt, dataSourceCodeName, custID, processingStatus, collectionLeadId, collectionMode, vat, amountNoVat, amountVat, domainCodeName, custCountry, nettingInvoiceStatus, nettingInvoicePaymentStatus, rounding, dtsSelectorId, dtsSelectorCodeName, invUid, custPOBox, docsDeliveryStatus, selfBilling, customerType, domainName, syncStatus, syncStatusDt, syncMode, collectionLeadNumber, ownerId, ownerBpName, ownerBpBriefName. |
Success Response 200: List of Invoices
"data": [
"id": 0,
"invUid": "string",
"instanceID": 0,
"custID": 0,
"custName": "string",
"custShortName": "string",
"custAttn": "string",
"custAddress": "string",
"custAddress2": "string",
"custPost": "string",
"custCity": "string",
"custCountry": 0,
"custPOBox": "string",
"customerType": "string",
"custVatNumber": "string",
"invType": 0,
"invTypeName": "string",
"templateID": 0,
"invDate": "2024-05-07",
"invoicingDate": "2024-05-07",
"invoicingDatePolicy": "delivery",
"invNumberFix": "string",
"invNumberNum": 0,
"invNumber": "string",
"invPeriod": "string",
"invDueDate": "2024-05-07",
"overDueDate": 0,
"ownerVatNumber": "string",
"currency": 0,
"currencyCode": "string",
"amountNoVat": 0,
"amountVat": 0,
"vatPercent": 0,
"vat": 0,
"rounding": 0,
"total": 0,
"totalUnpaid": 0,
"totalPaid": 0,
"vatInPrice": 0,
"vatInTotal": 0,
"status": "draft",
"insertDt": "2024-05-07T12:10:38.923Z",
"statusDt": "2024-05-07T12:10:38.923Z",
"deliveryDate": "2024-05-07",
"invPeriodStart": "2024-05-07",
"invPeriodEnd": "2024-05-07",
"docsDeliveryStatus": "string",
"docsDeliveryStatusDate": "2024-05-07T12:10:38.923Z",
"docsDeliveryDlrStatus": "string",
"docsDeliveryDlrStatusDate": "2024-05-07T12:10:38.923Z",
"classCodeName": "string",
"classDomain": "string",
"classArea": "string",
"lang": "string",
"paymentStatus": "none",
"paymentStatusDate": "2024-05-07T12:10:38.923Z",
"disputeStatus": "string",
"disputeStatusDate": "2024-05-07T12:10:38.923Z",
"dataSourceId": 0,
"dataSourceCodeName": "string",
"nettingInvoiceId": 0,
"nettingInvoiceNumber": "string",
"selfBilling": "yes",
"domainId": 0,
"domainCodeName": "string",
"domainName": "string",
"domainProduct": 0,
"accountManagerId": 0,
"accountManagerName": "string",
"disputeNextId": 0,
"collectionMode": "none",
"collectionLeadId": 0,
"collectionLeadNumber": "string",
"collectionLeadNettingInvoiceId": 0,
"collectionLeadNettingInvoiceNumber": "string",
"collectionLeadNettingInvoiceStatus": "string",
"collectionLeadNettingInvoicePaymentStatus": "string",
"collectionLeadNettingInvoiceTotal": "string",
"collectionLeadNettingInvoiceTotalPaid": "string",
"collectionLeadNettingInvoiceTotalUnpaid": "string",
"processingStatus": "none",
"comment": "string",
"nettingInvoiceStatus": "draft",
"nettingPaymentStatus": "none",
"nettingTotal": 0,
"nettingTotalUnpaid": 0,
"nettingTotalPaid": 0,
"dtsSelectorId": 0,
"dtsSelectorCodeName": "string",
"sitInvoiceEmailImportId": 0,
"billingBalance": {
"id": 0,
"name": "string",
"resourceUrl": "string"
"billingTypeName": "string",
"smsCount": 0,
"syncStatus": "none",
"syncStatusDt": "2024-05-07T12:10:38.923Z",
"syncMode": "disabled",
"reminderStatus": "enabled",
"domesticCurrency": 0,
"domesticCurrencyCode": "string",
"domesticCurrencyAmountNoVAT": 0,
"domesticCurrencyAmountVAT": 0,
"domesticCurrencyTotal": 0,
"domesticCurrencyRounding": 0,
"domesticCurrencyRate": 0,
"industryName": "string",
"ownerName": "string",
"ownerId": 0,
"ownerBpName": "string",
"ownerBpBriefName": "string",
"documentSync": {}
"meta": {
"pagination": {}
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"Code": 0,
"Message": "string"
This endpoint will create Customer Part Payment Invoices for Postpaid Total Balances and Customer Top-Up Invoices, for Prepaid Total Balances.
The API endpoint belongs to the Bulk Billing domain. The subject domain of an endpoint URL is:
Note: A domain is presented with placeholders as https://api{separator}{platform_domain}
, where {separator}
can be a dot (.) or a hyphen (-). Please, replace it with your actual platform domain name.
Method Overview
The method creates a top-up or part payment invoice creation. For a top-up process, it is used to create new credit record with related invoice.
Name | Type | Description |
credit record create (required) | object (body) | New credit record with invoice to store. |
fields | string (query) | Comma separated list of attributes that needs to be returned in partial response. |
Data Parameters
post data object
"balanceId": 0,
"amount": 0,
"comment": "string",
"payment": {
"fullyPaid": true,
"paymentType": 0,
"bankAccountId": 0
Code | Description | Links |
200 | Credit record object with related invoice is created. | No links |
default | Unexpected Error. | No links |
Success Response: 200 Created Credit Record Object with Related Invoice
"id": 0,
"creditUid": "string",
"balanceId": 0,
"activationDate": "2024-04-25",
"creationDate": "2024-04-25",
"amount": 0,
"currency": 0,
"creditAmount": 0,
"conditionalAmount": 0,
"paidAmount": 0,
"unpaidAmount": 0,
"status": "string",
"isAggregateRecord": "string",
"aggregateFromDate": "2024-04-25",
"invoiceId": 0,
"bizPartnerName": "string",
"bizPartnerShortName": "string",
"bizPartnerId": 0,
"balanceName": "string",
"typeId": 0,
"billingRecordId": 0,
"type": "string",
"typeName": "string",
"createInvoice": "yes",
"billingType": 0,
"currencyCode": "string",
"currencyName": "string",
"orderingStatus": "off",
"orderingStatusDt": "2024-04-25T14:04:05.979Z",
"selectedPriceListId": 0,
"ownerId": 0,
"ownerBpName": "string",
"ownerBpBriefName": "string",
"description": "string",
"comment": "string",
"invoice": {
"id": 0,
"instanceID": 0,
"custID": 0,
"custName": "string",
"custShortName": "string",
"custAttn": "string",
"custAddress": "string",
"custAddress2": "string",
"custPost": "string",
"custCity": "string",
"custCountry": 0,
"custPOBox": "string",
"custVatNumber": "string",
"invType": 0,
"invTypeName": "string",
"templateID": 0,
"invDate": "string",
"invNumberFix": "string",
"invNumberNum": 0,
"invNumber": "string",
"invPeriod": "string",
"invDueDate": "string",
"overDueDate": 0,
"ownerVatNumber": "string",
"currency": 0,
"currencyCode": "string",
"amountNoVat": 0,
"amountVat": 0,
"vatPercent": 0,
"rounding": 0,
"total": 0,
"totalUnpaid": 0,
"vatInPrice": 0,
"vatInTotal": 0,
"status": "string",
"insertDt": "string",
"statusDt": "string",
"deliveryDate": "string",
"invPeriodStart": "string",
"invPeriodEnd": "string",
"docsDeliveryStatus": "string",
"docsDeliveryStatusDate": "string",
"docsDeliveryDlrStatus": "string",
"docsDeliveryDlrStatusDate": "string",
"selfBilling": "yes",
"totalPaid": 0,
"classCodeName": "string",
"classDomain": "string",
"classArea": "string",
"lang": "string",
"paymentStatus": "none",
"paymentStatusDate": "2024-04-25T14:04:05.979Z",
"disputeStatus": "string",
"disputeStatusDate": "2024-04-25T14:04:05.979Z",
"dataSourceId": 0,
"dataSourceCodeName": "string",
"nettingInvoiceId": 0,
"nettingInvoiceNumber": "string",
"domainId": 0,
"domainCodeName": "string",
"disputeNextId": 0,
"collectionMode": "none",
"collectionLeadId": 0,
"processingStatus": "none",
"dtsSelectorId": 0,
"dtsSelectorCodeName": "string",
"ownerId": 0,
"items": [
"id": 0,
"invoiceId": 0,
"ordNum": 0,
"name": "string",
"itemType": "string",
"quantity": 0,
"quantityMore": 0,
"quantityMode": 0,
"measureUnit": 0,
"price": 0,
"vatInPrice": 0,
"totalNoVat": 0,
"totalVat": 0,
"status": "string",
"insertDt": "string",
"statusDt": "string",
"dataSourceId": 0,
"dataSourceForeignKey": 0,
"dtsSelectorId": 0,
"dtsSelectorCodeName": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": 0,
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
3.2 Invoice Clearing
The following endpoints allow performing operations with invoices clearing records.
The API endpoints belong to the Finance domain. The subject domain of an endpoint URL is:
Note: A domain is presented with placeholders as https://api{separator}{platform_domain}
, where {separator}
can be a dot (.) or a hyphen (-). Please, replace it with your actual platform domain name.
Method Overview
The method returns a list of all invoice clearing records for a given invoice ID.
Returned InvoiceClearingRecords belong to InvoiceClearing.
InvoiceClearing is created when Invoice status is changed to 'approved' and payment status is set to 'open'.
By default, only clearing records with 'active' status will be returned.
Authorization privilege needed for this endpoint: finance-invoices.view.
Optional: the privilege used in this endpoint: finance-invoices-own.view.
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.
If clearing records with other statuses should be returned, it should be used query parameter status with operator in and value containing a comma separated list of statuses (in(status)=active,canceled). For the time being, only 'active' and 'canceled' status are available as clearing record status values.
