Business Messenger SMS - SDK
To proceed with the integration of SMS Form SDK to your HTTPS web site you must meet the following conditions:
- Locate your Form configuration from HORISEN Business Messenger Application
- Download or use SMS Form SDK
1. Introduction
SMS Form SDK is a javascript library that provides a subscription mechanism for SMS messages for your website.
After a visitor subscribes you will be able to send him SMS messages using standard Business Messenger campaigns.
The SDK can be used directly from javascript so that you can build your own custom subscription forms and collect some other information to be populated per contact in Business Messenger Contact Manager.
2. Setup
The Business Messenger App Account
It is implied that the user has the Business Messenger app account and can access it.
The Business Messenger App Web Form
In the Business Messenger App go to the Web Services > Web Forms section, create a Web Form, and find your configuration in the Detailed View for the form (click the view icon from the grid last column). You will need the presented SDK Parameters later in configuring the SDK.
3. Integration
Initialize SDK
Include the SDK script in your page:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
Initialize the SDK:
window.hproSMSFormAsyncInit = function() {
window.SMSForm = hproSMSForm.initForm({
url: "https://api{separator}{platform_domain}/news/v1/forms/b9cc91fa-8f76-4dd1-bddf-0fb2ddca757e", //Replace with valid URL
Set configuration and SDK just before the end of </body> tag
Note: A domain is presented with placeholders as https://api{separator}{platform_domain}
, where {separator}
can be a dot (.) or a hyphen (-). Please, replace it with your actual platform domain name.
Google reCaptcha
reCAPTCHA protects against spam and other types of automated abuse.
Google reCaptcha is to be implemented by the developer who is implementing this SDK.
reCaptcha sitekey that is needed for reCaptcha initializing, can be found in the Business Messenger app, the "Web Services" > "Web Forms" section, under the Form Detailed View (click the view icon from the grid for the Form).
More info about implementing Google reCaptcha please find on Google Guides pages.
4. Configuration SDK Properties
Property | Type | Params | Description | ||||||||
initForm | function |
Parameters are obtained in the Business Messenger app after creating SMS Web Form, under form view from the grid. |
After SDK is initialized we can now use it to subscribe or unsubscribe users.
Subscribing or unsubscribing is a two-step process. After submitting the form, "code" is sent to users' mobile number via SMS. That code must be sent in the second step.
First step example:
let data = {
identifier: '+12025550183',
option_uuids: 'fac1f6dd-e11b-4ab6-9812-a03302812233,1d722df4-1b3a-1ff1-81d2-d76075b12677',
recaptcha: "03AGdBq24kHszPYZ85tzyVMU-C2uN998wWzWJDZnHCyyZQoKScVgFWvT28b21Q67DaNgYFg5kCvl1T...", // recaptcha code is much longer than in this example
type: 'in'
// on request success
// here we can now enable part of the form where user can input code that he recived on his mobile phone
// we need to reset recaptcha here
// on request error
// here we can notify user that there was an error and to try again
// we also need to reset recaptcha here
After the first step is successful, we need to send code that the user received on his mobile phone via SMS message.
Second step example:
let data = {
code: '6465865',
//here we can send additional data about user
first_name: 'John',
last_name: 'Smith'
//on request success
// here we can reset all form data and allow for another subscription
// on request error
// if error is invalid code than we can inform user and ask him to enter it again or notify about error and reset form
Property | Type | Params | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
submitForm | function |
submitCode | function | Object
If the form is used to unsubscribe the user ("type": "out"), then additional user data will not be saved so there is no need to send them.
5. Example
Here is a working example of SDK in action. In order for this example to work all parameters should be replaced with real ones and run in a localhost environment (e.g. http://localhost:3000/).
