Test System API

1. Introduction

HORISEN Test System API is used for testing the traffic performance of SMS routes in real-time.

With HORISEN Test System API, SMS routes are tested by running SMS tests. With detailed testing results, it measures delivery, availability and perform text message content check.
Test detects failures and routes with fake DLR. It confirms that the text message content is displayed correctly, and which SMSC was used for the SMS delivery.

The subject domain of an endpoint URL is:


HORISEN Test System API is REST API with OAuth 2.0 Password Grant type.
The Password grant type is a way to exchange a user's credentials for an access token. The token expires in 3600 seconds, after that requires to login again.

2. Methods Overview

2.1 Test SMS

Adds a TestSms.Read More

2.2 Test SMS Language

Returns a list of all Test SMS Languages.Read More

2.3 Test Operator

Returns a list of all Operators.Read More

2.4 Test Operator Country

Returns a list of Countries of available operators.Read More

2.5 Test Route

Returns a list of all Routes.Read More
Adds a Route.Read More

2.6 Test Route Category

Returns a list of all Route Categories.Read More
Deletes a Route Category.Read More

2.7 Test Route Supplier

Returns a list of all Route Suppliers.Read More
Deletes a Route Supplier.Read More

2.8 Test Route Gate

Returns a list of all Route Gates.Read More
Deletes a Route Gate.Read More

3. Methods Details

3.1 Test SMS

Adds a TestSms.Up
Method Overview

The method adds a TestSms. An SMS is sent to test gate routes.

Name Type Description
post data (required) object (body) Data to send test sms.
Data Parameters
Name Type Description
username (required) string The username.
test (required) string The name of a test.
gate_id (required) array An array of gate IDs.
mcc (optional) array An array of Mobile Country Codes.
mcc_mnc (optional) array An array of MCC_MNCs, Mobile Country Code and Mobile Number Code.
operator_owner (optional) string Possible values: 'platform', 'me'. Default value: 'platform'.
sender (optional) string The name of a sender.
sender_random (optional) string It can be 'alpha', 'numeric', 'short' type.
sender_same (optional) string If the sender is same for multitest. It can be 'alpha', 'numeric', 'short' type.
text_lang (required) string Example: 'en', 'de', 'fr', 'it', 'es', 'zx', ...
text_type (required) string Possible values: 'gsm', 'gsm_concat', 'gsm_set', 'ucs', 'ucs_concat', 'ucs_set'.
callback_api (required) string Example: 'https://your.domain.com/your-callbackurl'

One of 'mcc' or 'mcc_mnc' is required and must be set. If 'mcc' is set, SMS will be sent to all operators from countries.
If 'mcc_mnc' is set, 'mcc' 'will not be considered.

Using random SMS template:

  • text_lang and text_type are required
  • sender defined by template will be used if: 'sender', 'sender_random', 'sender_same' are omitted.

Data to send test sms object example:

  "username": "testsms@fb.com",
  "test": "FB API",
  "gate_id": [6],
  "mcc": [],
  "mcc_mnc": [26202],
  "operator_owner": "",
  "sender": "facebook",
  "sender_random": "",
  "sender_same": "",
  "text_lang": "en",
  "text_type": "gsm",
  "callback_api": "https://your.domain.com/your-callbackurl" 
Code Description Links
201 TestSms is added. No links
429 Rate limit is reached. No links
default Unexpected Error. No links
Success Response - 201: TestSms is added
  "test_session": 1539686679146599400
Name Type Description
X-Ratelimit-Limit integer Request limit per day.
X-Ratelimit-Remaining integer The number of requests left for the time window.
X-Ratelimit-Reset integer The number of seconds to midnight in UTC timezone at which the current rate limit window resets.
Rate Limiting Response - 429: Rate limit is reached
  "message": "Rate limit reached"
Name Type Description
X-Ratelimit-Limit integer Request limit per day.
X-Ratelimit-Remaining integer The number of requests left for the time window.
X-Ratelimit-Reset integer The number of seconds to midnight in UTC timezone at which the current rate limit window resets.
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "code": "string",
  "message": "string"

3.2 Test SMS Language

Returns a list of all Test SMS Languages.Up
Method Overview

The method returns a list of all languages of a Test SMS text to be sent.