Name | Type | Description |
invoiceid (required) | integer (path) | Invoice ID to get Clearing Records. |
page_number | integer (query) | Page number. Default value: 1. |
page_size | integer (query) | Page size. Default value: 10. |
paging | string (query) | Paging options in form of &paging=page_num page_size e.g. paging=1,10. |
operator(fieldName) | string (query) | Search criteria by using the following operators: isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween, and the following attributes: id, clearingId, clearingTypeId, clearingTypeCodeName, recordDate, paymentTypeId, paymentTypeName, amountIncrement, paidAmount, paymentReference, comment, status, statusDate, bankAccountId, bankAccountName, bankAccountNumber, bankAccountIban, bankAccountSwiftBic, revokeUserId, revokeUserName, revokeComment.
q | string (query) | General search criteria. Available fields: status, paymentReference, comment, revokeUserId, revokeUserName, revokeComment, clearingTypeCodeName, paymentTypeName, bankAccountName, bankAccountNumber, bankAccountIban, bankAccountSwiftBic. |
sort | string (query) | Sorting options in form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3. Sorting available fields: id, clearingId, clearingTypeId, clearingTypeCodeName, recordDate, paymentTypeId, paymentTypeName, amountIncrement, paidAmount, paymentReference, comment, status, statusDate, bankAccountId, bankAccountName, bankAccountNumber, bankAccountIban, bankAccountSwiftBic, revokeUserId, revokeUserName, revokeComment. |
Code | Description | Links |
200 | List of InvoiceClearingRecords. | No links |
default | Unexpected Error. | No links |
Success Response 200: List of InvoiceClearingRecords
"data": [
"id": 0,
"clearingId": 0,
"clearingTypeId": 0,
"clearingTypeCodeName": "string",
"recordDate": "2021-03-11",
"paymentTypeId": 0,
"paymentTypeName": "string",
"amountIncrement": 0,
"paidAmount": 0,
"paymentReference": "string",
"comment": "string",
"status": "string",
"statusDate": "2021-03-11T10:35:26.862Z",
"revokeUserId": "string",
"revokeUserName": "string",
"revokeComment": "string",
"bankAccountId": 0,
"bankAccountName": "string",
"bankAccountNumber": "string",
"bankAccountIban": "string",
"bankAccountSwiftBic": "string"
"meta": {
"pagination": {}
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"Code": 0,
"Message": "string"
Method Overview
The method adds an invoice clearing record for a given invoice ID.
Authorization privilege needed for this endpoint:
- finance-invoices.manage or
- finance-cust-invoices.manage or
- finance-supplier-invoices.manage or
- finance-netting-invoices.manage.
InvoiceClearing is created when Invoice status is changed to 'approved' and payment status is set to 'open'.
Approved supplier invoices with payment status 'on-hold', do not have clearing created. Clearing record for supplier invoice is created when a supplier invoice is approved for payment.
Invoice clearing record can not be added if an invoice does not have Clearing created.
When totalUnpaid is 0, invoice.paymentStatus is set to 'closed'.
clearingType type can be:
1 - Invoice = amount increment, is auto-generated when Invoice status is changed to 'approved',
2 - Payment = paidAmount - must be <> 0,
3 - Interest = amount increment - must be <> 0,
4 - Reminder = amount increment - must be <> 0.
paymentType type can be:
1 - Bank Transfer,
2 - Credit Card,
3 - PayPal,
4 - Cash.
If paymentType is '1 - Bank Transfer', bankAccountId greater than 0 must be sent, in other cases it should not be sent or can be 0.
status is set to 'active'.
comment is set to name of clearingType if omitted.
recordDate must be in format 2006-01-02.
If clearing record represents payment and invoice document class code name is CUSTOMER_INVOICE, payment will be automatically applied to billing balance.
Minimal JSON body parameters
"clearingTypeId": 2,
"recordDate": "2016-08-05",
"paymentTypeId": 1,
"amountIncrement": 0,
"paidAmount": 10,
"paymentReference": "string"
Name | Type | Description |
invoiceID (required) | string (path) | Invoice ID to get. |
post data (required) | object (body) | Post data. If status is used, it must be in (active, deleted). recordDate must be in format 2006-01-02. |
Data Parameters
Clearing Record post data object example
"clearingTypeId": 0,
"recordDate": "2021-03-11",
"paymentTypeId": 0,
"amountIncrement": 0,
"paidAmount": 0,
"paymentReference": "string",
"comment": "string",
"bankAccountId": 0
Code | Description | Links |
200 | InvoiceClearingRecord added. | No links |
default | Unexpected Error. | No links |
Success Response 200: InvoiceClearingRecord added
"id": 0,
"clearingId": 0,
"clearingTypeId": 0,
"clearingTypeCodeName": "string",
"recordDate": "2021-03-11",
"paymentTypeId": 0,
"paymentTypeName": "string",
"amountIncrement": 0,
"paidAmount": 0,
"paymentReference": "string",
"comment": "string",
"status": "string",
"statusDate": "2021-03-11T10:11:27.765Z",
"revokeUserId": "string",
"revokeUserName": "string",
"revokeComment": "string",
"bankAccountId": 0,
"bankAccountName": "string",
"bankAccountNumber": "string",
"bankAccountIban": "string",
"bankAccountSwiftBic": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"Code": 0,
"Message": "string"
Method Overview
The method returns a list of all invoice clearing records for a given invoice number.
Authorization privilege needed for this endpoint: finance-invoices.view.
Optional privilege used in this endpoint: finance-invoices-own.view.
List of all InvoiceClearingRecords is returned that belongs to InvoiceClearing.
InvoiceClearing is created when Invoice status is changed to 'approved' and payment status is set to 'open'.
By default, only clearing records with active status will be returned.
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.
If clearing records with other statuses should be returned, it should be used query parameter status with operator in and value containing a comma separated list of statuses (in(status)=active,canceled). For the time being, only 'active' and 'canceled' status are available as clearing record status values.
Name | Type | Description |
invoiceNumber (required) | string (path) | Invoice number to get Clearing Records. If the invoice number contains slashes, it must be encoded. Example: For invoiceNumber = 00033/E/2021 value 00033%2FE%2F2021 should be in URL as invoiceNumber parameter (/ = %2F). |
page_number | integer (query) | Page number. Default value: 1. |
page_size | integer (query) | Page size. Default value: 10. |
paging | string (query) | Paging options in form of &paging=page_num page_size e.g. paging=1,10. |
operator(fieldName) | string (query) | Search criteria by using the following operators: isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween, and the following attributes: id, clearingId, clearingTypeId, clearingTypeCodeName, recordDate, paymentTypeId, paymentTypeName, amountIncrement, paidAmount, paymentReference, comment, status, statusDate, bankAccountId, bankAccountName, bankAccountNumber, bankAccountIban, bankAccountSwiftBic, revokeUserId, revokeUserName, revokeComment.
q | string (query) | General search criteria. Available fields: status, paymentReference, comment, revokeUserId, revokeUserName, revokeComment, clearingTypeCodeName, paymentTypeName, bankAccountName, bankAccountNumber, bankAccountIban, bankAccountSwiftBic. |
sort | string (query) | Sorting options in form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3. Sorting available fields: id, clearingId, clearingTypeId, clearingTypeCodeName, recordDate, paymentTypeId, paymentTypeName, amountIncrement, paidAmount, paymentReference, comment, status, statusDate, bankAccountId, bankAccountName, bankAccountNumber, bankAccountIban, bankAccountSwiftBic, revokeUserId, revokeUserName, revokeComment. |
Code | Description | Links |
200 | List of InvoiceClearingRecords. | No links |
default | Unexpected Error. | No links |
Success Response 200: List of InvoiceClearingRecords
"data": [
"id": 0,
"clearingId": 0,
"clearingTypeId": 0,
"clearingTypeCodeName": "string",
"recordDate": "2021-03-11",
"paymentTypeId": 0,
"paymentTypeName": "string",
"amountIncrement": 0,
"paidAmount": 0,
"paymentReference": "string",
"comment": "string",
"status": "string",
"statusDate": "2021-03-11T10:50:05.688Z",
"revokeUserId": "string",
"revokeUserName": "string",
"revokeComment": "string",
"bankAccountId": 0,
"bankAccountName": "string",
"bankAccountNumber": "string",
"bankAccountIban": "string",
"bankAccountSwiftBic": "string"
"meta": {
"pagination": {}
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"Code": 0,
"Message": "string"
Method Overview
The method adds an invoice clearing record for a given invoice number.
Authorization privilege needed for this endpoint:
- finance-invoices.manage or
- finance-cust-invoices.manage or
- finance-supplier-invoices.manage or
- finance-netting-invoices.manage.
InvoiceClearing is created when Invoice status is changed to 'approved' and payment status is set to 'open'.
Approved supplier invoices with payment status 'on-hold', do not have clearing created. Clearing record for supplier invoice is created when a supplier invoice is approved for payment.
Invoice clearing record can not be added if an invoice does not have Clearing created.
When totalUnpaid is 0, invoice.paymentStatus is set to 'closed'.
clearingType type can be:
1 - Invoice = amount increment, is auto-generated when Invoice status is changed to 'approved',
2 - Payment = paidAmount - must be <> 0,
3 - Interest = amount increment - must be <> 0,
4 - Reminder = amount increment - must be <> 0.
paymentType type can be:
1 - Bank Transfer,
2 - Credit Card,
3 - PayPal,
4 - Cash.
If paymentType is '1 - Bank Transfer', bankAccountId greater than 0 must be sent, in other cases it should not be sent or can be 0.
status is set to 'active'.
comment is set to name of clearingType if omitted.
recordDate must be in format 2006-01-02.
If clearing record represents payment and invoice document class code name is CUSTOMER_INVOICE, payment will be automatically applied to billing balance.