Note that the port number can be changed.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>SMS SDK Example</title>
<script src=""></script>
<!-- Step 1 -->
<form id="step1">
<h1>Web SMS - Opt IN with options</h1>
<div id="identifier">
<input type="tel" name="identifier" placeholder="Mobile" required>
<div id="first_name">
<input name="first_name" type="text" placeholder="First name" required />
<div id="last_name">
<input name="last_name" type="text" placeholder="Last name" required />
<div id="options">
<!-- Replace with valid option uuid -->
<div class="form-group form-group-checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" id="fac1f6dd-e11b-3333-5555-a0330281aa67"
value="fac1f6dd-e11b-3333-5555-a0330281aa67" data-option="subscription">
<label for="fac1f6dd-e11b-3333-5555-a0330281aa67"> Audi </label>
<!-- Replace with valid option uuid -->
<div class="form-group form-group-checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" id="1d722df4-1b3a-3333-5555-d76075b12677"
value="1d722df4-1b3a-3333-5555-d76075b12677" data-option="subscription">
<label for="1d722df4-1b3a-3333-5555-d76075b12677"> BMW </label>
<div id="recaptcha">
<!-- Replace with valid sitekey -->
<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="6LdjduIBRRRRRU-oJrqdQDmpALmlRtXMPxTYhFDN"></div>
<button id="submit-btn-step1" type="button" class="btn btn-outline" onclick="sendForm(event)" style="margin-top:15px"> Subscribe </button>
<!-- Step 2 -->
<form id="step2" hidden="hidden">
<h1>Did you get sms?</h1>
<h4>Now you can enter it in the field</h4>
<div id="code">
<input name="code" type="text" placeholder="code" required />
<button id="submit-btn-step2" type="button" onclick="sendCode(event)" style="margin-top:15px">Verify</button>
var getFieldsValues = function (fields) {
if (!fields || fields.length <= 0) return [];
var values = {};
for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
if (!fields[i] || fields[i].value == '') continue;
if (fields[i].type == 'checkbox' && fields[i].checked === false) continue;
values[fields[i].name] = fields[i].value;
return values;
// Init SDK
window.hproSMSFormAsyncInit = function () {
window.SMSForm = hproSMSForm.initForm({
url: 'https://api{separator}{platform_domain}/news/v1/forms/0e0a4296-062a-40e9-3333-002aa27e5679', //Replace with valid URL
var formData = {};
function sendForm(e) {
//Get all fields inside form
var formFields = $("#step1 input");
//Get fields values from form
var formFieldsValues = getFieldsValues(formFields);
// reCaptcha Validation
var recaptchResponse = grecaptcha.getResponse();
// if options_uudi is defined this field will be validate
var options = $('#options input');
if (options && options.length > 0) {
var formOptionsValues = getFieldsValues(options);
// Get personal data for step 2 in formData variable
formData['first_name'] = formFieldsValues['first_name'];
formData['last_name'] = formFieldsValues['last_name'];
var selectedOptions = [];
var formElements = document.getElementById('step1').elements;
for (var i = 0; i <= formElements.length - 1; i++) {
if (formElements[i].id == 'g-recaptcha-response'
|| formElements[i].name == 'identifier'
|| formElements[i].id == 'submit-btn-step1'
) {
if (formElements[i].dataset.option === 'subscription') {
if (formElements[i].checked) {
formData[formElements[i]['name']] = formElements[i]['value'];
// Parameters for submitForm sdk action
var param = {
identifier: formFieldsValues['identifier'],
option_uuids: selectedOptions.toString(),
recaptcha: recaptchResponse,
type: 'in'
// Actual submit
window.SMSForm.submitForm(param).then(function (res) {
$('#step1').attr('hidden', 'hidden');
}).catch(function (err) {
function sendCode(e) {
//Get all fields inside form
var formFields = $("#step2 input");
//Get fields values from form
var formFieldsValues = getFieldsValues(formFields);
// Parameters for submitCode sdk action
var param = formData;
param['code'] = formFieldsValues['code'];
.then(function (res) {
$('#step2').attr('hidden', 'hidden');
}).catch(function (err) {
if (err.error && err.error.message == 'Invalid code') {
$('#code').append('<span class="error">Invalid code</span>');
$('#step2').attr('hidden', 'hidden');
<script src="" async defer></script>
<script src=""></script>