Name Type Description
code string (query) A language code.
page_number integer (query) Page number. Default value is 1.
page_size integer (query) Page size. Default value is 10.
paging string (query) Paging options in form of &paging=page_num,page_size e.g. paging=1,10
q string (query) Search criteria. Available field: name.
sort string (query) Sort options in form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3.
Sort available field: name.
Code Description Links
200 A list of Test SMS Languages. No links
default Unexpected Error. No links
Success Response 200: List of Test SMS Languages
  "data": [
      "name": "string",
      "code": "string"
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "count": 0,
      "current_page": 0,
      "per_page": 0,
      "total": 0,
      "total_pages": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "code": "string",
  "message": "string"

3.3 Test Operator

Returns a list of all Operators.Up
Method Overview

The method returns a list of all Operators where SMS will be sent.

Name Type Description
owner (required) string (query) Possible values: 'platform', 'me'.
mcc_mnc integer (query) MCC_MNC Mobile Country Code and Mobile Number Code.
mcc string (query) A list of MCCs comma separated (mcc1, mcc2, mcc3, ...).
page_number integer (query) Page number. Default value is 1.
page_size integer (query) Page size. Default value is 10.
paging string (query) Paging options in form of &paging=page_num,page_size e.g. paging=1,10.
q string (query) Search criteria. Available fields: operator name, country name.
sort string (query) Sort options in form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3.
Sort available fields: operator name, country name.
Code Description Links
200 A list of Operators No links
default Unexpected Error No links
Success Response 200: List of Operators
  "data": [
      "name": "string",
      "mcc_mnc": 0,
      "country": "string",
      "mcc": 0
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "count": 0,
      "current_page": 0,
      "per_page": 0,
      "total": 0,
      "total_pages": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "code": "string",
  "message": "string"

3.4 Test Operator Country

Returns a list of Countries of available operators.Up
Method Overview

The method returns a list of Countries of available operators where SMS can be sent.

Name Type Description
owner (required) string (path) Possible values: 'platform', 'me'.
name string (query) A country name.
mcc integer (query) MCC - Mobile Country Code.
page_number integer (query) Page number. Default value is 1.
page_size integer (query) Page size. Default value is 10.
paging string (query) Paging options in form of &paging=page_num,page_size e.g. paging=1,10.
q string (query) Search criteria. Available field: name.
sort string (query) Sort options in form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3.
Sort available field: name.
Code Description Links
200 A list of Operator Countries No links
default Unexpected Error No links
Success Response 200: List of Operators
  "data": [
      "name": "string",
      "mcc": "string"
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "count": 0,
      "current_page": 0,
      "per_page": 0,
      "total": 0,
      "total_pages": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "code": "string",
  "message": "string"

3.5 Test Route

Returns a list of all Routes.Up
Method Overview

The method returns a list of all Routes.

Name Type Description
gate_name string (query) A gate name.
category_name string (query) A category name.
supplier_name string (query) A supplier name.
page_number integer (query) Page number. Default value is 1.
page_size integer (query) Page size. Default value is 10.
paging string (query) Paging options in form of &paging=page_num,page_size e.g. paging=1,10.
q string (query) Search criteria. Available fields: gate_name, category_name, supplier_name.
Code Description Links
200 A list of Routes No links
default Unexpected Error No links
Success Response 200: List of Routes
  "data": [
      "gate_id": 0,
      "gate_name": "string",
      "category_id": 0,
      "category_name": "string",
      "supplier_id": 0,
      "supplier_name": "string",
      "param_id": 0,
      "param_name": "string",
      "param_value": "string"
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "count": 0,
      "current_page": 0,
      "per_page": 0,
      "total": 0,
      "total_pages": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "code": "string",
  "message": "string"
Adds a Route.Up
Method Overview

The method adds a Route. The route is a gate route that is being tested.

Name Type Description
post data object (body) Data to save test route.
Data Parameters
Name Type Description
category (required) string A route category.
supplier (required) string The name of a supplier.
gate (required) string The name of a gate.
tlv_tag (optional) string A type-length-value tag.
tlv_value (optional) string A type-length-value value.
service_type (optional) string A service type name.
prefix (optional) string A prefix.
gate_id (optional) integer A gate ID.

If 'tlvTag' is set, then 'tlvValue' is required.
One of 'tlvTag', 'serviceType', 'prefix', is required and must be set.