Minimal JSON body parameters
"clearingTypeId": 2,
"recordDate": "2016-08-05",
"paymentTypeId": 1,
"amountIncrement": 0,
"paidAmount": 10,
"paymentReference": "string"
Name | Type | Description |
invoiceNumber (required) | string (path) | Invoice number to get Clearing Records. If the invoice number contains slashes, it must be encoded. Example: For invoiceNumber = 00033/E/2021 value 00033%2FE%2F2021 should be in URL as invoiceNumber parameter (/ = %2F). |
post data (required) | object (body) | Post data. The recordDate must be in format 2006-01-02. |
Post Data Parameters
"clearingTypeId": 0,
"recordDate": "2021-03-11",
"paymentTypeId": 0,
"amountIncrement": 0,
"paidAmount": 0,
"paymentReference": "string",
"comment": "string",
"bankAccountId": 0
Code | Description | Links |
200 | InvoiceClearingRecord added. | No links |
default | Unexpected Error. | No links |
Success Response 200: InvoiceClearingRecord added
"id": 0,
"clearingId": 0,
"clearingTypeId": 0,
"clearingTypeCodeName": "string",
"recordDate": "2021-03-11",
"paymentTypeId": 0,
"paymentTypeName": "string",
"amountIncrement": 0,
"paidAmount": 0,
"paymentReference": "string",
"comment": "string",
"status": "string",
"statusDate": "2021-03-11T10:56:49.498Z",
"revokeUserId": "string",
"revokeUserName": "string",
"revokeComment": "string",
"bankAccountId": 0,
"bankAccountName": "string",
"bankAccountNumber": "string",
"bankAccountIban": "string",
"bankAccountSwiftBic": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"Code": 0,
"Message": "string"
Method Overview
The method returns a list of invoice clearing records for a given invoice UID.
Authorization privilege needed for this endpoint: finance-invoices.view.
Optional privilege used in this endpoint: finance-invoices-own.view.
Returned InvoiceClearingRecords belong to InvoiceClearing.
InvoiceClearing is created when Invoice status is changed to 'approved' and payment status is set to 'open'.
By default, only clearing records with active status will be returned.
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.
If clearing records with other statuses should be returned, it should be used query parameter status with operator in and value containing a comma separated list of statuses (in(status)=active,canceled). For the time being, only 'active' and 'canceled' status are available as clearing record status values.
Name | Type | Description |
invoiceUid (required) | string (path) | Invoice UID to get Clearing Records. |
page_number | integer (query) | Page number. Default value: 1. |
page_size | integer (query) | Page size. Default value: 10. |
paging | string (query) | Paging options in form of &paging=page_num page_size e.g. paging=1,10. |
operator(fieldName) | string (query) | Search criteria by using the following operators: isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween, and the following attributes: id, clearingId, clearingTypeId, clearingTypeCodeName, recordDate, paymentTypeId, paymentTypeName, amountIncrement, paidAmount, paymentReference, comment, status, statusDate, bankAccountId, bankAccountName, bankAccountNumber, bankAccountIban, bankAccountSwiftBic, revokeUserId, revokeUserName, revokeComment.
q | string (query) | General search criteria. Available fields: status, paymentReference, comment, revokeUserId, revokeUserName, revokeComment, clearingTypeCodeName, paymentTypeName, bankAccountName, bankAccountNumber, bankAccountIban, bankAccountSwiftBic. |
sort | string (query) | Sorting options in form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3. Sorting available fields: id, clearingId, clearingTypeId, clearingTypeCodeName, recordDate, paymentTypeId, paymentTypeName, amountIncrement, paidAmount, paymentReference, comment, status, statusDate, bankAccountId, bankAccountName, bankAccountNumber, bankAccountIban, bankAccountSwiftBic, revokeUserId, revokeUserName, revokeComment. |
Code | Description | Links |
200 | List of InvoiceClearingRecords. | No links |
default | Unexpected Error. | No links |
Success Response 200: List of InvoiceClearingRecords
"data": [
"id": 0,
"clearingId": 0,
"clearingTypeId": 0,
"clearingTypeCodeName": "string",
"recordDate": "2021-03-11",
"paymentTypeId": 0,
"paymentTypeName": "string",
"amountIncrement": 0,
"paidAmount": 0,
"paymentReference": "string",
"comment": "string",
"status": "string",
"statusDate": "2021-03-11T12:19:07.845Z",
"revokeUserId": "string",
"revokeUserName": "string",
"revokeComment": "string",
"bankAccountId": 0,
"bankAccountName": "string",
"bankAccountNumber": "string",
"bankAccountIban": "string",
"bankAccountSwiftBic": "string"
"meta": {
"pagination": {}
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"Code": 0,
"Message": "string"
Method Overview
The method adds an invoice clearing record for a given invoice UID.
Authorization privilege needed for this endpoint:
- finance-invoices.manage or
- finance-cust-invoices.manage or
- finance-supplier-invoices.manage or
- finance-netting-invoices.manage.
InvoiceClearing is created when Invoice status is changed to 'approved' and payment status is set to 'open'.
Approved supplier invoices with payment status 'on-hold', do not have clearing created. Clearing record for supplier invoice is created when a supplier invoice is approved for payment.
Invoice clearing record can not be added if an invoice does not have Clearing created.
When totalUnpaid is 0, invoice.paymentStatus is set to 'closed'.
clearingType type can be:
1 - Invoice = amount increment, is auto-generated when Invoice status is changed to 'approved',
2 - Payment = paidAmount - must be <> 0,
3 - Interest = amount increment - must be <> 0,
4 - Reminder = amount increment - must be <> 0.
paymentType type can be:
1 - Bank Transfer,
2 - Credit Card,
3 - PayPal,
4 - Cash.
If paymentType is '1 - Bank Transfer', bankAccountId greater than 0 must be sent, in other cases it should not be sent or can be 0.
status is set to 'active'.
comment is set to name of clearingType if omitted.
recordDate must be in format 2006-01-02.
If clearing record represents payment and invoice document class code name is CUSTOMER_INVOICE, payment will be automatically applied to billing balance.
Minimal Json body parameters
"clearingTypeId": 2,
"recordDate": "2016-08-05",
"paymentTypeId": 1,
"amountIncrement": 0,
"paidAmount": 10,
"paymentReference": "string"
Name | Type | Description |
invoiceUID (required) | integer (path) | Invoice UID to get Clearing Records. |
post data (required) | object (body) | Post data. If it is used, status must be in (active, deleted). The recordDate must be in format YYYY-MM-DD. |
Post Data Parameters
"clearingTypeId": 0,
"recordDate": "2021-03-11",
"paymentTypeId": 0,
"amountIncrement": 0,
"paidAmount": 0,
"paymentReference": "string",
"comment": "string",
"bankAccountId": 0
Code | Description | Links |
200 | InvoiceClearingRecord added. | No links |
default | Unexpected Error. | No links |
Success Response 200: InvoiceClearingRecord added
"id": 0,
"clearingId": 0,
"clearingTypeId": 0,
"clearingTypeCodeName": "string",
"recordDate": "2021-03-11",
"paymentTypeId": 0,
"paymentTypeName": "string",
"amountIncrement": 0,
"paidAmount": 0,
"paymentReference": "string",
"comment": "string",
"status": "string",
"statusDate": "2021-03-11T12:26:30.255Z",
"revokeUserId": "string",
"revokeUserName": "string",
"revokeComment": "string",
"bankAccountId": 0,
"bankAccountName": "string",
"bankAccountNumber": "string",
"bankAccountIban": "string",
"bankAccountSwiftBic": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"Code": 0,
"Message": "string"
Method Overview
The method returns an invoice clearing record with given recordid, which belongs to invoice identified with invoiceid.
Authorization privilege needed for this endpoint: finance-invoices.view.
Optional: privilege used in this endpoint is finance-invoices-own.view.
Name | Type | Description |
invoiceid (required) | integer (path) | Invoice ID. |
recordid (required) | integer (path) | ID of invoiceClearingRecord to get. |
Code | Description | Links |
200 | InvoiceClearingRecord returned successfully. | No links |
default | Unexpected Error. | No links |
Success Response 200: InvoiceClearingRecord returned successfully
"id": 0,
"clearingId": 0,
"clearingTypeId": 0,
"clearingTypeCodeName": "string",
"recordDate": "2024-01-23",
"paymentTypeId": 0,
"paymentTypeName": "string",
"amountIncrement": 0,
"paidAmount": 0,
"paymentReference": "string",
"comment": "string",
"status": "string",
"statusDate": "2024-01-23T12:32:51.796Z",
"revokeUserId": "string",
"revokeUserName": "string",
"revokeComment": "string",
"bankAccountId": 0,
"bankAccountName": "string",
"bankAccountNumber": "string",
"bankAccountIban": "string",
"bankAccountSwiftBic": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"Code": 0,
"Message": "string"
Method Overview
The method updates an existing InvoiceClearingRecord.
Authorization privilege needed for this endpoint:
- finance-invoices.manage or
- finance-cust-invoices.manage or
- finance-supplier-invoices.manage or
- finance-netting-invoices.manage.
After this operation, requested invoice clearing record will be marked as 'canceled' and new clearing record will be created and returned instead of the original.
InvoiceClearing value will be recalculated.
Canceled clearing records will be listed in the clearing records list, unlike deleted credit records, which are not listed.
If clearing record represents payment and invoice document class code name is CUSTOMER_INVOICE, payment will be applied to billing balance. When corrected payment value is less than original payment value, it may happen that applying payment change will result in block balance, because funds are already spent. In that case the following error with HTTP status code 409 will be returned.
"message": "after delete of edit payment balance will be blocked because of insufficient funds available"
If the API user still wants to edit a payment, the same API call should be used but with the parameter force=yes
, effectively forcing the payment deletion.
Name | Type | Description |
invoceid (required) | integer (path) | Invoice ID. |
recordid (required) | integer (path) | ID of invoiceClearingRecord to update. |
force | string (query) | Forces edit of a payment for customer invoices even if operation will lead to customer balance blocking. Available values: yes, no. Default value: no. |
corrected clearing record data (required) | object (body) | Corrects clearing record date for a clearing. See below an example. |
Example object for correcting clearing record date for a clearing:
"clearingTypeId": 0,
"recordDate": "2024-01-23",
"paymentTypeId": 0,
"amountIncrement": 0,
"paidAmount": 0,
"paymentReference": "string",
"comment": "string",
"revokeUserId": "string",
"revokeUserName": "string",
"revokeComment": "string",
"bankAccountId": 0
Code | Description | Links |
200 | InvoiceClearingRecord updated successfully. | No links |
default | Unexpected Error. | No links |
Success Response 200: InvoiceClearingRecord updated successfully
"id": 0,
"clearingId": 0,
"clearingTypeId": 0,
"clearingTypeCodeName": "string",
"recordDate": "2024-01-23",
"paymentTypeId": 0,
"paymentTypeName": "string",
"amountIncrement": 0,
"paidAmount": 0,
"paymentReference": "string",
"comment": "string",
"status": "string",
"statusDate": "2024-01-23T12:44:02.373Z",
"revokeUserId": "string",
"revokeUserName": "string",
"revokeComment": "string",
"bankAccountId": 0,
"bankAccountName": "string",
"bankAccountNumber": "string",
"bankAccountIban": "string",
"bankAccountSwiftBic": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"Code": 0,
"Message": "string"
Method Overview
The method deletes an invoice clearing record with given recordid.
