Facebook Channel Setup for BM Account

1. Introduction

In order to use the Facebook channel in the Business Messenger app, for sending messages to contacts, it is necessary to configure the Facebook channel.
The Facebook channel in the Business Messenger app is based on using the Facebook Pages.

Note: Before you start the channel settings for the BM account, be sure that the channel settings for your Business Messenger instance is already done. Detailed instructions can be found on How to set up the Facebook channel on an Instance Level page.

Every Business Messenger app Account Owner has to have already created a Facebook Page that is managing, in order to be able to set and use the Facebook channel in the Business Messenger app.

2. Setting Up the Channel

The following instructions are for the BM Account Owner.

If you need help with creating a Facebook page, please find more details on Create a Facebook Page for your business page.

2.1 Setting Up the Facebook Channel in the Business Messenger App

Please follow the steps below.

  1. From the Business Messenger Settings > Channels page click on the Edit Channels button Edit channels.
    A new window will be opened, where the Facebook channel can be set up.

    Channel Setup Facebook

  2. Click on the Facebook Login button Facebook Login button in the Facebook section and log into the Facebook app. A new dialog will be opened where you can choose the Pages that you want the Business Messenger Meta app to access. You can select just one FB Page that you want to connect with the Business Messenger app.

    Select Facebook Page

  3. In the next step, you will be able to review what permission the Business Messenger Meta app is requesting according to this settings.

    Select Facebook Page

  4. Click the Save button to finish the integration.

  5. From the Business Messenger form, select the Facebook page from a drop-down list and check the Show get started button option.
    Click the Save button to save the channel settings.

    Select Facebook Page

The selected Facebook Page Name, Page URL and QR code icon will be displayed in the Channels section.


The Page Name is useful to easily find the page in the Facebook app and start chatting with it.

Clicking on the Page URL will open the Facebook app where the chat can be started with the connected Facebook page and the defined keywords (in the Opt-in/Opt-out rules) here can be tested.

Clicking on the QR code icon QR Icon will open a new window where the QR code for the connected Facebook page can be found.

Channel Details

The QR code allows a user to access information instantly. Scanning the QR code with the scanner on a mobile phone, will open the Facebook Messenger app.
QR code can be downloaded as PNG and SVG, and can be copied to clipboard by using the given options at the top of the opened window.

2.2 Setting Up the Opt-in/Opt-out Rules

Opt-in/Opt-out Rules should be created in the BM Opt-in/Opt-out Manager > Facebook section.

Creating Opt-in/Opt-out rules is very important. Without defined Opt-in/Opt-out rules and configured keywords, no contacts will be stored, since there is no definition about if and how to store new contacts.

3. Updating the Channel Configuration

From the BM Settings > Channels page by clicking on the Edit Channels button Edit Channel in the top left corner of the screen, a window will be opened where the Channels configuration data are presented.

Edit Channel Settings

For the Facebook channel, by logging into the Facebook app, the settings for the Facebook account can be changed.