Data to save test route object example:

  "category": "Direct",
  "supplier": "Syniverse",
  "gate": "Mach Silver",
  "tlv_tag": "",
  "tlv_value": "",
  "service_type": "srv1",
  "prefix": "",
  "gate_id": 0
Code Description Links
201 A test route is added. No links
default Unexpected Error No links
Success Response - 201: Test route is added
  "status": "OK"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "code": "string",
  "message": "string"

3.6 Test Route Category

Returns a list of all Route Categories.Up
Method Overview

The method returns a list of all Route Categories.

Name Type Description
name string (query) A category name.
page_number integer (query) Page number. Default value is 1.
page_size integer (query) Page size. Default value is 10.
paging string (query) Paging options in form of &paging=page_num,page_size e.g. paging=1,10.
q string (query) Search criteria. Available field: name.
sort string (query) Sort options in form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3.
Sort available field: name.
Code Description Links
200 A list of route categories. No links
default Unexpected Error. No links
Success Response 200: List of Route Categories
  "data": [
      "id": "string",
      "name": "string"
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "count": 0,
      "current_page": 0,
      "per_page": 0,
      "total": 0,
      "total_pages": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "code": "string",
  "message": "string"
Deletes a Route Category.Up
Method Overview

The method deletes a Route Category for a given ID.

Name Type Description
id (required) string (path) A route category ID.
Code Description Links
200 A route category deleted successfully. No links
default Unexpected Error. No links
Success Response 200: List of Routes
  "id": "string",
  "name": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "code": "string",
  "message": "string"

3.7 Test Route Supplier

Returns a list of all Route Suppliers.Up
Method Overview

The method returns a list of all Route Suppliers.

Name Type Description
name string (query) A supplier name.
page_number integer (query) Page number. Default value is 1.
page_size integer (query) Page size. Default value is 10.
paging string (query) Paging options in form of &paging=page_num,page_size e.g. paging=1,10.
q string (query) Search criteria. Available fields: gate_name, category_name, supplier_name.
sort string (query) Sort options in form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3.
Sort available field: name.
Code Description Links
200 A list of Route Suppliers. No links
default Unexpected Error. No links
Success Response 200: List of Route Suppliers
  "data": [
      "id": "string",
      "name": "string"
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "count": 0,
      "current_page": 0,
      "per_page": 0,
      "total": 0,
      "total_pages": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "code": "string",
  "message": "string"
Deletes a Route Supplier.Up
Method Overview

The method deletes a Route Supplier for a given ID.

Name Type Description
id string (path) A route Supplier ID.
Code Description Links
200 A Route Supplier deleted successfully. No links
default Unexpected Error. No links
Success Response 200: Route Supplier deleted
  "id": "string",
  "name": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "code": "string",
  "message": "string"

3.8 Test Route Gate

Returns a list of all Route Gates.Up
Method Overview

The method returns a list of all Route Gates.

Name Type Description
name string (query) A gate name.
page_number integer (query) Page number. Default value is 1.
page_size integer (query) Page size. Default value is 10.
paging string (query) Paging options in form of &paging=page_num,page_size e.g. paging=1,10.
q string (query) Search criteria. Available field: name.
sort string (query) Sort options in form of sort=-attribute1,attribute2,-attribute3.
Sort available field: name.
Code Description Links
200 A list of Route Gates. No links
default Unexpected Error. No links
Success Response 200: List of Route Gates
  "data": [
      "id": "string",
      "name": "string"
  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "count": 0,
      "current_page": 0,
      "per_page": 0,
      "total": 0,
      "total_pages": 0
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "code": "string",
  "message": "string"
Deletes a Route Gate.Up
Method Overview

The method deletes a Route Gate for a given ID.

Name Type Description
id string (path) A Route Gate ID.
Code Description Links
200 A Route Gate deleted successfully. No links
default Unexpected Error. No links
Success Response 200: Route Gate deleted
  "id": "string",
  "name": "string"
Error Response Unexpected Error: Default
  "code": "string"
  "message": "string"

4. Data Models

Data Models define the structure of a JSON document.

4.1 Data

Data describe all the data related to the Test System API.