Authorization privilege needed for this endpoint:
- finance-invoices.manage or
- finance-cust-invoices.manage or
- finance-supplier-invoices.manage or
- finance-netting-invoices.manage.
Deletion of Invoice Clearing records performs logical delete. Record's status will be set to delete
. After this, clearing record will not be presented when listing.
InvoiceClearing value will be recalculated.
If clearing record represents payment and invoice document class code name is CUSTOMER_INVOICE, deleting payment will be applied to billing balance resulting decreasing balance amount and increasing unpaid amount. It may happen that applying payment change will result in blocking balance, because the funds are already spent. In that case, the following error with HTTP status code 409 and body will be returned:
"message": "after delete of edit payment balance will be blocked because of insufficient funds available"
If the API user still wants to delete a payment, the same API call should be used but with the parameter force=yes
effectively forcing the payment deletion. In that case, after a payment is deleted, balance and account will be blocked for use because of insufficient funds.
Name | Type | Description |
invoceid (required) | integer (path) | Invoice ID. |
recordid (required) | integer (path) | ID of invoiceClearingRecord to be deleted. |
force | string (query) | Forces deletion of a payment for customer invoices, even if operation will lead to customer balance blocking. Available values: yes, no. Default value: no. |
Code | Description | Links |
200 | InvoiceClearingRecord deleted successfully. | No links |
default | Unexpected Error. | No links |
Success Response 200: InvoiceClearingRecord deleted successfully
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"Code": 0,
"Message": "string"
3.3 Payment Type
The endpoint described in this section allows retrieving a list of payment types that can be used in invoices payment process.
The API endpoint belong to the Finance domain. The subject domain of an endpoint URL is:
Note: A domain is presented with placeholders as https://api{separator}{platform_domain}
, where {separator}
can be a dot (.) or a hyphen (-). Please, replace it with your actual platform domain name.
Method Overview
The method returns a list of all available payment types.
Authorization privilege needed for this endpoint: finance-invoices.view.
Optional privilege used in this endpoint: finance-invoices-own.view.
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.
Name | Type | Description |
page_number | integer (query) | Page number. Default value: 1. |
page_size | integer (query) | Page size. Default value: 10. |
paging | string (query) | Paging options in form of &paging=page_num page_size e.g. paging=1,10. |
operator(fieldName) | string (query) | Search criteria by using the following operators: isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween, and the following attributes: id, name, status, statusDt.
q | string (query) | General search criteria. Available fields: name, status. |
sort | string (query) | Sorting options in form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3. Sorting available fields: id, name, status, statusDt. |
Code | Description | Links |
200 | List of Payment Types. | No links |
default | Unexpected Error. | No links |
Success Response 200: List of Payment Types
"data": [
"id": 0,
"name": "string",
"status": "active",
"statusDt": "2021-03-11T12:29:43.054Z"
"meta": {
"pagination": {}
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"Code": 0,
"Message": "string"
3.4 Total Balances
The following endpoints are used for listing Total Balances.
The API endpoint belongs to the Billing domain. The subject domain of an endpoint URL is:
Note: A domain is presented with placeholders as https://api{separator}{platform_domain}
, where {separator}
can be a dot (.) or a hyphen (-). Please, replace it with your actual platform domain name.
Method Overview
The method returns a list of total balances with filtering and pagination features. Balance amounts(balance, accountsTotal, usage, availableAmount) and smsCount run-time value instead of snapshot values.
Name | Type | Description |
all | string (query) | Returns all data for given criteria. Available values: yes, no. Default value: no |
page_size | integer (query) | Page size. Default value: 10. |
page_number | integer (query) | Page number. Default value: 1. |
paging | string (query) | Paging options. The format is: &paging=page_num,page_size e.g. paging=1,10. |
fields | string (query) | Comma separated list of attributes that needs to be returned in partial response. |
sort | string (query) | Sort criteria: Format propertyName for ASC sorting, -propertyName for DESC sorting. Example: name = "name ASC", -name = "name DESC". Sort available properties: id, bizPartnerId, isDefault, currency, billingType, name, status, alertsPolicyId, alertsBaseAmount, amount, paidTotal, unpaidTotal, billedTotal, accountsTotal, smsCount, creditLimit, debitLimit, overdraftLimit, debitBalanceThreshold, bizPartnerName, bizPartnerShortName, usage, availableAmount, totalCredit, debitTotal, ownerId, ownerBpName, ownerBpBriefName, blockOnOutOfCredit. |
operator(propertyName) | string (query) | Search criteria using following operators: isnull,isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween, and by following properties: id, bizPartnerId, isDefault, currency, billingType, name, status, alertsPolicyId, alertsBaseAmount, amount, paidTotal, unpaidTotal, billedTotal, accountsTotal, smsCount, creditLimit, debitLimit, overdraftLimit, debitBalanceThreshold, bizPartnerName, bizPartnerShortName, usage, availableAmount, totalCredit, debitTotal, ownerId, ownerBpName, ownerBpBriefName, blockOnOutOfCredit.
Code | Description | Links |
200 | Total Balances collection. | No links |
default | Unexpected Error. | No links |
Success Response 200: Total Balances Collection
"data": [
"id": 0,
"instanceId": 0,
"bizPartnerId": 0,
"isDefault": "string",
"amount": 0,
"currency": 0,
"accountsTotal": 0,
"billedTotal": 0,
"creditTotal": 0,
"paidTotal": 0,
"unpaidTotal": 0,
"billingType": 0,
"status": "string",
"name": "string",
"smsCount": 0,
"billingCreditLimit": 0,
"billingDebitLimit": 0,
"billingOverdraftLimit": 0,
"billingDebitThreshold": 0,
"alertsPolicyId": 0,
"alertsPolicyName": "string",
"alertsBaseAmount": 0,
"billingTypeName": "string",
"billingTypeCodeName": "string",
"billingModeName": "string",
"currencyCode": "string",
"currencyName": "string",
"bizPartnerName": "string",
"bizPartnerShortName": "string",
"debitLimitTotal": 0,
"availableAmount": 0,
"usage": 0,
"totalCredit": 0,
"lastOpenEventHistoryId": 0,
"billingCycleUnitId": 0,
"billingCycle": 0,
"billingStartDate": "2024-04-23",
"nextBillingDate": "2024-04-23",
"lastBillingRecordId": 0,
"billingTriggerAmount": 0,
"limitsCurrency": 0,
"creditLimit": 0,
"overdraftLimit": 0,
"disputePercent": 0,
"disputeValue": 0,
"paymentTermsDays": 0,
"pricePackageMode": "on",
"pricePackageId": 0,
"orderedPrepaidMode": "on",
"overdraftPriceListId": 0,
"firstCreditRecordId": 0,
"currentCreditRecordId": 0,
"invoiceCreation": "off",
"invoiceSending": "on",
"blockOnOutOfCredit": "on",
"minUsageAmount": 0,
"reportCycleUnitId": 0,
"reportCycleUnit": "string",
"reportCycle": 0,
"reportStartDate": "2024-04-23",
"nextReportDate": "2024-04-23",
"lastBillingReportId": 0,
"invoiceSettings": {
"extentNote": "string",
"extentVatNote": "string",
"extentAdditionalEmails": {
"to": "string",
"cc": "string",
"bcc": "string"
"reminderMode": "disabled"
"ownerId": 0,
"ownerBpName": "string",
"ownerBpBriefName": "string",
"alertsLanguage": "string"
"meta": {
"pagination": {
"total": 0,
"count": 0,
"perPage": 0,
"currentPage": 0,
"totalPages": 0,
"links": {
"first": "string",
"last": "string",
"prev": "string",
"next": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": 0,
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Method Overview
The method lists active and blocked prepaid total balances with filtering and pagination features.
URL Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
all | string (query) | Returns all data for given criteria. |
page_size | integer (query) | Page size. Default value is 10. |
page_number | integer (query) | Page number. Default value is 1. |
paging | string (query) | Paging options. The format is: &paging=page_num,page_size e.g. paging=1,10. |
fields | string (query) | Comma separated list of attributes that needs to be returned in partial response. |
sort | string (query) | Sort criteria: Format propertyName for ASC sorting, -propertyName for DESC sorting. Example: name = "name ASC", -name = "name DESC". Sort available properties: id, bizPartnerId, currency, name, status, alertsPolicyId, alertsBaseAmount, bizPartnerName, bizPartnerShortName, alertsPolicyName, paidTotal, unpaidTotal, billedTotal, overdraftLimit, debitBalanceThreshold, pricePackageMode, pricePackageId, overdraftPriceListId, ownerId, ownerBpName, ownerBpBriefName, alertsLanguage, amount, smsCount, accountsTotal, usage, availableAmount, totalCredit, isDefault. |
operator(propertyName) | string (query) | Search criteria using following operators: isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween, and by following properties: id, bizPartnerId, currency, name, status, alertsPolicyId, alertsBaseAmount, bizPartnerName, bizPartnerShortName, alertsPolicyName, paidTotal, unpaidTotal, billedTotal, overdraftLimit, debitBalanceThreshold, pricePackageMode, pricePackageId, overdraftPriceListId, ownerId, ownerBpName, ownerBpBriefName, alertsLanguage, amount, smsCount, accountsTotal, usage, availableAmount, totalCredit, isDefault.
Success Response 200: Total Balances collection
"data": [
"id": 0,
"name": "string",
"bizPartnerId": 0,
"bizPartnerName": "string",
"bizPartnerShortName": "string",
"billingTypeCodeName": "PREPAID",
"billingTypeName": "string",
"status": "active",
"smsCount": 0,
"amount": 0,
"accountsTotal": 0,
"billedTotal": 0,
"creditTotal": 0,
"paidTotal": 0,
"unpaidTotal": 0,
"usage": 0,
"totalCredit": 0,
"availableAmount": 0,
"currency": 0,
"currencyCode": "string",
"currencyName": "string",
"overdraftLimit": 0,
"billingCreditLimit": 0,
"billingOverdraftLimit": 0,
"limitsCurrency": 0,
"billingDebitThreshold": 0,
"disputePercent": 0,
"disputeValue": 0,
"paymentTermsDays": 0,
"pricePackageMode": "on",
"pricePackageId": 0,
"overdraftPriceListId": 0,
"invoiceSending": "on",
"blockOnOutOfCredit": "on",
"minUsageAmount": 0,
"reportCycleUnit": "string",
"reportCycle": 0,
"reportStartDate": "2024-04-26T12:12:25.264Z",
"nextReportDate": "2024-04-26T12:12:25.264Z",
"lastBillingReportId": 0,
"alertsBaseAmount": 0,
"alertsPolicyId": 0,
"alertsPolicyName": "string",
"alertsLanguage": "string",
"ownerId": 0,
"ownerBpName": "string",
"ownerBpBriefName": "string",
"isDefault": "yes"
"meta": {
"pagination": {
"total": 0,
"count": 0,
"perPage": 0,
"currentPage": 0,
"totalPages": 0,
"links": {
"first": "string",
"last": "string",
"prev": "string",
"next": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": 0,
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
Method Overview
The method lists active and blocked postpaid total balances with filtering and pagination features.
URL Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
all | string (query) | Returns all data for given criteria. |
page_size | integer (query) | Page size. Default value is 10. |
page_number | integer (query) | Page number. Default value is 1. |
paging | string (query) | Paging options. The format is: &paging=page_num,page_size e.g. paging=1,10. |
fields | string (query) | Comma separated list of attributes that needs to be returned in partial response. |
sort | string (query) | Sort criteria: Format propertyName for ASC sorting, -propertyName for DESC sorting. Example: name = "name ASC", -name = "name DESC". Sort available properties: id, bizPartnerId, currency, name, status, alertsPolicyId, alertsBaseAmount, bizPartnerName, bizPartnerShortName, alertsPolicyName, paidTotal, unpaidTotal, billedTotal, overdraftLimit, debitBalanceThreshold, pricePackageMode, pricePackageId, overdraftPriceListId, ownerId, ownerBpName, ownerBpBriefName, alertsLanguage, amount, smsCount, accountsTotal, usage, availableAmount, totalCredit, isDefault. |
operator(propertyName) | string (query) | Search criteria using following operators: isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween, and by following properties: id, bizPartnerId, currency, name, status, alertsPolicyId, alertsBaseAmount, bizPartnerName, bizPartnerShortName, alertsPolicyName, paidTotal, unpaidTotal, billedTotal, overdraftLimit, debitBalanceThreshold, pricePackageMode, pricePackageId, overdraftPriceListId, ownerId, ownerBpName, ownerBpBriefName, alertsLanguage, amount, smsCount, accountsTotal, usage, availableAmount, debitLimit, debitTotal, isDefault.
Success Response 200: Total Balances collection
"data": [
"id": 0,
"name": "string",
"bizPartnerId": 0,
"bizPartnerName": "string",
"bizPartnerShortName": "string",
"billingTypeCodeName": "PREPAID",
"billingTypeName": "string",
"status": "active",
"smsCount": 0,
"amount": 0,
"accountsTotal": 0,
"billedTotal": 0,
"paidTotal": 0,
"unpaidTotal": 0,
"usage": 0,
"debitLimitTotal": 0,
"availableAmount": 0,
"billingTriggerAmount": 0,
"currency": 0,
"currencyCode": "string",
"currencyName": "string",
"creditLimit": 0,
"overdraftLimit": 0,
"billingDebitLimit": 0,
"billingOverdraftLimit": 0,
"limitsCurrency": 0,
"billingDebitThreshold": 0,
"disputePercent": 0,
"disputeValue": 0,
"paymentTermsDays": 0,
"pricePackageMode": "on",
"pricePackageId": 0,
"overdraftPriceListId": 0,
"invoiceSending": "on",
"blockOnOutOfCredit": "on",
"minUsageAmount": 0,
"billingCycleUnit": "string",
"billingCycle": 0,
"billingStartDate": "2024-04-26T12:12:25.277Z",
"nextBillingDate": "2024-04-26T12:12:25.277Z",
"lastBillingRecordId": 0,
"alertsBaseAmount": 0,
"alertsPolicyId": 0,
"alertsPolicyName": "string",
"alertsLanguage": "string",
"ownerId": 0,
"ownerBpName": "string",
"ownerBpBriefName": "string",
"isDefault": "yes"
"meta": {
"pagination": {
"total": 0,
"count": 0,
"perPage": 0,
"currentPage": 0,
"totalPages": 0,
"links": {
"first": "string",
"last": "string",
"prev": "string",
"next": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": 0,
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
3.5 Credit Record Types
This endpoint is used to get all Credit Records Types.
The API endpoint belongs to the Billing domain. The subject domain of an endpoint URL is:
Note: A domain is presented with placeholders as https://api{separator}{platform_domain}
, where {separator}
can be a dot (.) or a hyphen (-). Please, replace it with your actual platform domain name.
Method Overview
The method returns a list of supported credit record types
No parameters.
Code | Description | Links |
200 | Credit Record Types Collection. | No links |
default | Unexpected Error. | No links |
Success Response 200: Credit Record Types Collection
"data": [
"id": 0,
"typeUid": "string",
"codeName": "string",
"name": "string",
"billingTypeId": 0,
"createInvoice": "yes",
"status": "active",
"statusDt": "2024-04-22T08:53:30.940Z",
"comment": "string"
"meta": {
"pagination": {
"total": 0,
"count": 0,
"perPage": 0,
"currentPage": 0,
"totalPages": 0,
"links": {
"first": "string",
"last": "string",
"prev": "string",
"next": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"code": 0,
"message": "string",
"description": "string",
"items": [
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
3.6 Product Type Partners LOV
The endpoint described in this section allows retrieving a list of Product Type Partners LOV.
The API endpoint belong to the Biz-core domain. The subject domain of an endpoint URL is:
Note: A domain is presented with placeholders as https://api{separator}{platform_domain}
, where {separator}
can be a dot (.) or a hyphen (-). Please, replace it with your actual platform domain name.
Method Overview
The method returns a list of Product Type Partners LOV, i.e. all Business Partners associated with the product.
The required privileges: biz-core.view or biz-core.own.view.
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.
URL Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
all | string (query) | Returns all data for a given criteria. Available values: yes, no. Default value: no. |
page_size | integer (query) | Page size. Default value: 10. |
page_number | integer (query) | Page number. Default value: 1. |
paging | string (query) | Paging options in the form of &paging=page_num,page_size, e.g. paging=1,10. |
sort | string (query) | Sort options in the form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3. |
operator(fieldName) | string (query) | Search criteria by using the following operators: isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween, includeIds and by following attributes: id, name, country, countryName, vatNumber, vatApply, regNumber, legalFormId, language, status, languageName, legalForm, briefName, industryId, companySizeId, eMail, phone, fax, taxExempt, dunsNumber, industryName, companySize, ownerBpId, ownerBpName, ownerBpBriefName, instanceRole. Sort allowed attributes: id, name, country, countryName, vatNumber, vatApply, regNumber, legalFormId, language, status, languageName, legalForm, briefName, industryId, companySizeId, eMail, phone, fax, taxExempt, dunsNumber, industryName, companySize, ownerBpId, ownerBpName, ownerBpBriefName, instanceRole.
Code | Description | Links |
200 | A list of Product Type Partners LOV. | No links |
default | Unexpected error. | No links |
Success Response 200: List of Product Type Partners LOV
"data": [
"id": 0,
"name": "string",
"instanceRole": "string",
"country": 0,
"countryName": "string",
"vatNumber": "string",
"vatApply": "string",
"regNumber": "string",
"legalAddressId": 0,
"status": "string",
"parentId": 0,
"legalFormId": 0,
"language": "string",
"languageName": "string",
"legalForm": "string",
"instanceOwnerName": "string",
"briefName": "string",
"detailsId": 0,
"hasAttributes": "yes",
"externalRefId": 0,
"bizPartnerInstanceUid": "string",
"statusActiveDt": "2021-01-26T09:51:36.318Z",
"statusDt": "2021-01-26T09:51:36.318Z",
"industryId": 0,
"companySizeId": 0,
"eMail": "string",
"phone": "string",
"fax": "string",
"taxExempt": "string",
"foundingD": "2021-01-26T09:51:36.318Z",
"dunsNumber": "string",
"industryName": "string",
"companySize": "string",
"ownerBpId": 0,
"ownerBpName": "string",
"ownerBpBriefName": "string",
"selfOwner": "yes",
"isIntercompany": "yes",
"partnerTypeId": 0,
"partnerTypeName": "string"
"meta": {
"pagination": {
"total": 0,
"totalPages": 0,
"currentPage": 0,
"perPage": 0,
"count": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"Code": 0,
"Message": "string"
3.7 Platform Owner Bank Accounts
The following endpoint is used for listing data of platform owner bank accounts.
The API endpoint belong to the Settings domain. The subject domain of an endpoint URL is:
Note: A domain is presented with placeholders as https://api{separator}{platform_domain}
, where {separator}
can be a dot (.) or a hyphen (-). Please, replace it with your actual platform domain name.
Method Overview
The method returns a list of bank accounts of a platform owner or a co-owner.
Authorization privilege needed for this endpoint: biz-core.view.
This endpoint accepts query parameters for filtering data described on URL Filtering Guidelines page.
When co-owners are enabled on the platform level, coOwnerId parameter should be sent. If coOwnerId is not sent, bank accounts for platform owner will be returned. If co-owners are disabled, coOwnerId should not be sent.