Name Type Description
TestSmsPostData object TestSmsPostData object

TestSmsPostData object properties:

Name Type Description
username (required) string The username.
test (required) string The name of a test.
gate_id (required) array An array of Gate IDs. Gate ID is integer type.
mcc (optional) array An array of MCCs. MCC is integer type.
mcc_mnc (optional) array An array of gate MCC_MNCs. MCC_MNC is integer type.
operator_owner (optional) string Possible values: 'platform', 'me'. Default: 'platform'.
sender (optional) string The name of a sender.
sender_random (optional) string It can be 'alpha', 'numeric', 'short'.
sender_same (optional) string If the sender name have changed. It can be 'alpha', 'numeric', 'short'.
text_lang (required) string Example: 'en', 'de', 'fr', 'it', 'es', 'zx', ...
text_type (required) string Possible values: 'gsm', 'gsm_concat', 'gsm_set', 'ucs', 'ucs_concat', 'ucs_set'.
callback_api (required) string Example: "https://your.domain.com/your-callbackurl"
JSON Example
"data": [
     "username": "testsms@fb.com",
     "test": "FB API",
     "gate_id": [6],
     "mcc": [],
     "mcc_mnc": [26202],
     "sender": "fb",
     "text_lang": "en",
     "text_type": "gsm",
     "callback_api": "https://your.domain.com/your-callbackurl" 
Name Type Description
TestSmsPostResponse object TestSmsPostResponse object

TestSmsPostResponse object properties:

Name Type Description
test_session integer A session number.
JSON Example
  "test_session": 1539686679146599400
Name Type Description
RateLimitReachedResponse object RateLimitReachedResponse object

RateLimitReachedResponse object properties:

Name Type Description
code (required) string A response code.
message (required) string A response message.
JSON Example
  "message": "Rate limit reached"
Name Type Description
TestRoutePostData object TestRoutePostData object

TestRoutePostData object properties:

Name Type Description
category string A category name.
supplier string A supplier name.
gate string a Gate name.
tlv_tag string A type-length-value tag.
tlv_value string A type-length-value value.
service_type string A service type name.
prefix string A prefix.
gate_id integer A gate ID.
JSON Example
  "category": "Direct",
  "supplier": "Syniverse",
  "gate": "Mach Silver",
  "tlv_tag": "",
  "tlv_value": "",
  "service_type": "srv1",
  "prefix": "",
  "gate_id": 0
Name Type Description
TestRoutePostResponse object TestRoutePostResponse object

TestRoutePostResponse object properties:

Name Type Description
status string A response status.
JSON Example
  "status": "OK"
Name Type Description
TestSmsLanguageCollection object TestSmsLanguageCollection object

TestSmsLanguageCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of TestSmsLanguage objects.
meta (required) object CollectionMeta object

TestSmsLanguage object properties:

Name Type Description
name string A language name.
code string A language code.
Name Type Description
OperatorCollection object OperatorCollection object

OperatorCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array od Operator objects.
meta (required) object CollectionMeta object

Operator object properties:

Name Type Description
name string An operator name.
mcc_mnc integer MCC_MNC Mobile Country Code and Mobile Number Code.
country string A country name.
mcc integer MCC - Mobile Country Code.
Name Type Description
OperatorCountryCollection object OperatorCountryCollection object

OperatorCountryCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of OperatorCountry objects.
meta (required) object CollectionMeta object

OperatorCountry object properties:

Name Type Description
name string A country name.
mcc string MCC - Mobile Country Code.
Name Type Description
RouteCollection object RouteCollection object

RouteCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of Route objects.
meta (required) object CollectionMeta object

Route object properties:

Name Type Description
gate_id integer A gate ID.
gate_name string A gate name.
category_id integer A category ID.
category_name string A category name.
supplier_id integer A supplier ID.
supplier_name string A supplier name.
param_id integer A parameter ID.
param_name string A parameter name.
param_value string A parameter value.
Name Type Description
RouteCategoryCollection object RouteCategoryCollection object

RouteCategoryCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of RouteCategory objects.
meta (required) object CollectionMeta object

RouteCategory object properties:

Name Type Description
id string A route category ID.
name string A route category name.
Name Type Description
RouteSupplierCollection object RouteSupplierCollection object

RouteSupplierCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of RouteSupplier objects.
meta (required) object CollectionMeta object

RouteSupplier object properties:

Name Type Description
id string A route supplier ID.
name string A route supplier name.
Name Type Description
RouteGateCollection object RouteGateCollection object

RouteGateCollection object properties:

Name Type Description
data (required) array An array of RouteGate objects.
meta (required) object CollectionMeta object

RouteGate object properties:

Name Type Description
id string A route gate ID.
name string A route gate name.
Name Type Description
TestResult object TestResult object

TestResult object properties:

Name Type Description
msg_id string A message ID.
sent_date datetime The date when the message is sent.
username string A username.
test_id string A test ID.
test_session string A test session.
test_node string A test node.
supplier string A supplier name.
gate_category string A gate category.
gate string A gate name.
gate_id integer A gate ID.
country string A country name.
operator string An operator name.
operator_id integer An operator ID.
dcs string Data Coding Scheme.
concat string If message is concatenated.
num_parts integer The number of parts.
sender string A name of a sender.
text string A message text.
price string A price.
currency string A price currency.
receiver string A name of a receiver.
dlr_status string DLR status.
dlr_date datetime The date of DLR.
dlr_delay string Delay of DLR.
fake_dlr string If DLR is fake or not.
status string A sending status.
sender_match string If sender data is matched.
text_match string If sender data is matched.
encoding_match string If encoding is matched.
received_date datetime The date when the message is received.
received_sender string A sender that is received.
received_text string The text that is received.
received_dcs string The received DCS.
received_mcc_mnc string The received MCC_MNC.
received_operator string The received operator.
received_service_center string The received service center.
received_service_operator string The received service operator.
received_service_country string The received country.
received_service_pdu string The received service PDU.
received_service_pdu_parts array The received service PDU parts.
sms_delay string SMS delay.
direct_route string If a route is direct or not.
national_smsc string National SMSC.
JSON Example
  "msg_id": "39013f69-d09d-4140-bbf5-b47007465e2f",
  "sent_date": "2019-01-18T15:07:12Z",
  "username": "API",
  "test_id": "PlayaX",
  "test_session": "1547824032419106019",
  "test_node": "Platform",
  "supplier": "Syniverse",
  "gate_category": "Direct",
  "gate": "Mach",
  "gate_id": 8,
  "country": "Germany",
  "operator": "Vodafone Germany",
  "operator_id": 2347,
  "dcs": "gsm",
  "concat": "no",
  "num_parts": 1,
  "sender": "zeka",
  "text": "Dein Bizness-Prozess endete heute. Wenn du immer noch interessiert bist, gibt es hier eine 10% Rabatt auf Promo! Danke, dass du Bizness ausprobiert hast.",
  "receiver": "+491703458213",
  "dlr_status": "delivered",
  "dlr_date": "2018-11-02T14:40:50+01:00",
  "dlr_delay": "13.731 sec",
  "fake_dlr": "no",
  "status": "success",
  "sender_match": "yes",
  "text_match": "yes",
  "encoding_match": "yes",
  "received_date": "2018-11-02T14:40:38+01:00",
  "received_sender": "zeka",
  "received_text": "Dein Bizness-Prozess endete heute. Wenn du immer noch interessiert bist, gibt es hier eine 10% Rabatt auf Promo! Danke, dass du Bizness ausprobiert hast.",
  "received_dcs": "gsm",
  "received_mcc_mnc": "26201",
  "received_operator": "",
  "received_service_center": "+491722270333",
  "received_service_operator": "Vodafone Germany",
  "received_service_country": "Germany",
  "received_service_pdu": "07919471227230332407D0FAF23A0C000081112041048340A0C472DA0D12A6F5EEF27CDE82CADFFAF27C0E2ABBC9657A19842ED7E96517E85A76BB41E43A28DD6E97E520F77B8C06A5DDF4B2BC3C9FA7CB723A489C9ED359A0735A4C0795E72074BA2C0795D3EE3228062B81A46171984E0785EB661054FE6EBF416D376AAE668740C4B07B5D6681C8E1F91C44AE838469BDBB3C9F83C2F5395CFE16A7CB723A081D9ED35D",
  "received_service_pdu_parts": [],
  "sms_delay": "1.000 sec",
  "direct_route": "yes",
  "national_smsc": "yes"
Name Type Description
Error object Error object

Error object properties:

Name Type Description
code (required) string Error code.
message (required) string Error message.
JSON Example
  "Code": "string",
  "Message": "string"

4.2 Meta

Meta contains data for the number of rows and pages that have been received for a given API call.

Name Type Description
CollectionMeta object CollectionMeta object

CollectionMeta object properties:

Name Type Description
pagination (required) object Pagination object

pagination object properties:

Name Type Description
count (required) integer A number of rows in the current page.
current_page (required) integer The current page number.
per_page (required) integer The maximum rows per page.
total (required) integer Total number of rows.
total_pages (required) integer Total number of pages.
JSON Example
"meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "count": 0,
      "current_page": 0,
      "per_page": 0,
      "total": 0,
      "total_pages": 0