Name | Type | Description |
all | string (query) | Returns all data for a given criteria. Available values: yes, no. Default value: no. |
page_number | integer (query) | Page number. Default value: 1. |
page_size | integer (query) | Page size. Default value: 10. |
paging | string (query) | Paging options in form of &paging=page_num page_size e.g. paging=1,10. |
sort | string (query) | Sorting options in form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3. |
operator(fieldName) | string (query) | Search criteria by using the following operators: isnull, isnotnull, isempty, isnotempty, eq, neq, startswith, contains, endswith, doesnotcontain, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notin, between, notbetween, and the following attributes: id, coOwnerId, bizPartnerId, bizPartnerName, bizPartnerBriefName, bizBankId, bizBankName, currency, currencyCode, currencyName, accountNumber, iban, isDefaultPerCurrency, status, name, swiftBic, accountType, countryName, ownerId, ownerBpName, ownerBpBriefName.
Code | Description | Links |
200 | List of bank accounts. | No links |
default | Unexpected Error. | No links |
Success Response 200: List of bank accounts
"data": [
"id": 0,
"bizPartnerId": 0,
"bizPartnerName": "string",
"bizPartnerBriefName": "string",
"bizBankId": 0,
"bizBankName": "string",
"currency": 0,
"currencyCode": "string",
"currencyName": "string",
"accountNumber": "string",
"iban": "string",
"isDefaultPerCurrency": "yes",
"status": "active",
"statusDt": "2021-03-11T12:56:00.268Z",
"name": "string",
"swiftBic": "string",
"accountType": "account number",
"countryName": "string",
"ownerId": 0,
"ownerBpName": "string",
"ownerBpBriefName": "string"
"meta": {
"pagination": {
"total": 0,
"count": 0,
"perPage": 0,
"currentPage": 0,
"totalPages": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
"Code": 0,
"Message": "string"
4. Data Models
Data Models define the structure of a JSON document and describe data related to the Top-Up API.
4.1 InvoiceCollection
InvoiceCollection object properties:
Name | Type | Description |
data (required) | array | Array of Invoice objects. |
meta (required) | object | CollectionMeta object. |
4.2 Invoice
Invoice object properties:
Name | Type | Description |
id | integer | Invoice ID. |
invUid | string | Invoice UID. |
instanceID | integer | Instance ID. |
custID | integer | Customer ID. |
custName | string | Customer name. |
custShortName | string | Customer short name. |
custAttn | string | Customer Attn. data. |
custAddress | string | Customer address. |
custAddress2 | string | Customer address2. |
custPost | string | Customer address postcode. |
custCity | string | Customer address city. |
custCountry | integer | Customer address country. |
custPOBox | string | Customer address PO Box. |
customerType | string | Customer type. |
custVatNumber | string | Customer VAT number. |
invType | integer | Invoice type. |
invTypeName | string | Invoice type name. |
templateID | integer | Template ID. |
invDate | string($date) | Invoice date. |
invoicingDate | string($date) | Invoicing date. |
invoicingDatePolicy | string | Possible values: delivery, creation, approval. |
invNumberFix | string | The fixed part of the invoice number, based on this field system will define next invoice number. |
invNumberNum | integer | The invoice number (variable part) - it counts invoices for the same invNumberFix. |
invNumber | string | Invoice number. |
invPeriod | string | Invoice period. |
invDueDate | string($date) | Invoice due date. |
overDueDate | integer | Number of days over due date. |
ownerVatNumber | string | Owner VAT number. |
currency | integer | Currency. |
currencyCode | string | Currency code. |
amountNoVat | number($float) | Invoice amount without VAT (net amount). It can be negative when selfBilling is 'yes'. |
amountVat | number($float) | Invoice amount including VAT. It can be negative when selfBilling is 'yes'. |
vatPercent | number($float) | VAT percent. |
vat | number($float) | Value added tax. |
rounding | number($float) | Difference between an invoice total and amount including VAT value. |
total | number($float) | Invoice gross amount. It can be negative when selfBilling is 'yes'. |
totalUnpaid | number($float) | Invoice unpaid amount. |
totalPaid | number($float) | Invoice paid amount. |
vatInPrice | integer | VAT in price. |
vatInTotal | integer | VAT in total. |
status | string | Invoice status. Possible values: draft, approved, rejected, deleted, misc, canceled, archived, imported. |
insertDt | string($date‑time) | Date and time of insertion. |
statusDt | string($date‑time) | Date and time of status. |
deliveryDate | string($date) | Delivery date. |
invPeriodStart | string($date) | Start of invoice period. |
invPeriodEnd | string($date) | End of invoice period. |
docsDeliveryStatus | string | Document delivery status. |
docsDeliveryStatusDate | string($date‑time) | Document delivery status date and time. |
docsDeliveryDlrStatus | string | Status of DLR. |
docsDeliveryDlrStatusDate | string($date‑time) | DLR status date and time. |
classCodeName | string | Class code name. |
classDomain | string | Class domain. |
classArea | string | Class area. |
lang | string | Language. |
paymentStatus | string | Possible values: none, open, on-hold, closed. |
paymentStatusDate | string($date‑time) | Payment status date and time. |
disputeStatus | string | DisputeStatus indicates whether the invoice is in dispute process or not. |
disputeStatusDate | string($date‑time) | Dispute status date and time. |
dataSourceId | integer | Data source ID. |
dataSourceCodeName | string | Data source code name. |
nettingInvoiceId | integer | Netting statement ID. |
nettingInvoiceNumber | string | Netting statement number. |
selfBilling | string | Indicator if an invoice is a credit note or not. If value is 'yes', when the document is in netting statement, it indicates that the document is in favor of a buyer, but issued by the seller. Also, if the document class is CREDIT_DEBIT_NOTE, it indicates that the document is a credit note, which is also in favor of buyer, but issued by the seller. Possible values: yes, no. |
domainId | integer | Domain ID. |
domainCodeName | string | Domain code name. |
domainName | string | Domain name. |
domainProduct | integer | Domain product. |
accountManagerId | integer | Account manager ID. |
accountManagerName | string | Account manager name. |
disputeNextId | integer | Dispute ID. |
collectionMode | string | Document collection mode. If member, the document is member of a collection. If lead, the document is a collection lead. By default collection mode is 'none', which indicates that the document is not a member of a collection nor collection lead. Possible values: none, member, lead. |
collectionLeadId | integer | If document is a member of collection, this value contains id of collection lead document. |
collectionLeadNumber | string | If document is a member of collection, this value contains number of collection lead document. |
collectionLeadNettingInvoiceId | integer | Netting statement ID of collection lead. Returned when collection lead to whom current invoice belongs to, is a netting statement's member. |
collectionLeadNettingInvoiceNumber | string | Netting statement number of collection lead. Returned when collection lead to whom current invoice belongs to, is a netting statement's member. |
collectionLeadNettingInvoiceStatus | string | Netting statement status of collection lead. Returned when collection lead to whom current invoice belongs to, is a netting statement's member. |
collectionLeadNettingInvoicePaymentStatus | string | Netting statement payment status of collection lead. Returned when collection lead to whom current invoice belongs to, is a netting statement's member. |
collectionLeadNettingInvoiceTotal | string | Netting statement total amount of collection lead. Returned when collection lead to whom current invoice belongs to, is a netting statement's member. |
collectionLeadNettingInvoiceTotalPaid | string | Netting statement total paid amount of collection lead. Returned when collection lead to whom current invoice belongs to, is a netting statement's member. |
collectionLeadNettingInvoiceTotalUnpaid | string | Netting statement total unpaid amount of collection lead. Returned when collection lead to whom current invoice belongs to, is a netting statement's member. |
processingStatus | string | Indicates processing status of document if document has been assigned recalculation task(s) or some other kind of processing tasks. Possible values: none, scheduled, running, done, canceled. |
comment | string | Description or comment in case invoice is a credit or debit note. Comment is not available when the invoice list is returned as a result of request, regardless of invoice class code name. |
nettingInvoiceStatus | string | If invoice netting statement's member, this property contains netting statement status. Possible values: draft, approved, rejected, deleted, misc, canceled, archived. |
nettingPaymentStatus | string | If invoice is netting statement's member, this property is netting's payment status. Possible values: none, open, closed. |
nettingTotal | number($float) | If invoice is netting statement's member, this property is netting's gross amount. It can be negative when selfBilling is 'yes'. |
nettingTotalUnpaid | number($float) | If invoice is netting statement's member this property is netting's unpaid amount. |
nettingTotalPaid | number($float) | If invoice is netting statement's member this property is netting's paid amount. |
dtsSelectorId | integer | ID reference to DTS selector, e.g. for part payment invoice. |
dtsSelectorCodeName | string | DTS selector code name. |
sitInvoiceEmailImportId | integer | ID of an invoice email import. |
billingBalance | object | BillingBalance object. |
billingTypeName | string | Required and returned for control invoice. |
smsCount | integer | Amount of messages. Required and returned for postpaid and control invoices. |
syncStatus | string | SyncStatus is an invoice synchronization status. Possible values: none, waiting, syncing, done, error, misc, exported. |
syncStatusDt | string($date‑time) | Synchronization status date and time. |
syncMode | string | Synchronization mode. Possible values: disabled, primary, secondary. |
reminderStatus | string | Reminder status. Possible values: enabled, disabled, open, closed, misc. |
domesticCurrency | integer | Domestic currency. |
domesticCurrencyCode | string | Domestic currency code. |
domesticCurrencyAmountNoVAT | number($float) | Invoice amount in domestic currency without VAT. |
domesticCurrencyAmountVAT | number($float) | Invoice amount in domestic currency with VAT. |
domesticCurrencyTotal | number($float) | Invoice total amount in domestic currency. |
domesticCurrencyRounding | number($float) | Invoice rounding, difference between domestic currency total and domestic currency amount with VAT. |
domesticCurrencyRate | number($float) | Domestic currency rate is used to calculate domestic currency amounts. |
industryName | string | Industry name. |
ownerName | string | Owner name. |
ownerId | integer | Owner ID. |
ownerBpName | string | Owner business partner name. |
ownerBpBriefName | string | Owner business partner brief name. |
documentSync | object | An arbitrary JSON object, holding the document synchronization data. It is returned if syncStatus is done, error, misc, exported or invalid. Example: "documentSync": { "propertyA": "value A", "propertyB": "value B" }. |
4.3 BillingBalance
BillingBalance object properties:
BillingBalance is Invoice Conditions which an invoice is associated to.
Name | Type | Description |
id | integer | ID is the unique key for the Invoice Condition. |
name | string | Invoice Condition name. |
resourceUrl | string | Billing API URL that should be used to load billing balance resource. |
4.4 CreditRecordInvoice
CreditRecordInvoice object properties:
Name | Type | Description |
id | integer | Invoice ID. |
creditUid | string | Credit UUID. |
balanceId | integer | Balance ID. |
activationDate | string($date) | Activation date. |
creationDate | string($date) | Date of creation. |
amount | number($double) | Amount. |
currency | integer | Currency. |
creditAmount | number($double) | Credit amount. |
conditionalAmount | number($double) | Conditional amount. |
paidAmount | number($double) | Paid amount. |
unpaidAmount | number($double) | Unpaid amount. |
status | string | Status. |
isAggregateRecord | string | If record is aggregate record. |
aggregateFromDate | string($date) | From Date for aggregate record. |
invoiceId | integer | Invoice ID. |
bizPartnerName | string | Business partner name. |
bizPartnerShortName | string | Business partner short name. |
bizPartnerId | integer | Business partner ID. |
balanceName | string | Balance name. |
typeId | integer | Type ID. |
billingRecordId | integer | Billing record ID. |
type | string | Type. |
typeName | string | Type name. |
createInvoice | string | Possible values: yes, no. |
billingType | integer | Billing type. |
currencyCode | string | Currency code. |
currencyName | string | Currency name. |
orderingStatus | string | Possible values: off, available, in-use, used. |
orderingStatusDt | string($date‑time) | Ordering status date-time. |
selectedPriceListId | integer | Selected price list ID. |
ownerId | integer | Owner ID. |
ownerBpName | string | Owner Business Partner ID. |
ownerBpBriefName | string | Owner Business Partner brief name. |
description | string | Description. |
comment | string | Comment. |
invoice | object | Invoice object. |
4.5 CreditRecordInvoiceCreate
CreditRecordInvoiceCreate object properties:
Name | Type | Description |
balanceId (required) | integer | Balance ID. |
amount (required) | number($double) | Amount. |
comment | string | Comment. |
payment | object | PaymentData object. |
4.6 PaymentData
PaymentData object properties:
Name | Type | Description |
fullyPaid | boolean | If invoice is fully paid. |
paymentType | integer | Payment type can be 1 - bank transfer, 2 - credit card, 3 - PayPal, 4 - Cash. |
bankAccountId | integer | Bank account. |
4.7 InvoiceClearingRecordCollection
InvoiceClearingRecordCollection object properties:
Name | Type | Description |
data (required) | array | Array of InvoiceClearingRecord objects. |
meta (required) | object | CollectionMeta object. |
4.8 InvoiceClearingRecord
InvoiceClearingRecord object properties:
Name | Type | Description |
id | integer | Invoice ID. |
clearingId | integer | Clearing ID. |
clearingTypeId | integer | Clearing type ID. Possible values: 1, 2, 3, 4. |
clearingTypeCodeName | string | Clearing type code name. Possible values: Invoice, Payment, Interest, Reminder. |
recordDate | string($date) | Clearing record date. |
paymentTypeId | integer | Payment type ID, reference to paymentTypeName. Possible values: 1, 2, 3, 4. |
paymentTypeName | string | Payment type name. Possible values: Bank Transfer, Credit Card, Paypal, Cash. |
amountIncrement | number($float) | Amount increment. |
paidAmount | number($float) | Paid amount. |
paymentReference | string | Payment reference. |
comment | string | Comment. |
status | string | Clearing record status. |
statusDate | string($date‑time) | Status date. |
revokeUserId | string | Revoke user ID. |
revokeUserName | string | Revoke username. |
revokeComment | string | Comment on revocation. |
bankAccountId | integer | Reference to bank account. |
bankAccountName | string | Bank account name. |
bankAccountNumber | string | Bank account number. |
bankAccountIban | string | Bank account IBAN. |
bankAccountSwiftBic | string | Bank account SWIFT/BIC code. |
4.9 InvoiceClearingRecordPost
InvoiceClearingRecordPost object properties:
Name | Type | Description |
clearingTypeId | integer | Clearing type ID. |
recordDate | string($date) | Clearing record date. |
paymentTypeId | integer | Payment type ID. |
amountIncrement | number($float) | Amount increment. |
paidAmount | number($float) | Paid amount. |
paymentReference | string | Payment reference. |
comment | string | Comment. |
bankAccountId | integer | Reference to bank account which money was received or paid to. |
4.10 InvoiceClearingRecordUpdate
InvoiceClearingRecordUpdate object properties:
Name | Type | Description |
clearingTypeId | integer | Clearing type ID. |
recordDate | string($date) | Clearing record date. |
paymentTypeId | integer | Payment type ID. |
amountIncrement | number($float) | Amount increment. |
paidAmount | number($float) | Paid amount. |
paymentReference | string | Payment reference. |
comment | string | Comment. |
revokeUserId | string | Revoke user ID. |
revokeUserName | string | Revoke username. |
revokeComment | string | Comment on revocation. |
bankAccountId | integer | Reference to bank account which money was received or paid to. |
JSON Example
"clearingTypeId": 0,
"recordDate": "2024-01-23",
"paymentTypeId": 0,
"amountIncrement": 0,
"paidAmount": 0,
"paymentReference": "string",
"comment": "string",
"revokeUserId": "string",
"revokeUserName": "string",
"revokeComment": "string",
"bankAccountId": 0
4.11 PaymentTypeCollection
PaymentTypeCollection object properties:
Name | Type | Description |
data (required) | array | Array of PaymentType objects. |
meta (required) | object | CollectionMeta object. |
4.12 PaymentType
PaymentType object properties:
Name | Type | Description |
id | integer | Payment type ID. |
name | string | Payment type name. |
status | string | Payment status. Possible values: active, inactive. |
statusDt | string($date‑time) | Date and time of payment status. |
JSON example
"data": [
"id": 0,
"name": "string",
"status": "active",
"statusDt": "2021-03-11T12:29:43.054Z"
"meta": {
"pagination": {}
4.13 CreditRecordTypeCollection
CreditRecordTypeCollection object properties:
Name | Type | Description |
data (required) | array | Array of CreditRecordType objects. |
meta (required) | object | CollectionMeta object. |
4.14 CreditRecordType
CreditRecordType object properties:
Name | Type | Description |
id (required) | integer | Credit Record Type ID. |
typeUid (required) | string | Credit Record Type type UID. |
codeName (required) | string | Credit Record Type code name. |
name (required) | string | Credit Record Type name. |
billingTypeId (required) | integer | Credit Record Type billing type ID. |
createInvoice (required) | string | If Credit Record Type create an invoice. Possible values: yes, no. |
status | string | Credit Record Type status. Possible values: active, inactive. |
statusDt | string($date‑time) | Date and time of a status. |
comment | string | Comment. |
JSON example
"data": [
"id": 0,
"typeUid": "string",
"codeName": "string",
"name": "string",
"billingTypeId": 0,
"createInvoice": "yes",
"status": "active",
"statusDt": "2024-04-22T08:53:30.940Z",
"comment": "string"
"meta": {
"pagination": {
"total": 0,
"count": 0,
"perPage": 0,
"currentPage": 0,
"totalPages": 0,
"links": {
"first": "string",
"last": "string",
"prev": "string",
"next": "string"
4.15 TotalBalancePrepaidCollection
TotalBalancePrepaidCollection object properties:
Name | Type | Description |
data (required) | array | Array of Total Balance Prepaid objects. |
meta (required) | object | CollectionMeta object. |
4.16 TotalBalancePrepaid
TotalBalancePrepaid object properties:
Name | Type | Description |
id | integer | Total Balance Prepaid ID. |
name | string | Total Balance Prepaid name. |
bizPartnerId | integer | Business partner ID. |
bizPartnerName | string | Business partner name. |
bizPartnerShortName | string | Business partner short name. |
billingTypeCodeName | string | Billing type code name. Possible values: PREPAID, POSTPAID. |
billingTypeName | string | Billing type name. |
status | string | Possible values: active, blocked. |
smsCount | integer | Amount of messages. Required and returned for postpaid and control invoices. |
amount | number($double) | Amount. |
accountsTotal | number($double) | Accounts total. |
billedTotal | number($double) | Billed total. |
creditTotal | number($double) | Credit total. |
paidTotal | number($double) | Paid total. |
unpaidTotal | number($double) | Unpaid total. |
usage | number($double) | Usage. |
totalCredit | number($double) | Total credit. |
availableAmount | number($double) | Available amount. |
currency | integer | Currency. |
currencyCode | string | Currency code. |
currencyName | string | Currency name. |
overdraftLimit | number($double) | Overdraft limit. |
billingCreditLimit | number($double) | Billing credit limit. |
billingOverdraftLimit | number($double) | Billing overdraft limit. |
limitsCurrency | integer | Limit currency. |
billingDebitThreshold | number($double) | Billing debit threshold. |
disputePercent | number($float) | Dispute percent. |
disputeValue | number($double) | Dispute value. |
paymentTermsDays | integer | Payment terms days. |
pricePackageMode | string | Price package mode. Possible values: on, off. |
pricePackageId | integer | Price package ID. |
overdraftPriceListId | integer | Over draft price list ID. |
invoiceSending | string | Invoice sending. Possible values: on, off. |
blockOnOutOfCredit | string | Indicator if balance and corresponding accounts will be blocked on out of credit event. For prepaid balance default value is 'on' and for postpaid and other billing types, default value is 'off'. Possible values: on, off. |
minUsageAmount | number($double) | Postpaid setting about minimum usage amount on total balance level (considering billing_record.amount). This is always positive value or zero, which means there is no min_usage_amount. If usage amount is less than min_usage_amount, then additional surcharge will be added on invoice to provide that invoice amount (without VAT) is not less than min_usage_amount. If there is min_usage_amount on total_balance level then all such amounts on billing accounts are ignored. |
reportCycleUnit | string | Report cycle unit code name. |
reportCycle | integer | The length of prepaid reporting cycle, the default is zero. This field goes in pair with reportCycleUnit, example 2 month(s), 1 week, etc. |
reportStartDate | string($date‑time) | Represents start date of first prepaid reporting cycle. If both fields, reportCycle and reportCycleUnit are greater than 0 then prepaid reporting is turned ON, otherwise it is considered to be OFF. If value for reportStartDate is not supplied and prepaid reporting is ON, API will calculate report start date automatically based on reporting period. |
nextReportDate | string($date‑time) | Represents date when next prepaid report should be crated for current balance. |
lastBillingReportId | integer | ID of last created billing report. |
alertsBaseAmount | number($double) | Alerts base amount. |
alertsPolicyId | integer | Alerts policy ID. |
alertsPolicyName | string | Alerts policy name. |
alertsLanguage | string | alerts language. |
ownerId | integer | Owner ID. |
ownerBpName | string | Owner Business Partner name. |
ownerBpBriefName | string | Business Partner brief name. |
isDefault | string | Possible values: on, off. |
4.17 TotalBalancePostpaidCollection
TotalBalancePostpaidCollection object properties:
Name | Type | Description |
data (required) | array | Array of Total Balance Postpaid objects. |
meta (required) | object | CollectionMeta object. |
4.18 TotalBalancePostpaid
TotalBalancePostpaid object properties:
Name | Type | Description |
id | integer | Total Balance Postpaid ID. |
name | string | Total Balance Postpaid name. |
bizPartnerId | integer | Business partner ID. |
bizPartnerName | string | Business partner name. |
bizPartnerShortName | string | Business partner short name. |
billingTypeCodeName | string | Billing type code name. Possible values: PREPAID, POSTPAID. |
billingTypeName | string | Billing type name. |
status | string | Possible values: active, blocked. |
smsCount | integer | Amount of messages. Required and returned for postpaid and control invoices. |
amount | number($double) | Amount. |
accountsTotal | number($double) | Accounts total. |
billedTotal | number($double) | Billed total. |
paidTotal | number($double) | Paid total. |
unpaidTotal | number($double) | Unpaid total. |
usage | number($double) | Usage. |
debitLimitTotal | number($double) | Debit limit total amount. |
availableAmount | number($double) | Available amount. |
billingTriggerAmount | number($double) | Billing trigger amount. |
currency | integer | Currency. |
currencyCode | string | Currency code. |
currencyName | string | Currency name. |
creditLimit | number($double) | Credit limit. |
overdraftLimit | number($double) | Overdraft limit. |
billingDebitLimit | number($double) | Billing debit limit. |
billingOverdraftLimit | number($double) | Billing overdraft limit. |
limitsCurrency | integer | Limit currency. |
billingDebitThreshold | number($double) | Billing debit threshold. |
disputePercent | number($float) | Dispute percent. |
disputeValue | number($double) | Dispute value. |
paymentTermsDays | integer | Payment terms days. |
pricePackageMode | string | Price package mode. Possible values: on, off. |
pricePackageId | integer | Price package ID. |
overdraftPriceListId | integer | Over draft price list ID. |
invoiceSending | string | Invoice sending. Possible values: on, off. |
blockOnOutOfCredit | string | Indicator if balance and corresponding accounts will be blocked on out of credit event. For prepaid balance default value is 'on' and for postpaid and other billing types, default value is 'off'. Possible values: on, off. |
minUsageAmount | number($double) | Postpaid setting about minimum usage amount on total balance level (considering billing_record.amount). This is always positive value or zero, which means there is no min_usage_amount. If usage amount is less than min_usage_amount, then additional surcharge will be added on invoice to provide that invoice amount (without VAT) is not less than min_usage_amount. If there is min_usage_amount on total_balance level then all such amounts on billing accounts are ignored. |
reportCycle | integer | The length of prepaid reporting cycle, the default is zero. This field goes in pair with reportCycleUnit, example 2 month(s), 1 week, etc. |
billingCycle | integer | The length of postpaid billing cycle, the default is zero. This field goes in pair with billingCycleUnit, example 2 month(s), 1 week, etc. |
billingStartDate | string($date‑time) | Represents start date of first postpaid billing cycle. |
nextBillingDate | string($date‑time) | Represents date when next postpaid billing record should be crated for current balance. |
lastBillingReportId | integer | ID of last created billing record. |
alertsBaseAmount | number($double) | Alerts base amount. |
alertsPolicyId | integer | Alerts policy ID. |
alertsPolicyName | string | Alerts policy name. |
alertsLanguage | string | alerts language. |
ownerId | integer | Owner ID. |
ownerBpName | string | Owner Business Partner name. |
ownerBpBriefName | string | Business Partner brief name. |
isDefault | string | Possible value: yes. |
4.19 ProductTypePartnersLovCollection
ProductTypePartnersLovCollection object properties:
Name | Type | Description |
data (required) | array | An array of ProductTypePartnersLov objects. |
meta (required) | object | CollectionMeta object. |
4.20 ProductTypePartnersLov
ProductTypePartnersLov object properties:
Name | Type | Description |
id | integer | ProductTypePartnersLov ID. |
name | string | ProductTypePartnersLov name. |
instanceRole | string | Instance role. |
country | integer | Country code. |
countryName | string | Country name. |
vatNumber | string | VAT number. |
vatApply | string | Possible values: yes, no, unknown. |
regNumber | string | Registration number. |
legalAddressId | integer | Legal address ID. |
status | string | Status. |
parentId | integer | Parent ID. |
legalFormId | integer | Legal form ID. |
language | string | Language. |
languageName | string | Language name. |
legalForm | string | Legal form. |
instanceOwnerName | string | Instance owner name. |
briefName | string | Brief name. |
detailsId | integer | Details ID. |
hasAttributes | string | Possible values: yes, no. |
externalRefId | integer | External reference ID. |
bizPartnerInstanceUid | string | BizPartnerInstance UID. |
statusActiveDt | string($date‑time) | Date of active status. |
statusDt | string($date‑time) | Status date. |
industryId | integer | Industry ID. |
companySizeId | integer | Company size ID. |
string | E-mail. | |
phone | string | Phone. |
fax | string | Fax. |
taxExempt | string | Tax exemption. |
foundingD | string($date‑time) | Founding date. |
dunsNumber | string | DUNS number. |
industryName | string | Industry name. |
companySize | string | Company size. |
ownerBpId | integer | Owner business partner ID. |
ownerBpName | string | Business Partner name. |
ownerBpBriefName | string | Business Partner brief name. |
selfOwner | string | Possible values: yes, no. |
isIntercompany | string | Possible values: yes, no. |
partnerTypeId | integer | Partner type ID. |
partnerTypeName | string | Partner type name. |
4.21 BankAccountCollection
BankAccountCollection object properties:
Name | Type | Description |
data (required) | array | Array of BankAccount objects. |
meta (required) | object | CollectionMeta object. |
4.22 BankAccount
BankAccount object properties:
Name | Type | Description |
id | integer | Bank account ID. |
bizPartnerId | integer | Business partner ID. maxLength: 10. |
bizPartnerName | string | Business partner name. |
bizPartnerBriefName | string | Business partner brief name. |
bizBankId | integer | Bank ID. maxLength: 10. |
bizBankName | string | Bank name. |
currency | integer | Currency. maxLength: 5. |
currencyCode | string | Currency code. |
currencyName | string | Currency name. |
accountNumber | string | Account number. maxLength: 40. |
iban | string | Account IBAN. maxLength: 50. |
isDefaultPerCurrency | string | Determines if an account will be default for bizPartnerId and currency. Only one account can be default. Possible values: yes, no. |
status | string | Bank account status. |
statusDt | string($date‑time) | Bank account status date and time. |
name | string | Bank account name. |
swiftBic | string | Bank account SWIFT/BIC code. maxLength: 30. |
accountType | string | Account type. Possible values: account number, iban. |
countryName | string | Country name. |
ownerId | integer | Owner ID. |
ownerBpName | string | Owner business partner name. |
ownerBpBriefName | string | Owner business partner brief name. |
JSON example
"data": [
"id": 0,
"bizPartnerId": 0,
"bizPartnerName": "string",
"bizPartnerBriefName": "string",
"bizBankId": 0,
"bizBankName": "string",
"currency": 0,
"currencyCode": "string",
"currencyName": "string",
"accountNumber": "string",
"iban": "string",
"isDefaultPerCurrency": "yes",
"status": "active",
"statusDt": "2021-03-11T12:56:00.268Z",
"name": "string",
"swiftBic": "string",
"accountType": "account number",
"countryName": "string",
"ownerId": 0,
"ownerBpName": "string",
"ownerBpBriefName": "string"
"meta": {
"pagination": {
"total": 0,
"count": 0,
"perPage": 0,
"currentPage": 0,
"totalPages": 0
4.23 Error
Error object properties:
Name | Type | Description |
code (required) | integer($int32) | Error code. |
message (required) | string | Error message. |
JSON Example
"Code": 0,
"Message": "string"
4.24 CollectionMeta
CollectionMeta object properties:
Name | Type | Description |
pagination (required) | object | CollectionMetaPagination object. |
4.25 CollectionMetaPagination
CollectionMetaPagination object properties:
Name | Type | Description |
total (required) | integer | Total number of rows. |
count (required) | integer | A number of rows in the current page. |
perPage (required) | integer | The maximum rows per page. |
currentPage (required) | integer | The current page number. |
totalPages (required) | integer | Total number of pages. |
links (required) | object | CollectionMetaPaginationLinks object. |
4.26 CollectionMetaPaginationLinks
CollectionMetaPaginationLinks object properties:
Name | Type | Description |
first | string | Link to the first page. |
last | string | Link to the last page. |
prev | string | Link to the previous page. |
next | string | Link to the next page. |
JSON example
"meta": {
"pagination": {
"total": 0,
"count": 0,
"perPage": 0,
"currentPage": 0,
"totalPages": 0,
"links": {
"first": "string",
"last": "string",
"prev": "string",
"next": "string"